(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 6 Jobs-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级优课-(编号:f086c).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 6 Jobs_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_市级优课_(编号:f086c)
    • unit6 Jobs 素材.mp4
    • Unit6 Jobs.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案f086c.doc--点击预览


The first period) She is a teacher, what do you do? My father is a driver. 司机 My mather is a housewife. 家庭主妇 They are police officers. 警察 What does Gogo do? Lets watch. Questions:Questions: 1. Where are they? 2. Where is she going? Q1. Where are they? 哪里 They are ____________at the bus stop. Bus Stop Where is she going? Shes going to the ______. hospital hospital Lets watch. is wants to be Fill the blanks完成表格 What does she do? She is a ______.doctor accident (意外,事故) ambulance 救护车 You can call ____You can call ____ 打电话 120 Emergency Emergency numbernumber 120 The USACanada 911 China The UK 999 Australia 000 急救电话 What does he do? He is a ________.________. +fire fighter fighter gh很懒,它俩不发音 silent letters five fire firefighterer We can call ______ for firefighter in China. Phone number 电话号码 11 9 91 1 999 We can call ______ for firefighter in the USA. We can call ______ for fighter in the UK. Tony is a student. 想要成为. What does he want to be? What does Tony want to be? Tony wants to be __________. a firefighter What does Gogo want to be? Gogo wants to be a ________.magician What does he do? He is a magician. is wants to be Fill the blanks完成表格 a doctor a firefighter a magician a firefighter Repeat Repeat & Imitate& Imitate Pronounciation语音 Intonation语调 跟读与模仿 Group reading Gogo and Tony are at the__________. She is going to the _______, she is a ________. He is a __________. Tony wants to be a ________. Gogo wants to be a ________. One day. bus stop hospital doctor firefighter firefighter magician 配音 Role PlayDubbing 角色扮演 What do you want to be?What do you want to be? doctdoctoror singsinger er 歌手歌手 police officpolice officerer警察警察 scientist scientist 科学家科学家 poiltpoilt飞行员飞行员 My dream (梦想 ) Hello! My names . My mother is a__________. my father is a _______. I am a student, I have a dream job. I want to be a __. Susie housewife driver teacher No matter what you want to be, dont give it up! 坚持你的梦想, 不要轻易放弃! I hope all your dreams can come true. 祝愿你们梦想成真 No matter what kind of jobs we do, we shoud fulfil our responsilities. Now, your job is to study hard.努力学习习 无论做什么工作,我们都应坚守岗位 !作为学生的你,工作是努力学 习。 Summary 总结 Homework: 1.Share your dreams with your friends. 2.Retell the story to your parents. My dream (梦想 ) Hello! My names . My mother is a__________, my father is a _______. I am a student, I have a dream. I want to be a __. doctor 医生 teacher 教师 firfighter 消防员 magician 魔术师 singer 歌手 painter 画家 police officer 警察 writer 作家 nurse 护士 driver 司机 scientist科学家 pilot 飞行员 businessman 商人 housewife 家庭主妇 lawer 律师 designer 设计师. . is wants to be Unit 6 Jobs a doctor a firefighter a magician a firefighter is a doctor a firefighter wants to be a firefighter a magician Unit6 JobsTeaching Location: Story (1st period) Teaching Objectives: 1. Knowledge and skill objectives: 1) Function: Be able to understand the story, read it in roles. 2) Target language: What do you do? Im a doctor/ firefighter. What do you want to be? I want to be a firefighter/ magician. 3) Vocabulary: doctor firefighter magician 2. Process and Steps Objectives: a. To think in English and learn cooperatively. b. Students are able to understand the story according to multiple-media materials. Teaching key points: 1. Students can understand the story. 2. Students can use “What do you do?” “What do you want to be?” in real situation. Teaching difficult points: Students can work in groups and finish the role-play. Teaching Aids: CAI, PPT, worksheet Teaching Procedure Warming up - Have Ss talk about a photo: Can you guess who she is? What do you do? - Solve: What do you do? Im a student. Presentation - Ss listen to the story and find out the answer and fill the sheet: Where are they? Where is she going? - Ss listen to the story and fill the blanks: Practice -Repeat and imitate the story and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. -Read the story together and in pairs. -Retell the story. -Role-play. Extension - Write down your familys jobs and share dream jobs with others. - Watch a video. Summary - What weve learned today? Homework 1. Share your dreams with your friends. 2. Retell the story to your parents. Blackboard design
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