(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 4 Going Outing-Lesson 4-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:300a4).doc

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1、1 课 题 Unit 4 Sounds and words 学生 分析 本节课授课对象为五年级学生, 经过了两年的英语学习, 有了简单的英语基础知识和听说读写能力, 已经掌握了 26 个 字母及发音,知道一些读音规则,了解辅音字母在单词中的 发音。同时,学生也具备初步的自主、合作、探究能力。 教材 分析 本课是粤人社版五年级上册第四单元第四课时 sounds and words,是一节单纯的语音课。本节课的重点是启发学生 通过辅音复习,自己总结出辅音连缀 bl, br 的发音,让学生获 得成功感,进而提升自主学习的能力。 教 学 目 标 知识与技 能 能够准确读出辅音连缀 bl,br。 能听音

2、识词。 促进学生积极动脑、 动口, 形成主动学习意识。 过程与方 法 在复习辅音字母发音的基础上, 启发学生自己 读出 bl,br 的发音,并在课堂活动中通过拼读单 词,听音辩词,小组活动等进一步掌握 bl,br 在单 词中的发音。 2 情感态度 和价值观 进一步提高学生对英语的学习热情及学习兴 趣, 鼓励学生积极主动参与课堂活动, 大胆开口, 主动拼读新单词。 引导学生亲近自然,享受家庭时光。 教学重 点 /bl/ /br/的发音 教学难 点 bl,br 的听音辨词 教具准 备 教学卡片,PPT 课 时 1 教 学 过 程 备 注 S Step1 warming up tep1 warmin

3、g up 1.Free talk1.Free talk T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning. T: Today Im your new English teacher. Im Miss Jiang. Can you say hello to me? Ss: Hello, Miss Jiang. T: Hi, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. 3 Ss: Nice to meet you, too. 2.Review 2.Review T:Look,whats this? Ss: Its (an a

4、pple)tree. T: What are there on the tree? Ss: There are many apples. T: Ok! Lets pick apples. w,w,w /w/ /w/ /w/ (教师示范第一个,学生读对一个发音,摘一个苹果) v,v,v _ Ss: v,v,v /v/ /v/ /v/ T:wow, you picked all the apples. Very good. (用摘苹果的方式复习辅音字母及发音,增加趣味性, 为后面启发学生 bl,br 连读打铺垫。) S Step2 Presentation (Page 35)tep2 Presen

5、tation (Page 35) 1 1. (教师出示卡片 b,l,r,交替出示卡片,并启发学生拼 读辅音连缀。) T:How to say “b”? And this one? (出示卡片 b,l) 4 Ss: /b/ /b/ /b/ /l/ /l/ /l/ /b/ /l/ (教师快速交替卡片, 启发学生连读。 然后将卡片帖到 黑板上) T:Can you read b,l together? Ss:/bl/(教师用手指在黑板上示意连读,板书/bl/, 开火车练习。 ) (如此方法,启发学生拼读并操练/bl/。 ) 2.2. T:Yes! You are so clever. Ok. Can

6、 you spell these words? For example: bl ack board br own ,brown Please try to read like this in groups. (学生小组读 black, blue, bread, brother) Who can try?(请 4 名学生) Lets read these words together. Ss: (齐声朗读 6 个单词) 5 3 3. T: boys and girls, lets listen to the chant. In the black, black box,In the black,

7、 black box, ThereTheres a blue, blue bas a blue, blue bag.g. In the blue, blue bag,In the blue, blue bag, ThereTheres a brown, brown pencil case.s a brown, brown pencil case. In the brown, brown pencil case,In the brown, brown pencil case, ThereTheres a s a !oh ,a bird! !oh ,a bird! ItIts on the bla

8、ckboard now!s on the blackboard now! T:Lets play a game, ok? First, please look at me. . Can you? Ready ,go! (教师示范拍手游戏,全班拍手齐唱 chant。) Wow, big hands for yourself. S Step 3 practicetep 3 practice 1. T: Look, there is a ball. Do you like throwing balls? Ss: Yes,I do. T: Me too. Ill do it first. “block

9、” (教 师将球扔向 block,示范第一个后请两名学生上来)Who 6 wants to play? T: Ah! Youve catch the words. Listen and circle. When you hear /bl/,please circle bl. When you hear /br/, please circle br. Are you ready? T: Ok, lets check your answers. No.1, /bl/ or /br/? Well done! Big hand for you. 2.sharp ear (听音补全单词)。 _ ight

10、 _ ush _ ing _ own _anket _ eakfast (展示两名学生答案) Youre right. Can you read? (让学生拼读单词, 教师可提示后面的元音, 为下面的 短文朗读做铺垫。) S Step 4 consolidationtep 4 consolidation 1. 呈现短文 . T: Its a bright day. Lets read it in groups. Which group want to try? please. You read very 7 good, thank you.(分句让小组读) Excellent! Lets re

11、ad it together. Its a bright day. In the morning, Mr. Black brushes his teeth, has some bread and milk for breakfast. Then he wears (穿) a blue T-shirt, black sport shoes. He brings a brown box. Whats in the box? A blanket(毯子), some bread and fruits. What is Mr. Black going to do? T: Excellent! What

12、is Mr. Black going to do? Ss:. S Step5 summary and homeworktep5 summary and homework 1.1.T: I think Mr.Black is going to have a picnic. Lets return to nature. Enjoy your life with your family. 2.2. T:WhT:What did you learn today?at did you learn today? How to read bl,br? We can say these words,_. Lets chant. homework 8 板 书 设 计 Unit Unit 4 4 bl br a bl blackboard black blue br brown bread brother 教 学 反 思


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