(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 6 Good Habits-Lesson 5-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:f0106).doc

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1、Duruan Primary School Learning Paper B6 Unit 6 Good Habits 1. 学习目标学习目标: 1、学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型:How often does she/he.She/He three times a week/once a year. 2、 能在实际生活中灵活运用句子来表达自己的意思。 2. 学习重点学习重点、难点难点:学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型:How often does she/he.She/He three times a week/once a year.以及句子中三单形式的 使用。 导学过程导学过程: 一

2、、温故知新一、温故知新 A、火眼金睛我最亮(游戏复习单词) brush my teeth wash my face comb my hair finish my homework pack my schoolbag hang up my clothes B、玩转切换我最强(写出下列单词的三单形式) take walk find like brush wash comb finish pack hang up take out clean up 二、探究新知二、探究新知 A A、自主先学,成果展示自主先学,成果展示(对比朗读)(对比朗读) How often do you take out th

3、e trash? How often does she take out the trash? I take out the trash three times a week. She takes out the trash three times a week. How often do you clean up your room? How often does he clean up his room? I clean up my room once a year. He cleans up his room once a year. B B、 Thinking and learnThi

4、nking and learninging(小组讨论,合作探究小组讨论,合作探究) 例:例:How often do you brush your teethHow often do you brush your teeth?I I brush my teethbrush my teeth twice a day.twice a day. 1 1、How often How often brush brush teethteeth? teethteeth twice a day.twice a day.(J Jennyenny) 2 2、How often How often brush br

5、ush teethteeth? teethteeth twice a day.twice a day.(GogGogo o) C C、发现规律发现规律,小组总结,小组总结 1 1、How often do you brush your teethHow often do you brush your teeth?I I brush my teethbrush my teeth twice a day.twice a day. (JennyJenny,take out the trashtake out the trash,three times a weekthree times a week

6、) 2 2、How often do you brush your teethHow often do you brush your teeth?I I brush my teethbrush my teeth twice a day.twice a day. (GogoGogo,clean up his roomclean up his room,once a yearonce a year) 当提问第三人称单数多久做一次什么事情的时候要注意人称的变化和当提问第三人称单数多久做一次什么事情的时候要注意人称的变化和 does。 D D、再次学习,再次学习,答疑解惑答疑解惑 三、巩固练习三、巩固

7、练习 A、听力训练。 BKnow you Know me. (小组合作,完成表格) 问题 1.小组内对问你多久做一次某事?用句子 How often do you ? 问题 2.小组内交互询问他/她多久做一次某事?用句子How often does she/he? C、学生展示,make a report 四、小结:四、小结:这节课你学到了什么? 五、自我检测。五、自我检测。 A、用词的适当形式填空,并回答句子。 1、How often (do)your brother go to work? He five times a week. 2、How often (do)she finish h

8、er homework? She ever day. 3、How often (do)Peter hang up his clothes? He twice a day. B、模仿例句写句子 Model: How often do you wash your face? I wash my face twice a day. 1. Tony,get to school,five times a week 2.your mother ,comb her hair,once a day C、 I can write.(我会写) is my friend. He / She washes . He / She has good habits. 六、拓展延伸。六、拓展延伸。 1. 我能运用学过的句型 How often does she/he?来进行问答。 2. 思想教育:好习惯是一个人在社交场中所能穿着的最佳服饰。苏格拉底 Good habits are the best clothes a person can wear in a social field. Socrates 七、七、学导反思。学导反思。 学的反思: 导的反思:


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