(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 5 Our Clothes-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:83318).docx

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1、教学内容】【教学内容】广东版开心学英语小学英语学科第四册第五单元Unit5 Our Clothes 。 【教材分析】【教材分析】本单元主要描述生活中常用的衣物。本课通过学习服饰单词,比 如:cap, coat, skirt 等,让学生学会应用这些单词结合句型,自如询问和回 答我们身边的服饰。 【学情分析】【学情分析】四年级的学生虽然已学习了一年多的英语,但只有一部分学生能 用英语较好地表达出自己的想法,相对而言这部分学生学起来会比较得心应手。 另一部分基础较为薄弱的学生,本课学起来稍微比较困难,因为单词数量较多, 且句型转换频繁,这部分学生在教学互动中要多加关注,帮其更好地接受新知 识。 【教

2、学目标】【教学目标】1知识与技能:学生能流利读出八个单词,并能准确应用单词和 相关句型表达实际生活中的食物需求情况。 2过程与方法:通过制作精美的课件,结合实物、游戏、师生互动和练 习来完成本节课的教授。 3情感态度与价值观:从本课中询问是谁的服饰,引出现实生活中的一 个深层次的情感教育-要珍惜现有的生活! 【教学重点教学重点】学生能准确、流利读出有关服饰单词,并学会应用句型 Whose is this?/ Whose are these?熟练询问是谁的衣物。 【教学难点教学难点】由于本课单词数量较多,句型涉及到第三人称的应用和转换,让 学生在一课时之内达到熟练应用存在一定的难度。 【教学课时

3、教学课时】第三课时 【教学准备教学准备】CD 、 computer 、Picture Cards & objects 【教学过程教学过程】 .Free talk 1. T: Good morning, boys and girls! I am your new friend today. My name is Bear. Hello! Whats your name? S1: My name is. T: Nice to meet you. S1: Nice to meet you,too. T: Hi! Whats your name? S2: I am. T: How are you? S

4、2: I am fine, thank you. T:. S:. 2.T: Boys and girls! Look! Whats this? Ss: Its a cap! T: Its my cap! Its mine. Whose cap is this? Ss:Its Bears. T: Look at me! Whats this? Ss: Its a dress. T: Whose dress is this? Ss: Its Bears.(呈现板书 Whose . is this? Its.) 3.T: Look at the screen. What are these? Ss:

5、 They are shoes. T: They are my shoes. Whose shoes are these? Ss: They are Bears shoes.(呈现板书 Whose . are these? They are .) 【设计意图设计意图】通过轻松愉悦的师生讨论,谈论我们身上的服饰,让学生轻松进 入本课的学习。 .Presentation 1.T: Today, lets review “U5 Our clothes”(板书) First, lets listen carefully. Then, lets chant ! Great! T: Whats this?

6、 Ss: Its a shoe. T: Is this your shoe? Is this his shoe? Is this her shoe? Can you guess? Whose shoe is this? 2.Look! Its Cinderellas shoe. Cinderella lost one shoe. Can you help her to put on her shoe? Boys and girls, you are here. Are you ready? Whose shoe is this? Who knows? 【设计意图设计意图】通过童谣的读唱,来充分

7、调动本节课的课堂气氛,让学生参与的面 尽可能广些,从而带动学生积极而又开心地学习本课知识。 . Look and say1 Whose cap is this? Its my cap. Its mine. Whose coat is this? Its your coat.Its yours. Whose shoes are these? Theyre Moms shoes. 1.T: Look at the screen. This is Cinderella. This is her stepmother. This is May. This is Mary. They are her s

8、isters. They dont like her. So they ask her to work from day and night in the kitchen. 2.T: Do you want to visit their bedrooms? Lets go to Mays bedroom first. T: Whose bedroom is this? Ss: Its Mays. T: Whose coat is this? Who knows? You,please. S1: Its Mays. T: Ask me! Whose. S1: Whose clock is thi

9、s? T: Its Mays. Boys and girls, practice in pairs like this. Understand? Ok! Times up! (4pairs) S4: Whose skirt is this? Ss: Its Mays skirt. 【设计意图设计意图】通过简单描述灰姑娘的故事给学习设置一个情境。 . Phonetic 1.T: Skirt, ir / :/, / :/, / :/, / :/ (d+ir)+(t+y)= dirty Skirt, ir / :/, / :/, / :/, / :/ sk+ ir+t= skirt 2.Lets c

10、hant! (Watch a vedio.) 【设计意图设计意图】通过一种服饰的单词,进而引入该单元的语音单词学习。 . Look and say2 1. T: OK, lets go to visit Cinderellas bedroom. T: Is this Cinderellas bed? Ss: Yes, it is. T: Is this your bed? Is this Mays bed? Is this Tonys bed? Is this Gogos bed? Ss: No, it isnt.(呈现板书 Is this.? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt

11、.) 2. T: Are these Cinderellas flowers? Ss: Yes, they are.(呈现板书 Are these.? Yes,they are./ No, they arent.) T: Are these your flowers? Are these Jennys flowers? Are these Moms flowers? Ss: No, they arent. 3. T: Boys and girls, lets have a match. Group1,group2.Ask and answer in your group one by one

12、in one minute.Lets see which group is the winner. For example, “Is this your bed? ” S1: No, it isnt. T: Ask him. Is this. S1: Is this Mays desk? T: Ask her. Is this. Ask him. Ask her. One by one! Are you ready? Lets go! Wonderful! Group1 is the winner!How many boys are there in your group? Ss: Theyr

13、e 4. T: How many girls are there in your group? Ss: Theyre 3. T: Ok! Lets up! Boys and girls, do you like this bedroom? Ss: No. T: Remember! We should keep our bedroom clean. 【设计意图设计意图】通过游戏、师生互动、小组及个人活动,来充分调动本节课的课 堂气氛,让学生参与的面尽可能广些,从而带动学生积极而又开心地学习本课知 识。 . Listen and write 1. T: Ok,children, can you r

14、emember the things in their bedrooms? Lets listen and match. 1. . 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.T: Are you clear? Who can tell me the answer? Lets check the answer. T asks Ss: Is this Mays.? Are these.? Whose.? 2. Ask one student to ask his/ her classmates. 【设计意图设计意图】通过听和写来巩固该单元的语言知识点。 . Activity 1.T:Boys and girls

15、, one day, Cinderella got a letter from the king. Shes going to a party. But she does nt have any beautiful clothes. Can you help her? Please draw magic clothes for her. Here is an example. Draw and read. 2. T: Then, exchange your picture with your partner. And make new dialogues. For example, T: Ma

16、y I have your paper? Look! This is my paper. This is his paper. Lets exchange! I ask: Whats your name? Whats this? What color is it? Whose dress is this? Is this .? Are these.? Then, change! 3. T: I want to ask 2 students to show their clothes. (2 groups) S1. S2. S2. S1. 4. T: With your help,she dan

17、ced with the prince in the party. They were happy. 5.T: Boys and girls, what have we learned today? We have reviewed our clothes and some sentence patterns. 6. T: From Cinderellas story, we knew that: You should believe in yourself,and cherish our life! 【设计意图设计意图】通过给灰姑娘准备漂亮的服饰而画衣服,从而利用学生画画作品 来展开学生间的

18、对话。并展示一些贫困地区孩子没有漂亮的服饰的图片,让孩 子明白自己现在的生活是多么美好!从而让孩子从小培养孩子积极向上,乐观、 正确对待生活中的困难,迎难而上、坚持不懈,胜利一定会向你走来。 .Conclusion Ask individual Ss to say out the key points in this class. Then chant a rhyme together . 【设计意图】【设计意图】让学生自己总结本课所学到的知识点及一些重点要素,言简意赅, 而又达到“温故而知新”的效果,同时以集体朗诵童谣为本节课的终点,起到 首尾呼应的作用。 Homework 1. T: Th

19、ey are 2 homeworks here. You can choose one of them. Homework A: Fathers Day(父亲节) is coming! Please draw clothes for your father. And fill in the blank. Homework B: Childrens Day(儿童节) is coming! Please draw clothes for your good friend. And fill in the blank. 板书:板书: Unit5 Our Clothes A: Whose.is this/ are these? B: Its./ Theyre. A: Is this your/ his/ her.? B:Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. A: Are these.? B: Yes, they are./ No, they arent. 【教学反思教学反思】 本节课大部分学生能够利用本单元所学的句型进行交流。由于课前做好了 充分的准备,整体课堂气氛都比较活跃,学生们的学习积极性都很高,达到了 预期的效果。但仍然有小部分学生在“询问衣物是谁的”过程中,单复数混淆。 在今后的教学中还需多以单复数为重点进行操练。


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