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1、外研版八年级下册各模块参考作文外研版八年级下册各模块参考作文 Module 1 Feelings and Impressions 本模块学习了 look, sound, feel, smell 等感官动词, 同学们在作文中要用这类动词来描述 自己对他人或物品的印象及感受。 【一】根据提示英语作文。【一】根据提示英语作文。 你叫 Daniel,今年 15 岁, 刚加入 English club, 为了认识更多朋友, 你要做一个自我介绍, 告诉大家你的外貌、爱好及加入 English club 的感受。 时态与人称:时态与人称:一般现在时,第一人称 作文内容要点作文内容要点: 描写方面描写方面描写

2、内容描写内容参考句型参考句型 外貌外貌介绍发型、身高、衣着等Im . with . I wear. and . 爱好爱好谈谈自己的爱好: 如电影、 阅读与 篮球 I spend a lot of time doing. I enjoy/like/ love doing. Im also good at . 感受感受 谈谈自己加入 English club 的感 受 : 做 自 我 介 绍 ( make a self-introduction)时,很紧张。 但因为可以认识更多朋友,很开 心。 希望能与大家一起学习英语。 I feel . when. Im . because. I hope to

3、 . 【参考范文】 Hello, everyone. My name is Daniel. Im a fifteen-year-old boy with a pair of glasses. Im not very tall and my hair is short. I wear a T-shirt and jeans. I like watching films in my free time. I also love reading. I spend about one hour reading every day. Im good at sports as well, especial

4、ly basketball. I feel a bit nervous when I make a self-introduction. However, Im so happy because I can meet many friends at the English club. I hope to learn English with all of you. 【二】根据提示英语作文。【二】根据提示英语作文。 写一篇文章,介绍你的网友(Net friend),70 词左右。内容包括: 1. 她来自澳大利亚的悉尼; 2. 年龄:15 岁; 3. 外貌:很瘦,眼睛很大,头发长而且卷曲; 4.

5、性格:外向(outgoing)而友好; 5. 爱好:读书、上网与朋友聊天。 时态与人称:时态与人称:一般现在时,第三人称 【参考范文】 My Net Friend I have a net friend. She is from Sydney, Australia. The girl is fifteen years old. She is thin with two big eyes. She has long fair hair. She is friendly and outgoing. She always has a beautiful smile on her face. She

6、likes reading and talking online with her friends. She said that reading made her grow up as a person. I feel very happy when I talk with her. I like my net friend very much. I hope to see her in Sydney one day. Module 2 Experiences 本模块学习了现在完成时的基本结构,现在完成时表示(1)已经完成的事;(2)过去 发生的事对现在仍产生影响;(3)从过去到现在一直持续的

7、动作。其结构是 have/has+动词 过去词。同学们可以用现在完成时,来介绍自己的经历。 【一】根据提示英语作文。根据提示英语作文。 用英语写一篇旅行日记,描述自己到某地的旅游经历。根据提示,完成英语作文。 时态与人称:时态与人称:过去时,现在完成时,第一人称 作文内容要点:作文内容要点: 开篇点题开篇点题 介绍时间、地点、人物、 出行方式等 Last summer, I went to .with . I went there by. 描述经历描述经历 所见所闻以及所做的事, 以及简单地点评这些经历I/We have seen (visited, eaten.) 总结评论总结评论对此次旅行

8、的总体评价I/We have had a wonderful time there. 【参考范文】 My Travel Experiences Last summer, I went to Beijing with my parents. We went there by plane. The weather was fine and we could see the blue sky out of the window. We have seen many beautiful places there, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City,

9、and the Summer Palace. We have eaten a lot of delicious food, including Beijing Duck, dumplings and some snacks. We have also enjoyed the Beijing opera. I find it hard to understand the opera. Whats more, we met some foreign visitors in Beijing. I have talked with them in English. I think travelling

10、 is a good way to learn.Ive learnt more about the culture and history while enjoying the beautiful sights in Beijing. It was really an exciting experience. 【二】根据提示英语作文。【二】根据提示英语作文。 写一篇文章,介绍你游览北京的经历,内容如下: 1. 北京在中国的北方,每年有许多人到北京旅游; 2. 来过北京两次,跑遍了北京城; 3. 爬过长城,到过颐和园(the Summer Palace)和故宫(the Palace Museum

11、); 4. 拍下了许多照片,与外国人用英语交谈过。 时态与人称:时态与人称:过去时,现在完成时;一人称 My Travel Experiences in Beijing Beijing is in the north of China. There are many places of interest there. A lot of people come to visit Beijing every year. I have been to Beijing twice. I have travelled around Beijing. I have climbed the Great Wa

12、ll. I have visited the Summer Palace and the Palace Museum. I have also had conversation with foreigners and I have taken lots of photos. It was an interesting experience. I had a good time there. But I havent seen the Beijing Opera. Its a pity. I hope I can visit it again one day. Module 3 Journey

13、to Space 以下副词经常与现在完成时连用 ever, already, yet, just 等。其中,常与肯定句连用的是 already, just, 常用于疑问句的是 ever,yet。常与否定句连用的是 yet。本模块结合现在完成时, 讨论了关地航天的知识,同学们要能用现在完成时,谈论哪些事情已经发生了,哪些事情尚 未发生。 【一】根据提示英语作文。根据提示英语作文。 假设你是一名宇航员,要给中学生介绍自己探索宇宙的经历,参考以下内容,写一篇简 单的演讲稿。 时态与人称:时态与人称:过去时,现在完成时,第一人称 作文内容要点:作文内容要点: 1.成为宇航员 10 年了,乘坐宇宙飞船到

14、过太空,并绕地球运行了多次; 2.自己在宇宙中见过许多美丽的星球,但只有地球有生命; 3.飞船降落后,自己曾在火星上跳过高,感觉像在飞行; 4.宇宙非常漂亮,希望可以再次去太空旅行。 【参考范文】 Journey to Space Hello, everyone. Id like to share with you my journey to space. I have already been an astronaut for 10 years. I have been to space by spaceship and went around the earth several times

15、. I have seen many beautiful planets and stars in the universe. However, I havent found life on any other planets yet except the earth. When my spaceship landed on Mars, I jumped higher there, just like flying in the air. The universe is so beautiful. I hope that I can go into space again. Thank you

16、. 【二】根据提示英语作文。【二】根据提示英语作文。 为庆祝神舟十一号发射成功,某英语报社举办了一次征文比赛,内容是讲述自己的“宇 航员之梦”。请根据下列提示,以“My Dream”为题,写一篇 70 词左右的英语短文,向该报 社投稿。 提示:提示: 1. 你为什么想当宇航员你为什么想当宇航员(想有更多太空经历;想在太空中看地球不同的风景等等; 2. 你为实现梦想应该做些什么(你为实现梦想应该做些什么(努力学习,锻炼身体,因为宇航员要做特别训练,要 在空间站(space station)生活) 时态与人称:时态与人称:一般现在时,将来时;一人称 My Dream Many students w

17、ant to be astronauts. So do I. As an astronaut, I can have a lot of special experiences in space. Whats more, I can enjoy the different sights of the earth from space. Now Im a middle school student. I must try my best to study hard at school. I also need to do some exercise to keep healthy because

18、astronauts have to do special training to wear the spacesuit and live in the space station. Im sure that if I work hard, my dream will come true. Module 4 Seeing the Doctor 与现在完成时连用的时间状语,常用的有 since, for+时间段,表示从过去一直持续到现 在的动作。本模块内容以看医生为话题,介绍健康的生活方式,鼓励同学们养成健康生活的 好习惯。同学们要掌握一些基本的看病功能会话,并能通过作文描写健康的生活方式。 【

19、一】根据提示英语作文。根据提示英语作文。 假设你叫 Colin,请根据以下内容提示,介绍自己养成健康生活方式的经历。 一年前身体状况一年前身体状况爱吃垃圾食品,不爱运动;身体较胖,觉得不舒服,去看医生 医生建议医生建议停止吃垃圾食品,多运动 健康生活方式健康生活方式经常吃水果蔬菜,每天坚持跑步 30 分钟 现在的身体状况现在的身体状况感觉好多了,爱上了运动与健康的生活方式 时态与人称:时态与人称:过去时,一般现在时,第一人称 【参考范文】 My Healthy Living My name is Colin. One year ago, I went to see the doctor bec

20、ause I was not feeling very well then. I used to eat a lot of junk food without any exercise. As a result, I became very fat. The doctor checked my body carefully. He asked me to stop eating fast food and exercise more. I took the doctors advice and began to eat more fruit and vegetables. I kept run

21、ning for thirty minutes every day. I feel much better now. I love doing sports and my healthy living. 【二】根据提示英语作文。【二】根据提示英语作文。 健康对每个人都十分重要, 请你根据以下内容提示, 向人们介绍如何养成健康的生活方 式。 提示: 1. 多吃健康的食品,如水果、鸡蛋、牛奶等,每天吃早餐,少吃垃圾食品; 2. 坚持锻炼 3. 养成好习惯,早睡早起,保持充足睡眠。 时态与人称:时态与人称:一般现在时;一人称 How to Keep Healthy It is important t

22、o keep healthy. But how do we keep healthy? Heres some advice. First, we should have a healthy diet. Wed better eat more vegetables and fruit. We should have breakfast everyday and eat less fast food. Second, we should do more exercise, such as swimming, running and walking. Third, we must form good

23、 habits. We should go to bed and get up early with enough sleep. I believe we will have a healthy life in this way. Module 5 Cartoons 本模块结合 cartoon 的话题,要求同学们能够综合运用一般现在时,一般过去时,以及 现在完成时来描述自己喜欢的卡通角色和故事。 在描述卡通角色时, 同学们要记住相关的形 容词。在介绍故事情节时,同学们要根据具体情况,选用相关的时态与句型结构。 【一】根据提示英语作文。根据提示英语作文。 假设你是 Lingling.你的美国笔友

24、 Jane 在给你的来信中,介绍了她喜欢的卡通形象,请 结合以下提示,给 Jane 写封回信,用英语介绍你喜欢的卡通形象,不少于 70 词。 1.不同的人喜欢不同的卡通,有人喜欢猫和老鼠,因为故事有趣 2.你最喜欢美猴王(Monkey King), 理由如下: (1) 猴王有趣幽默 (2) 他与妖魔(devils) 战斗,帮助好人 (3)他不怕困难,聪明勇敢。 3.现在自己收集了许多关于猴王的故事, 看了许多猴王的电影, 希望能了解更多美猴 王的故事。 时态与人称:时态与人称:过去时,一般现在时,现在完成时,第一、三人称 【参考范文】 My Favourite Cartoon Dear Jan

25、e, Im glad to hear from you. Youve told me about your favourite cartoons in your letter. Different people like different cartoons. Someone like Tom and Jerry because they are interesting.I like Monkey King best. In China, Monkey King is a very famous hero. People cant help laughing when they see thi

26、s funny and humorous monkey. He always helps the good people and fights the devils. As a brave and smart hero, he is never afraid of difficulties.Now, I have collected many stories about Monkey King. I have also watched many Monkey King films. I hope to hear more Monkey King stories in the future. L

27、ove, Lingling 【二】根据提示英语作文。【二】根据提示英语作文。 写一篇介绍电影 Ne Zha (哪咤之魔童降世)的英语作文。 Ne Zha2019 年中国最流行的 3D 电影(3D movie)之一; 电影讲了中国古代神话中最重要的传说人物哪咤的故事。 电影剧情电影剧情哪咤是个淘气的小孩,他经常捉弄(play jokes on sb.)他人; 虽然别人怕他,但他却最终勇敢地救了大家; 他梦想成为英雄,从不放弃。 经典台词经典台词(line)我命由我不由天(I am the master of my own destiny.) 你对该电影的评价你对该电影的评价I think. 时态

28、与人称:时态与人称:一般现在时;三人称 Ne Zha Ne Zha was one of the most popular 3D cartoon films in China in 2019. This film tells a story of a little boy called Ne Zha. He is an important legendary(传说的) hero of the ancient Chinese myths (神话) . In the film, Ne Zha has been so naughty that he always plays jokes on oth

29、ers. Although everyone is afraid of this “little boy”, he is brave enough to save the other people in the end. He has a dream of being a hero and never gives up. I think Ne Zha is a great film. The line “I am the master of my own destiny” shows that everyone is special in this world. We should hold

30、on our dreams and never give up. Module 6 Hobbies 本模块要求同学们能用学过的词句,描写自己的兴趣与爱好。写作的时候,如果你发现 长句子不好表达,可以试试多用简单句。在英语当中,常见的简单句有以下几种: (1) The baby cries. (主语+动词);(2)I have an apple.(主语+动词+宾语); (3) She is a student. (主语+be 动词+表语);(4)I will give you a book.(主语+动词+双宾语);(5)The news made everyone happy. (主语+动词+宾

31、语+宾语补足语) ;(6) There is a building on the hill. (there be 句型结构)。 【一】根据提示英语作文。根据提示英语作文。 不同的人有不同的爱好, 有些人喜欢照顾小动物, 有些人喜欢收集物品, 请以 My hobby 为题,用英语谈谈你的爱好。 My Hobby 你的爱好是什么? 讲一则关于你的爱好的故事。 谈一下你对自己这个爱好的看法。 时态与人称:时态与人称:过去时,一般现在时,第一、三人称 【参考范文】 My hobby Different people have different hobbies. For example, some p

32、eople like looking after animals and some like collecting things. My hobby is reading. When I was seven years old, my mother gave me a story book as my birthday present, so I began to read books by myself. As a result, I became interested in reading. I can not only learn more things, but also get ma

33、ny writing skills from reading. I will try my best to read enough books so that my dream of being a famous writer can come true. 【二】根据提示英语作文。【二】根据提示英语作文。 假如你是王宁,你的网友 Helen 发来电子邮件,想了解你的业余爱好。请你根据提示给 她写一封 70 词左右的英文回信。 1.开始有自己喜欢的业余爱好的时间和起因; 2.这个业余爱好给你学习或生活带来的影响。 时态与人称:时态与人称:一般过去时,一般现在时,现在完成时;一人称 Dear He

34、len, Thank you for your email. Here is something about my favourite hobby. When I was ten, I was weak and often felt ill. Then one day, my father took me to a swimming pool. There I noticed my children swimming happily. I asked my father to teach me to swim and I learned quickly with his help. Since

35、 then, it has become my favourite hobby. Now, I have swum for four years and I feel really healthy. And in the future, I hope I can be a good swimmer. What is your favourite hobby? Could you please tell me something about it? Sincerely yours, Wang Ning Module 7 Summer in LosAngeles 本模块学习了由 and, or,

36、but 连接的复合句, 其中 and 用于表顺承的复合句中, or 用于表 选择及条件关系的复合句中,but 用于表转折的复合句中。同学们在写作中,要养成用连接 词的习惯,使行文符合逻辑而更加流畅。本模块以旅游为话题,要求同学们能在作文中阐述 自己的旅行经历。 【一】根据提示英语作文。根据提示英语作文。 大自然夏令营(Nature Summer Camp)正在招收营员。假设你班来了几位国外的新同学,请你 根据下面的提示内容,写一篇 70 词左右的英语短文,向他们介绍一下大自然夏令营的活动 和招生。 参营好处参营好处认识更多的朋友,靠近自然,过一个快乐的暑假。 招生对象招生对象10-15 岁的孩

37、子 开营时间开营时间7 月初(at the beginning of July ),为期 3 周(last for three weeks) 地点地点农村 活动活动体育、音乐、烹饪(cooking)等 报名方式报名方式至少提前 2 周打电话给 Mr Peng 报名,电话号码是 2469988 时态与人称:时态与人称:一般现在时,将来时,第一、二人称 【参考范文】 Have fun at Nature Summer Camp Come to join us at the Nature Summer Camp. You will get closer to nature and make more

38、 friends at the same time. The summer camp will open for the children from 10 to 15 years old. You can enjoy your stay in the countryside for three weeks. During the three weeks, well provide many activities for the children, such as sports, music and cooking. The children will work in small groups.

39、 If you want to experience a wonderful life and make new friends, please call Mr Peng at least two weeks before the camp starts. His phone number is 2469988. You are certain to have a good time. 【二】根据提示英语作文。【二】根据提示英语作文。 假如你爷爷住在农村,去年你去那里过暑假。请根据以下描述,以 My Happy Summer Holiday 为题,写一篇 70 词左右的英语日记。 1. 爷爷住

40、在农村,那儿山青水秀,绿树红花,非常美丽。 2. 你帮爷爷干农活,也记录下了每天的快乐生活。 3. 最开心的是,你还帮助了邻居的孩子学英语,他的父母十分感谢你。 4. 那个暑假你过得很愉快。 时态与人称:时态与人称:一般过去时,;一人称 My Happy Summer Holiday My grandfather lives in a very beautiful village with clean water and green trees. I spent my summer holiday with my grandfather last year. During my stay, I

41、 helped my grandfather do some farm work and wrote down my happy life every day. The most exciting thing was that I helped the neighbour child with his English. His parents were very thankful to me. I had a really great time in that summer holiday. Module 8 Time off 本模块以旅游为话题,结合宾语从句,描述周围景观以及作者的旅行感受。

42、在英语中, 用句子充当宾语成分的复合句叫做宾语从句,宾语从句要注意以下几点:(1)that 引导的 宾语从句,that 一般可以省略;(2)宾语从句中,时态遵从“主现从任,主过从过”的原则,即: 主句是现在时,从句可根据需要用任意时态;主句是过去时,从句需用过去相关的时态。但 是, 如果从句中出现客观真理时, 从句要用一般现在时; (3) 当主句主语是一人称 I, We, 谓 语动词是 think, believe 等, 如果从句是否定句,需要将从句中的否定意义前移到主句的谓语 动词前,完成否定转移;(4)以下副词也可以用来引导宾语从句,不可省略:when, where, who, why,h

43、ow, if, whether, what 等。(5)宾语从句中,从句一般要用陈述语序。 【一】根据提示英语作文。根据提示英语作文。 假如你是海南三亚某旅游公司的导游刘梅假如你是海南三亚某旅游公司的导游刘梅,请你根据下表内容请你根据下表内容,写一篇写一篇 70 词左右的英语发词左右的英语发 言稿,向游客介绍三亚以及一天的行程安排。言稿,向游客介绍三亚以及一天的行程安排。 三亚位置位于海南省的南部 面积大约 1920 平方公里 特色以美丽的风景而著称 行程安排行程安排 上午 先参观南海观音像 (the Guanyin Statue of Nanhai),然后去天涯海角(Tianya Haijia

44、o) 下午去亚龙湾(Yalong Bay) 晚上7 点钟在饭店吃海鲜(seafood),之后回 酒店休息,结束旅行。 时态与人称:时态与人称:一般现在时,将来时,第一、三人称 【参考范文】 Welcome to Sanya. My name is Liu Mei and Im your guide. Sanya is in the south of Hainan province. It is about 1,920 square kilometers. It is famous for its beautiful sights. In the morning, we will first s

45、ee the Guanyin Statue of Nanhai and then go to Tianya Haijiao. In the afternoon, well go to Yalong Bay. There we can lie on the beach or swim in the sea. At 7 oclock in the evening, well enjoy seafood in a restaurant. After that, well go to the hotel and finish our trip. I hope everyone can have a g

46、ood trip. Ok. Please come with me now. 【二】根据提示英语作文。【二】根据提示英语作文。 假如你是张林,根据以下提示,用英语写一段你的暑假计划。 1. 将去爷爷奶奶家过暑假,为期 3 周; 2. 写出至少 3 件你将在暑假做的事。 时态与人称:时态与人称:一般将来时;一人称 My Summer Holiday Plan The summer vacation is coming soon.After a tiring school year, Im going to relax myself. I will spend my holiday with my

47、 grandparents. I will stay with them for about three weeks. Of course, Im going to help them do some housework. Perhaps we will take some short trips. Next, Im going to visit some of my friends and relatives. I think we will have a happy time together.Whats more, I will be a student of grade 9 next

48、term, so Im going to spend two weeks on study. I cant wait to have my holiday now. Module 9 Friendship 本模块以 friendship 为话题,要求同学们结合宾语从句,讲述自己与同学之间的经历, 谈论自己是如何维护友谊的。 【一】根据提示英语作文。根据提示英语作文。 假如某英语报社正在举办有关 Friendship 的征文,请根据以下提示,发表自己对朋友和 友谊的看法,用英语写一篇短文给报社投稿。70 词左右。 1.每个人都需要朋友,没有朋友的人生就像失去了阳光; 2.朋友是可以分享快乐和痛苦

49、的人; 3.朋友之间要互相帮助。 提示词汇:提示词汇:分享 share 快乐 happiness 痛苦 sadness 时态与人称:时态与人称:一般现在时,第一、三人称 【参考范文】 Friendship Friendship is very important to all of us. Everyone needs good friends. We may feel lonely if we dont have friends. Life without friends is just like life without sunshine. I think a good friend ca

50、n share both happiness and sadness with you. Friends are ready to help us when we have problems. You can believe them and tell them about your feelings. Please always remember that treasure is not always a helpful friend, but a helpful friend is always a treasure. 【二】根据提示英语作文。【二】根据提示英语作文。 朋友很重要,朋友是雨


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