(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 4 Free Time-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:80220).zip

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Unit 4 Free Time 1. Ask and answer politely. 两人练习对话。 2. Act out. 小组分角色扮演。 Tony: What a beautiful fun fair. Gogo: Im very happy today. Gogo: Wow! Ice ceam! May I have.? Tony:. . Thats all. Thank you. A: May I ., please? B: . A: Thank you. B: Youre welcome. 3. Make a dialogue. (小组选择一幅图编对话。 ) Fruit Juice Stand At the fruit juice stand (果汁店)(果汁店) Movie Theater Today is Sunday. Peppa and her family are at the fun fair. Peppa wants to . Rabbit: Hello,Peppa! May I help you? Peppa Pig: Hello, Miss Rabbit. I like . May I ? Rabbit: Sure! . Peppa Pig: . Rabbit: . Peppa Pig: Mm., yummy, yummy! Mouse: May I ? Rabbit: . . At the movie theater Today is Sunday. Peppas family is at the fun fair. Peppa wants to now. Peppa: Mom, mom! Its . May I , please? Mom: Yes, . Just for a while. Peppa: ! Mom: . Peppa: Excuse me. May I , please? A girl(验票员)(验票员): Sure, please! .一、教材分析一、教材分析 1.1.教材内容教材内容 本课时教学内容是粤人民版英语四年级下册 Unit 4 Free Time 的 Story 部 分,话题功能是用“May I , please? ”向别人提出请求。主要句型是 May I , please? Yes, you may. Here you are. No, you may not .Sorry. 2.教材链接教材链接 此套教材与本课时教学内容相关的链接如下:四年级下册教材 Unit 3 学习了 supermarket, shopping mall, movie theater 等词汇,Unit 4 学习了 May I , please? Yes, you may. Yes, please. No, you may not. Sorry. 等句型。此外学生之前对 Thank you. Here you are. 等句型有所接触,能较好地运用。 二、学生分析二、学生分析 1.1.生本分析生本分析 本课时教学对象为四年级学生,年龄在 10 岁左右。他们求知欲旺盛,对英 语学习非常感兴趣,在英语课堂上表现雀跃,对于课堂上的唱歌、游戏、朗读、 表演、交流等活动都积极参与。他们乐于与同伴交流,对于熟悉的、感兴趣的 内容和话题,他们有着相当强的表现欲。 2.2.学情分析学情分析 四年级学生学习英语时间还不到两年,所掌握的词汇、句型还比较有限, 这将在一定程度上限制了他们在课堂上的自由表达。基于“深度学习深度学习”相关的 理论和关键策略要求,教师要创设能将学习内容和学生真实生活关联起来的情创设能将学习内容和学生真实生活关联起来的情 境素材境素材,并为学生营造和谐宽松的表达交流环境,提供适当的表达交流方法、 方向指导,并及时给予肯定和鼓励,促进他们表达能力的发展,养成用英语积 极进行交流的意识,更进一步发展他们的英语思维能力,并用有效的策略让学用有效的策略让学 生的思维外显生的思维外显,提升文化意识。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 (一)语言能力(一)语言能力 1.1.语言知识目标语言知识目标 重点句型:May I , please? Yes, you may. Here you are. No, you may not. Sorry. 2.2.语言技能目标语言技能目标 1 在老师创设的半真实语境中,运用已有知识,有效地进行听、说、读训练, 发展听、说、读技能。 (1)听:能听懂并理解课本 story 以及课堂拓展小对话,培养学生听的技能。 (2)说:能在相关的语言环境下熟练运用主要句型进行表达、交流,并能口 头回答问题和提出问题;能根据老师指引与同伴进行口头交流,发展表达能力, 实现深度互动。 (3)读:能正确朗读课本 story 以及课堂拓展小对话,理解对话意思,并能 将对话表演出来。 (二)文化意识(二)文化意识 1、培养学生结合真实生活,主动用英语进行思考、交流的意识和动机。 2、培养学生在交际过程中懂得合理使用礼貌用语的文明意识和良好习惯。 (三)思维品质(三)思维品质 1、教学过程中通过提问、追问、表达、讨论提问、追问、表达、讨论等手段,引导学生深入思考,引导学生深入思考, 增加学生的思维容量,提高学生的思考品质增加学生的思维容量,提高学生的思考品质。 2、结合故事,思考 Gogo 的情感变化及其原因。 3、通过让学生懂得向别人请求时要有礼貌,从而发展他们的思维品质与个 人品格。 (四)学习能力(四)学习能力 教学过程中,通过老师示范、音频输入等渠道,鼓励学生模仿语音语调, 培养学生的学习能力;通过师生、生生之间的真实交流互动以及交际性的任务, 培养学生的交际能力。 四、教学重点和难点四、教学重点和难点 教学重点:掌握重点句型:May I , please? Yes, you may. Here you are. No, you may not. Sorry. 并熟悉自如运用。 教学难点: 学生能于更多类似的语言情境中熟练、灵活地运用 May I , please? Yes, please. 等核心句型进行交流、交际。 五、教具准备五、教具准备 2 PPT 课件,头饰,气球等 六、教学过程六、教学过程 Step 1 Warming up and review 1. Greetings 2. Sing a song “May I have a pen?” 3. Play a game “Sharp eyes” T: You sing well. Lets play a game “Sharp eyes”. Stand up and say quickly. (复习 go to the zoo, call my friend, listen to a song, watch TV, borrow a book, buy an ice cream, buy balloons 等词汇) 【设计意图】热身部分以轻松有趣的唱歌、游戏等方式缓解学生紧张的情 绪,并拉近师生间的距离。同时游戏部分也复习了与本课时相关的词汇。 Step 2 Lead-in and preparation 1. Talk for lead-in T: Look, so many balloons. I like balloons. Where can we buy balloons? Ss: At the (supermarket/ shopping mall/ shop ) . T: Yes, we can buy them at the fun fair, too. 2. Watch a video T: Look, its a fun fair. T: Is the fun fair big? Is it fun? Whos at the fun fair? Look, Shes Peppa. Peppas family is at the fun fair. She loves the fun fair, and I love the fun fair. Because we can buy many things and play games at the fun fair. 3. Talk for revision T: May I watch TV at the fun fair? S1 : . T: May I have a balloon at the fun fair? S2: . 3 【设计意图】承接游戏以巧妙的方式引出本课时教学主情境,将学习内容将学习内容 和学生真实生活有效链接,进行深度关联,为下面的深度学习做好准备。和学生真实生活有效链接,进行深度关联,为下面的深度学习做好准备。 4 . Ask for balloons T: I have many balloons. Do you want a balloon? Ss: . T : OK. Please ask me politely. Ss: . T: You like balloons. Try your best and go to the fun fair to get balloons. 5. Talk for preparation T: What else may I do at the fun fair? Look, So many games. May I play the game at the fun fair, please? Ss : Yes, you may. T: Please ask politely like this. Ss: . 6. Pair work T: Can you ask and answer politely like this? S1: . S2 : . 【设计意图】整合运用本单元的旧知,充分调动学生的情感,不着痕迹地输 入语言,为下面语言输出做好铺垫。 Step 3: Presentation & Practice 1 .View and predict T: Peppa is at the fun fair. Look! Who is at the fun fair, too? Ss: . T: What is Gogo doing? Ss: . T: What is Tony doing? Ss: . T: What does Tony say? Ss: . T: What about the man? Ss: . 【设计意图】培养学生通过读图活动,预测对话的内容,既引导学生学会观察 图片,又启迪了学生的思维,让学生从小培养发现文本话语呈现的逻辑性,从 而掌握了学法。 2.Watch the video 4 T: What else does Gogo want? Lets watch the video. 【设计意图】通过观看视频,让学生整体感知 Story 的内容,并感受文本对话 正确的语音语调。 3.Answer the questions T: What does Gogo want? Ss: . T: How many balloons does Gogo want? Ss: . 4. Think and talk Present Picture 5 of the story. T: Is Gogo happy ? Why? Ss :. Present Picture 6 of the story. T: Is Gogo happy now? Why? 【设计意图】通过提问、追问,让学生积极表达自己的思想,有效发展学生 的评价思维。 5. Read after the video T: Now please open your books and read after the video. Try to imitate. 【设计意图】学生通过跟读录音,模仿正确的语音语调,有助于培养语感及 朗读句子的正确方法。 6 . Role play T: Read with your partner. One is Tony and one is Gogo. T: Who wants to try? 【设计意图】通过角色扮演活动,既帮助学生进一步巩固知识,也为下一步 的语言运用做好准备。 7. Act out the story T: You all read very well. Can you act it out? Look, heres a model for you . Watch carefully, please. T: Try your best to get Level 3. Which group wants to show? 【设计意图】通过角色表演活动,既帮助学生进一步巩固知识,又给学生提 5 供展示的平台,充分调动学生表达的积极性,也为下一步的语言运用做好准备 Step 4 Application Make a new dialogue T: Tony and Gogo are playing happily at the fun fair. What about Peppas family? What are they doing? Look at the pictures. You can choose one of them. Lets make a new dialogue. T: Which group wants to come to the fruit juice stand? T : Which group wants to come to the movie theater ? 【设计意图】顺延前面创设的大情境,引出另外两个学生非常熟悉的小情境, 让学生有交流表达的欲望,并不由自主地运用本课时所学习的主要句型进行交 流,实现本课教学目标。 Step 5 Summary and moral education T: Today weve learned how to ask for things politely. When we ask for something, we should be polite. 【设计意图】结合本课时的主要句型,让他们受到“向别人请求时要有礼貌” 的思想教育。 Step 6 Homework 1. Read the story. 2. Do you usually go to the fun fair or the supermarket in your free time? Please choose one and make a dialogue. (在课余时间你通常去游乐园还是超市呢?请选择一个场景编对话。) Board design At the Fun Fair 6 May I , please? Yes, you may. Yes, here you are. No, you may not. Thank you. Sorry. Youre welcome. 七、教学反思七、教学反思
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