(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 5 Our Clothes-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:70758).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 5 Our Clothes_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级优课_(编号:70758)
    • Unit 5 Our Clothes.doc--点击预览
    • Unit 5 Our Clothes.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案70758.doc--点击预览


eg. Pic( A ) This is Wei Menghuans dress. Pic( )____ _ Pic( ) Pic( )____ _ Pic( ) Pic( ) eg. Pic( A ) This is Wei Menghuans dress. Pic( ) Pic( ) Pic( ) Pic( ) Pic( ) eg. Pic( A ) This is Wei Menghuans dress. Pic( ) Pic( ) Pic( ) Pic( ) Pic( )失物招领 Is this your pen/pencil/box/watch/book. * * Whose . is this? Clothes * The things we lost(丢失) at school. * Guessing the clothes Is this a shirt/ T-shirt/ cap/ dress/ sweater/ coat? Are these shoes/ shorts? * * 服装派对服装派对 costumecostume partyparty * * Whose dress is this? Its Moms dress. Mom * * Lisa Whose skirt is it? Its Lisas skirt. * * Dad Whose pants are these? Theyre Dads pants. * * Ben Whose shorts are they? Theyre Bens shorts. * * Who What clothes 题题 文本文本题题 1 2 A Memorizing( 记忆)记忆) Game * Ben Whose shirt is this? Its Bens shirt. * * Lisa _____ _____ is it? Its Lisas doll. Whose doll doll * * Ton y Whose orange is it? Its Tonys orange. * * Lisa Whose socks are these? Theyre Lisas socks. * * _____ shoes are these? Theyre Lisas _____. Whose shoes * * Lisa ( )1. ______ cap is this? Its Toms. A. Whos B. Whose C. What ( )2. _____ this your skirt? A. Is B. Are C. Do ( )3. ______ Gogos shoes? A. Is this B. Are C. Are these ( )4. Whose shorts ______ these ? A. are B. is C. do ( )5. Whose dress ______ ? A. it is B. is it C. are these ( )6. This is ______ dress. A. Jenny B. Jennys C. Jennys A B * C B A C Read & Choose * DoDo a a surveysurvey(调查)(调查) -Whose . are these? -Theyre. -Whose . is this? - Its. A K * BCDEFGH IJ MLNOPQRS * eg. Pic( A ) This is Wei Menghuans dress. Pic( ) ____ _ Pic( ) ____ _ Pic( ) ____ _ Pic( ) ____ _ Pic( ) ____ _ * * * * Recycling 回收 * * * * PPT模板下载: 行业PPT模板: 节日PPT模板: PPT素材下载: PPT背景图片: PPT图表下载: 优秀PPT下载: PPT教程: Word教程: Excel教程: 资料下载: PPT课件下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载: 教案下载: 字体下载: ThankThank you!you! * *1 课程说明课程说明 英语课程标准 (2011 年版)要求英语教学要“体现工具性和人文性的 双重属性” 。英语教学要“体现语言学习对学生发展的价值” ,重视语言学习的 实践性和应用性。同时, “在课堂教学中合理利用现代教育技术” ,能够提供有 利于学生体验真实语言的语境,使英语学习更好地体现其双重属性。 本节课以英语课程标准为指导,旨在让学生能够询问并描述物品的归 属,倡导学生关爱他人,废物利用,保护环境。此外,通过扩充知识面,培养 学生获取、分析信息的能力以及主动构建知识、主动生成语言的能力。此外, 本节课将信息技术的使用贯穿始终,强调通过使用平板及智慧课堂平台,有效 开展讲解、启发、指导等教学活动,优化课堂教学,激发学生主动学习的动机。 本节课利用平板支持课堂讲授和技术支持学生技能训练的教学软件,设计 互动性强的课堂活动,为学生搭建语言活动发展的平台,使学生在语言活动中 不仅能够获取知识、发展能力,更让学生体会到英语学习的乐趣,优化课堂教 学,达到英语教育的目的,从而实现英语教育的意义。 信息技术环境软硬件要求及搭建环境情况信息技术环境软硬件要求及搭建环境情况 本节课需要在多媒体教学环境下,利用学科软件、数字教育资源等技术资 源开展相关教学活动,需要使用的设备有:教师平板电脑、学生平板电脑、多 媒体教学软件等。 教学背景分析教学背景分析 本节课为 Unit5 Our Clothes 第二课时新授课,结合第一课时的内容。学 生已经积累了一定的关于衣服的词汇,并且能够使用一般疑问句简单的询问和 描述物品的归属,但是对于物品的单复数与 be 动词的单复数形式的搭配使用还 不够了解,而且还未系统学习以 whose 开头的特殊疑问句的问答。 教学目标教学目标 Teaching objectives 1. Knowledge and skill: Asking and answering the owner of clothes; 2. Process and method: Using the “Whose” sentence pattern to find the lost things back and writing down the owners of the clothes correctly; 3. Emotion, attitude and value: Knowing the clothes recycling and keeping the good habit of protecting the environment. 2 Key points 1.Asking and answering the owner of clothes; 2.Using the “Whose” sentence pattern to find the lost things back; Difficult points Writing down the owners of the clothes correctly. 教学阶段教学阶段教学过程教学过程设置意图设置意图 热身 Free talk T: Hello, everyone. Have you ever lost something? For me, I have lost my keys at school. What about you? T is holing a bag of students things and ask “Is this your (ruler)?”, in order to lead “Whose ruler is this” in. 从学生生活日常入 手,用询问学生的 丢失的物品创造情 境,为接下来的学 习做铺垫并激活学 生已知的名词。 导入 A guessing game When I am on duty, guess what you lost most? Yes, they are your clothes, especially school uniforms. First, lets review the words of clothes. Use the sentences “Is this/ Are these.” 游戏可以引起学生 兴趣,复习一般疑 问句,导入任务情 境。 新授 1.Show the pictures and teach the dialogue. Make a contrast about the singular and plural forms. 2.Memorizing game The teacher shows a picture of Tonys costume party. Students have 1 minute to memorize the every ones wearings, and then answer some questions. Q:Whose dress is this? Whose socks are these? 3.Read and choose The students use the pad to do the exercise. 句型新授,特别强 调单复数的区别。 学生通过对图片的 观察和记忆,结合 已学的句型回答, 提升综合运用能力。 平板可以帮助学生 更高效地进行课堂 小测,夯实重点句 型和词汇。 3 操练 1.Do a survey (1) As groups, each student chooses some pictures of clothes and discuss the owners. (2)T chooses some groups to report the survey. 2. Read and write Students write down the sentences and take a photo to upload. 综合操练,并且这 些都是学生自己的 衣服,学生表现出 极大的兴趣。学生 通过小组活动能够 更加深入理解 “Whose”句型的问 答。 从听、说、读,最 后落脚到写,学生 对于本课重点句型 “Whose”的问答 有全方位的认知, 并且平板的使用帮 助教师能够更容易 进行主观题的讲评。 产出 The teacher shows pictures clothes recycling and try to orientate students towards the good habit of protecting the environment. 价值观引导,废物 利用,保护环境。 作业 Design a “Lost and Found Box” for our class/school. 巩固强化,知识延 伸。
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