北京版六下UNIT FOUR WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE -Lesson 13-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:f3ec9).zip

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小学英语六年级下册 Lesson13 Unit 4 Whats the weather like? Unit 4 Whats the weather like? Lesson13 北京版小学英语六年级下册 Free talk 春天的图片 Weather report Be a weatherman. Beijing Shenyang Shanghai Lhasa Guangzhou Lanzhou Be a weatherman. The weekend plan the Summer Palace The weekend plan Jim Listen and answer What are they talking about? Listen and say Answer the question What are they talking about? Why are they talk about the weather? Listen and answer Whats the weather like in Beijing? When will Jim come to Beijing? Listen and say Answer the question Whats the weather like in Beijing? When will Jim come to Beijing? He will come to Beijing early next month. It doesnt rain much now, but well get a lot of rain in July and August. What will Jim do in China? How long will Jim stay in China? Answer the question Underline the keywords What will Jim do in China? How long will Jim stay in China? Answer the question Jim will stay in China for about six weeks. Jim will go swimming and hiking, he will see different places. see different places Listen and number 3 2 1 4 5 Hold on. Mike, its for you. May I speak to Mike, please? Listen and say Hi, Mike! Its Jim. Im calling from Canada. Im going to visit Beijing. Whats the weather like there? Hello! This is Mike speaking. Who is calling? Listen and say Its sunny ,and windy sometimes. It doesnt rain much now, but well get a lot of rain in July and August. When are you coming? Im coming early next month, and I m going to stay in China for about six weeks. So youll spend most of your summer here. Listen and say Yes. Id like to see different places in China. Itll be nice to see you again. We can go swimming and hiking together. Listen and say Pair work Evaluation Correct (正确) Fluent (流利) Imitation( 模仿) Role play Read and write Mikes friend Jim is _________ from Canada. He is coming to visit China in _______. He will _______ in China for six weeks. Mike tells him it is sunny and windy in Beijing _________ of the time now, but it will rain a lot in July and August. calling summerstay some Lets read Canada Read, tick or cross 1. Canada is the first biggest country in the world. 2. The winter in Canada stars from December to March. 3. It often snows in winter in Canada . Read and choose 1.Most of the Canadians are good at ( ). a. ice hockey. b. running. 2.They have the best ( )team in the world. a.basketball b. ice hockey Homework 1.Read the story with your friend. 2.Make a dialogue about this weekend with your friend. Thank you very much!教学基本信息 课题六年级下册 Unit4 第 13 课时 学科英语学段:高段年级六年级 相关领域信息技术 教材书名:英语 出版社:北京出版社 出版日期 2014 年 7 月 教学设计参与人员 姓名单位联系方式 设计者 讲课者 指导者 课件制作者 指导思想与理论依据 本课设计遵循英语课程标准中强调的“从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知 水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发 展学生的综合语言运用能力”的理念,突出对学生初步的综合语言运用能力的培养, 注重语言的实用性和交际功能,通过教师创设语言交流的情景,使学生通过多种形式 的语言实践活动,在有意义的语境中发展语言运用能力。 教学背景分析 教学内容:教学内容:六年级北京版英语 Unit4Lesson13 教材分析教材分析: 六年级北京版英语 Unit4Lesson13 的教学内容是围绕谈论出游计划展开的,课文中 涉及到了打电话、天气等话题。基于学生对谈论天气的话题并不陌生,在教学过程中 将教材中的语言情景与真实的课堂教学活动相结合,营造愉悦轻松的英语学习氛围, 自然而然的渗透语言知识,激发学生学习欲望,感受和体会本课目标语言的意义和用 途。 学情分析学情分析: 本课的教学对象为六年级的学生。他们已经有了一定的英语基础,能够听懂课堂 用语,具备一定的观察理解能力,能够在教师的指导下进行有关天气和打电话的用语 交流。但六年级的学生青春发育期,部分学生羞于表现,因此在已掌握的有关天气情 况表达下,激励学生进行小组活动,进一步提高学生的语言综合运用能力。 教学方式教学方式:讲授、合作、操练 教学手段教学手段:PPT 课件、单词图卡、教材 教学目标 知识目标:知识目标: 1.能在打电话的情景中运用“Whats the weather like there?”“Its sunny and windy”“It doesnt rain much”“We will get a lot of rain ”等 语句,围绕出行目的地的天气进行询问和回答,复习天气话题用语。 2.能在打电话的情景中运用“May I speak to ,please?”“Hold on.,its for you!” “This is speaking.”“Its.Im calling from ”等语句,复习打电话用 语。 能力目标:能力目标: 1. 能够理解课文对话,朗读课文,并尝试表演课文对话。 2. 能够通过情景比较,正确辨别一般现在时和一般将来时在真实情景中的使用。 情感目标情感目标: 1.能在积极的情感体验中,感受自然天气给人们外出旅游和日常生活带来的客观影响。 教学重、难点 重点重点: 1.复习功能句型: (1)谈论出行目的地天气的询问和回答: “Whats the weather like there ” “Its sunny and windy” “It doesnt rain much” “We will get a lot of rain ” (2)打电话用语中的询问与回答: “May I speak to ,please?”“Hold on.,its for you!”“This is speaking.” “This is speaking.”“Its.Im calling from ” 2.复习词汇及短语:speak, visit, sunny, windy, rain, summer, sometimes ,get a lot of rain, spend most summer ,see different places, go swimming, go hiking。 难点难点: 1. 复习天气表达方式 2. 复习时间表达方式 教学流程示意 1.热身准备 2.激活旧知 3.会话呈现 4. 会话操练 5.真实运用 教学过程 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图时间时间 一、 Warm up 1 . Greeting Hello,boys and girls. How are you? Im fine, too! Nice to meet you! Hello, Miss Yang! Im fine! Thank you! And you? Nice to meet you, too! 通过师生之间平 等的交流、对话, 这种交谈为学生 的英语表达提供 了真实的语境, 让学生在自己的 生活中将所学的 语言运用自如 2 1.Free talk -What day is today? - Which season is it now? -Whats the weather like in spring? -What do you often do in spring? -Its -Its -Its -I often 通过师生间自由 对话,激发学生 的已知,为后面 学生的语言输出 做准备。 1 2.Be a weatherman. -Whats the weather like today? Lets listen to the weather report. Be a weatherman 复习天气的表 达方式 2 二、 Lead in 3.weekend plan -Where will they go? -Whats the weather like this weekend? Listen to the dialogue and answer the question. 复习打电话的 表达方式 1 三、 Presentation (一)一)show a picture 1) questions:1)guess the answer 教师引导学生对 主题图进行观察, 预测谈论的话题, -What are they talking about? 2) Play the cartoon. -Why are they talking about the weather? -Where is Jim? (二)listen again 1)question -When will Jim come to China? -Whats the weather like in Beijing? (三)underline the keyword -How long will Jim stay in China? -What will Jim do in China? (四)finish the exercise 1)listen and number 2)check the answers (五)listen ,repeat and role play. 1) listen and repeat. 2) read the story in groups. 3) role play. (六) finish the exercise 1)read and write Listen to the tape Answer the question Remember the question. Answer the question. Read the story by themselves and underline the keywords. Answer the question. Do the exercise. 1)listen and repeat. 2)read the story in groups. 3)role play. Do the exercise. 小组讨论对课文 内容进行预测 引导学生关注 Jim 的旅行 培养学生独立阅 读能力,学习阅 读技巧。 通过练习形式 帮助学生梳理 动词短语、复 习一般将来时 用法。 通过评价的手 段提高学生朗 读水平。注重 语音语调的模 仿。 27 学生进一步理解 课文内容。 四、 Practice Canada 1) What do you want to about Canada? 2)enjoy some picture about Canada. 3) read a short passage about Canada. 4) finish the exercise. 5) check the answer. Languagefood. Do the exercise. . 利用讨论、对话、 小阅读的形式帮 助学生了解加拿 大,提高学生语 言综合运用能力 5 五、 homework 1.read the story with your friend 2.make a dialogue about this weekend with your friend. Do the homework. 课外延伸,帮助 学生运用所学语 言 2 板书设计 Unit 4 Lesson 13 weather 学习效果评价设计 cloudywindysnowyrainy 评价方式: 1、教师评价:教师使用鼓励性和肯定性的语言评价学生的学习状况,如 Good!/Very good! /Great! / Well done! /Excellent! 2、小组评价:学生通过小组合作的方式得到 stickers,对自己参与课堂活动、小组 活动进行评价。 评价量规: 1. 学习兴趣高涨,学生愿意参加学习活动。 2. 运用所学语言表达交流的能力。 3. 认真听讲,积极回答的好习惯。 本教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特点(300-500 字数) 本课的教学内容围绕打电话和谈论天气的话题表达展开,基于学生在生活中的 实际情况设置语言学习情景,主题明确,渗透情感态度及价值观教育。我在设计本 节课时,从以下几个方面入手。 1.遵循会话教学的设计要求,确定本课目标话题,通过自由对话、扮演天气预报员 、打电话讨论周末计划等活动激活学生已有旧知,将学生带入学习情景。 2.在会话呈现阶段,我通过预测谈论话题、提出核心问题、情景呈现会话、感知体 验理解会话内容等方式引导学生表达认读短文,并将归纳词汇、记忆词汇的学习 策略融入其中,为学生开展后续学习奠定基础。 3.在会话操练部分,我采用多样的活动方式与学生互动,明确布置操练任务,在活 动中帮助学生内化所学语言。 4.我在教学中坚持以学科育人为中心,将教材中的语言情景与真实的课堂教学活动相 结合,为学生应在愉悦轻松的英语学习氛围,自然而然地渗透语言知识,激发学生 学习欲望,感受与体会目标语言的意义和用途。 5.将学习效果评价与学生的学习相结合,丰富评价主体,让学生及时了解自己的学习情 况和水平。在文化内容和情感态度价值观等方面对学生正确引导,渗透跨文化交流 意识。 Unit 4 Whats the weather like? Lesson 13 教学设计 学校:房山区官道中心小学 姓名:杨 莹 日期:2016 年 4 月 15 日 房山区小学六年级“英语 课堂教学有效性”研究课
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