北京版五下UNIT THREE HOW DO SEEDS TRAVEL -Lesson 9-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:001a7).zip

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Unit 3 lesson 9 五年级英语下册 Lets read. use build build houses get get fruits make make paper make chairs and tables play play chess read read books Watch and answer What are they talking about? A the use of apples B the use of apple trees C the use of trees What are they talking about? A the use of apples B the use of apple trees C the use of trees Read and find.(勾画答案勾画答案) How can we make use of trees? Do Lingling and Mike like trees, why? Read and find.(小组内完成小组内完成) 1Do Lingling and Mike like trees, why? Yes. Lingling enjoys walking in a forest and trees help us. 2 How can we make use of trees? We can get fruits from trees and build houses 、 make chairs and tables with the wood. We can walk in a forest. We can play in a forest. We can sit under a tree. Speech time ( pair work同桌) 至少三句话 A: How can we make use of trees? B: We can with wood. get fruits walk in a forest make chairs and tables build houses make paper make a window make a door make a bed make a bookcase make a bridge walk in a forest get fruits make chairs and tables build houses make a bag make paper make a window Speech time ( group work 小组活动组)至少三句话小组活动组)至少三句话 We can use trees in many ways. For example:We can- make a mat make show covers drink water flowers plant flowers wash clothes Clean the window make a paper ball make paper caps Life is a tree, green is the root. 生命是树,绿色是根 More green, more health. 多一份绿色,多一份健康。课时教学设计课时教学设计 课题课题Unit3 How do seeds travel? Lesson 9 1. 教学内容分析教学内容分析 本课是本单元的第一课时,Listen and say 板块对话内容围绕 Miss Wang 带领学生们 去野外,进而谈论如何利用树木的事情,呈现本课的话题,并围绕 How can we make use of?We can的问答展开。对于词组 get fruits from trees, make paper caps, make a bag 学生 不陌生,但是对于句型 How can we make use of? We can的问答上学生思路打不开,需 要教师在关注学生语言训练的同时,关注学生的思维拓展。 2. 学习目标确定学习目标确定 (1) 学生能够在语言情境中理解对话内容,并能朗读对话 (2) 学生能够运用 How can we make use of? We can在图片或短语的支持下进行问答。 (3) 能够在语境中理解 get fruits from trees, make paper caps, make a bag,make chairs and tables, build houses 等相关的动词短语。 (4) 通过本课学习,引导学生爱护树木,收旧利废,培养学生环保意识。 3. 学习重点难点学习重点难点 根据所学内容明确语言学习的重点和难点。 重点:(1) 学生能够在语言情境中理解、朗读对话内容 (2) 学生能够运用 How can we make use of? We can句型进行交流。 难点:学生能够运用 How can we make use of? We can句型进行交流。 4.学习活动设计学习活动设计 教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动 环节一:环节一:创设情境、呈现目标创设情境、呈现目标 教师活动教师活动 1 1. Greetings 2.Free talk Read the words. 学生活动学生活动 1 1. Greetings 2.Work in groups and read. 活动意图说明:活动意图说明: 通过复习单词,为下面的学习做好铺垫。 环节二:环节二:自主学习、合作探究自主学习、合作探究 教师活动教师活动 2 1watch and answer。 (整体感知课文(整体感知课文 watch the video) T: Where are they talking about? 2.read and find.(同桌合作,勾画答案同桌合作,勾画答案) Q: Do Lingling and Mike like trees, why? Q: How can we make use of trees? Check the answer. Part 1 I like enjoy walking in the forest.(change another word) Trees help us.(explain) Listen and repeat. Part2 We can get fruits from trees 。 we can build houses 。 we can make chairs and tables with the wood. Listen and repeat 。 Role read. 学生活动学生活动 2 1. Look and say SS: the use of trees 2. Read and find. Ss:find the answer. Ss: share . Ss:answer the teachers question。 She enjoys walking in the forest .trees help us. Ss: under the meaning the“Trees help us.” Ss: listen and repeat。 Ss:answer . Ss: We can get fruits from trees and build houses 、make chairs and tables with the wood. Ss: Listen and repeat 。 Ss: read in group。 活动意图说明:活动意图说明:通过教师布置问题让学生通过小组合作理解对话内涵,让学生学会合作、 学会分享自己的观点。 环节三:展示交流、规范评价环节三:展示交流、规范评价 教的活动教的活动 3 1. Have the Ss act the dialogue in groups. 2.Ask ss finish the map of the 学的活动学的活动 3 1. Act in groups 2. finish the map. dialogue。 (小组合作)(小组合作) 3.ask ss to share . 3.share their ideas. 活动意图说明活动意图说明: 聚焦思维导图, 让学生通过分享、交流、展示,学生对文章进一步的理 解,理清思路,内化所学语言,培养学生概括、归纳能力及逻辑思维能力概括的能力。 环节四:问题训练、合作指导环节四:问题训练、合作指导 教的活动教的活动 4 1. Speech time。 (至少三句话)(至少三句话) How can we make use of trees. 2. Assess (教师评价)(教师评价) 学的活动学的活动 4 1.Group work. 2.Group show (互评)(互评) 活动意图说明活动意图说明: 通过说话的环节培养学生口语表达能力,为以后的写作打基础。 环节五:归纳总结、提升意义环节五:归纳总结、提升意义 教的活动教的活动 5 1. Question T: What have you learnt from this lesson? 2. Have the Ss focus on the sentences of How can we make use of ? We can 学的活动学的活动 5 1. Answer S1:I know 2. Read aloud How can we make use of? 活动意图说明活动意图说明: 通过问答和聚焦句型问答,引导学生关注句型结构,为下节课学习做准 备。 5.板书设计板书设计 Unit 3 How do seeds travel? Lesson 9 make chairs and tables How make use of get fruits from trees build houses 3. 作业与拓展学习设计作业与拓展学习设计 根据板书描述。 How can we make use of trees? We can . 7. 教学反思与改进教学反思与改进 北京版五年级英语下册 Unit 3 How do seeds travel? (Lesson 9) 姚家营中心小学 李玉苹
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