(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 5 Our Clothes-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:e005a).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 5 Our Clothes_Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:e005a)
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1、名词性物主代词后面、名词性物主代词后面不用加不用加名词。名词。 mine(我的)我的), yours (你的)(你的), his(他的)(他的), hers (她的)(她的) its(它的)(它的), ours (我们的)(我们的),theirs(他们的)(他们的) 2、形容词性物主代词后面、形容词性物主代词后面要加要加名词。名词。 my(我的)我的), your (你的)(你的), his(他的)(他的) her (她的)(她的), its(它的)(它的), our(我们的)(我们的) ,their(他们的)(他们的) 3、名字后面加、名字后面加s表示表示xx人的。人的。 即是形容词性物主代词,又是名词性物主代词。即是形容词性物主代词,又是名词性物主代词。 4、Is this +单数单数 Yes, it is. / No, its not. 5、Are these +复数复数 Yes, they are. / No, theyre not. 温温 故故 知知 新新 U 5 Our Clothes watch a fashion show. Is this your dress? No, it isnt. dress Is this your coat? No, it isnt. No, it isnt. coat dress Is this your dress? No, no, no! No, it isnt. Its Jennys. Oh, no! dress Is this your coat? No, no, no! No, it isnt. Its Jennys. Oh, no! coat, coat Tonys Jennys Is this your shirt? No, it isnt. shirt Is this your T-shirt? No, it isnt. T-shirt Is this your sweater? No, it isnt. sweater Is this your cap? No, it isnt. cap Whats in my bag? Are these Moms shorts? Tonys No, they arent. Theyre Tonys. socks Are these Moms shoes? Tonys No, they arent. Theyre Tonys. shoes shoes, Are these Moms shoes? No, no, no! No, they arent. Theyre Tonys. Oh, no! shoes. Are these Moms shoes? No, no, no! No, they arent Theyre Tonys. Oh, no! shorts, shorts Tonys Jennys 火眼金睛火眼金睛 判断下面物品是用判断下面物品是用Is this 还是用还是用Are these 来提问。来提问。 Is thisAre these Whose blue pen is this? Its Gogos. Gogos blue pen Its Lisas. Whose dress is this? dress Lisas Pair work A: Hello! B: Hi A: Is this your______? B: No, it isnt. A: Whose dress is this? B: Its Lisas A:Whose is this / are these? B:Its / Theyre A: Here you are . B: Thank you! A: Youre welcome! Passing Game :击鼓传花击鼓传花 规则:规则: 鼓声响起开始传递手中的东西,注意纪律;鼓声响起开始传递手中的东西,注意纪律; 音乐停下时,东西在谁手上,谁就要负责音乐停下时,东西在谁手上,谁就要负责 找到东西的主人。找到东西的主人。 2013年年4月月20日日,四川雅安发生了七级大地震,四川雅安发生了七级大地震,截至截至4 月月29日,雅安地震已累计日,雅安地震已累计200多万人受灾,多万人受灾, 21人失踪,人失踪, 196人遇难,人遇难,13484人受伤。人受伤。 The Earthquake(地震)(地震) in Yaan. What should we do? 我们能做些什么?我们能做些什么? Ok! Lets go. We can show our love. 我们可以献出我们的爱心我们可以献出我们的爱心 。 爱心大行动爱心大行动 为雅安地震献爱心 If you are the Volunteers. Can you write it down? (假如你是一名志愿者,假如你是一名志愿者, 你能登记这些物品吗?)你能登记这些物品吗?) 爱心大行动爱心大行动 Mr. Green wants to donate(捐)捐)the _________. (money / socks) The books are _________. (Tonys / Gogos) His books are green. Mrs. Green wants to donate (捐)捐) the _________.(shirt / skirt) The bag is _______. (Tonys / Gogos) _______(His / Her) bag is blue. The pencil is ______. (Tonys / Jennys) _______(His / Her) pencil is red. money Tonys skirt Gogos His JennysHer Listen, read and write. 听录音,读短文,选词填空听录音,读短文,选词填空 爱心大行动爱心大行动 When people are in difficulties, we should show our love. 当别人有困难时,我们应献出自己的爱心,帮助他们当别人有困难时,我们应献出自己的爱心,帮助他们 。 Draw and say.(画一画,说一说。) (把你要捐赠的物品在心形图上画出来,并用英文登记一下。 ) 爱心大行动爱心大行动 The______ _____ (is / are) mine. My ______ _____ (is / are) ________(red/blue). 参考词汇:参考词汇: red, blue, yellow, orange, brown, green big, small, thin, thick, long(长的),short(短的), new(新的),old(旧的) 1、名词性物主代词后面、名词性物主代词后面___加名词。加名词。 2、形容词性物主代词后面、形容词性物主代词后面___加名词。加名词。 3、名字后面加、名字后面加s表示表示______的。的。 4、Is this +_____ 5、Are these +_____ 温温 故故 再再 知知 新新 Homework: Lets donate some things to show our love and draw them down, then record them. (让我们一起捐物品献爱心!先把家 人要捐赠的物品在心形图上画出来, 并用英文登记一下这些物品。) Homework教学内容与分析教学内容与分析 教学内容:教学内容: U5 Our Clothes 教学目标:教学目标: 1能在完成任务的过程中灵活运用已学的句型描述衣物 2能提问并回答有关衣物范畴的一些问题:如 Is this your skirt? Yes, it isIs that your T-shirt? No, it isntAre they shoes? Yes, they areAre they socks? No, they arentWhose is this? Its Amys 3能根据实际情况简单地介绍自己所制作的服装所采用的材料。如:I used paper / plastic bags 4在真实的语言环境中运用所学知识表达自己的看法。如:Its beautifulI like itIts so pretty Its too long I like the white sweater with the green skirt 5培养学生的创造力与想象力,鼓励学生大胆设计自己喜欢的衣服。 教学重、难点分析教学重、难点分析 1重点: (1)复习巩固有关服装的单词和词组。 (2)复习巩固本单元的四会句子。 (3)在真实情景中灵活运用所学语言知识。 2难点:名词单数、复数形式的灵活运用。 课前准备课前准备 1布置学生利用各种材料制作自己喜欢的服装。 2教师准备一些婴儿的服装。 3教师准备一些穿戴各式服饰的玩具,如:doll, Teddy bear, dog, monkey, deer etc 4计算机课件WaWaYaYa 开心英语 2 教学设计教学设计 教学步骤教学步骤教学设计说明教学设计说明 一、一、 热身热身/复习(复习(Warm-up/Review) 1. Sing a song: The Song of Color Who is wearing yellow today? Yellow today, yellow today. Who is wearing yellow today? Yellow today. Who is wearing green today? Green today, green today. Who is wearing green today? Green today. 2. Free talk T: Who is wearing white and green today? Ss: I am wearing white and green today. T: Who is wearing orange today? Ss: You are wearing orange today. Miss Zheng is wearing orange today. T: You are right. I am wearing an orange sweater. 教师指着自己身上穿着的毛衣,引导学生说出 sweater。 T: Do you think its beautiful? C: Yes. Its beautiful. T: Thank you. T: Anyone else is wearing orange today? S1: (Stand up and show us) I am wearing orange today. Look. This is an orange jacket. T: Is orange your favorite color? S1: Yes. How about you? T: Me too. T: How many sweaters are you wearing now? S2: Two. Because today is cold. S3: Only one. Because I am strong. 二、二、 呈现呈现/操练(操练(Presentation/Practice) 1. T shows her daughters baby clothes T: Ive got some pretty clothes to show you. 教师出示一件很小的白色连衣裙,并问: Look! Whats this? C: Its a dress. Ss: So small. T: Can I wear this dress? C: No, you cant. TC: Its too small. T: Whose dress is this? Is this yours? C: No. T: Let me tell you. This is my daughters baby dress. Is it pretty? 歌曲选自 WaWaYaYa 开心英语 2 第七单元的 Lets sing. 见图 1、2。该歌曲旋律优美、节奏感 强、呈现的动画生动有趣,有效 的调动了学生的学习积极性,让 学生在优美的旋律中复习颜色的 词汇,为接下来的学习活动做准 备。 由歌曲引入这节课的主题:服装 和色彩。由于学生都穿着绿色和 白色相间的校服,所以当老师问 到“今天谁穿着白绿相间的衣服? ”时,学生们纷纷站起来并告诉 老师:I am wearing white and green today师生就此话题展开 交流。教师以“摘星星”的奖励 形式鼓励学生大胆地向老师和同 学们介绍他的服装,从而培养学 生综合运用语言的能力。 Ss: Yes. Its pretty. T: Yes, I think so. I love this pretty dress very much. T: I have some more/ something else to show you. Can you guess what they are? S1: Are they shoes? T: Sorry. No, they arent. S2: Are they socks? T: Yes, they are. 教师将紫色的袜子向全班同学展示并引导学生们说: TC: They are socks. T: What color are they? TC: They are purple. 2. Guessing Game: Whats in the bag / box? T: Lets play a game. Try to guess what is in my bag. You can ask me YES or NO questions. Such as: Can I wear it in summer? Does it have long sleeves? Does it have a zipper? Is it a ? Are they ? T: Whats in the bag? S1: Is it a T-shirt? T 板书: Is it a? No, its not. T: No, its not. S2: Can I wear it in summer? T: No, you cant. S3: Can I wear it in winter? T: Yes, you can. S3: Does it have long sleeves? T: Yes. It has two long sleeves. S3: Oh. I see. Is it a sweater? T: Yes. Youve got it. Look. What is it? T 板书:Yes, it is. C: Its a sweater. T: What color is it? T 板书:What color is it? C: Its red. T 板书:Its T: T puts it before one of the Ss chest and asks: Can you wear this sweater? C: No, we cant. / No, I cant. Its too small. T: Well. Its really small. It doesnt fit you. Who else can wear this sweater? 教师把一双婴儿的袜子紧握在手 里,让学生猜猜是什么。由于可 以握在手中,说明这件东西并不 大,所以学生很快就能猜出是袜 子。 教师把学生学过的各类婴儿服装 分别装在透明、不透明的袋子、 盒子里,让学生猜猜里面装的是 什么。 使学生从盲目的猜测转化 为根据物体的特征有特定范围的 猜测。 四年级的大多数学生平常很少留 意婴儿服饰,所以对于老师展示 的每一件服饰都感到非常有趣、 新鲜。再加上以游戏的形式展现, 此时学生参与的主动性和积极性 倍增,培养了学生综合运用语言 的能力,即如何在日常的人际交 流中恰当地运用学过的语句解决 问题。 从单数形式过渡到复数形式,有 助于学生记忆和掌握。同时教师 通过板书梳理难点。在交流过程 中如果学生未能熟练区分单复数 形式,教师可以利用板书轻易的 点拨学生使用正确的语言,这样 一来既可以避免教师讲授太多的 语法知识,同时也让学生沉浸在 “猜猜看”的游戏当中轻松操练、 S1: Maybe my Mickey Mouse can wear it. T: Well. Lets have a try. Put on the sweater for your Mickey Mouse. 教师将手中小小的毛衣交给学生 1,让他试着帮他带来 的玩具米老鼠穿上毛衣。教师带领全体学生边打节奏边 说: Put on the sweater. 如果毛衣的尺寸不适合米老 鼠,教师便引导学生就该情景灵活运用语言:Its too big / small. Take off the sweater. T: What are in my box? T 板书:What are they? S1: Are they pants? T: No, they arent. T 板书:Are they ? No, they arent. S2: Can we wear them on the feet? T: Yes, you can. S2: Are they shoes? T: You are right. They are shoes. T 板书:Yes, they are. T shows the blue and white shoes quickly and asks the Ss guess the color. T: What color are they? T 板书:What color are they? Theyre S: They are blue and white. 3. Be the fashion designer. Choose the clothes for WaWa and YaYa. 课件主题:为卡通人物 WaWa 和 YaYa 挑选服装和鞋子。 T: I have a lot of clothes. They are beautiful and fashionable. Please be a fashion designer. Would you like to help WaWa and YaYa choose some clothes? S1: The yellow T-shirt is nice. I like it. S1: I like the T-shirt with the pants. T: Do you like the yellow T-shirt with the yellow pants? S1: No. I dont like the yellow pants. I like the blue pants. When the T changes the color of the yellow pants, the cartoon character says “So terrific.” T: Do you like the yellow T-shirt with the blue pants? Some of the Ss say YES, some of them say NO. Then the T invites someone else to be the fashion 巩固本单元的难点。 课件形式:衣架上挂着各种款式 的服装,师生可以通过点击任意 一件帮 WaWa 或 YaYa 穿上你认为 最漂亮的款式,还可以随意改变 衣服的颜色。只要先点击颜料桶, 再点 WaWa 或 YaYa 身上的衣服, 卡通人物就会立刻穿上你为他或 她设计的服装。点击画面上的窗 帘即可更换衣服的样式,轻轻松 松地点按鼠标,学生就可以体验 到当服装设计师的喜悦和成就感。 在整个操作的过程,卡通人物用 英语及时评价操作者为他们选择、 搭配的服装。如:How nice! Thank you. How pretty! Wonderful! So beautiful! So terrific. Marvelous. 当设计好 后点击画面上的刷子,卡通人物 会很感激地说:How pretty! Thank you. 学生在完成任务的过程中灵活运 用已学的句型描述衣物的大小、 新旧和颜色,能在真实的语言环 境中运用所学知识表达自己的看 法,并向同学介绍自己所制作的 服装采用的材料。如:Its beautiful. I like it. Its so pretty. Its too long. I have a hat for the puppy. I like the white sweater with the green skirt. I used paper/plastic bags通过该任 designer. 第一次,先由教师协助学生操作计算机,接下来直接请 “服装设计师”上台边介绍边操作课件。 三、拓展三、拓展/ /巩固(巩固(Extension/ConsolidationExtension/Consolidation) 1. Be a fashion designer. Choose clothes for some dolls. 教师出示各类玩具,让学生以小组为单位帮玩 具们穿上各种自制或精选的服装。在小组活动中,要求 学生用英语进行交流。 Is this your dress? Its so beautiful. Look at my Whats the material? Its newspaper. What did you use? I used shoe boxes. (1) 教师引导学生开展活动 T shows a beautiful doll. T: Look at this doll. Is she pretty? C: Yes, it is. T: Yes. Whats she wearing? C: A (colorful) dress. T: Look at her feet. She doesnt wear shoes and she feels cool. She needs a pair of shoes. Can you give her a pair of shoes? Ss show some baby shoes or handmade shoes to the T. S: I have a pair of shoes for her. / I have baby shoes. T: How pretty! Lets try them on. Do they fit? C: No, its too big. Try on the other Ss baby shoes. T: What about these? TC: Wonderful. I think they are better. (2)Group work: T shows some toys, such as teddy bear, monkey, Rudolph, Santa Claus, bunny, snowman, puppy, etc. Ask the Ss try to be the fashion designers and offer toys all kinds of clothes and help them put on the clothes. 2. 教师利用已经穿上各式服装的玩具,将讲台布置成一个展柜,启 动电动玩具的开关,向学生们介绍“玩具们正在举行服装秀”,让 学生们也加入到他们的行列,举行一场“Fashion Show”。在服装表 演过程中表演者简单地介绍自己所制作的服装采用的材料。如:I used paper/plastic bags 也可以与在座的观众交流,如:Look at my 务更有效地提高学生对服装这一 话题地兴趣,培养学生的创造力 与想象力,鼓励学生大胆设计自 己喜欢的衣服。 在服装表演中,学生们在轻快的 旋律中踏着舞步纷纷展示他们自 制的服装。顿时,教室变成了一 个舞台,课堂气氛热烈、活泼 shirt. Is it pretty? Yes. Its pretty. 3. Homework 运用所学知识写一段话描述自己自制的服装。
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