冀教版(一起)六下-Unit 3 Summer Is Coming-Lesson 14 Li Ming's Summer Holiday-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-部级优课-(编号:80d79).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版一年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 Summer Is Coming_Lesson 14 Li Ming's Summer Holiday_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_部级优课_(编号:80d79)
    • 14 Li Ming's Summer Holiday.docx--点击预览
    • 14:Li Ming's Summer Holiday!.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案80d79.doc--点击预览


Unit 3: Summer Is Coming! Lesson14: Li Mings Summer Holiday Summer Holiday Unit 3: Summer Is Coming! Lesson14: Li Mings Summer Holiday 海港区新一路小学海港区新一路小学 迟明迟明 cousin country touch double aunt laugh laughter draught uncle hungry young 1、Will Li Ming be in Canada for the summer holiday? No, he wont. Questions: He will be in China for the summer holiday. 2、What will Li Ming do this summer holiday? He will visit his grandparents. Questions: He will visit his aunt and uncle. He will play with his cousin Jing. He will visit a “Hope School”. He will teach the children some English. 1、 Read and recite the words. aunt uncle cousin 2、 Write down your holiday plan. What will you do for the summer holiday? 3、 Finish the activity book. Your group workLesson 14: Li Mings Summer Holiday Teaching goals: 1. Students will be able to recognize, understand and use the following words: aunt, uncle, cousin. 2. Students will be able to recognize, understand and use the following expressions: I will be in China for the summer holiday. Teaching preparation: (1). Multimedia CD for Lesson14 (2). Some words about actions (3).Picture and word cards for the new vocabulary words: aunt, uncle, cousin. 一、一、Class and Review 1、Greeting T:Hello , everyone! Nice to meet you! How are you today? 2、Play a game. Play a “Word chain” game to review some words about actions. Holiday 二、二、New Concepts 1、Demonstrate T: Do you like holiday? Which holiday do you like? I want to show some pictures. Please look at here.(PPT) 2、(show pictures) T: Lets guess. These pictures are about (me). I was ten years old in that year. I went to Beijing with my parents. We went to Beijing World Park. And we play at the Shijingshan Amusement Park. It was very exciting. We had a great time. We all love summer holiday. What will you do this summer holiday? S1、S2、S3: I will (Read、spell and write the words.) T: Please ask another student. Talk as much as possible. 3、(show a picture) T: Do you know. Who is she? S: Jing. T: Yes. She is Li Mings cousin. S: Cousin. (Read、spell and write the words.) T: What does Li Ming call Jings mother/father? S: Aunt/uncle. (Read、spell and write the words.) 4、Use the Students book and CD T: You know them now. Lets see Li Mings summer holiday. I have a question: Will Li Ming be in Canada for the summer holiday? (Listen to the text) Ask & Answer Will Li Ming be in Canada for the summer holiday? No, he wont. (Write the sentences.) He will be in China for the summer holiday. Read & Answer What will Li Ming do this summer holiday? He will visit his grandparents. He will visit his aunt and uncle. He will play with his cousin Jing. He will visit a “Hope School”. He will teach the children some English. 5、T: Do you like Li Mings summer holiday?Why? T: Li Ming has a good friend. His name is Li Lin. What will Li Lin do for the summer holiday? Will be have a great summer holiday? (Open and write the activity book.) 6、Role-play T: Li Ming and Li Lin will have a great holiday. How about you? Talk about with your partner. What will you do for the summer holiday? Why? 三、三、Class closing 1、Lets chant. 2、Homework 1)、Read and recite the words. aunt uncle cousin. 2)、Write your holiday plan. What will you do for the summer holiday? 3)、Finish the activity book. Blackboard design: Lesson 14: Li Mings Summer Holiday What will you do for the summer holiday? I will visit my aunt and uncle. I will play with my cousin. Lesson 14: Li Mings Summer Holiday 教学反思教学反思 本节课始终是一种全英文环境,充分刺激学生耳朵,给他们创 造良好的学习氛围,让孩子们在真实的语言环境中学习英语。把课 堂的主动性交给学生,学生素质高,平时口语训练的很有效果,课 堂给人耳目一新的感觉,结合本班实际情况及时调整教学方案,让 学生能够多说多练,注重学困生的培养,每次提问都找学困生说, 多关注他们知识的掌握情况,最后让会的同学检查或者教不会的同 学,让学生成为课堂的主人,充分体现“生教生” 。领读时多强调重 难点,让学生在读课文的时候能够有一种重难点再现的感觉,讲授 单词的时候能够采用分音节和联想记忆的方法带领学生读单词。本 节课充分练习了写,写的量适中,练习题做的有点快了,有些学生 没跟上。课堂上每个层次的练习力求形状多样,新颖、有趣,课堂 高效而扎实。重点突出,能够高效的操控课堂,体现出生教生,层 次清晰,口语流畅,语言简洁,目标明确,可操作性强。在教学中, 体现学生的主体意识,授课环节紧凑、高效,注重学生听、说、读、 写能力的培养,跟学生配合默契,但个别细节需要揣摩,板书书写 可让学生尝试。紧扣课题和文本内容,层层衔接,课堂高效,节奏 感明朗,让学生能够在轻松愉悦的环境中学习英语。注重了学生们 合作意识的培养,直接切入难点,学生们在小组活动中积极参与合 作,井井有条。 总之,通过这次公开课,自己接受了锻炼,在业务上又取得了 进步,听到大家的细心评课和耐心指导我又收获了很多,在教学这 方面以后还要去钻研,讲好每一节课是基础,我会更加努力的。
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