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1、英语(三年级下册)英语(三年级下册) Project 2 A magic clock 第第 1 课时课时 Teaching contents 教学内容教学内容 Project 2 第 1 课时 Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标教学目标 1. 能听懂、会说 5-8 单元的数词、年龄、时间表达、农场动物类、水果类的单词, 以及人物类单词等。 2. 能听懂、 会读、 会说 5-8 单元日常用语: How old are you? Im What time is it? Its Its time for What are these/those? T

2、hey are Are these/those ? Yes, they are. No, they are Whos he/she? Whos that ? Hes/Shes 3. 能综合运用各单元内容,并对自己掌握的情况做出客观的评价。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重教学重点和难点点和难点 教学重点:能在老师的帮助下有序复习 5-8 单元重点词汇与句型。 教学难点:能正确地理解并运用日常交际用语内容,在教师引导和帮助下尝试对 话创编。 Teaching procedures 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Pr

3、e-task & Warm-up 1. Think and say T: Hello, boys and girls, can you introduce yourself? You can talk about your age, your name, your favourite food or colour of the things you like. S1 introduces, and then students work in pairs. 2. Have a magic lesson T: You can introduce yourself very well. You de

4、serve a magic lesson. But only if you have magic eyes and magic ears, you can see a magic mirror. Do you want to try? 【设计意图:通过自我介绍迅速进入英语学习氛围,激活旧知,激发学习热情, 引出本课主情境 a magic lesson。】 Step 2 While-task 1. Magic eyes (1) Listen and check. (PPT 播放动物叫声,学生猜动物。) T: Whats this/that? What are these/those? S: It

5、s a cow/chicken. They are ducks/pigs. T: Yes, youre right. If there is more than one, we need to plus “s/es”. Look, theyre on the farm. (2) Listen, watch and say. T: Listen to a song, and what other animals can you see on old Macdonalds farm? S: . (3) Look and guess. (PPT 呈现图,学生猜水果。) T: Look, this i

6、s the whole farm, and we have animals and fruit. Lets talk about it. (学生两人一组讨论。) 2. Magic eyes (1) Play a game. (学生说出看到的时间或数字。) T: Good job. Lets count together from 1 to 12. (2) Make a dialogue. T: We know numbers are very useful. Choose a number you like, and then make a dialogue with it. Whod lik

7、e to try with me? (教师和一个学生示范做对话,如: T: Whats your fathers car/telephone number? S: Its 然后学生两人一组对话。) 3. A magic mirror (1) Look and say. T: You have magic ears and magic eyes. Thats great. Look, can you see a magic mirror? Whats in it? Lets see. S: I can see a girl/boy/man/woman/aunt/uncle/brother/sis

8、ter. T: Theyre Mikes aunt and uncle. Theyre Yang Lings sister/brother. (2) Make a dialogue. T: Now you know them. Can you talk about them? Whod like to try? (两个学生做示范编对话,如: S1: Whos he/she? Whos that? S2: Hes/Shes Hes/Shes . (adj.) Then students work in pair. 【设计意图:通过 Magic ears/eyes 以游戏歌曲等形式复习了数词、时间

9、表达、农 场动物类、水果类以及人物类等相关交际用语和词汇,并在真实情境下运用交际 语言。】 Step 3 Post-task Introduce how to make a magic clock. T: You have magic eyes and ears. Now you can see a magic mirror. You know a magic clock have all of this. Do you want to make such a clock? Here are the steps. Homework 家庭作业家庭作业 Make a magic clock and

10、 play this game with your family. And then bring to the next class. 【设计意图:通过课上教授制作过程,课后完成不仅节约时间,也能让学生提前 为下一节课的综合实践运用语言做铺垫。】 Teaching aids 教学准备教学准备(含板书设计含板书设计) 教学准备:教学准备:教学 PPT 板书设计:板书设计: Project 2 A magic lesson What is this/that? Its a/an . What are these/ those? Theyre Are these/ those ? Yes ./No.

11、 What time is it? Its . Whats . number? Its . (学生资源) 说课说课 本课属于四个单元复习课, 是 Project 2 的第一课时, 在内容繁多的情况下要 做到形式多样、不杂乱,内容深入、不重复。因此课的一开始,教师就先向学生 明确了本课的三大学习目标: 1. 能够复习第 5 单元至第 8 单元所学的语言知识和句型等。 2. 能够根据图画内容,综合运用前四个单元所学的词汇、句型等语言知识, 展开活动与交流。 3. 能够在综合运用语言知识和语言技能的过程中,积极参与课堂。 然后通过自我介绍在热身环节,通过自我介绍迅速进入英语学习氛围,激活 旧知,激发

12、学习热情,引出本课主情境 a magic lesson。接着教师利用 A magic lesson 这一主线设计了一系列的任务, 既活跃了课堂气氛, 又达到了复习的效果。 如 Magic ears/eyes、Guess and say、Listen to a song 等环节,不仅考验了学生的知 识水平,还考验了他们的灵活反应能力。 在复习动物以及水果类词汇和句型时,教师设计了一系列任务活动,包含听 说读的全面训练,由扶到放,学生的能力逐渐提升。 英语(三年级下册)英语(三年级下册) Project 2 A magic clock 第第 2 课时课时 Teaching contents 教学内

13、容教学内容 Project 2 第 2 课时 Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标教学目标 1. 能听懂、会说 5-8 单元的数字、水果、动物、人物的词汇。 2. 能听懂、会读、会说 5-8 单元日常交际用语 How old are you? Im What time is it? Its Its time for What are these/those? They are Are these/those ? Yes, they are. No, they are Whos he/she? Whos that ? Hes/Shes 等。 3.

14、复习 5-8 单元的语言知识, 并学会制作魔法钟, 最终使用魔法钟做游戏灵活运 用语言进行综合表达。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学教学重点和难点重点和难点 能在老师的帮助下运用 5-8 单元重点句型进行综合运用和交流。 Teaching procedures 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Pre-magic task 1. Sing a song: How old are you? 2. Lead-in and review (1) T: I know your age, because in our last

15、 lesson, you had your self-introduction. Do you want to know about me? Do you have any questions about me? (学生向教师提问) (2) 教师自我介绍。 Culture tip: Its impolite to ask a woman “How old are you”. (3) T: Liu Qian is good at playing magic. Do you like magic? Today lets play the game: Magic eggs. 【设计意图:通过歌曲激发

16、学习热情,进入英语学习。再通过教师的自我介绍, 引导学生主动提问,产生期待。然后通过教师的介绍复习水果以及年龄的相关知 识,渗透关于年龄的文化知识,拓展学生的视野,同时引出本课主情境神奇 彩蛋。】 Step 2 While-magic task 1. The first magic egg: A magic farm (1) Welcome to the magic farm. (2) Look at the pictures and say the animals. Learning Tip: these/those this/these (3) Sing a song. (学生听完后尝试填

17、词编新歌。) (4) Welcome to the fruit zone. (学生分组学新词。) (5) Talk about favorite fruit. Learning tip: The rules of the plural forms. 【设计意图: 通过 A magic farm 以游戏歌曲等形式复习了农场动物类和水果类相 关交际用语和词汇,适当拓展,渗透学习策略,并创设真实情境让学生运用交际 语言。】 2. The second magic egg: Magic numbers T: Well done, class. Lets have the second magic eg

18、g. What is it? Magic Numbers. (1) Task 1: Play a game about numbers. (2) Task 2: Talk about the time. (教师先和学生示范谈论时间,然后学生两人一组谈论,教师检查) 【设计意图: 通过游戏和图片问答帮助学生复习数词以及时间类的相关句型和词 汇,为后面的综合运用语言奠定基础。】 3. The third magic egg: A magic clock T: Excellent, boys and girls. Lets have the final egg. What is it? A magi

19、c clock. (1) Introduce how to make a clock. (2) The teacher gives a model how to play with this magic clock, and then students work in pairs. 【设计意图:依托 a magic clock,复习了 5-8 单元相关交际用语和词汇,让学生 在玩中学,学中玩。】 Step 3 After-magic task Ticking time (1) I know more animals and fruits and talk about them. (2) I k

20、now some culture and learning tips. (3) I can play with my magic clock. 【设计意图:Ticking time 根据本节课的目标设定,从语言知识、技能、情感态 度、文化等方面,由学生自评的方式评价。以星星予以鼓励作为积极的评价,帮 助学生树立学习英语的自信心和成就感。】 Homework 家庭作业家庭作业 Try to play this game with your family or friends. Teaching aids 教学准备教学准备(含板书设计含板书设计) 教学准备:教学准备:教学 PPT 板书设计:板书设

21、计: Project 2 A magic clock What time is it? Its . Open the window/door, please. What is this/that? Its a/an . What are these/ those? Theyre Are these/those ? Yes, ./No, . (学生资源) 说课说课 本单元的主要是复习单元,主要复习 5-8 单元的主要句型和单词,句型包括 How old are you? What time is it? What are these/those? Are these/those 单词包 括数字、

22、 水果、 动物、 人物。 本单元的主要话题是 “A magic clock” , 围绕 “A magic clock”复习 5-8 单元的语言知识,并学会制作魔法钟,最终使用魔法钟做游戏灵 活运用语言进行综合表达。 本课是本单元的第二课时,重点是制作魔法钟和充分使用魔法钟进行语言交 流, 本课将运用综合实践活动的教学方式引导学生通过亲身体验和实践培养学生 的动手能力、合作能力、英语运用能力等。 本单元的主要话题是“A magic clock”,学生对制作和游戏非常有兴趣。但 学生对这样的课型比较陌生,对如何学习本课没有足够的心理准备,容易造成学 生的心理紧张。所以老师要加强引导,特别是课前的准备工作的指导,使学生对 本课学习内容有一定的了解。在课上,除了制作魔法钟,教师就充分利用 Magic eggs 这一活动贯穿整节课, 然后基于具体的情境, 尽可能给学生更多的交流机会, 使学生既能在体验制作中学习英语,又能在快乐游戏中综合运用所学的语言内 容,同时又使学生的动手能力、合作能力等多种能力和特长得到培养与发挥,使 学生明白英语学习不仅仅局限在课堂,还要有效地向课外延伸,这样才能保持长 久的兴趣,学到更多的知识,实现能力更大程度的提升。


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