(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Review 2-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:93285).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第2版)_小学英语_Review 2_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级优课_(编号:93285)
    • 四下 Review 2 (school life)课件.ppt--点击预览
    • 四下 Review2(Schoo llife)教学素材.doc--点击预览
    • 教案93285.doc--点击预览


Review 2 School Life Chinese English math art P.E. music IT (信息技术) science history basketball soccer badminton tennis volleyball dodge ball baseball ping-pong dancing singing drawing swimming painting running school subjectsschool activities school subjects Chinese English math art P.E. music IT (信息技术) science history school activities basketball soccer badminton tennis volleyball dodge ball baseball ping-pong dancing singing drawing swimming painting running playing Make a survey:学校想安排一个新的课外活动课程表,想知 道同学们最喜欢的科目与活动是什么,我们一起来调查一下吧! 4人一组 轮流提问并勾出 同伴喜欢的项目 按统计人数画格子 把调查表贴在黑板上 Tappy Hello, Im Gogos friend Tappy. I go to Potter School. I go by an old broom. I get to school at midnight(半夜). I study English, math, science, art and P.E. I like broom flying. I like playing dodge ball in the air. I like talking to animals, too. Do you know what school it is? Yes, its a magic school. I want to be a great magician! I want to be a great magician! What subjects does Tappy study? Read and answer: What subjects does he study? What does he like doing? ? ? ? ? ? Lets read silently. (默读) What subjects does Tappy study? Read and answer: What subjects does he study? What does he like doing? What subjects does Tappy study? Shout out the subjects mentioned ! 请大声说出Tappy学习的科目。 IT P.E. art music math English IT history P.E. He studies ______,_____,_______,___ and ____. Englishmathscienceart P.E. What does Tappy study? What does Tappy like doing? Read and answer: What subjects does he study? What does he like doing? Lets read. (朗读) What does he like doing? Read and answer: What subjects does he study? What does he like doing? scooter flying talking to animals playing baseballdoing magic I want to be a great magician! A B D C Lets talk. Does Tappy like?Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt. He likes. scooter flying talking to animals playing baseballdoing magic I want to be a great magician! A B D C broom flying playing dodge ball Flying, flying. He likes broom flying. Very fast! Playing, playing. He likes playing dodge ball. Jump,jump! Talking, talking. He likes talking to animals. Hello. Hi! Doing, doing. He likes doing magic. Mami Mami hoo! I want to be a great magician! Lets talk. I want to be a great magician! He likes _________, _____________, ____________ and _________. broom flyingplaying dodge ball talking to animalsdoing magic What does Tappy like doing? play - plays go - goes study- studies 1. 动词后加s 2. 动词后加es 3. 改y为i加es 4. ? play - plays go - goes study- studies Lets do.(请把单词放入相应的帽子。) watch - watches like - likes do - doeshave - has want - wantsfly - flies have - has fly - flies want - wants watch - watches do - does like - likes 1. 动词后加s3. 改y为i加es 2. 动词后加es 4. ?4. 不规则变化 Peter Im Peter. Im from the School Friends Club. May I ask you some questions? A: Hello, Im Peter from the School Friends Club. Do you make a new friend today? B: __________. A: Whats your new friends name? B: _____________. A: Does he go to school? B: __________. A: Does he study IT at cshool? B:________. He studieds English, math, science, art and P.E. A: What does he like doing? B: He likes broom flying and playing dodge ball in the air. _________________________. A: Do you like your new friend? B: __________. A: Thank you. B: Youre welcome. Lets do.(两人小组活动,答记者问。) 1. Yes, he does. 2. Yes, I do. 3. He likes talking to animals,too. 5. His names Tappy. 4. Yes, I do. 6. No, he doesnt. A: Hello, Im Peter from the School Friends Club. Do you make a new friend today? B: __________. A: Whats your new friends name? B: _____________. A: Does he go to school? B: __________. A: Does he study IT at cshool? B:________. He studieds English, math, science, art and P.E. A: What does he like doing? B: He likes broom flying and playing dodge ball in the air. _________________________. A: Do you like your new friend? B: __________. A: Thank you. B: Youre welcome. Lets do.(两人小组活动,答记者问。) A: Hello, Im Peter from the School Friends Club. Do you make a new friend today? B: __________ A:Whats your new friends name? B:___________________ A:Does he go to school? B:_____________ Yes, I do. His names Tappy. Yes, he does. Lets check.(答记者问。) A: Does he study IT at school? B: _______________ He studieds English, math, science, art and P.E. A: What does he like doing? B: He likes broom flying and playing dodge ball in the air. ____________________________ A: Do you like your new friend? B: __________ A: Thank you. B: Youre welcome. No, he doesnt. He likes talking to animals, too. Yes, I do. I do. You do. They do. We do. Lets do! He does. She does. It does. Everybody does! I do. You do. They do. We do. Lets do! He does. She does. It does. Everybody does! Tappy 1.Count the numbers of the survey. (请把今天全班每个项目的调查结果统计在表格上。) 2.Tell your parents about Tappy. (向你的家长介绍Tappy。) Homework.素材素材 1 课堂分组统计表课堂分组统计表 Survey A About subjects Group _____ A: What subjects do you like? B: I like . 4 3 2 1 artP.E.musicI.T.science Survey B About activities Group _____ A: Do you like . ? B: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 4 3 2 1 playingplaying playingdancingsinging ping-pongbasketballbadminton 素材素材 2 课后统计表课后统计表 Survey A about subjects Survey B about activities Subjects Numbers of Students artP.E.musicI.T.science Subjects Numbers of Students playing ping-pong playing basketball playing badminton dancingsinging 素材素材 3 练习练习 Lets do. 选择句子完成对话。选择句子完成对话。 Yes, he does. Yes, I do. He likes talking to animals, too. His names Tappy. No, he doesnt. A: Hello, Im Peter from the School Friends Club. Do you make a new friend today? B: ___________________________________________ A: Whats your new friends name? B: ___________________________________________ A: Does he go to school? B: ___________________________________________ A: Does he study IT at school? B: _______________________ He studies English, math, science, art and P.E. A: What does he like doing? B: He likes broom flying and playing dodge ball in the air. _____________________________________________ A: Do you like your new friend? B: _____________________________________________ A: Thank you. B: youre welcome. 素材素材 4 阅读材料阅读材料 Lets read! I study English, math, science, art and P.E. Hello, Im Gogos friend Tappy. I go to Potter School. I go by an old broom. I get to school at midnight(半半夜夜). Yes, its a magic school. I want to be a great magician! I want to be a great magician! I like broom flying. I like playing dodge ball in the air. I like talking to animals, too. Do you know what school it is四年级下册四年级下册英语英语ReviewReview 2 2 (SchoolSchool LifeLife 话题复习课)教学设计书话题复习课)教学设计书 综述:综述:四年级上册的 Unit1 至 Unit4 围绕 School Subjects、School Activities 和 School Days 开展教学活动,四年级下册的 Unit1, Unit7 和 Unit8 围绕 School 和 Hobbies, Activities 开展教学活动。为了提升复习效率和更好地归纳教材,根据教材内容提炼出 “School Life”这一话题作为复习课的主题,帮助学生进行四年级上下册的整体复习。以 下就是在四年级 Review 2 中以“School Life”为主题所做的复习课教学设计。 总体思路总体思路:本课以复习四年级上下册“School Life”(school subjects and activities, school days,hobbies 等)为主要内容,以“整合性、情景性、交际性、趣味 性”为主要设计原则,并在语言操练和实践的基础上归纳语法规则的一节复习课。 一、学生分析一、学生分析 本模块的教学对象是四年级下学期的学生。四年级的学生正处于儿童思维发展的关键期, 具体形象思维占优势,感知觉的无意性和情绪性比较明显,有意注意的能力有所发展但不持 久,对知识的记忆正从机械记忆向理解记忆过渡。这个年龄段的孩子具有好奇、好活动、爱 表现、善模仿等特点。他们喜欢新鲜事物,对英语的学习怀有好奇心,能有持续学习的兴趣。 经过三年半的学习,四年级的学生已经积累了一定英语基础知识,他们具备与他人合作共同 用简单的英语完成学习任务的能力,他们也能对所学习的内容进行主动的练习和实践,能在 词语与相应事物之间建立联想,能够借助图片理解简短的英语故事或其他英语课外读物。同 时四年级学生有一定的观察、归纳和联想能力,因此在教学中我们设计了不同的活动如观察 对比图片、总结语法点、想象理想中的学校生活等,以发展和提高学生的思维能力。 二、教材整体分析二、教材整体分析 本模块是基于广东版教材英语四年级上册和下册的教材内容整合而成的一个话题复 习课。在四年级上册的 Unit1,学生学习了相关科目的表达:English, music, math, art, science, history, P.E. (教师还根据学校实际的课程渗透了“Chinese,IT”等相关词汇 的教学) 。句型:What subjects do you like? I like Do you like? Yes, I do. No, I dont. 以及相关的第三人称单数的问答。在四年级上册的 Unit2 至 Unit4,学生学 习了关于学校活动的词汇:reading, studying, running, writing, singing, painting, swimming, sleeping, do homework, play games, go to school 等, (教师还根据学生实 际渗透了更多相关词汇的教学如 ride a skateboard) 。句型:What do you do on Monday? I play the violin on Monday. Do you like? Yes, I do. No, I dont. 教师在本 单元的教学中,紧密联系学生的学校生活,结合第二课堂的活动,拓展了学校活动方面的问 答,如:Do you like singing/playing ping pong, play the violin, play basketball?以及相关的第三人称单数的问答。在四年级下册的 Unit 1,学生学习了一些 学校场所的表达,如:teachersoffice, classroom, hall, library, music room, art room, gym, playground, (教师还根据学校实际的课程渗透了“restroom, cafeteria, slide, swing, school bus”等相关词汇的教学) 。句型:This is my school. There is/are.在四年级下册的 Unit 7 和 Unit 8,学生学习了一些关于 hobbies 和 activities 的表达,如:listen to music, play cards, ride a bike, make models, play outside, read a story, see a movie 等等 (教师还根据学校实际的课程渗透了“ride a bike , ride a scooter”等相关词汇的教学) 。句型:Do you like? Yes, I do. No, I dont. What do you like doing? I like. Does he like? Yes, He does. No, He doesnt. What does he like? He likes等等。教师在本单元的教学中,紧密联系学生的学校生活, 结合第二课堂的活动,拓展了学校活动方面的问答,如:Do you like singing/playing ping pong, play the violin, play basketball ?(以及相关的第三人称单数的问答) 。这 些单元的知识点既相互独立,又相互联系,所以我们以“School Life”为话题主线,整合 上下册单元的知识进行复习,并以话题为载体,总结归纳一般现在时“do, does”的用法和 第三人称单数的变化形式。通过本模块的复习,学生在小学中年级阶段学习的学校生活主题 的语言知识得到了整合和深化。 三、单元教学目标三、单元教学目标 1 1、知识技能目标、知识技能目标 学生通过复习,能巩固学过的表示科目和学校活动的单词,如:English, Chinese, math, science, music, P.E. IT; playing basketball, playing badminton 等; 学生通过复习,能在具体的情景中比较自信地进行相关话题的问答并获取信息。如: What subject do you like? I like Do you like? Yes,I do. No, I dont. What subjects does he study? He studies Does he like? Yes, he does. No, he doesnt. 学生能通过阅读获取语篇信息; 学生通过复习,能在具体的语境中正确运用一般现在时。 2 2、过程方法目标、过程方法目标 学生通过“Brain Storm”的活动,激活相关的知识,为进一步的话题复习奠定语言基 础; 学生通过小组的调查活动,获取同伴之间的关于学校生活的信息,并根据这一调查的信 息进行数据统计,并做同学喜欢的学校科目和活动的调查汇报; 学生通过回答“What subjects does Tappy study? What does Tappy like doing?” 这两个问题,学生自主细读短文,并找出关键句,提高学生分析信息、获取信息的能力; 学生通过老师的引导总结动词第三人称单数形式变化规律和“do, does”与人称的搭配, 逐步形成总结知识的能力。 学生通过两人一组完成对话的阅读,并找出相应问题的答句贴在横线上,从前面短文的 阅读过渡到对话的操练,从输入到输出,培养学生运用语言的能力。 3 3、情感态度目标、情感态度目标 学生通过“School Life”的主题复习,发掘学校生活的乐趣,从而更加喜爱学校生活; 学生通过与同伴合作完成任务提高自主和合作学习的能力。 4 4、教学重、难点、教学重、难点 让学生综合运用相关的语言知识 一般现在时第三人称单数动词形式及助动词“does”的正确用法。 四、教学策略四、教学策略 本单元的教学策略我们主要采用了任务型教学法,如让学生在四人小组中通过问答完 成相关的调查并做图示说明;让学生带着问题去听短文,在默读、朗读中获取短文信息;让 学生两人一组完成对话等。我们还采用了活动教学法,如“Magic Eyes”的游戏和让学生跟 随节拍学习和表演歌谣等;情境教学法也在我们的实践之中,如在短文中插入生动的图片, 在 our school life 和 Tappys school life,选取丰富多彩的体现学生自己学校生活的 和 Tappy 的学校生活的图片,尽量创设真实的情景让学生去体会和运用语言。我们还充分且 较为合理地运用多媒体进行教学,如通过音频让学生学习和演唱儿歌,通过 PPT 的演示达成 语言知识的高效输入。我们还倡导小组合作学习的方式,尽量多地为学生提供参加语言交际 的机会来促进学生语言运用能力的提高。另外,信息沟的创设、对学生思维的训练等都是我 们教师在课程设计中充分考虑到并得以实施的教学策略。 五、教学过程五、教学过程 Free talk and brain storm about “school life”. Answer the questions and make a dialogue with Peter. Step 1 Step 3 Step 2 2. Summary of “ third-person singular forms”. Learn the chant to summarize the usage of “do” and “does”. Set homework. The end Step5 Make about survey in groups of four: What school subjects and activities do you like? 1.Listen, read and talk about “Tappys school life”. Step 4 主要教学步骤主要教学步骤 I.I. Step1Step1 1. Free talk about Ssschoo life. 2. Brain storm T:Children,today we are going to talk about “School Life”.(板书课题)What do you think about “School Life”? S1: English. S2: Classroom. T: They are about “School Life”. Today, lets talk about school subjects and school activities. (Ss read the words of subjects and school activities on PPT) (设计意图:老师引入课题,并借助“头脑风暴”的活动,发散学生思维,激活学生 的 相关知识,为进一步的学习做铺垫。 ) 3. Make a survey T: Children, our school wants to make a new schedule about school activities and our teachers want to know what subjects and activities you like. Lets make a survey. (T explains how to make the survey and make a demonstration.) Ss make the survey in groups of four by asking and answering the questions: What subjects do you like? I like Do you like? Yes, I do. No, I dont. (When the group finishes the survey, the group leader put the survey form on the blackboard.) T: Boys and girls, lets count and see how many students like art. (设计意图:通过设计任务型的学习活动即小组合作完成调查表并做统计,让学生在真 实的情景中运用英语进行交际,培养学生“用英语做事情”的能力。同时这一活动也整合了 相关的学校科目、活动及一般现在时的知识,充分体现了复习课中知识整合的特点,帮助学 生梳理了知识点。 ) II.II. Step2Step2 T: Children, your school life is fun. Gogos friend Tappy goes to school, too. (T 戴上 Tappy 的头饰) Hello, boys and girls. Im Tappy. Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you, too. T: I am Tappy. I go to school, too. I go to school by broom. Look, this is my broom. I like broom flying. Oh, its time for school. Bye-bye. (T 播放关于“Tappys school life”的录音,并让学 生猜测:What school is it? 接下来学生通过默读、朗读文 章和“Magic eyes”的游戏及两人问答活动找出一下信息: What subjects does Tappy study? What does Tappy like doing?) T: Lets chant and make it fun. (设计意图:通过引入“Tappys School Life”的阅读,延伸话题,增加了语言的输 入量,自然地转入了“does”的相关问答的复习。同时,由于教师选择和编写了比较有趣的 故事及歌谣,所以学生享受了阅读的乐趣,体验了极富想象力的学校生活。 ) T: Tappy likes doing magic. He has some magic hats. Wow,colorful magic hats. And there are some words in the hats. Lets read. Ss: Play-plays, go-goes, study-studies. T: Whats the difference between “play” and “plays”? S1:. T: Whats the difference between “go” and “goes”? S2: T: Try to put the words into the right hats. (设计意图:借助“Tappys magic hats”引入动词第三人称单数形式变化的归纳 和复习,非常自然,也保持了教学设计的整体性。动词第三人称单数形式的变化规则是一个 比较重要的知识点,在这一环节得到了强化。 ) III.III. Step3Step3 T: Children, we know Tappy goes to school and he has fun. In our school, there is a School Friends Club. Look, here comes Peter from the club. He has some questions to ask you. Please read the dialogue and stick the sentences on the paper. (学生两人一组完 成对话的阅读并找出 相应问题的答句贴在 横线上) (设计意图:从前面短文的阅读过渡到对话的操练,从输入到输出,培养学生运用语言 的能力。 ) IV.IV. Step4Step4 T:Children, in this lesson, we know to use “do, does” better, too. Here is a chant for you.(学生跟随录音练习 chant) (设计意图:适时地总结归纳知识点,并利用简单好记 的方式帮助学生记忆。 ) V.V. Step5Step5 (设计意图:作业 1 是为下一节课的课堂调查汇报做准备;作业 2 是课堂活动的延伸,让 学生再次内化所学的语言知识。 ) 板书设计板书设计 六、课后反思六、课后反思 本节复习课是开心英语四年级下学期的期末复习课例,课例以话题 Scool Life 为 主线贯穿全课,先由学生谈论所在学校的校园生活,进而了解 Gogo 的朋友 Tappy 的神奇的 校园生活,最后以小组访谈的方式汇报 Tappy 的校园生活。随着话题的层层深入,话题句型 由 What subjects do you like? Do you like doing ? 进入 What subjects does Tappy like? Does Tappy like doing ? 同时,巧妙地引导学生归纳动词第三人称单数的四种构 成方式, 然后在小组访谈的活动中综合运用 do 和 does。全课由五个环节构成,即“头脑 风暴导入、小组调查运用、故事拓展训练,访谈延伸运用,儿歌小结与作业” 。教学目标明 确,设计严谨,步骤清晰,层次分明,教学方法灵活多样,活动设计符合学生的认知水平, 学生的学习兴致盎然,绝大部分学生经过复习后能进一步正确掌握和运用话题句型,教学效 果良好。达到这一教学效果的关键在于: 1、成功运用 Brain storm 游戏,有效发散学生的思维,激活学生已有英语知识储备。 教学中,教师首先从 Free talk 导入 School Life 这一话题,让学生围绕 School Life 展 开头脑风暴活动。活动中,学生思维非常活跃,说出了许多跟 School Life 相关的词汇, 如 school bus, library, playground, classroom, TV, chair, pen, book, Chinese, English, music, ping-pong, badminton, basketball, teachers, friends 等等,教师从 中归纳出不同的类别,引出本节复习课的主要话题内容 Subjects 和 Activities。活动中, 教师先“放”后“收” ,既发散了学生的思维,又引导学生进入了话题复习的句型 What subjects do you like? Do you like doing ? 为顺利开展任务驱动的四人小组调查活动 做好了充分的铺垫。 2、在话题的引领下,有效创设鲜活的故事情境,通过听,说,读,写活动,让学生在 真实的语境中感知、理解本话题的语言功能,有效训练学生的语言能力。这是本节课的亮点 之一。教学中,教师引导学生由谈论自己的校园生活进入谈论 Tappy 的校园生活,教师扮演 Tappy 的出场让学生兴奋不已, 师生对话如下: T: Hello,boys and girls,Im Tappy! Ss: Hello, Tappy! T: Nice to meet you! (Shakes hands with Ss) SS: Nice to meet you, too! T: Look, this is my broom. I like broom flying. I go to school by broom. Bye bye! Ss: Bye-bye! 简短的几句对话让学生一下子就兴奋起来,拉近了学生与 Tappy 的距离,让学生感到 Tappy 就是他们身边的朋友。broom 和 broom flying 的出现,也为学生稍后理解 Tappy 的故 事作了铺垫。 Tappy 的故事是教师基于教材和话题的基本句型自主创编的,形象可爱,爱好特别,学 校神奇,故事内容基于教材又高于教材,符合学生喜欢探究、善于想象的年龄特点,学生非 常喜欢这个故事。故事内容如下: Hello,Im Gogos friend Tappy. I go to Potter School. I go by an old broom. I g
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