(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 2 Our New Home-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:f16da).zip

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    • Unit 2 Our New Home 第三课时.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案f16da.doc--点击预览


P19 Unit 2 Our New Home Sound and words Whats this? Its an arm. What subjects do you like? I like art. Whats the same thing (相同之处) between the word arm and art? armartarar /a:/ ar /a:/ ar /a:/park Whats this? Its a park. Now, Gogos in the park. in the park ar /a:/card birthday card birthday cake Whats this? Its a card, a birthday card. And here is a birthday cake. ar /a:/garden Is there a garden? Is there a garden? Yes, there is. party a birthday partyar /a:/ Listen, point and repeat. arm art park card garden party ar /a:/ 手臂手臂 美术美术 公园公园 卡,卡片卡,卡片 花园花园 派对派对 Look and say. arm art park card garden party ar /a:/ LG home officegardenlikeart park game math party arm cardface Word discovery. Word discovery. arm art pear party garden eye dadhand card park plane garden party there music card hall arm gym art ear Word discovery. park Theres a party in the park. People are dancing arm in arm. Birthday cakes, And birthday cards, A birthday party, In the park. * Theres a party in the park Find the word with the sound /a:/ and circle. 圈出含有 /a:/发音的单词。 Chant Theres a ( ) in the ( ). People are dancing ( ) in ( ). Birthday cakes, And birthday ( ), A birthday ( ), In the ( ). Theres a ( ) in the ( ) Listen and choose. 听音选单词。 A. party B. cards C. arm D. park Chant A A B CC D D D A Listen and chant. Theres a party in the park. People are dancing arm in arm. Birthday cakes, And birthday cards, A birthday party, In the park. Theres a party in the park * Sound: ar /a:/ Words: arm art park c ard garden party * 1. Remember(记住)(记住) the new sound /a:/a:/. 2. Recite(背诵)(背诵) the new words. 3. Read(朗诵)(朗诵) the chant to your Mom and Dad. *四年级英语下册四年级英语下册Unit 2 Our New Home教案教案 第三课时 教材分析教材分析 本节课是一节语音课,主要是让学生学会 ar 的发音/a:/,并能够 根据这发音读生词。本节课的内容是第二单元的第三课时,学生在 学会 arm, art, park, card, garden, party 等单词的基础上,会认读生词, 所以学生学习时不会感到困难。 学生分析学生分析 四年级是小学低年级向高年级的过渡期,孩子开始从被动的学 习主体,向主动的学习主体改变,教学内容的设计以生动活泼,浅 显易懂,学生易于接受和运用为主导思想。同时四年级学生对身边 的事物已有一定的认识,学习积极性很浓,具有探索的欲望。四年 级学生的学习动机从直接动机向间接动机开始转化,即使没有直接 的奖励,为了得到老师、同学、家长和其他人的肯定性评价,他们 也会努力达到较好的学习效果。 教学内容:教学内容:Sounds and words 教学目标教学目标 1知识目标知识目标 (1)让学生学会单词 arm, art, park, card, garden, party (2)认读 ar 发音/a:/。 2能力目标能力目标 加强学生对字母发音的感知,并能认读生词。 3情感态度价值观情感态度价值观 鼓励学生大胆开口读英语,说英语。 教学重点难点教学重点难点 1教学重点:认读字母组合 ar 在单词中的发音。 2教学难点:区分 a 与 ar 的发音。 教学准备教学准备 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Warm-up 1Sing a song 2Free-talk T:Look, whats this? T:Yes, its an arm. I have a strong arm. I like art. I can draw my arm. Do you like art? (边说边出示 arm, art 的图片及单词。 ) Step 2 Presentation 1找出 arm 和 art 的相同之处。 T:Whats the same thing between the words “arm” and “art”. 2学生找出共同的字母 ar 及发音/a:/。 3出示发音/a:/,然后读五遍。 4出示 park 的图片 (1)T:P-/p/, ar-/a:/, k/k/, /pa:/, /pa:k/.(带读 3 遍) (2)出示 in the park,让学生读出来。 (3)出示 Gogo 出现在公园的图片。 T:Look, Gogos in the park. 5出示 card 的图片 (1)T:C-/k/, ar-/a:/, d-/d/, /ka:d/. (带读 3 遍) (2)出示 birthday card,,然后引出 birthday cake。 6出示 garden 的图片 (1)T:G-/g/, ar-/a:/, /ga:/, d-/d/, en-/n/, /dn/, garden.(带读 3 遍) (2)指着图片提问,T:Is there a garden? Yes, it is. 7出示 party 的图片 (1)T:P-/p/, ar-/a:/, /pa:/, t-/t/, y-/i/, /ti/, party.(带读 3 遍) (2)指着图片,T:Look, theres a party. Theres a party in a park. 8播放录音,学生边听边跟读。 9全部齐读。 Step 3 Activity 1T:Lets chant. Arm, arm, theres my arm. Art, art, I like art. Card, card, I have a birthday card. Party, party, theres a birthday party. Park, park, theres a birthday party in the park. 2Can you read more words. car bar hard far star mark farm arm art part garden dark party park large farmer market Step 4 Practice 1圈出含有/a:/发音的单词 Theres a party in the park Theres a party in the park. People are dancing arm in arm. Birthday cakes, And birthday cards. A birthday party, In the park. 2听音选词填空。 Apark Bcards Carm Dpark Theres a ( ) in the ( ) Theres a ( ) in the ( ). People are dancing ( ) in ( ). Birthday cakes, And birthday ( ). A birthday ( ), In the ( ). 3播放 chant 的动画视频,全体齐唱。 Step 5 Summary 1Sounds:/a:/ 2Words:arm art park card garden party Step 6 Homework 1. Remember(记住) the new sound /a:/. 2. Recite(背诵) the new words. 3. Read(朗诵) the chant to your Mom and Dad.
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