Unit 4 -Section Ⅲ 课时练习 (新教材)人教版(2019)高中英语必修第二册.doc

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1、Section Discovering Useful Structures 基础测评 . 单句语法填空 1. Mr Don looked at me with a (satisfy) smile. 2. The once (pollute) river has become totally clear, with grass along both banks. 3. She could hardly cover her (worry) look. 4. Dont use words, expressions, or phrases (know) only to people with spec

2、ific knowledge. 5. The foldable chair (design) by Shirley is most helpful to the elderly. 6. Prices of daily goods (buy) online can be lower than those in some stores. 7. He was doing his homework one Sunday morning when he smelt something (burn). 8. The (move) audience all stood up and applauded. 9

3、. The city library (build) in the last century is still in good condition. 10. With their work (finish), they went home, singing and laughing. 11. Im going to have my letters (post) tomorrow if Ive got them ready by then. 12. They hurried back home only to find their house (break) into. 13. We can h

4、ear the windows (beat) by the heavy raindrops. 答案:答案:1. satisfied 2. polluted 3. worried 4. known 5. designed 6. bought 7. burnt 8. moved 9. built 10. finished 11. posted 12. broken 13. beaten . 完成句子 1. The problem (在会议上讨论的) yesterday was very difficult to solve. 2. They managed to (使自己被注意到) by maki

5、ng a fire. 3. (安排好一切后), he left the office. 4. The girl (穿着红色衣服) is my cousin Judy. 5. The passing cars were blocked (被 一棵倒下的树) on the road. 6. The book (一位农民写的) is very popular among students. 7. The students (受到老师鼓舞的) worked harder than ever before. 8. (英语口语) is different from (书 面英语) in many ways

6、. 9. I was busy and failed to (寄出 我的礼物) to my friend yesterday. 10. She (有一种兴奋的表情) on her face this morning, so she must have passed the exam. 答案:答案:1. discussed at the meeting 2. make themselves noticed 3. With everything arranged 4. dressed in red 5. by a fallen tree 6. written by a farmer 7. enco

7、uraged by the teacher 8. Spoken English; written English 9. have my gift sent out 10. had an excited look . 句型转换 1. The villagers planted many trees around their hometown last year. The villagers around their hometown last year. 2. The lecture given by Professor Zhang is about environment protection

8、. The lecture is about environment protection. 3. His book published last year sells well. His book sells well. 4. AI will be one of the most influential technologies ever invented for peoples daily life. AI will be one of the most influential technologies for peoples daily life. 5. There is somethi

9、ng stuck on the wall. There is something on the wall. 答案:答案:1. had many trees planted 2. which was given by Professor Zhang 3. which was published last year 4. that have ever been invented 5. that is stuck 提升测评 . 语法填空 With her first aid course 1. (complete), Martha headed for her home. Suddenly, she

10、 heard a crash and saw a motorcyclist 2. (throw) into the air. She could also find a pedestrian(行人) 3. (knock) down. As other 4. (shock) passers-by stood where they were, Martha immediately stepped forward and helped. The motorcyclist got his head and arms badly 5. (hurt) and he was making noises. S

11、o she shouted at him, “Can you breathe?” While he was given emergency treatment, the 6. (confuse) motorcyclist actually tried to walk away but Martha stopped him. Once the motorcyclist was comfortable, Martha went over 7. (check) on the injured pedestrian and had her blouse 8. (press) on his bleedin

12、g arm. Before long, official medical help arrived. Looking back 9. the incident, Martha said, “Little did I know Id put what I learnt in class into practice on my way home. It just shows that even the most basic training can make 10. difference.” 答案:答案:1. completed 2. thrown 3. knocked 4. shocked 5.

13、 hurt 6. confused 7. to check 8. pressed 9. at 10. a . 完形填空 If life were a book and you were the author, how would you like the story to go? That is the question that 1 my life forever. One day I went home from the training of snowboarding with what I thought was the flu, and less than 24 hours late

14、r, I was in a 2 on life support with less than two percent 3 of living. It wasnt until days later that the doctors diagnosed(诊断) me with a 4 blood infection. Over the 5 of 2.5 months, I lost the hearing in my left ear and both my legs below the knees. When my parents 6 me out of the hospital, I 7 I

15、had been put together like a patchwork(拼缝物) doll and I had to live with 8 legs. I was absolutely physically and emotionally broken, 9 streaming down. But I knew in order to move forward, I had to let go of the old Amy and 10 the new Amy. It was at this moment that I asked myself that significant 11

16、. And that was when it 12 me that I didnt have to be five-foot-five anymore, 13 I could be as tall as I wanted. And 14 of all, I could make my feet the size of all the shoes. So there were 15 here. Four months later, I was back upon a 16 . And this February, I won two Board World Cup gold medals, 17

17、 me the highest ranked snowboarder in the world. So, instead of looking at our 18 and our limitations as something 19 or bad, we can begin looking at them as a wonderful 20 that can be used to help us go further than we ever know we could go. 1. A. saved B. risked C. ruined D. changed 解析:解析:如果人生是一本书

18、如果人生是一本书, ,而你是作者而你是作者, ,你会怎样书写自己的人生呢你会怎样书写自己的人生呢? ? 这个问题改变了这个问题改变了(changed)(changed)作者的一生。故选作者的一生。故选 D D。 答案:答案:D 2. A. hospital B. club C. field D. stadium 解析:解析:根据根据“我我”从滑雪训练回来从滑雪训练回来, ,觉得是流感觉得是流感, ,且后面只有且后面只有 2%2%的存的存 活率可知活率可知, ,“我我”在医院。故选在医院。故选 A A。 答案:答案:A 3. A. thought B. degree C. chance D. d

19、ecision 解析:解析:“我我”只有只有 2%2%的存活率。的存活率。thoughtthought 想法想法;degree;degree 程度程度;chance;chance 概率概率;decision;decision 决定。故选决定。故选 C C。 答案:答案:C 4. A. mild B. severe C. potential D. slight 解析:解析:医生诊断医生诊断“我我”患了严重的血液感染。患了严重的血液感染。mildmild 温和的温和的;s;severeevere 严重的严重的;potential;potential 潜在的潜在的;slight;slight 轻微的

20、。故选轻微的。故选 B B。 答案:答案:B 5. A. journey B. break C. course D. schedule 解析:解析:此处表示经过两个多月的疗程。此处表示经过两个多月的疗程。journeyjourney 旅途旅途;break;break 休休 息息;course;course 疗程疗程;schedule;schedule 日程表。故选日程表。故选 C C。 答案:答案:C 6. A. wheeled B. dragged C. pulled D. delivered 解析:解析:前面说治疗让前面说治疗让“我我”丧失了左耳的听力与小腿丧失了左耳的听力与小腿, ,所以

21、父母用轮所以父母用轮 椅推椅推“我我”出院。出院。wheelwheel 用轮椅推用轮椅推;drag;drag 拖拖;pull;pull 拉拉;deliver;deliver 传递。传递。 故选故选 A A。 答案:答案:A 7. A. made sure B. felt like C. worked out D. put forward 解析:解析: 被推出医院的时候被推出医院的时候, ,“我我”感觉自己像一个被重新组装的玩具。感觉自己像一个被重新组装的玩具。 make suremake sure 确保确保;feel like;feel like 感觉像感觉像;work out;work ou

22、t 算出算出;put forward;put forward 提提 出。故选出。故选 B B。 答案:答案:B 8. A. muscled B. heavy C. shapely D. false 解析:解析:“我我”必须必须用假肢行走。用假肢行走。falsefalse 假的假的, ,符合语境。故选符合语境。故选 D D。 答案:答案:D 9. A. blood B. sweat C. tears D. water 解析:解析: “我我”的精神和身体都崩溃了的精神和身体都崩溃了, ,眼泪眼泪(tears)(tears)不由自主地流了下不由自主地流了下 来。故选来。故选 C C。 答案:答案:C

23、 10. A. hug B. recognise C. fix D. introduce 解析:解析:作者要放下过去作者要放下过去, ,拥抱一个新的自己。拥抱一个新的自己。hughug 拥抱拥抱;recognise;recognise 认认 出出;fix;fix 固定固定;introduce;introduce 介绍。故选介绍。故选 A A。 答案:答案:A 11. A. plan B. question C. information D. favour 解析:解析:“我我”问了自己那个重要的问题。由动词问了自己那个重要的问题。由动词 askask 可知应是可知应是 questionquest

24、ion。故选。故选 B B。 答案:答案:B 12. A. dawned on B. knocked into C. depended on D. looked into 解析:解析:作者开始明白自己不再是五英尺五英寸高。作者开始明白自己不再是五英尺五英寸高。dawn ondawn on 使开始理使开始理 解解, ,使渐渐明白使渐渐明白, ,符合语境。故选符合语境。故选 A A。 答案:答案:A 13. A. although B. so C. while D. but 解析:解析:此处前后分句为转折关系此处前后分句为转折关系, ,应当用应当用 butbut。故选。故选 D D。 答案:答案:

25、D 14. A. worst B. strangest C. best D. luckiest 解析:解析:作者乐观地想最好的事情是她可以穿任何尺码的鞋子。作者乐观地想最好的事情是她可以穿任何尺码的鞋子。worstworst 最糟糕的最糟糕的;strangest;strangest 最奇怪的最奇怪的;best;best 最好的最好的;luckiest;luckiest 最幸运的。 故最幸运的。 故 选选 C C。 答案:答案:C 15. A. struggles B. benefits C. rewards D. conflicts 解析:解析:根据前面可知作者乐观地认为还是有好处的。根据前面

26、可知作者乐观地认为还是有好处的。struggstrugglele 斗斗 争争;benefit;benefit 好处好处, ,利益利益;reward;reward 奖励奖励;conflict;conflict 冲突。故选冲突。故选 B B。 答案:答案:B 16. A. stage B. snowboard C. track D. playground 解析:解析:四个月后作者重返滑雪板。从下一句可找到答案。故选四个月后作者重返滑雪板。从下一句可找到答案。故选 B B。 答案:答案:B 17. A. allowing B. giving C. calling D. making 解析:解析:“我

27、我”赢得两次世界冠军赢得两次世界冠军, ,使得使得“我我”在世界上排名第一。在世界上排名第一。 allowallow 允许允许;give;give 给给;call;call 召唤召唤;make;make 使。故选使。故选 D D。 答案:答案:D 18. A. challenges B. achievements C. devotions D. hesitations 解析:解析:因此因此, ,不要把挑战和缺陷看成消极或不好的东西。不要把挑战和缺陷看成消极或不好的东西。challengechallenge 挑战挑战;achievement;achievement 成就成就;devotion;d

28、evotion 奉献奉献;hesitation;hesitation 犹豫。故选犹豫。故选 A A。 答案:答案:A 19. A. active B. amazing C. negative D. peaceful 解析:解析:不要把挑战和缺陷看作消极或不好的东西。不要把挑战和缺陷看作消极或不好的东西。activeactive 积极积极 的的;amazing;amazing 令人惊异的令人惊异的;ne;negativegative 消极的消极的;peaceful;peaceful 平静的。 故选平静的。 故选 C C。 答案:答案:C 20. A. ability B. skill C. tool D. gift 解析:解析:把生活中不好的东西看成是一份可以帮助我们走得更远的礼把生活中不好的东西看成是一份可以帮助我们走得更远的礼 物。物。abilityability 能力能力;skill;skill 技巧技巧;tool;tool 工具工具;gift;gift 礼物。故选礼物。故选 D D。 答案:答案:D


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