(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 2 Our New Home-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:a2a51).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 2 Our New Home_Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:a2a51)
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sounds and words arm party art card garden park课题Unit 2 Our New Home课时第三课时 教学目标 1.Students are able to read the words: arm art park card garden party 2. Students are able to spell out the words which having the sound / a:a:/ 3Students are able to listen and chant. 教学重点 1.Students can read and spell the new words. 2.Can understand and listen and chant. 教学难点 1.Students can perform the conversation. 2.Learn to say the sound of letter ar. 课前准备 CAI、picture cards. 教 学 过 程 设 计 StepStep 1 1 ReviewReview 1 1、背读第背读第 1515 页短语、句子。页短语、句子。 2、朗读课文。朗读课文。 StepStep 2 2 SoundsSounds andand wordswords 1)Getting1)Getting readyready WriteWrite roomroom andand moonmoon onon thethe boardboard andand underlineunderline thethe spellingspelling ar.ar. T:T: LetLets s practicepractice thisthis soundsound .Look.Look atat mymy mouthmouth andand repeat.repeat. T:/a:/T:/a:/ Ss:/a:/Ss:/a:/ DragDrag outout thethe soundsound /a:/a:/ soso SsSs hearhear itit clearly.clearly. UsingUsing thethe bookbook HaveHave SsSs looklook atat thethe picturepicture onon thethe pagepage . . T:T: LetLets s listenlisten toto thethe discdisc . . PlayPlay thethe radioradio andand havehave SsSs pointpoint toto eacheach wordword asas thethe discdisc sayssays it.it. T:T: LetLets s listenlisten againagain andand thisthis timetime ,repeat.,repeat. HaveHave SsSs repeatrepeat afterafter thethe disc.disc. AfterAfter enoughenough practicepractice , , pointpoint toto thethe picturespictures randomlyrandomly andand havehave SsSs saysay thethe words.words. 2)2) listenlisten andand chantchant T:T: LetLets s listenlisten toto thethe chant.Playchant.Play thethe discdisc onceonce . . T:T: LetLets s chantchant together.together. PlayPlay thethe discdisc andand havehave SsSs chantchant alongalong . . StepStep 3 3 HomeworkHomework 1 1、朗读第、朗读第 1919 页内容。页内容。 2 2、抄写第、抄写第 1919 页单词各一行。页单词各一行。 布置作业 1. Read the new words and the chant. 2. Copy down the new words each for one line. 板书设计 ar arm art park card garden party
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