(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 6 Jobs-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:10894).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 6 Jobs_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_县级优课_(编号:10894)
    • 素材
      • 教具头饰
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        • 120急救车声音.mp3
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        • mother1.wav
        • pptE9F9.tmp
        • Practice1 01.wav
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        • What does he do.swf
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        • 小纸船的梦伴奏.wma
        • 按喇叭音效.mp3
        • 操作计算机声.mp3
        • 枪声 警笛声ok.wav
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        • 目标 02.wav
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        • 童年 班得瑞.mp3
        • 老师教学生ok.mp3
        • 老师教学生ok.wav
        • 老師上课声音.mp3
        • (HK53型)枪声.mp3
        • (天籁之音)钢琴曲.mp3
      • 课堂练习
        • Let's have an intrview .docx--点击预览
        • Let's write.docx--点击预览
      • 微信图片_20180416145543.jpg--点击预览
    • Unit6 Jobs.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案10894.doc--点击预览


Unit6 Jobs The 1st Period This morning, I was nearly late for work. (上班上班 快迟到了快迟到了) So I took a taxi to school. What do you do? Im a . taxi driver Do, do, what do you do? Taxi driver, taxi driver, Im a taxi driver. At the traffic lights, I saw a police officer. Im a . What do you do? police officer Do, do, what do you do? Police officer, police officer, Im a police officer. Suddenly (突然突然), I saw a house on fire. 119 I called 119. Soon, the firefighter came. Im a . firefighter What do you do? Do, do, what do you do? Firefighter, firefighter, Im a firefighter. Someone got hurt (有人受伤了有人受伤了). Then I called 120. The doctor and nurse came . 120Im a . Im a . doctor nurse What do you do? Do, do, what do you do? Doctor, docter, Im a doctor. Do, do, what do you do? Nurse, nurse, Im a nurse. B: Im a teacher. A: What do you do? Do, do, what do you do? Teacher, teacher, Im a teacher. Lets read taxi driver police officer firefighter nurse doctor teacher nurse firefighter teache r doctor taxi driver student police officer nurse Win! taxi driverpolice officerteacher firefighterdoctor 123 45 Is he / she a ? A: What do you do? B: Im a . I want to be a teacher. What do you want to be ? Now my dream comes true. Im a happy teacher. 现在我的梦想实现了。现在我的梦想实现了。 我是一位开心的老师。我是一位开心的老师。 A: What do you want to be? B: I want to be a . When you grow up (当你长大的时候当你长大的时候) a cook a player a dancer a singer a model a worker A: What do you want to be? B: I want to be a . When you grow up (当你长大的时候当你长大的时候) B: I want to be a . A: What do you want to be? Pair work A:Hello! B:Hi! A: Im ________(name)from CCTV. Whats your name? B: My names ________ . A: How old are you? B: Im ________ . A: What do you do? B: Im a ________ . A: What do you want to be? B: I want to be a ________ . A: OK. Thank you. Goodbye! B: Bye-bye! to be a . My Dream Job Hello! My name is . Im years old. I am a . I have a dream. I want What about you ? Jenny nine nurse student to be a . My Dream Job Hello! My name is . Im years old. I am a . I have a dream. I want What about you ? working in the burning sun 烈日下坚持工作的建筑工人烈日下坚持工作的建筑工人 Dedicated police woman 爱岗敬业的人民警察爱岗敬业的人民警察 Nurse working during the SARS “非典非典”时期认真研发药物的护士时期认真研发药物的护士 Patients bow to thank the doctors. “非典非典”时期快出院的病人向医生鞠躬感谢。时期快出院的病人向医生鞠躬感谢。 Dedicated Country Teacher 敬业的乡村教师敬业的乡村教师 Taxi driver is eating on the side of road. 出租车司机在路边吃盒饭。出租车司机在路边吃盒饭。 Firefighter saved the baby. 消防员从大火中救出小生命。消防员从大火中救出小生命。 Firefighter is putting out the fire. 消防员与森林大火搏斗。消防员与森林大火搏斗。 Learn to understand the hard works of cleaners. 学会理解清洁工人的辛苦学会理解清洁工人的辛苦 . Premier Li is visiting the workers. 李克强总理亲切慰问煤矿工人。李克强总理亲切慰问煤矿工人。 工作无高低贵贱之分工作无高低贵贱之分! ! 让我们为梦想职业奋斗吧让我们为梦想职业奋斗吧! ! 所有的工作都是重要的所有的工作都是重要的! ! Talk about your dream job to your family.Book 4 Unit 6 Jobs 教教 学学 设设 计计 1 1、教材分析教材分析 本课选自粤人 2011 课标版四年级下册 Unit6 Jobs 的第一课时。选取的教 学内容是本单元的 Vocabulary 和 Target 部分。本课是一节以询问他人职业和 谈论理想职业为话题的新授课。该话题与学生日常生活很贴近,本课是本单元 的开始,因此对于学生来说,学好本课至关重要。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 四年级学生已经学习英语一年多了,尽管他们的英语知识有限,但是他们 学习英语的情绪高涨。他们大多数不超过十岁,对于新鲜事物十分好奇,并且 对游戏十分感兴趣,因此,如何调动他们的学习积极性就显得尤为重要。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1、知识目标:能听、说、读、初步掌握六个职业名称新单词 taxi driver, police officer, firefighter, doctor, nurse, teacher。能运用“What do you do?” ,“Im a ” 这个句型询问他人的职业,以及能运用“What do you want to be? ”, “I want to be a ”来谈论自己和他人的梦想职业。 2、能力目标:培养学生听说读写的能力,能听懂新授内容及课堂活动的 指令;能与伙伴及老师进行对话;能认读所学新单词和句子。同时通过本课的 学习培养学生的合作能力及语言运用能力。 3、情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,乐于参与课堂活动,树立学习 英语的自信心。让学生理解职业不分贵贱,每份职业都很重要,都是伟大的, 鼓励他们要为自己的梦想职业而努力学习、努力奋斗。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点 教学重点:教学重点: 1、学生能够听、说、读、写 6 个新授的职业名称单词。 2、学生能够理解、会说本课重点句型,基本能够运用句型进行情景对话。 教学难点:教学难点: 1、学生能突破个别比较难学的单词的读音,如:taxi driver,firefighter,police officer. 2、学生能对本课句型的提问进行正确的回答。 五、教法与学法五、教法与学法 1、本课时我将采用多种教学法,如:竞赛教学法、TPR 教学法、情景教学 法、游戏教学法和活动教学法等。 2、通过 Story, Chant, Games, Interview, Music 等多种教学手段,开展形式 多样的教学活动,提高课堂教学效果。让学生在学中玩,玩中学,融情入境, 做到寓教于乐。 3、辅助手段:我制作了多媒体课件来辅助教学,创造较为真实的模拟情 景,产生“身临其境”的直观效果,让学生更容易理解授课内容。另外,多媒 体课件色彩鲜艳的视角效果,也能更好地引吸学生的注意力。 4、准备教具:自制的职业头饰、自制的游戏活动色子、自制的 CCTV 话筒 等。 六、教学过程:六、教学过程: Step 1: Warming up Greetings. T: Class begins. Good afternoon, boys and girls! (Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Lin!) T: Sit down, please! Yes, you can call me Miss Lin. Im your new teacher today. So I want to know someone of you. Hello, Whats your name? How are you? How old are you? Nice to meet you! Boys and girls, this class lets have a competition. Group1 and Group2, you are Team1. Group1 and Group2, you are Team2. Lets see which team can get more apples and which team is the winner, ok? 【设计意图】课堂一开始我通过问候个别学生的基本情况,来拉近与借班 学生们的距离。另外,我为本节课制定了分组竞赛机制,这样可以最大限度地 调动学生的学习积极性,改变学生被动学习的局面,促使学生在学习的过程中 积极思考,发展个性,培养学生间的团结协作能力。同时,也为每一位学生提 供了积极参与英语交际的机会,真正使学生在活动中能学有所得。 Step2: Presentation 1.Teach the new words and the key sentences 1) Lead-in Tell my unpleasant story about this morning to the students . T: Boys and girls! Now Im very happy. Because its the first time we can have a class together. Are you happy, too? Yes. But this morning I was not happy. I was very worry. Do you know why? T: Now let me tell you my story. Listen and look: “This morning, I was nearly late for work. So I took a taxi to school.” Oh,!What happened? I was late for work. I was very worry. So I took a taxi to school. But I dont know what the man does. So I asked him, “What do you do? ”. He said: “Im a taxi driver.” T: Taxi driver. (Repetitions) T: Follow me and do the action. Taxi driver. Read it one by one. T: What do you do? S: What do you do? T: Im a taxi driver. S: Im a taxi driver. (Writing on the blackboard.) T: Lets chant:“Do, do, what do you do? Taxi driver, taxi driver, Im a taxi driver.” (Show the headdress)Now, Youre a taxi driver. Lets ask him/her/them, ok? S: Ok! Do, do, what do you do? Taxi driver, taxi driver, Im a taxi driver. 2) Teach the other new words in the same way 3) Practicing the words T: The whole class, Stand up, please. Lets read the new words and do the action. Follow me!. 【设计意图】在导入环节中,我通过介绍我之前所发生的一段故事经历, 将不同职业的单词串联起来,创设了生活化的教学情境,给学生一个整体感知, 真实有效而且生动形象,目的是想更好地集中学生的注意力,激发学生自己主 动学习和思考。在新知识呈现中我尽量做到句不离词、词不离句,并结合各种 职业所特有的一些标志性的动作来教授和操练,加深学生对职业名称单词的认 知。另外,我还编制了学生感兴趣的、朗朗上口的 Chant,配上强烈的节奏,使 学生学得轻松愉快。 Step3: Practice 1.Game Time: T: Boys and girls, Do you like games? Ok, Lets enjoy the games. First, Whacking- a-Mole. Are you ready? Go! 1) Whacking-a-Mole 【设计意图】我利用“打地鼠”这个游戏设置成多媒体课件来操练新学的 单词,集声音、文字、动画为一体,能迅速吸引学生的注意力,充分调动学生 的积极性。这个游戏学生非常喜欢,记单词效率高,学生玩的也开心。 2)Play a guessing game 【设计意图】我利用学生以前所学过的问句 Is he/she a.?通过播放不 同场景的声音让学生猜人物职业,这样能很好地调动学生的兴趣和积极性,让 学生在游戏中带着兴奋感和成功感进一步熟悉单词。 3)Play a game with dice 【设计意图】通过 “丢色子”的小游戏,能很好地集中全班学生的注意 力,让所有人都参与其中,以小组活动的形式让孩子们热情高涨、积极主动地 说单词和句子,对新学的单词和句子的记忆及掌握再进一步加深。 2.Teach “What do you want to be? I want to be a” 1).Leading-in T: Now, Look at this picture, Do you know whos she? Yes, Shes me, Miss Lin! Look at the red scarf. At that time, I was a child. I was a student. I had a dream. I wanted to be a teacher. Now my dream comes true. Im a happy teacher. 2). Pair work T: And what about you? Boys and girls, When you grow up, what do you want to be? Think about it. (Blackboard). Teach this sentence: What do you want to be? I want to be a . (Ask 2 students) (Who can share your dream job? Do you want to be a ? What do you want to be? T: Oh, I see. Thank you for your sharing! / I wish your dream comes true! Best wishes to you!) Now, Talk with your partner. Pair work. You can say these jobs, and you can also say more Jobs as you know. Such as a cook, a player, a dancer and so on. Ok? Now, One, two, go! 【设计意图】巩固了新单词和第一个句型后,我再以自己的实际经历导入, 说出我在学生时期的梦想职业是当一名教师,长大后我实现了自己的梦想,同 时引出本课第二个目标句型 What do you want to be? I want to be a.并通过 Pair Work 进行谈论理想职业的操练,并鼓励学生说出更多本课以外的自己所认识 的职业名称。如:cook, player,singer,dancer 等等。 Step4: Consolidation Production 1. Make a situation dialogue and have an interview T: Now, take out this paper, and lets have an interview. First, who can come here, and make a model with me. Now, Im a reporter from CCTV. My name is Kathy. Im A. Youre B) Now, go out and have an interview. (Youre the reporter. You must use the microphone like this. Professional, Ok?) (Wo!Youre so clever! You did the a good job!) 【设计意图】新授完单词和目标句型后,我将主动权交给学生。通过创设 模拟 CCTV 中央电视台记者采访的情境,让学生自由采访同学,运用目标句型 进行口语交际,充分发挥学生的主体性,提高学生的积极性和参与度,让学生 在口语练习中活学、活用知识。 2. Writing My Dream Job Hello! My names . Im years old. I am a . I have a dream. I want to be . What about you ? 【设计意图】我设计写短文这个环节,目的是为了提高学生综合运用语言 的能力,发展学生从口头表达转向书面表达的能力,让学生主动地学会将所学 的单词、语法、句型等知识整合到英语写作中,真正地培养和发展学生的英语 写作表达能力。 Step4: Extension Emotional Education T: Boys and girls. There are many kinds of Jobs in our life. Look ! (PPT) Boys and girls. Today I want you to know: All kinds of jobs are important!Every job is great.!So from now on, we should study hard. Fight for our dream job! Ok? 【设计意图】最后是知识的拓展环节。伴随着一段舒缓的背景音乐,我用 PPT 图片向学生展示各行各业辛勤工作的人们,有一些职业的工作环境较为恶 劣,但他们依然爱岗敬业,无怨无悔。最后,我以“All kinds of jobs are important!Every job is great!So from now on, we should study hard, fight for our dream job!”与学生共勉,这既是对学生思想品德的教育,也达到本节课的情感 升华。 Step5: Homework Step6: Summing up T:At last,which team is the winner? A big hand for them. Boys and girls, today all of you are wonderful. Im proud of you! Thank you! Now class is over. Goodbye, boys and girls!用下面的对话采访调查你的同学。用下面的对话采访调查你的同学。 A:Hello! B:Hi! A: Im ________(name)from CCTV. Whats your name? B: My names ________ . A: How old are you? B: Im ________ . A: What do you do? B: Im a student. A: What do you want to be? B: I want to be a _______ . A: OK. Thank you. Goodbye! B: Bye-bye! Lets have an interview.Lets write. My Dream Job Hello, My name is ______ _. I am _______ years old. Im a student. I have a dream. I want to be a____________. What about you
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