冀教版一年级下册-Unit 3 My Home-Lesson 13 My Home-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:e057a).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版一年级起点_一年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 My Home_Lesson 13 My Home_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:e057a)
    • Lesson13 My Home.ppt--点击预览
    • 复习视频.mp4
    • 教案e057a.doc--点击预览
    • 文本歌曲.mp4
    • 文本视频.mp4
    • 课前简笔画.docx--点击预览


Lesson13 My Home 冀教版一年级下册冀教版一年级下册 Review Which word you heard most? home living room bedroom bathroom kitchen Look and say Match kitchenbathroombedroom Practice with your partners then show it. Group work Listen and read课题 冀教版一年级下第三单元第 13 课My home 单元目标 本单元共有 6 课,但是老师应该考虑用多于 6 个课时的时间来教授此单元。例如:在 单元教学开始时,教师可能想另加一节课以复习以前学过的内容;也可以在单元即将结束 时,另加一节课以复习本单元所有学过的内容。 教学目标 知识与技能: 学生能够认知、理解和使用下列新词汇: home, living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, 能够认知、理解和使用: This is my______. 教学重点、难点 重点:home, living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, This is the ______. 难点: 对话句型的灵活应用。 教具准备:PPT. 教学图片 教学过程 教学环节师生活动设计意图 Class opening New Concept 1. Greeting. - Class begins - Good afternoon, teacher. - Good afternoon, boys and girls. Sit down, please. - Thank you. 2. Review. First, teacher lets students see a video and then teacher asks students to say it together. 教师与学生 之间的打招 呼与交流可 以迅速把学 生的注意力 引入课堂 通过让学生 们观看老师 录制的一个 学生表演老 师自制的一 个小儿歌的 方式来引导 学生们对上 一单元所学 的重点进行 简单回忆和 复习。 1.Lead in. Teacher asks students to listen to a song and then answer her question Which word you heard most? 2.New words. home: read、pronunciation、phon ics rules、meaning. T:This is my new home, and there are several rooms for it, lets see them one by one. living room: read、pronunciation、mean ing. T:What can you see from this picture? bathroom: read、pronunciation、phon ics rules-th、meaning bedroom: read、pronunciation、phon ics rules-dr、meaning kitchen: read、pronunciation、mean ing 3. Activity1:All the students should stand up, teacher will point some words, the student who can say the correct words first can sit down first. 通过任务 型学习方 式来引出 新授单词 通过英文 解释以及 肢体语言 帮助学生 们理解单 词意思。 知识拓展 检验学生 的认读情 况,可以迅 速掌握学 生的学习 情况。 Class closing 4. Look and say. Teacher shows some pictures with PPT,students should say the corresponding word. 5. Match Teacher lets students do the exercise together. 6. New sentence patterns. Lead in by a situation that I invent my best friend Mickey to visit some rooms of my new home. 7. Group work and show it. Teacher asks students to practice introducing the pictures they paint with their partners and then change their pictures. 1.Play the CD. Students should listen to CD carefully. 2.Check the text. (Find the volunteers) 五人小组 练习的环 节,既帮 助学生更 好地体会 到句子的 语用功能 又可以培 养学生的 综合运用 能力。 板书设计 Lesson 13 My home home living room This is the bathroom bedroom kitchen
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