北京版六下UNIT FIVE WE'RE GOING TO HIGH SCHOOL-Lesson 20-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)(编号:40036).zip

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Unit 5 Were going to high school lesson 20 Collect school day memories interestin g 1.Q:What are Maomao doing at the graduation ceremony? 2.Make a mark on the place you dont understand He is making a graduation speech. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Beautiful primary school day 1、Surround yourself with good pepple 2、Your efforts count 3、Enjoy this moment Goodbye !1 教学基本信息 课名Unit 5 Were going to high school Lesson 20 是否属于 地方课程或校本课程 否 学科英语学段高学段年级 六年 级 授课日期 教材书名:义务教育教科书 英语 六年级下册 出版社:北京出版社 出版日期: 2015 年 1 月 教学设计参与人员 姓名单位联系方式 设计者 实施者 指导者 指导思想与理论依据 新课程标准指出:“英语课程应积极倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任 务型的教学途径。”基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是通过各种教学活动,激发和培养学生学习英语 的兴趣,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力与合作创新的精神,培 养学生综合运用英语的能力。根据高年级学生的年龄特点和新课标的新理念,力求通过不同形式的 活动引导学生认识,体会,理解和运用新的语言材料。 本课语言知识的呈现和学习是从语言使用的角度出发,为提升学生“用英语做事情”的能力服 务,并结合实际教学需要,灵活地和有创造性地使用教材,设计贴近学生生活的语境和教学活动, 激发学生的学习兴趣,为学生提供语言运用的平台,让学生用语言做事,促进其综合语言运用能力 的形成,使教学有效性得到保障。 教学背景分析 教学内容:本课为小学英语六年级下册 Unit 5 Were going to high school Lesson 20 为本册 书最后一个新授单元的最后一课, 为一节阅读课,以复习、总结、归纳为语言学习策略,以扩充 人文内涵,激发阅读兴趣,培养阅读能力的目标。 学生情况:本节课的教学对象是六年级的学生,课上不爱表达,从学习情况来看,学生的英语基础 知识比较扎实,但是没有良好的自觉阅读的习惯,表达能力一般,甚至有些同学对知识已经学会了, 但不善于表达自己的思想,本节课将继续以培养学生写作能力和阅读能力为重点,扎实提高学生的 综合语言运用能力。 2 教学方式: 教师示范 师生互动 生生互动 个人展示等 教学手段:利用多媒体课件引导讲解 评价鼓励 小组合作等 技术准备:多媒体课件、答题牌片等 教学目标 1、 能够读懂 Maomao 在毕业典礼上的演讲,并在阅读中逐步形成归纳总结、提取关键信息等能力。 2、 能够根据思维导图,复述故事。 3、 能够模仿 Maomao 的演讲,完成一篇自己的 speech。 4、 能在阅读及完成自己演讲稿写作的过程中,体验学校生活、师生情感的美好。 重点:能够读懂 Maomao 在毕业典礼上的演讲,并能够根据思维导图,复述故事。 难点:能够模仿 Maomao 的演讲,完成一篇自己的 speech。 教学过程 教学过程: Step1: Warming-up (5 min) T: Morning, boys and girls! Ss: Morning, teacher! T: Were going to learn the last lesson of this unit. Its(ppt 出示 picture1) Ss: Unit 5 Were going to high school Lesson 20. T:Just like the title speaking ,your primary school day will end in June, and youre going to high school soon.On the first lesson of this unit, weve took an activity and here are part of your good works.Its called (ppt 出示 picture2) Ss: school day memories T:Lets share these works and we can guess who is the writer.Now we need some volunteers to read this,who can try? (欣赏一些优秀的学生作品) 【设计意图】通过读课题引出学生即将毕业的话题,突出 本单元的主题。以复习 Lesson 17 中的 Collect school day memories”作为热身活动,既展示一些学生较好的写作能力, 为其他学生做榜样,也给学生提供朗读的机会,为后面的学习提供一定语言材料。 Step2:Presentation(18 min) (一)lead in Picture 3 Picture1 Picture2 3 T:Not only you, but also our friends in this book face the same situation. You know, they will have a graduation ceremony before leaving primary school, then who are the hosts of the ceremony? (ppt 出示 picture3) Ss:They are Yangyang and Guoguo. T:Is Maomao the host ? Ss:No, he isnt. T:What are Maomao doing at the ceremony? Now open your book to Lesson 20, lets read the whole passage with two tasks: (ppt 出示 picture4) 学生带着任务自读课文。 T:So what are Maomao doing at the ceremony? 【预设】如果学生能说出“speech” ,教师给予充分的 肯定,并引导学生说出是关于什么内容的 speech; 如果学生不能表达出这是一篇 speech,教师出示 picture5,帮助学生理解,并出示给学生这个短语: a graduation speech 师板书:a graduation speech T:Now if you have any problems ,please raise up, lets me help you ,or our classmates can fix this together. (Everyone has to speak in English.) 【预设】学生可能提出的问题 a member of , truly proud ,along the path of growth, come this far,challenge. (教师通过英-英解释帮助学生理解问题,如 challenge, it is something not easy , in fact it is something a little difficult,needs your hard-working and your intelligence to be finished.) 【设计意图】学生带着任务快速浏览课文。第一项 任务的设置是帮助学生把握文章的主题,第二项 任务的设置是引导学生初步理解语篇,鼓励学生大胆 用英语表达自己的困惑。 T:I believe that during the six years, your hard-working and your intelligence have helped you learn the passage well, now lets read it again and summary how to make a graduation speech. T:The first passage, lets read it together. Ss:read the first passage. T:So at the beginning of a graduation speech, the first step is to S1: S2: S3: 学生说出自己的概括,教师给予充分的肯定,根据学生的概括进行总结 T:So the first step is to say hello.板书 T:The second passage, someone wants to try? Picture 4 Picture5 4 S:read it in front of class T:The second passage is about S1: S2: S3: 当学生能够说出 yourself 时,教师要适时的引导 we can say introduce yourself,指导学生 introduce 的发音,板书 introduce yourself T:The third passage, please read it with your partners and change your ideas. (give 3 or 4 minutes to them and say out the main idea of the third passage ) T:Have you finished? S1: S2: S3: 当学生提到 sweet memories 时,教师给予肯定,并板书,追问: T:What memories does Maomao have? 根据学生的回答,师生共同总结, 并建立思维导图(Picture6) T:The fourth passage, please read it by yourselves as quickly as possible ,then summary the main idea. 用不同的阅读形式完成第五、第六段, 并完成整篇文章的思维导图(Picture7)。 师生根据思维导图,梳理整篇文章的写作 思路。 T:Now read the whole passage again, and according to these information, try to retell the story in group. Ss : (retell the passage in group) 个别展示,教师根据实际给予指导。 【设计意图】以不同形式的阅读,培养学生提取关键信息,分析、归纳总结的能力。 通过帮助学生建立思维导图,梳理文章的写作思路,为后面的练习做铺垫。 Step3:Practice(7 min) T:After reading the passage, here is a task, if you could finish the task well , you could get a gift.(Picture8) 学生通过读题,举牌作答的方式选出答案,对于 存在问题的题目,集体讨论,并得出结论。 Picture6 Picture7 Picture8 5 T:From an innocent child to a teenager, everyone has a special memory of primary school life, I prepare a gift to help you recall some tiny things that happened during the six years. Lets watch it together.We can name it “Beautiful primary school day”. 师生通过欣赏从一年级到六年级的学习和 生活照片。 【设计意图】通过完成题目,培养学生快速 查找信息的能力,同时检查学生对文章的理解。以举牌的形式选出答案,教师能够 看出学生的掌握情况并及时发现问题。 Step4:Production(8min) T:All of us are moved by these sweet memories, its time to make a graduation speech of our own.First, you should know how many steps are there in your speech.Then, think about what memorise is in your mind?Please go ahead. 学生准备自己的 speech, 教师巡视,给予帮助和指导。 请几名学生展示完成的 speech. 【设计意图】此环节为语言输出环节,学生运用思维导图及所学词汇和句子写 speech,培养和提高学生的书面表达能力。 Step5:Summary(2min) T:Boys and girls, its not only an ending of primary school life, but also a new beginning, so at last I want to give you some advice: 1、Surround yourself with good pepple 2、Your efforts count 3、Enjoy this moment T:Class is over, goodbye! Ss: Goodbye! 【设计意图】突出本单元的“毕业”主题,结合实际情况,给学生提出一些建议。 学习效果评价设计 1、 生互评,对于其他同学的表现通过举牌给予等级评价或口头评价。 2、教师语言和肢体语言进行评价, good ,great,excellent,you are so cool 等。 教学特色 本节课的设计密切结合学生实际情况展开,让学生在一个比较放松的环境中学习英语,教师尽 量创造有利条件,让学生有机会多听多说多使用英语。在设计上注重将整节课贯穿成一个有机的整 体,将表达的机会多留给学生,培养学生用英语表达和思考的能力,整节课以鼓励为主,保护学生 的自信心,使之敢于表现自己,并积极尝试使用英语,为培养良好的英语学习习惯奠定基础。
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