(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 3 Bank or Beach -Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:e0260).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 3 Bank or Beach _Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案)_县级优课_(编号:e0260)
    • Unit3Story.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案e0260.doc--点击预览


Unit 3 Bank or Beach beac h Gogo, Tony and Jeny are on the bus. 在公共汽车 上 u s b Watch and match. beach hospital restaurant bank shopping mall Watch and match. beach hospital restaurant bank shopping mall Read and choose the right answer. 1. Where is Gogo? He is _______. A. on the bus B. at home C. in the classroom 2. Where is Gogo going? Hes going to the ________. A. bank B. restaurant C. beach A C 1.Read the story with your partners. 2.Ask and answer the questions. Read in your group. Where is the bus going ? Is the bus going to the beach at first(在开在开 始始)? Its going to the beach. No,it isnt. Can we play on the bus? Can we talk louderly on the bus? 1.Read and imitate the story. Practice : 2. Act out the story. Practice : Extension : 1.Talk in pairs: Where are you going on weekend? Where is your father going on weekend? Where is your mother going on weekend? Extension : 2. Writing: My Weekend Its Saturday/ Sunday. I am going to ________. My father is going to __________________. My mother is _______________________. We are going to have a good time. the park the swimming pool going to the supermarket 1. Retell the story. 2. What should we do when we take a bus? 1. Read the story three times. 2. Tell the story to your parents.Unit 3 Bank or beach 一、(story) 1.知识目标:学生能读懂本单元的故事,在故事情景教学中巩固句子 “Where are you going?”及其回答“Im going to ”;其一般疑问句“Are you going to?”及其回答“Yes, I am.”“No, Im not.”并能做到举一反三,即随着人称的变化, “be”动词能够相应的变化。 2.能力目标:学生能够用目标句型询问对方打算去的目的地,并回答。 3.情感目标:通过分析 Gogo 乘车的行为,教育学生文明乘车。 过程与方法: 1. 通过与学生的问好复习并创设情景导入。 2. 通过设计问题,引导学生解决问题,达到掌握本节课的知识内容。 3. 通过小组合作学习,进一步掌握课文知识,会分角色表演故事。 4. 运用学过的句型,操练新知并运用新知拓展小短文。 情感态度和价值观: 1.培养学生会询问并表达自己打算要去的地方。 2.让学生懂得文明乘车的重要性。 二、 教学重点、难点 1、教学重点:能熟练运用句型:Where are you going? 以及 Are they going to the ? 向别人提出问题并根据提示回答。 2、教学难点:第一人称和第三人称的互换回答, 特别是 be 动词的变化。 三、 教学准备 PPT、图片 四、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1. Greetings. T:Good morning, boys and girls. How are you? Ss: Good morning. How are you? T: Im fine, thank you. And its fine today. Im going to the beach. 设计意图:与学生问好拉近与学生的距离,在轻松的氛围中导入新课。 2. 复习句型: Where are you going? Im going to Are you going to? Yes, I am. / No, I am not. 设计意图:复习本课时的重点句型,为新课做好铺垫。 Step 2 Presentation 1. 出示 PPT, 导入新课。 T: Im going to the beach. Yoyo is going to the supermarket. And Paul is going to the shopping mall. Lets take a bus together. Lets go. Oh, Gogo, Tony and Jenny are on the bus. 设计意图:在对话中复习并学习 on the bus。 2. Watch and match. 观看 story 两次,并完成连线。 3. Read and choose the right answer. 1. Where is Gogo? He is _______. A. on the bus B. at home C. in the classroom 2. Where is Gogo going? Hes going to the ________. A. bank B. restaurant C. beach 4. Read in your group. 小组一起朗读故事,并讨论问题。 Where is the bus going ? Is the bus going to the beach at first(在开始在开始)? 设计意图:第一次观看视频,再分两次阅读,由浅入深理解故事的大意,使学 生容易掌握内容。 Step 3 Moral education. 1. Can we play on the bus? 2. Can we talk louderly on the bus? 3. What should we do when we take a bus? 设计意图:情感升华,教育学生文明乘车。 Step 4 Exercise. 1. Read and imitate the story. 2. Act out the story. 设计意图:通过练习巩固本课时的知识内容。 Step 5 Extension. 1. Talk in pairs: Where are you going on weekend? Where is your father going on weekend? Where is your mother going on weekend? 2. Writing: My Weekend Its Saturday/ Sunday. I am going to _____________. My father is going to __________________. My mother is _______________________. We are going to have a good time. Step 6 Conclusion. 1.Retell the story. 2.What should we do when we take a bus? Step 7 Homework. 1. Read the story three times. 2. Tell the story to your parents. Board design: Unit 3 Bank or Beach bank restaurant hospital shopping mall beach
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