(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Culture 2Outdoor Activities-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:62f95).docx

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(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Culture 2Outdoor Activities-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:62f95).docx_第1页
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1、设计教师:梁婷 课题名称:Culture2: Outdoor Activities 教学年段:四年级 下册 教材版本:广东人民出版社开心学英语 一、 学生分析 本课教学对象为四年级学生,班级人数为 47 人,平均年龄 10 岁。经过一年对 英语的学习,四年级的小学生已经有了一定的英语基础知识。各种形式的游戏 及活动方式能提高他们学习英语的兴趣。他们也有着较强的竞争心理,采取小 组竞争的方式能丌仅能提高他们的合作能力,还能促进他们的学习效率。 二、 教材分析 本教材一共有 8 课(2 课附加课可选),每一课的大致结构分为:story, vocabulary, target, practice,

2、song, activity 和 sounds and words 七个部分。 Culture 作为本教材的拓展部分,能帮助学生拓展视野,了解地道的英美文化。 三、 教学目标 重点单词:swimming, playing soccer, hiking, riding a bike, playing ping-pong, ice-skating 目标语言:What do you like doing? I like ing. What does he like doing? He likes ing. 四、 教学策略 本课以“Outdoor Activities”为主题,结合微课,粤教云教室,平

3、板共享技术 等先进教学理念来进行教学实践。学生通过先提前观看微课,完成练习来进行 自学,在上课前对教学目标已经有了一定的了解,使得上课的效率得到较大的 提高。同时,粤教云的学生平板的使用对于学生来说也是一种新鲜的体验,同 时在线完成的练习和抢答游戏让学生的答题注意力得到集中。 五、 教学过程 1. Warming-up 1) GuessingTeacher do the actions and let the students guess: swimming, running, dancing 2) Anyone who get the right answer gets a candy. W

4、hat do you like? I like cakes, candies What do you like doing? I like swimming, running 3) Lead in the topic: Outdoor Activities 2. New words and sentences learning 1) Read after teacher: What do you like doing? I like hiking, swimming, ice- skating 2) GameCatch and answer: throw a ball and ask the

5、question whoever catch the ball have to answer. 3) Watch a micro lesson and finish the exercise after watching it. 4) Teaching “What does he like doing?” “He likes” Read the sentences one by one and show them less and less. 3.Cooperating Board game: Playing in a group, one student throw the dice and

6、 ask “What does he/she like doing?”, the next student answers. Do this one by one in a group. 4. Practicing 1) Practice one: Use the plickers cards to answer the questions. 1. What does your father like doing? 2. What do you like _? I like playing soccer. 3. 以下哪句话是“你喜欢做什么?”的意思? 2) Practice two: Use

7、the students study pads to complete the online practicing game. (http:/ 1. What does he like doing? He _playing soccer. 2. What does Tony like doing? _ likes swimming. 3. What do you like doing? 是你喜欢做什么的意思 ( ) 5. Summary What have you learnt today? Read the sentences together 6. Attitude Stay active, stay healthy. Stay away from the junk food and do more outdoor activities. 六、 板书设计 What do you like doing? I like _. What does he/she like doing? He/ She likes _. 1 2 34


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