(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 1 My School-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:b0bff).zip

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Unit1 My school Bomb Game playground classroom hall gym music room teachers office art room library living room bedroom kitche n garden dinning room kitchen bathroo m park shopping mall hospital supermarket bank Questions: 1.Where is Gogo? He is at Bens school. 2.At last (最后), do they have a lunch room? Yes, they do. What is under the tree? There ___ a cat under the tree.is What is under the tree? There ___ two dogs under the tree. are There ___a cat and two dogs under the tree. There__ two dogs and a cat under the tree. What is under the tree? is are There__ bread under the tree. is Can you find out the rule? 1.There _____ a toy car in the toy box. A. is B. are 2.There _____ some water in the glass. A. is B. are 3.There _____ lots of trees in the park. A. is B. are be 用用 is 还是还是 are看后面的名词看后面的名词 4.There _____ a desk and fifty-five chairs in the classroom. A. are B. is 5.There _____ fifty-five chairs and a desk in the classroom. A. are B. is My school My city My home hall, music room, swimming pool movie theater, supermarket, bank, airport(机场) living room, bathroom, kitchen, gardenA: Go to _________________ with us. B: OK. Whats in your _______________? A: There is/ are _________________________________ ______________________________________________ C: There is/are _______________________, too. B: Do you have _____________________? A: Of course! There are __________________________. B: Do you have a ____________________________. C: No, there isnt a __________________________. B: Hmm. I have an idea. Now, theres a ____________________! AC: Oh!Unit1 My school 学习内容学习内容 Book4 Unit 1 My school 课型课型以演带说课文教学 学情介绍学情介绍 授课对象在开学前两周已经系统地完成了整册书词汇的学习,为后续课文 的预习及学习扫清了障碍。四年级的孩子们对英语学习很有冲劲和好奇, 乐于模仿录音的语音语调,喜欢扮演故事角色。本堂课运用情境教学法、 小组合作和故事表演,让学生学习和运用所学的知识。 教材分析教材分析 一、教学内容:本节课教学内容定位为单元的第二课时,在学生基本 掌握单元词汇及重点句型后,以话题对话为契机进一步拓展学习。 二、教学目标 1、能力目标:1)学会用英语进行表演,生动演绎出对话内容; 2)能运用所学语言改编成新的对话。 2、语言知识目标:1)词汇复习; 2)巩固本单元重点句型:There be 3)所学语言的拓展与运用。 3、教学重难点:激发不同层次的学生积极投入学习. 4、情感态度: 1)在教学过程中提升学生自主学习意识和信心。 2)通过小组内交流,培养学生协作合作精神。 5、学习策略:培养学生自主探究能力及在小组合作学习中习得语言 并灵活运用的能力。 三、教学准备:video、PPT 等。 教学设计教学设计 具体步骤具体步骤设计意图设计意图 Step 1 Warming-up Bomb game. (让学生集中注意力进行“炸弹”游戏,滚动本单元和相关地 点的单词。 ) 游戏中复习词汇能更 好地调动学生的积极 性,为对话改编做铺 垫。 Step 2 Presentation 1) 带着问题整体感知故事。 T: Before reading the story today, we have two questions here. Try to find out the answers after watching the video. Questions: Where is Gogo? At last, do they have a lunch room? Discuss the questions in groups. 2)细读故事。 带着问题进入学习内 容,激发学生通过自 主探究,巩固语言点, 进而熟悉课文内容。 附附 1 1:板书设计:板书设计 Unit 1 My school Key Points Team Work There is/are (粘贴小组创编的剧本) lots of= a lot of an idea a good idea a bad idea T: This time, lets read the story again. Read the story, and find out the key words or difficult sentences in groups. There be. lots of=a lot of an idea a good idea a bad idea 学生自主找出重难点, 让自主学习带动研究 性学习,学生就会更 明确学习的目标和内 容。 Step 3 Practice Role play. 1)Practice in groups. 2)Show time. 小组内角色扮演,除 了让孩子把对话演绎 更生动,把内容理解 更透彻外,更重要的 是加强组员之间的交 流和协作。 Step 4 Production 创编课文,小组汇演。 Choose the key words to creative a new dialogue in groups and then share. 1.My school 2.My home 3.My city 仿照单元故事,让学 生模拟真实情境,小 组合作改编新对话, 运用已掌握的语言进 行表演和学习。 Step 5 Sum-up T: Today we focus on learning in groups, speaking, reading and acting. You did a good job. I really enjoy your interesting stories. Now lets see which group is the winner today. 评价各小组在学习活 动中的表现。 Step 6 Homework 1) Listen and read for ten minutes. 2) Write your own dialogue. 通过各种思考,培养 孩子运用学到的知识 梳理成自己的知识, 形成文字表现出来。
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