(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 4 Free Time-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:f1582).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Free Time_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_县级优课_(编号:f1582)
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shopping list 购物清单购物清单 May Iborrow a pen? Yes, here you are. May Iborrow a book? Yes, here you are. May I borrow a toy bear? No, sorry. May Ibuy an ice- cream Yes, you may. May I have an ice- cream? buy ? May I buy a ? No, you may not. basketb all May I have a_____balloon? Its time to have a party. May I ___________? No, you may not. go to the zoo a park May I go to the park? Yes, you may. P.M Oh, its five oclock in the afternoon, I must go home. May I watch TV? Yes, you may. May I listen to a song? May I listen to music? No, you may not. have grapes 2 have an ice cream 3 watch TV 1 1 5 play soccer go to the supermarket 6 4 listen to music May I_____________? go to the park listen to a song borrow a ruler buy a toy plane have an orange watch TV A right or wrong game. May I sing in the_______? May I swim in the________? May I eat in the________? May I play basketball on the______? May I buy a car in the_____? May I borrow a book in the____ ? May I run in the______? Word Bank 参考短语参考短语 buy a toy play ipad buy a PSP see a movie have a picnic play basketball buy a new book buy new clothes go to the restaurant go to the shopping mall . . . ? Hello, Mom,Today is childrens day. I am very happy. May I____________________. ________________________. ________________________. May I go to the swimming pool? see a movie? May I have a big orange? Word Bank 参考短语参考短语 buy a toy play ipad buy a PSP see a movie have a picnic play basketball buy a new book buy new clothes go to the restaurant go to the shopping mall . . . ? Hello, Mom,Today is Childrens Day. I am very happy. May I____________________. ________________________. ________________________. Word Bank 参考短语参考短语 buy a toy play ipad buy a PSP see a movie have a picnic play basketball buy a new book buy new clothes go to the restaurant go to the shopping mall . . . ? Hello, Mom,Today is Childrens Day. I am very happy. May I____________________. ________________________. ________________________. Look at the poor(贫困的贫困的) kids. May I have good house? They dont have good schools(学校). May I have a good classroom? Needs help They dont have pens. May I have pens? Needs help They dont have enough food(足够的食物). May I have a big cake? Needs help They have bad clothes(破烂的衣服). May I have beautiful dresses? Needs help They want to study. They need our help(帮助). 教育 Some people needs our help(帮助帮助). Please give them a hand(请帮助他们请帮助他们). Tell your wishes to your Mom and Dad, let them tick on your Wish Card. 把心愿说给你的爸爸妈妈听,把心愿说给你的爸爸妈妈听, 让他们做出回应。让他们做出回应。 Look, listen and judge. 1.May I buy some oranges? 2.May I go to the beach? 3.May I play the violin? 4.May I borrow a ruler? 5.May I play basketball on the playground? 6.May I listen to music in the living room? 7.May I go to the zoo with my friend? 8.May I borrow a pen? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 May I borrow a ruler? a pencil? a pencil- case? Yes, here you are. No, sorry. May I buy some pears ? an orange? some apples? some bread? Yes, here you are. No, you may not. some juice? May I go to the Yes, you may. No, sorry. swimming pool? beach? hospital? restaurant 学情分析:学情分析: 四年级的学生在小学教学中起到承上启下的作用,既是三年级的衍生,又是五六年级的 铺垫,经过了一年半的学习,积累了一些词汇和语法知识,懂得一些基本的交际用语, 这个阶段的儿童思维容易被新奇,刺激的事物所吸引。学生在学习本单元之前已经学习 了 go to the park, go to the movie theater, play basketball 等短语,因此,当他们接触 go to the zoo, buy an ice-cream, watch, listen to a song 的时候,可以很容易接受和理解。 一教学目标一教学目标: 1. 知识目标:知识目标: (1)能够听说读写短语 borrow a book, buy an ice-cream, go to the zoo, watch TV, listen to a song 句型: May I borrow a book? Yes, here you are. No, sorry. May I go to the zoo? Yes, you may. No, you may not. (2)能用句型 May I _________?来询问别人能不能做,并能用 Yes, here you are. No, sorry.和 Yes, you may. No, you may not.进行回答。并能灵 活运用在实际情境中。 2. 能力目标:能力目标: (1)能够互相询问什么事情能做,什么事情不能做,并能做出回答。 (2) 培养学生讲礼貌,询问别人的时候礼貌用语。 (3)情感目标:培养学生懂得感恩身边的一切,珍惜自己拥有的一切,给 予那些需要帮助的孩子一份温暖,一份关怀,一份爱。 二. Important points: (教学重点) 掌握 May I____? Yes, here you are. No, sorry. Yes, you may. No, you may not. 三Difficult points.:(教学难点) 能用新句型进行交接性的对话。以及作文。 四. Teaching aids: (教学设备) CIA 课件 五. Teaching procedures: (教学步骤及说明) Step 1 :Warm up Greeting. Step 2: Revision Answer questions. (设计意图:每天让学生回答问题,可以让他们在不断的循环中复习并巩固 旧的知识). Step 3:Presentation (1)用 make a shopping list 只有纸,没有笔引出句型 May I borrow a pen? May I borrow a book? (设计意图:创设情境,让学生很自然的的接受 May I 开头的问句。) (2)Teach: May I borrow______? Yes, here you are./ No, sorry. 让他妈用自 己的东西操练句型。 (设计意图:因为是用他们自己的东西进行对话交流,所以他们兴趣很 大,也容易接受新句型。) (3)T: Look I have something in the bag, Do you want to borrow them? S: May I borrow a ____? T: Yes, here you are./ No, sorry. (设计意图:老师用袋子装着一些东西,引导学生用 May I borrow___? 来问,检查他们对句型掌握的情况。) (4)T:Look, this is a shopping list,lets go to the supermarket to buy them. Teach: May I buy an ice-cream? Yes, you may./ No, you may not T: Where should I have a party? Teach:May I go to the .zoo? Yes, you may./ No, you may not T: Its five oclock, I must go hme. Teach: May I watch TV? Yes, you may./ No, you may not May I listen to a song? Yes, you may./ No, you may not (设计意图:通过设计不同场景教他们提出不同的要求,让他们把英语 应用到实际生活中去。) Step4. Practice : (1).Pair work. Use the pictures to practice the dialogue. (设计意图:通过操练,可以使学生更加熟悉句型,为下面的游戏顺利进 行打下基础) (2)Play a guessing game.:Show six pictures Ss ask : May I____? See who can guess right. (设计意图:在屏幕上呈现本课学的词组的图片,老师通过带读来巩固单词 的读音,然后教师先找个同学示范问问题,老师点击图片,出现手掌和拍手 声就是赢,出现炸弹就是输,游戏目的:巩固单词读音,激发学习兴趣) (3)Look,listen and judge. T:look at the pictures listen to me and judge, if its right, please raise your red card, if it is wrong, raise your black card. E.g:May I cook in the living room? (设计意图:学生通过听句子迅速判断老师说的是否正确并马上做出反应。 游戏目的:1.训练他们的听力。 2 复习旧单词。 3 巩固新句型。) (4)Complete their wish cards. T: Now take out your wish cards, write down your wishes for the Childrens Day. (教学目的:通过让学生完成心愿卡并读出来,提高他们的口语能力和 作文水平。) Step5.Extension: .情感教育 Let them see some pictures of the poor Ss with music (设计意图:这个环节是对孩子的情感教育,通过图片让他们知道,还有 很多孩子生活很贫困,让他们学会珍惜拥有的幸福生活,还要对有需要的孩 子伸出他们温暖的双手。) Step5.summary - What do we learn today? Step6Homework Tell your wishes to your Mom and Dad, let them tick on your Wish Card.
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