(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 5 Our Clothes-Lesson 2-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:b0024).docx

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(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 5 Our Clothes-Lesson 2-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:b0024).docx_第1页
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(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 5 Our Clothes-Lesson 2-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:b0024).docx_第2页
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(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 5 Our Clothes-Lesson 2-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:b0024).docx_第5页
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1、粤人粤人 20112011 课标版小学英语四年级下册课标版小学英语四年级下册 教材:粤人 2011 课标版三年级起点小学英语四年级下册 课题:Unit 5 Our Clothes 课时:The Second Period (story) . . 教材分析:教材分析: 本课选自粤人 2011 课标版三年级起点小学英语四年级下册第五单元 Our Clothes 第二课时(故事课)。 在三年级下册第五单元 Clothes 已经学了四种衣服类 单词(skirt 短裙、jacket 夹克衫、pants 长裤、socks 短袜)和方位的表达,与本 课学习有密切联系。 本课时重点学习本单元的故事 story

2、, 巩固衣服类单词 (coatcoat 外套、sweater 毛衣、shirt 衬衫、T-shirt T 恤衫、dress 连衣裙、cap 帽子、shorts 短裤、 shoes 鞋子) 和询问物品所有格的疑问句句型:Whose (blue dress) is this? Its (Jennys). Whose (blue socks) are these? Theyre (Tonys). Is this (Tonys) (T-shirt) ? Yes, it is. Are these (Dads) (pants)? No, they arent.本节课语音知识是了解字母组 合 ir 在单词

3、中的发音规律,并根据发音规律正确拼读含有字母组合 ir 的单词。 本节课的设计既基于教材,又高于教材,对教材进行合理有效地整合重组,以学 生为中心,激发学生的兴趣为切入点,本单元的活动设计贴近学生实际生活。 . . 学情分析:学情分析: 本课教学对象是四年级学生,一般年龄都在九至十岁间,他们好奇心重,模 仿能力强,回答问题积极,表演欲强,求知欲旺盛,喜欢直观形象思维。但生性 好动,注意力集中时间短,需要把听、说、读、写、演、唱融入教学游戏中来激 发学习兴趣。 本课时采用畅言智慧课堂的平板课堂教学模式授课,在课前学生通 过微课视频的自主学习和第一课时的学习, 学生已初步掌握了衣服类单词和询问 物

4、品所有格的疑问句句型。在本课时中,重点是通过学习本单元故事 story,巩 固衣服类单词和句型,并深入学习运用名词所有格去描述某人的物品。通过观看 课中微课视频关于羊村举行的时装秀,Tony 一家人也参与羊羊们的时装秀,可 是后来衣服都被灰太狼藏到一个大纸箱混在一起, 同学们玩记忆游戏帮助羊羊们 和 Tony 一家人辨认分别是谁的衣服。接着同学们帮助本单元的故事主角 Tony 辨认这红蓝颜色的 T 恤衫是谁的,找出 T 恤衫变色的原因,复述故事和改编故事 结局,在四人小组中表演新故事,最后拓展在不同季节穿不同衣服,认识不同民 族、不同地方和不同职业的衣服,引导学生虽然世界上有不同的服饰,不同的

5、颜 色,不同的种族,但是我们依然要相互尊重与互助。这一条故事主线充分调动学 生的学习积极性,让学生在一个有趣的有意义的故事情节中学习重点知识。 . Teaching Aims(教学目标)教学目标): (1) Knowledge Aims(语言知识目标)语言知识目标) 1. Students will be able to read, comprehend and use the sentences of the story. 2. Students will be able to consolidate the vocabulary and the sentence patterns. 3.

6、Students will be able to consolidate the sound of the letters “ir” and the related words. (2) Ability Aims(语言能力目标)语言能力目标) 1. Students will be able to ask and answer about the ownership of the clothes. 2. Students will be able to read and act out the story of Unit 5. 3. Students will be able to impro

7、ve their communication abilities. 4. Students will be able to improve abilities of English thinking. 5. Students will be able to train their team-work abilities. (3) Emotion Aims(情感态度目标)情感态度目标) 1. Students are willing to use the vocabulary and the target forms to talk with others in their daily life

8、. 2. Students are willing to cooperate with others and share opinions in the public. 3. Students are willing to speak, actively participate in learning English. (4) Learning Strategy Aims(学习策略目标)学习策略目标) 1. Students will be able to take part in the activities in class. 2. Students are good at communi

9、cation with the others. 3. Students will be able to widen their vision after studying. (5) Culture Aims(文化意识)文化意识) Students will be able to know that different clothes, different colors, different races, we still need to respect and help with each other. . Teaching Key Points(教学重点)教学重点) 1. How to un

10、derstand the story. 2. How to get the information from the story. 3. How to finish activities. . Teaching Difficult Points(教学难点)教学难点) How to use the vocabulary and the sentence patterns to ask and answer about the ownership of the clothes. . Teaching Aids(教学手段)(教学手段) Exercise sheets, i-pad, PPT, lea

11、rning materials. . Teaching Procedures(教学过程)(教学过程) Step 1. Warming up 1. Greeting (1)Greet with students (2)Free talk with the students to lead in the topic of this lesson. What day is it today? Whats the weather like today? Can we wear a(sweater)? 2. Rules of group assessment Divide students into 3

12、 teams, if the team is good, that it can get one star. 3. Sing a song: Is this his T-shirt? Students listen, sing and do the actions. 【设计意图】以谈话方式引入本节课课题。简单亲切的问候,不但帮助 学生迅速进入英语学习的状态,而且拉近了师生之间的距离。分组评价能激 发学生的竞争欲望,调动学生学习积极性。同时利用朗朗上口的歌谣,活跃 课堂气氛。 “Is this his T-shirt?”这首歌能唤醒学生对已学衣服类单词的物品 所有格的一般疑问句句型的记忆, 同时

13、用TPR教学法带动学生的学习积极性, 带给学生愉悦的学习心情。 Step 2. Revision 1. Review the words of the clothes and the sentence patterns that have learnt in the first period. Watch the mini-lesson about the fashion show of “The sheep, Tonys family and the wolf”, guide the students to help the sheep and Tonys family find out “

14、Whose clothes are these?”, the aim is to review the words of the clothes and the sentence patterns “Whose (pink skirt) is this? Its (Mei Yangyangs). Whose (brown socks) are these? Theyre (Xi Yangyangs). Is this (Tonys) (T-shirt)? Yes, it is. Are these (Dads) (pants)? No, they arent. “ Students can a

15、nswer the questions. 【设计意图】通过观看课中微课视频关于羊村举行的时装秀,Tony 一家人 也参与羊羊们的时装秀,可是后来衣服都被灰太狼藏到一个大纸箱混在一 起, 同学们玩记忆游戏帮助羊羊们和 Tony 一家人辨认分别是谁的衣服。同学们 运用第一课时学过的衣服类单词和询问物品所有格的疑问句句型进行问答, 做到 温故而知新。 2. Learn the sound of the letters “ir” T: Look at the words “shirt, skirt, T-shirt”, and learn the sound of the letters “ir”,

16、then read the related words. 【设计意图】shirt, skirt, T-shirt 这三个单词在第一课时已经学习,这节课归 纳总结字母 ir 发音。语音教学在每节课都需要渗透的,孩子们了解字母 ir 在单 词中的发音规律,能根据发音规律正确拼读简单的单词。 Step 3. Presentation 1. Introduce a boy “Tony” and ask the question “Why did the T-shirt turn blue?” Guide the students to listen to the story and find out

17、the answer. 【设计意图】本环节是给学生创设疑问,让学生在好奇中激发学习兴趣,激 发学生听故事的欲望寻找答案。 2. Have students talk about the five questions in pairs in one minute. 【设计意图】本环节是训练学生观看故事视频后快速阅读故事的能力,尝试 在故事中找出问题的答案。第一次观看 story,让学生初步感知故事的梗概。第 二次自由阅读,让学生带着问题有目的地阅读并找出答案,从而对故事内容进一 步的了解。 3. Have students read the story sentence by sentence

18、after the computer together, and answer the five questions. 【设计意图】本环节是帮助四年级孩子在故事理解中降低难度,让学生体验 成就感。 4. 4. Emotional teachingIf you hurt someone, you should say sorry at once. 【设计意图】本环节是穿插对学生进行情感教育。如果你伤害了某人,你要 马上道歉。 5. Answer the question “Why did the T-shirt turn blue?” 【设计意图】本环节运用信息技术特制的课件效果,给课堂营造了神

19、秘的气 氛,回归刚学故事前提出的问题,用动画展示钢笔如何把 Tony 红白颜色的 T 恤 衫染色变成红蓝颜色的。 6. Ask some questions to tell students that we should check the things before we put things into the washing machine. We can only put clothes into the washing machine. 【设计意图】本环节是联系生活实际,让学生认识到有哪些物品是不能放进 洗衣机的。教会同学们在把物品放入洗衣机之前要仔细检查,只有衣物才能放进 洗衣机!

20、Step 4. Activity 1Retell the story. 1. Have students finish the exercise “Choose and write” in a minute. Then check the answer, and retell the story together. 【设计意图】本环节是通过完成选词填空练习,然后一起复述故事,目的是 理解和巩固课文对话。本练习采用了填空的形式,降低了复述故事的难度。这种 形式既能让学生更深一步理解 story 的内容和内涵, 教育学生物品放入洗衣机之 前要检查是否可以放进洗衣机,又能让学生锻炼自己的表达能力。

21、2. Make a new ending. (1) Tony is still angry. What can Gogo do? Gogo says “I can do magic.” 【设计意图】本环节是续写故事结局,让学生对 story 更深的理解,充分发 挥他们的想象力与创造力。为下面学生思考故事结局和表演新故事做铺垫。 (2) If you are Gogo, What can you do? How to make Tony happy again? Do you have a good idea? 【设计意图】本环节是让学生开动脑筋,发挥想象力,猜想 Gogo 接着会做 什么事让

22、Tony 再开心。在情境中检测学生听和说的能力。 Step 5. Activity 2Role play a new story. 1. Group work “Role play a new story” Teacher tells the rule first. Four students in a group,one acts Narrator, one acts Gogo, one acts Tony, and one acts Mom. Act the new story out. Pay attention to the pronunciation, the volume, the

23、 prop and the emotion. Finish it in three minutes. 2. Show timeHave two groups to show their new stories. 【设计意图】本环节是让学生尝试运用所学语言完成有意义的任务。 Step 6. Activity 3Seasons and Clothes 1. Emotional teachingChoose the right clothes you need! We can wear different clothes in different seasons. We can wear a jac

24、ket in spring. We can wear a T-shirt in summer. We can wear a shirt in fall. We can wear a sweater in winter. Choose the right clothes you need! 【设计意图】本环节是穿插对学生进行情感教育。根据需要选择合适的衣 服!为下面小组合作的写作练习做好铺垫。 2. Group work Choose one season, and choose your favorite clothes, color and write about your favorite

25、 clothes and make a group poster in your group. Finish it in five minutes. (1) The teacher makes a model. (2) Assign the task to the groups. a) Stick the pictures of clothes on the poster card and color them. b) Write down the composition “Our Clothes”. c) Read the composition together in groups. 【设

26、计意图】本环节是回归本课主题 Our Clothes,检测学生对本课核心 句型和衣服类单词的掌握程度。在四人小组里合作选择一个季节,选择在这 季节里喜欢穿的衣服,学生通过贴一贴,涂一涂,写一写,读一读的小组合 作方式,考察学生对知识的综合运用,让学生动起来,动手能力、动口能力 同时加强同学之间的合作与交流。在情境中训练学生的动手能力和实际语言 运用能力,检测学生的书写表达能力。 3. Show time Have some groups to show their compositions. 【设计意图】本环节是让学生上台展示。老师和学生共同批改,多引导 学生指出错误之处。 Step 7. E

27、xtension 1. There are lots of special clothes in the world. Introduce four kinds of clothes. Tibetans clothes, Dai peoples clothes, Scotchmans clothes and astronauts clothes. 【设计意图】本环节是让学生认识不同民族、不同地方和不同职业的衣 服,开拓学生视野。坚持课外知识的学习积累,通过本课的教学内容,挖掘 深层次的思想内涵。 2. Emotional teachingOne world, one family. Diffe

28、rent clothes, different colors, different races, we still need to respect and help with each other. 【设计意图】 本环节是对学生进行情感教育。 不同的服饰, 不同的颜色, 不同的种族,但,我们依然要相互尊重与互助。 Step 8. Summary Summarize what we have learnt today. Have students read the sentence patterns together. 【设计意图】本环节是总结今天所学内容。 Step 9. Homework (

29、Choose one to finish it) 1. Retell the story to your parents. (向父母复述本课故事。) 2. Fathers Day is coming! Please draw clothes for your father. And fill in the blank. (父亲节正要来临,请给您的爸爸画各种衣服,然后完成小短文。) 【设计意图】作业是反馈教学效果的重要方式之一,它不仅能使学生巩 固已学知识,又能发展学生能力,培养学生的创新思维。在本课教学中实施 课后作业分层布置,对作业量、作业难度和方式,即听说读、设计、书写、 与绘画均有考虑,

30、让学生有自己选择的权利,自主完成一项作业,目的在于 让他们在适合自己的作业中体验学习的愉悦和成功感。第二样作业是课后通 过写作来巩固本节课的知识,考虑到作业布置的有效性,老师先进行了清晰 的示范,让学生有样可学。 Step 10. Which group is the best today? 【设计意图】及时总结学生课堂表现,给予优秀小组掌声奖励,激励其他小 组今后更加努力。 . Blackboard Writing: 【设计意图】板书设计以思维导图的方式突出衣服类单词和询问物品 所有格单复数的疑问句句型,同时疑问句句型是与本课时教的 story 有关 的问题,突出了本课的教学重点,有效达成了本课的教学目标。


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