外研版八年级下册英语(精练):期末1套+期中1套 (无听力).zip

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期中评估测试卷期中评估测试卷 (时间:60 分钟分值:100 分) .单项选择(15 分) 1Well go swimming if the weather ________ fine tomorrow. Ais Bwas Cwill be Dis going to be 答案:A 2The skirt ________ soft as if it is made of silk. Asounds Btastes Cfeels Dsmells 答案:C 3________ we work at English,the better grades we will get. AHarder BThe hardest CHardest DThe harder 答案:D 4We ________ to the Great Wall several times. Ago Bwere going Chave gone Dhave been 答案:D 5The famous writers new book has just ________.Lets go and buy one. Acome over Bcome down Ccome on Dcome out 答案:D 6Id like ________ to Beijing and see the “Birds Nest” Stadium(鸟 巢体育场) Ato go Bgo Cgoing Dwent 答案:A 7You ________ her again in a few weeks. Awill see Bhave seen Chad seen Dhave been seen 答案:A 8Our school football team won the match.We were all ________ them. Aangry with Bstrict with Cproud of Dworried about 答案:C 9________ students are learning English now. AMillion of BMillions of CMillion from DMillions from 答案:B 10What were you doing when I phoned you yesterday evening? I was doing my homework while my parents ________ dinner. Acooked Bcook Cwere cooking Dwill cook 答案:C 11He ________ Tokyo for long. Ahas left Bhas been away from Chave been away Dhas been left 答案:B 12________? Since Friday.Ive been ill for about three days! AHow long have you been like this BHow long has you been this CHow long have you like this DHow long has you been like this 答案:A 13I ________ the History Museum twice.Ive learnt a lot there. Avisit Bam visiting Chave visited Dwill visit 答案:C 14Mr Green asked us to stop ________.So we stopped ________ to him at once. Atalking;listening Bto talk;listening Ctalking;to listen Dto talk;listen 答案:C 15My mother ________ dinner when I got home yesterday. Ahas cooked Bwas cooking Cwill cook Dcooks 答案:B .完形填空(10 分) Jim,a successful businessman,told the experience of his childhood. When he was 12,his parents __16__.He was alone and didnt get on well with others.People always laughed __17__ him.No one showed kindness(友善) to him.His only friend was a dog named Tige. One day as he walked down the street,a young lady was walking in front of him.Suddenly one of her bags dropped from her arms.As she stopped __18__,she dropped other bags.He came to help her.“Thank you,dear!You are a nice little boy!”She said kindly,smiling. A special feeling came to him.These were __19__ kind words he had ever heard.He watched her __20__ she went far away,and he whistled(吹口哨) to his dog and went directly to the river nearby. “Thank you,dear!You are a nice little boy!”He repeated the womans words.Then in a low __21__ he said to his dog, “You are a nice little dog!”Tige raised __22__ ears as if(似乎) it understood. “Uh!Even a dog likes it!”He said.“Well,Tige,I wont say unkind words to you any more.”Tige waved its tail happily. The boy thought and thought.Finally he looked at himself in the river.He saw __23__ but a dirty boy.He washed his face __24__.Again he looked.He saw a clean nice boy.He was amazed(震惊的)From then on,he had a new life. After telling this,the businessman stopped for a while,and then he said, “Ladies and gentlemen,this is the very place where that kind woman planted in me the first seed(种子) of kindness.All of us should learn about kindness.__25__ a great power it has!”If you show kindness to others you will be an able man. 16A.dead Bdying Cdied Ddie 17A.at Bto C/ Dof 18A.picking it up Bpicking up it Cto pick up it Dto pick it up 19A.the first Bfirst Cthe last Dthe first time 20A.until Bbefore Cwhen Dwhile 21A.sound Bnoise Cnoisy Dvoice 22A.it Bits Cones Dits 23A.something Bnothing Canything Dsomebody 24A.carefully Bcareful Ccareless Dcarelessly 25A.What BHow CWhere DWhy 16C17.A18.D19.A20.A 21D22.D23.B24.A25.A .阅读理解(30 分) (A) (2019天津中考) Dear Lucy, How are you? It has been a month since my family left Hong Kong for England and we are fine. England is very different from Hong Kong. The weather is terrible and it rains a lot. The buildings are funny. They are in rows and not high. I love them because the rooms are much larger. Im having a wonderful time at my new school and my new home! Mum and Dad are happy with their new jobs. But my brother Jack doesnt like moving to England because he misses his friends so much. Ive made lots of new friends at school. My teachers are really nice too and my English has improved a lot. After school, we can take part in relaxing activities such as sports, watching films or playing computer games. Theres a park near the school where I often go with the other students at the weekend. We are travelling back to Hong Kong for the summer holiday. I will visit you and bring you a present! Write back soon! Love Sandy 26Where did Sandys family live before? AHong Kong. BSydney. CNew York. DLondon.答案:A 27Sandy loves the buildings in England because their rooms are ________. Acheaper Bwarmer Cnewer Dlarger 答案:D 28How many people are there in Sandys family? A2. B4. C6. D8.答案:B 29Who does not like moving to England? ADad. BMum. CJack. DSandy.答案:C 30What is the letter mainly about? ASandys summer holiday. BSandys parents. CSandys new classmates. DSandys new life.答案:D (B) Savannah City Guide(指南) Places to Stay If you want to spend the night in Savannah,you have lots of places to choose from.You can stay at a big or a small hotel,a comfortable motel(汽车旅馆),or even in a local peoples house.Savannahs hotels and motels are famous for their friendly service.Call one of these places to book a room. Shopping If you like to shop,Savannah is the place for you!Youll find all kinds of stores in Savannah.You can go shopping in small stores or big shopping malls(商场)Are you looking for a special present or a great dress?Youll find it in Savannah. Places to Visit There are so many things to do and see in Savannah.The sightseeing is great.You can visit beautiful old houses and museums.You can take a boat tour and visit many places in a short time.With all of Savannahs history,art,and beautiful buildings,be sure to take the time to enjoy all that Savannah offers to you! Weather Savannah has lots of sunshine(阳光) all year round.Summers are hot and wet.Winters are usually not so cold.Temperatures are usually between 1 degree and 33 degrees. 31Savannahs hotels are famous for their ________. Asunshine Bpresents Csightseeing Dservice 答案:D 32If you want to visit many places in a short time,you can take a ________. Abus Btaxi Cboat Dcoach 答案:C 33It is usually ________ in Savannah all year round. Ahot Brainy Ccold Dsunny 答案:D 34Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? AWinters in Savannah are usually very cold. BThere are many different kinds of stores in Savannah. CIn Savannah,you can only visit old museums. DYou cant call the hotels to book a room.答案:B 35We may find the passage from a ________. Amagazine Bnovel Cplay Ddictionary 答案:A (C) Do you have any foreign friends?Do you know their characteristics(特征)? The Germans are very quiet and they always keep calm.They dont like to speak more words.They look very serious.They like different kinds of amusements.The Germans are very hardworking.They like tidiness,especially the women,who always keep their home clean. In some ways,the Englishmen look the same as the Germans.They are very quiet and never talk too much with the strangers.They are really polite,so we often hear they say “Thank you.” or “Sorry.”The gentlemen are also the Englishmen. The Frenchs holidays are very long.They like travelling and usually spend their long time staying in other countries.The Frenchmen are more outgoing than the Germans.It is very easy to make friends with them. Compared to the Frenchmen,the Americans are more outgoing.And they are even opener than all of the Europeans.They dont like to depend on others.So it is very common that the students do parttime jobs in their free time.And in Americans eyes,success is an important part in their life. 36According to the passage,________ are very quiet. Aonly the Germans Bonly the Englishmen Conly the Frenchmen Dboth the Germans and the Englishmen 答案:D 37What does the underlined word“tidiness” mean in Chinese? A整洁 B安静 C时尚 D随意答案:A 38In the writers eyes,the gentlemen are ________. Athe Germans Bthe Frenchmen Cthe Englishmen Dthe Americans 答案:C 39What can we learn about the Frenchmen from the passage? AThey are more outgoing than the Americans. BIt is very easy to make friends with them. CThey like travelling in their own country. DThey look serious and are always hard working.答案:B 40Which is the best title of the passage? AForeigners hobbies BWho are more outgoing? CCharacteristics of the foreigners DSuccess is an important part in Americans life 答案:C .从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话(有多余项)(5 分) A.I ate nothing but some snacks. B.You look happy. C.And my parents often tell me not to eat them. D.I guess so. E.Thats not a good habit习惯. F.You dont look well. G.Take the medicine three times a day. A:Hi,Amy. B:Hi,Tom.__41__ Whats the matter with you? A:I have a stomach ache. B:What did you eat for lunch? A:__42__ B:I see.Maybe it is caused by them. A:__43__ B:Do you often just have snacks for lunch? A:Yes,very often. B:Oh!__44__ Snacks are bad for health. A:I know that.__45__ But I really enjoy them. B:Anyway(不管怎样),you should try to eat less. A:Youre right.Ill try. 41__F__42.__A__43.__D__ 44__E__45.__C__ .根据汉语意思完成句子(10 分) 46如果你将真相告诉老师,他就不会生你的气。 If you tell him the truth,your teacher wont be/get angry with you. 47我爸爸经常告诉我不要玩电脑游戏。 My father often tells me not to play computer games. 48我们正在进行期末倒计时。 We are counting down the days until the end of this semester. 49我妈妈从未去过北京。 My mother has never been to Beijing. 50我的狗死了。我忍不住哭了。 My dog died.I couldnt help crying. .任务型阅读(5 分) When the teacher asks a question in class,Wang Xiaobin never raises his hand and this situation is very common at middle schools.This 15yearold boy always waits for other classmates or the teacher to give the answer.“What if my answer is wrong?” Wang asked. Wang said only six or seven students in his class raise their hands when a question is asked.“I_think_its_a_problem_that_may_affect(影响) _our_studies,but_I_am_afraid_of_making_mistakes_in_front_of_my_cl assmates, ”he said. When we asked the teacher,Hu Wei,why the students didnt raise their hands,he said, “They lack(缺乏) of confidence,they are afraid of showing off,or theyre afraid of losing face by giving wrong answers.” To encourage students to raise their hands in class,Hu suggests that teachers should repeat the question,and then try to guide and encourage students to offer their answers.Hu_also_advised_students_not_to_be_ shy,but_brave_enough_to_try. Sun Pin,16 of Fujian,always raises her hand as soon as she comes up with the answer,even if she isnt sure she has gotten it right.Sun cant understand why some of her classmates keep silent in class.She enjoys raising her hand a lot.“It keeps me enthusiastic(热情的) and confident to express my idea, ” Sun said.“Raising my hand has really made me excellent.” 根据短文内容完成下列任务。 任务一:根据短文内容简要回答问题。 51Does Wang Xiaobin raise his hand when the teacher asks a question in class? No,he_doesnt. 52Why dont students raise their hands?(3 possible reasons) Because_they_lack_of_confidence,they_are_afraid_of_showing_of f,or_they_are_afraid_of_losing_face_by_giving_wrong_answers. 任务二:将短文中画线的句子译成汉语。 53我想这是个会影响我们学习的问题,但我害怕在同学们面前 犯错。 54胡老师还建议同学们不要害羞,而要勇敢地尝试。 任务三:给短文拟一个恰当的标题。 55Hands_up,please/Put_up_your_hand(s) .短文填空(10 分) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺(每个单 词限用一次)。 possible,other,they,do,true,someone,dream,by,morning,tu rn We Grow Great by Dreams The question was once asked of a highly successful businessman, “How have you __56__ so much in your lifetime?” He replied, “I have dreamed.I have __57__ my mind loose to imagine what I wanted to do. Then I went to bed and thought about my __58__.In the night I dreamt about my dreams.And when I awoke in the __59__,I saw the way to make my dreams real.While other people were saying, You cant do that;it is __60__, I was well on my way to achieving what I wanted.”As Woodrow Wilson,28th President of the US,said, “We grow great __61__ dreams.All big men are dreamers.” They see things in the soft haze of a spring day,or in the red fire on a long winters evening.Some of us let these great dreams die,but __62__ nourish(滋养) and protect them;nourish them through bad days until they bring __63__ to the sunshine and light;it always comes to those who sincerely hope that their dreams will come __64__. So please,dont let __65__ steal your dreams,or try to tell you they are too impossible. “Sing your songs,dream your dreams,hope your hope and pray your prayer.” 56done 57.turned 58dreams 59.morning 60impossible 61.by 62others 63.them 64true 65.anyone .书面表达(15 分) 假如你叫王浩,过去你的身体虚弱并且经常生病。现在有了健康 的生活方式,你的身体好多了。请根据下面表格的内容提示,写一篇 60 词左右的英语短文,给大家介绍一下你的健康生活方式。 参考词汇:lifestyle 生活方式,outdoor activities 户外运动 In the past,I was weak and often fell ill.Now Im in better health because of a healthy lifestyle.Firstly,I have three meals on time every day.I have a good breakfast and I also eat lots of fruit and vegetables.Secondly,I run for half an hour every morning.And during the holidays,I often go travelling or do outdoor activities.Lastly,I often wash my hands to keep them clean and open the windows to keep the air in the room fresh.期末评估测试卷期末评估测试卷 (时间:60 分钟分值:100 分) .单项选择(15 分) 1Lucy is ________ nervous ________ she cant talk in front of the class. Asuch;thatBtoo;to Cso;thatDnot;until 答案:C 2Why are you sad,Jim? I asked my mother to buy a new bike for me,but she ________. AhatedBexplained CrefusedDmentioned 答案:C 3I could ________ speak any English when I first came to England. AevenBhardly CfinallyDever 答案:B 4Mum,would you please ________ at six tomorrow morning?I must get up early. OK. Atake me offBlook after me Cpick me upDwake me up 答案:D 5There is ________fighting in the film. Yes.Youd better warn your children ________ it. Atoo many;to watch Btoo many;not to watch Ctoo much;to watch Dtoo much;not to watch 答案:D 6Nobody knows ________ the pop singer will come to the concert tomorrow. AthoughBwhether CunlessDwhile 答案:B 7Could you tell me ________?Im going to pick you up at the airport. At 15:45 this Friday. Awhere you met me Bwho you are coming with Cwhen you came here Dwhen you are arriving 答案:D 8Have you ________ your temperature? Yes,I ________ it half an hour ago. Atook;takenBtook;took Ctaken;tookDtaken;taken 答案:C 9I like the programme Sports News. But I ________ the Voice of China. AchooseBmiss CpreferDwant 答案:C 10She asked ________ I would be free the next day or not. AifBwhich CthatDwhether 答案:D 11Nobody knows ________ will happen next. AhowBwhen CwhatDwhich 答案:C 12How nice the coffee ________!Would you like some? Yes,please. AsmellsBsounds CfeelsDseems 答案:A 13Can you catch what the foreign teacher said? Sorry,I can ________ understand it because he speaks very quickly. AalmostBnearly CmostlyDhardly 答案:D 14Millie,________ do you take the course in DIY? Every Saturday afternoon. Ahow longBhow far Chow muchDhow often 答案:D 15I find ________ meaningful to help someone in need. AitBthat CthisD
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