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专项训练 1(词汇) 1、请规范抄写下列单词。 2、给下列图片找到相应的单词,将序号填在括号里。 A.Library B.art room C.breakfast D.go home E.sunny F.windy G.English class H.tomato I.sheep J.green beans K.sweater L.umbrella 1. 2. 3. 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5. 6. 7. 8. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 9. 10. 11. 12. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3、选择正确的字母,补全单词。 ( )1. sec_ _d A.an B.on C.en ( )2. din_ _r A.ne B.en C.nn first lunch cold horse clothes cheap ( )3. cl_ _dy A.ao B.ou C.au ( )4. _ _tato A.po B.pa C.to ( )5. ja_ _et A.ke B.kc C.ck 四、判断下面每组图片与单词是()否()相符。 ( )1. cold ( )2. hot ( )3. carrot ( )4. scarf ( )5. shoes ( )6. cows 5、按要求写单词。 1.hot(反义词) 2.tomato(复数) ___ 3.Sam(名词所有格)_______ 4.cheap(反义词) ______ 5.this(复数) _____ 6.sheep(复数) _____ 六、选出下列每组中不同类的单词。 ( )1. A.playground B.pretty C.teachers office ( )2. A.windy B.snowy C.skirt ( )3. A.coat B.carrot C.green beans ( )4. A.umbrella B.shirt C.sunglasses ( )5. A.hen B.pants C.shorts 专项训练 2(句子) 一、选择填空。 ( )1.Its time _______ dinner. A.to B.for C.at ( )2.Theyre your _________. A.fathers B.fathers C.fathers ( )3._______ shoes are nice. A.This B.That C.These ( )4.Can I try _______ on? A.them B.they C.this ( )5.Theyre _______ expensive. A.to B.two C.too 2、选择合适的词使句子完整,将序号填在横线上。 A.What B.Where C.Whose D.How much E.Can 1.- ____ is the park? -Its near the school. 2.- ___ time is it? -Its twelve clock. 3.- ___ I help you? -Yes,please. 4.- ___ the weather like in Beijing? -Its warm. 5.- ___ coat is this? -Its mine. 6.- ___ is this dress? -Its eighty yuan. A.is B.are 1.-What _ these ? -Theyre sheep. 2.- __ this Mikes? -No,it isnt.Its Jacks. 3.These shorts __ pretty. 4.Whose pants __ these? 三、将下列句子与其对应的翻译连线。 1.Breakfast is ready. A.它们是马。 2.Its time to go to bed. B.悉尼天气很晴朗。 3.Theyre horses. C.早餐准备好了。 4.Its sunny in Sydney. D.它很漂亮。 5.Its very pretty. E.到了睡觉的时候了。 四、选择与之答句对应的问句,将序号填入括号内。 ( )1.Its 89 yuan. A.What are these? ( )2.Theyre ducks. B.Is this your hat? ( )3.Yes,we do. C.How much is this coat? ( )4.Its 8 oclock. D.What time is it now? ( )5.Yes,it is. E.Do you have a garden? 四、连词成句。 1. 2. 3. 专项训练 3(情景交际) 一、看图片,判断下列对话是()否()正确。 -Do you have a teachers office? 1. -Yes,we do. -What time is it now? 2. -Its 7:30.Its time to go home. cold . is outside It library have Do a ? you that . like dress I red -Are these hens? 3. -No,they arent.Theyre cows. -Whats the weather like in Lhasa? 4. -Its sunny and warm. -Whose skirt is this? 5. -Its Alices. -How much are these sunglasses? 6. -Theyre twenty yuan. 2、情景交际。 ( )1.你想问别人那是不是计算机房,你这样说: A.Where is the computer room? B.Is that the computer room? ( )2.莉莉上学要迟到了,你这样说: A.Hurry up!Its time to go to school. B.Come on!Its time to go home. ( )3.你想告诉好朋友上海在下雨,而且很凉爽,你这样说: A.Its snowy and cold in Shanghai. B.Its rainy and cool in Shanghai. ( )4.你想知道这件夹克是谁的,你这样说: A.Whose jacket is this? B.Whose pants are these? ( )5.你想问妈妈这件连衣裙怎么样,你这样说: A.How do you like this dress? ¥20 B.How much is this skirt? 三、给下列句子排序,组成一段对话。 1.Here you are. 2.Yes.These shoes are nice. 3.Can I help you? 4.Can I try them on? Size 7,please. 正确的顺序:________________ 四、看漫画,根据情景需要,选择两个合适的句子完成漫画内容。 A.Hi,Lucy! Whats the weather like in Wuhan? B.Thats nice. You can play basketball outside. C.Its sunny and hot. How about Los Angeles? 专项训练 4(阅读理解) 1、读一读,并补全对话。 Sam:Mum,1._________ Mom:Its cold and snowy. Sam:2.___________ Mom:Yes,you can.And you can put on your hat. Sam.OK,Mom.3._____________ Mom:Its in the closet. Sam:Thank you,Mom. 2、阅读短文,判断句子正()误()。 1.Hi,Jerry! This is Lucy. 3._____ 2.______ 4.Its warm here. A.Can I wear my new coat? B.Where is my hat? C.whats the weather like today? Today is a sunny day.I am on the farm. This is my grandpas farm. Its very big. I can see many tomatoes and carrots. They are big and red.There are many animals on the farm,too. These are cows and those are sheep. They are hens and ducks. My grandpa loves his farm very much. ( )1.Today is a rainy day. ( )2.I am on my grandpas farm. ( )3.The potatoes are big and red. ( )4.There are many cows on the farm. ( )5.There arent any hens on the farm. 三、阅读短文,将爱丽丝的时间作息表补充完整。 Hello!My name is Alice. I am in grade four. I get up at seven oclock every day. I have breakfast at eight oclock in the morning. Then I go to school. The school begins at nine oclock. The English class begins first. Then I have math class at ten oclock. I have lunch at twelve oclock.In the afternoon,I have an art class and a music class.I go home at four. get uphave breakfast English class 9:00Math class have lunchArt class2:00 Music class3:00go home 四、阅读 Haley 的朋友圈,完成下面的任务。 A.根据 Haley 的介绍,画出她学 校的布局。 Second floor classroom First floor Art room B.读一读,选一选。 ( )1.Our garden is _____. A.big B.beautiful ( )2.The coat is too _____. A.big B.small C.圈出 Haley 和妈妈购买的物品。 TheThe MomentsMoments Haley This is my school. We have a big library. Its on the first floor. The art room is near the library. My classroom is on the second floor. We have a nice music room. Its next to the classroom.And we have a beautiful garden,too.I love my school. 5 minutes ago Today I go shopping with my mom. I try a coat on,but is too big. The dress is nice for me,and its on sale.Its only 99 yuan now. My mother buy a pair of beautiful shoes. And she buy a pretty scarf for me. I am so happy. 10 minutes ago专项训练 1(词汇) 1、请规范抄写下列单词。 2、给下列图片找到相应的单词,将序号填在括号里。 A.Library B.art room C.breakfast D.go home E.sunny F.windy G.English class H.tomato I.sheep J.green beans K.sweater L.umbrella 1. 2. 3. 4. ( E ) ( L ) ( A ) ( I ) 5. 6. 7. 8. ( B ) ( J ) ( C ) ( K ) 9. 10. 11. 12. ( D ) ( F ) ( G ) ( H ) 3、选择正确的字母,补全单词。 ( B )1. sec_ _d A.an B.on C.en ( A )2. din_ _r A.ne B.en C.nn first first lunch lunch cold cold horse horse clothes clothes cheap cheap ( B )3. cl_ _dy A.ao B.ou C.au ( A )4. _ _tato A.po B.pa C.to ( C )5. ja_ _et A.ke B.kc C.ck 四、判断下面每组图片与单词是()否()相符。 ( )1. cold ( )2. hot ( )3. carrot ( )4. scarf ( )5. shoes ( )6. cows 5、按要求写单词。 1.hot(反义词) cold 2.tomato(复数) tomatoes 3.Sam(名词所有格) Sams 4.cheap(反义词) expensive 5.this(复数) these 6.sheep(复数) sheep 六、选出下列每组中不同类的单词。 ( B )1. A.playground B.pretty C.teachers office ( C )2. A.windy B.snowy C.skirt ( A )3. A.coat B.carrot C.green beans ( B )4. A.umbrella B.shirt C.sunglasses ( A )5. A.hen B.pants C.shorts 专项训练 2(句子) 一、选择填空。 ( B )1.Its time _______ dinner. A.to B.for C.at ( B )2.Theyre your _________. A.fathers B.fathers C.fathers ( C )3._______ shoes are nice. A.This B.That C.These ( A )4.Can I try _______ on? A.them B.they C.this ( C )5.Theyre _______ expensive. A.to B.two C.too 2、选择合适的词使句子完整,将序号填在横线上。 A.What B.Where C.Whose D.How much E.Can 1.- Where is the park? -Its near the school. 2.- What time is it? -Its twelve clock. 3.- Can I help you? -Yes,please. 4.- What the weather like in Beijing? -Its warm. 5.- Whose coat is this? -Its mine. 6.- How much is this dress? -Its eighty yuan. A.is B.are 1.-What are these ? -Theyre sheep. 2.- Is this Mikes? -No,it isnt.Its Jacks. 3.These shorts are pretty. 4.Whose pants are these? 三、将下列句子与其对应的翻译连线。 1.Breakfast is ready. A.它们是马。 2.Its time to go to bed. B.悉尼天气很晴朗。 3.Theyre horses. C.早餐准备好了。 4.Its sunny in Sydney. D.它很漂亮。 5.Its very pretty. E.到了睡觉的时候了。 四、选择与之答句对应的问句,将序号填入括号内。 ( C )1.Its 89 yuan. A.What are these? ( A )2.Theyre ducks. B.Is this your hat? ( E )3.Yes,we do. C.How much is this coat? ( D )4.Its 8 oclock. D.What time is it now? ( B )5.Yes,it is. E.Do you have a garden? 四、连词成句。 1. 2. 3. 专项训练 3(情景交际) 一、看图片,判断下列对话是()否()正确。 -Do you have a teachers office? 1. -Yes,we do. -What time is it now? 2. -Its 7:30.Its time to go home. It is cold outside. cold . is outside It library have Do a ? you Do you have a library? that . like dress I red I like that red dress. -Are these hens? 3. -No,they arent.Theyre cows. -Whats the weather like in Lhasa? 4. -Its sunny and warm. -Whose skirt is this? 5. -Its Alices. -How much are these sunglasses? 6. -Theyre twenty yuan. 2、情景交际。 ( B )1.你想问别人那是不是计算机房,你这样说: A.Where is the computer room? B.Is that the computer room? ( A )2.莉莉上学要迟到了,你这样说: A.Hurry up!Its time to go to school. B.Come on!Its time to go home. ( B )3.你想告诉好朋友上海在下雨,而且很凉爽,你这样说: A.Its snowy and cold in Shanghai. B.Its rainy and cool in Shanghai. ( A )4.你想知道这件夹克是谁的,你这样说: A.Whose jacket is this? B.Whose pants are these? ( A )5.你想问妈妈这件连衣裙怎么样,你这样说: A.How do you like this dress? B.How much is this skirt? ¥20 三、给下列句子排序,组成一段对话。 1.Here you are. 2.Yes.These shoes are nice. 3.Can I help you? 4.Can I try them on? Size 7,please. 正确的顺序:____3,2,4,1____________ 四、看漫画,根据情景需要,选择两个合适的句子完成漫画内容。 A.Hi,Lucy! Whats the weather like in Wuhan? B.Thats nice. You can play basketball outside. C.Its sunny and hot. How about Los Angeles? 专项训练 4(阅读理解) 1、读一读,并补全对话。 Sam:Mum,1.____C_____ Mom:Its cold and snowy. Sam:2._____A______ Mom:Yes,you can.And you can put on your hat. Sam.OK,Mom.3._____B________ Mom:Its in the closet. Sam:Thank you,Mom. 2、阅读短文,判断句子正()误()。 Today is a sunny day.I am on the farm. This is my grandpas farm. Its very big. I 1.Hi,Jerry! This is Lucy. 3.__C__ _ 2.___A__ _ 4.Its warm here. A.Can I wear my new coat? B.Where is my hat? C.whats the weather like today? can see many tomatoes and carrots. They are big and red.There are many animals on the farm,too. These are cows and those are sheep. They are hens and ducks. My grandpa loves his farm very much. ( )1.Today is a rainy day. ( )2.I am on my grandpas farm. ( )3.The potatoes are big and red. ( )4.There are many cows on the farm. ( )5.There arent any hens on the farm. 三、阅读短文,将爱丽丝的时间作息表补充完整。 Hello!My name is Alice. I am in grade four. I get up at seven oclock every day. I have breakfast at eight oclock in the morning. Then I go to school. The school begins at nine oclock. The English class begins first. Then I have math class at ten oclock. I have lunch at twelve oclock.In the afternoon,I have an art class and a music class.I go home at four. get up7:00have breakfast8:00 English class 9:00Math class10:00 have lunch12:00Art class2:00 Music class3:00go home4:00 四、阅读 Haley 的朋友圈,完成下面的任务。 A.根据 Haley 的介绍,画出她学 校的布局。 Second floor classroomMusic room First floor libraryArt room B.读一读,选一选。 ( B )1.Our garden is _____. A.big B.beautiful ( A )2.The coat is too _____. A.big B.small C.圈出 Haley 和妈妈购买的物品。 TheThe MomentsMoments Haley This is my school. We have a big library. Its on the first floor. The art room is near the library. My classroom is on the second floor. We have a nice music room. Its next to the classroom.And we have a beautiful garden,too.I love my school. 5 minutes ago Today I go shopping with my mom. I try a coat on,but is too big. The dress is nice for me,and its on sale.Its only 99 yuan now. My mother buy a pair of beautiful shoes. And she buy a pretty scarf for me. I am so happy. 10 minutes ago
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