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    • 14-15 中学教材全解 八年级英语下 外语教研版 教材听力原文.doc--点击预览
    • 14-15 中学教材全解 八年级英语下 外语教研版 教材听力原文译文.doc--点击预览
    • Module 1.mp3
    • Module 10.mp3
    • Module 2.mp3
    • Module 3.mp3
    • Module 4.mp3
    • Module 5.mp3
    • Module 6.mp3
    • Module 7.mp3
    • Module 8.mp3
    • Module 9.mp3
    • Revision module A.mp3
    • Revision module B.mp3


1 Module 1 Unit 1 1Listen and number the pictures. 1 Lingling: Guess what it is! Betty: It tastes sweet. Is it a cookie? 2 Daming: Ugh! This milk smells sour. Tony: Dont drink it. 3 Betty: This bed feels a bit soft. Lingling: Try a harder bed. 4 Lingling: Tom looks very strong! Daming: Yes. He does a lot of exercise. 2Listen again and complete the sentences. 1 Lingling: Guess what it is! Betty: It tastes sweet. Is it a cookie? 2 Daming: Ugh! This milk smells sour. Tony: Dont drink it. 3 Betty: This bed feels a bit soft. Lingling: Try a harder bed. 4 Lingling: Tom looks very strong! Daming: Yes. He does a lot of exercise. 3Listen and read. Tony: Mm.What a delicious smell! Your pizza looks so nice. Betty: Thanks! Would you like to try some? Tony: Yes, please. It looks lovely, it smells delicious, and mm, it tastes good. Daming: Whats that on top? Betty: Oh, thats cheese. Do you want to try a piece? Daming: Ugh! No, thanks. Im afraid I dont like cheese. It doesnt smell fresh. It smells too strong and it tastes a bit sour. Betty: Well, my chocolate cookies are done now.Have a try! Daming: Thanks! They taste really sweet and they feel soft in the middle. Tony: Are you cooking lots of different things? You look very busy! Betty: Yes, I am! Theres some pizza and some cookies, and now Im making an apple pie and a cake. Daming: Apple pie sounds nice. I have a sweet tooth, you know. Shall I get the sugar? 2 Betty: Yes, please. Oh, are you sure thats sugar? Taste it first. It might be salt! Daming: No, its OK. It tastes sweet. Its sugar. Tony: Whats this? It tastes sweet too. Betty: Thats strawberry jam, for the cake. Daming: Good, everything tastes so sweet! Its my lucky day! Unit 3 9Listen and complete the notes. What is the speaker complaining about? James: Lets go home. I dont like this party. Helen: Why? Im having a great time. The music is good, isnt it? James: Well, I think its terrible. Its too loud, and it sounds like noise, not music. And the room is too hot for dancing, anyway. Helen: Why dont you have something to eat? James: I dont like party food. It has too much salt. Helen: How about a drink then? James: I tried some of the cola, but its too cold. Helen: Well, you can talk to some people.Then you might feel happier. James: The people arent very friendly! Nobody is talking to me at all. Helen: Well, Im not surprised, really. Maybe everyone is afraid of talking to you! You look so angry! James: (Sigh)Maybe youre right. I should try to be a bit friendlier myself Module 2 Unit 1 1Listen and number the words as you hear them. Betty: Lingling, have you ever been to the US? Lingling: No, I havent. Ive always wanted to go there. Betty: Would you like to come and visit me next year? Lingling: That sounds wonderful! Id love to. Betty: I havent asked my parents, but Im sure theyll say yes. Have you ever travelled by plane? Lingling: Yes, I have. Betty: Did you enjoy it? Lingling: Yes, it was very exciting, but I was quite tired. 2Listen again and choose the correct answer. Betty: Lingling, have you ever been to the US? Lingling: No, I havent. Ive always wanted to go there. Betty: Would you like to come and visit me next year? Lingling: That sounds wonderful! Id love to. Betty: I havent asked my parents, but Im sure theyll say yes. Have you ever travelled by plane? Lingling: Yes, I have. Betty: Did you enjoy it? Lingling: Yes, it was very exciting, but I was quite tired. 3Listen and read. Tony: Hi, Lingling. What are you doing? Lingling: Im entering a competition. 3 Tony: What kind of competition? Lingling: A speaking competition. Tony: Great. Itll help you improve your speaking. And maybe you will win a prize. Lingling: The first prize is “My dream holiday”. Tony: Have you ever won any prizes before? Lingling: No, I havent. Ive always wanted to go on a dream holiday. But I cant afford it. The plane tickets are too expensive. Tony: Well, good luck! Ive also entered lots of speaking competitions, but havent won any prizes. Ive stopped trying now. Lingling: Thats a pity. Have you ever thought about other kinds of competitions? Tony: What do you mean? Lingling: Look! Heres a writing competition: Around the World in 80 Days. To win it, you need to write a short story about a place youve visited. Tony: That sounds wonderful, but I havent travelled much. How can I write about it? Lingling: Dont worry. It doesnt need to be true! You can make it up. Tony: Youre right. Ill try. I hope I will win, then I will invite you to come with me. Lingling: Sorry! The first prize is only the book called Around the World in 80 Days! Unit 3 6Listen and check()the country that the people have been to. Presenter: Today were talking to Winnie, Diana and Bob about their travel experiences. Welcome, everyone! Winnie, youve travelled a lot, havent you? Winnie: Yes. Ive been all over China. Ive also been to the US. In fact, Ive flown to the US three times! Presenter: What about you, Diana? Have you been to the US or China? Diana: Ive never been to the US, but Ive been to China many times. Ive travelled all over South China by train. It was fantastic! Id like to go there again, and look around the country some more. Presenter: And you, Bob? Where have you been? Bob: Well, I live in France. Ive been all over Europe, but Ive never been to Africa or Asia. Ive never been to the US either. 7Listen again and answer the questions. Presenter: Today were talking to Winnie, Diana and Bob about their travel experiences. Welcome, everyone! Winnie, youve travelled a lot, havent you? Winnie: Yes. Ive been all over China. Ive also been to the US. In fact, Ive flown to the US three times! Presenter: What about you, Diana? Have you been to the US or China? Diana: Ive never been to the US, but Ive been to Chinamany times. Ive travelled all over South China by train. It was fantastic! Id like to go there again, and look around the country some more. Presenter: And you, Bob? Where have you been? Bob: Well, I live in France. Ive been all over Europe, but Ive never been to Africa or Asia. Ive never been to the US either. 4 Module 3 Unit 1 1Listen and number the words as you hear them. Lingling: Im really interested in the space trip from the earth to Mars. Its so exciting! Has the spaceship landed yet? Tony: I dont know. Lets listen to the news on the radio and find out. News reporter: Weve just had some news about the trip to Mars. The spaceship has reached Mars after a journey of eight months. It hasnt sent back any messages yet, but scientists are waiting. As we know, there isnt any life on the moon, but scientists hope to find life on Mars and other planets. 2Listen again and complete the notes. Lingling: Im really interested in the space trip from the earth to Mars. Its so exciting! Has the spaceship landed yet? Tony: I dont know. Lets listen to the news on the radio and find out. News reporter: Weve just had some news about the trip to Mars. The spaceship has reached Mars after a journey of eight months. It hasnt sent back any messages yet, but scientists are waiting. As we know, there isnt any life on the moon, but scientists hope to find life on Mars and other planets. 3Listen and read. Daming: Hi, Tony. What are you up to? Tony: Hi, Daming. Ive just made a model spaceship for our school project. Daming: I havent started yet because Im not sure how to make it. Can you help me? Tony: Sure, no problem. Have you heard the latest news? Scientists have sent a spaceship to Mars. The journey has taken several months. Daming: Has it arrived yet? Tony:Yes, it has arrived already. Thats why its on the news. Daming: So have they discovered life on Mars? Tony: No, they havent yet. Daming: Are there any astronauts in the spaceship? Tony: No, there arent. Daming: Why not? Astronauts have already been to the moon. Tony: Yes, but no one has been to Mars yet, because Mars is very far away, much farther than the moon. Lots of scientists are working hard in order to send astronauts to Mars one day. Daming: Thats interesting! How can I get information on space travel? Tony: You can go online to search for information. Daming: I will. Thank you, Tony! Unit 3 7Listen and complete the notes. Interviewer: Todays programme is about space travel. Im talking to an astronaut from CNSA. Hello, were interested to hear about your experiences in space. When did you join CNSA? Astronaut: Six years ago. Interviewer: And how many times have you flown in a spaceship? 5 Astronaut: Two times. Interviewer: How did you feel when you were in the spaceship? Astronaut: I enjoyed it. It was very exciting. Interviewer: Have you worked on the space station? Astronaut: Yes, I have. Ive already been there twice. Interviewer: Have you seen the earth from the space station? Astronaut: Yes, I have. Its very blue, and very beautiful. Interviewer: How wonderful! How did you feel when you saw it? Astronaut: I was so happy. I wanted to cry. Interviewer: Im sure. Tell me, why did you decide to become an astronaut? Astronaut: Ive always been interested in space. Its so exciting! Interviewer: Do you think theres life on other planets? Astronaut: Yes, I do. The universe is so big. There are so many galaxies, and so many solar systems. Interviewer: But we havent found anything yet. Astronaut: Weve only just begun to look. Give us time! Interviewer: (laughing)Another hundred years maybe? Well, thank you for talking to us. Its been great to talk to you. Astronaut: Thank you. Module 4 Unit 1 2Listen and check()whats wrong with Betty and Daming. Daming: Hi, Betty. Betty: Hi, Daming. You dont look very well. Whats the matter with you? Daming: (groaning) Ive got a stomach ache and a headache. Betty: Have you seen a doctor? Daming: No, I havent. Betty: You should go and see one! Daming: OK. You dont look very well either, Betty. Whats the matter with you? Have you got a fever? Betty: Yes, Ive got a temperatureand a cough. Daming: You should see a doctor too. Betty: Ive seen a doctor. I saw a doctor this morning. Ah! Daming: Whats the matter? Betty: Ive got a toothache as well! 3Listen and read. Doctor: How can I help you? Daming: I feel ill. Ive got a stomach ache and my head hurts. Doctor: How long have you been like this? Daming: Since Friday. Ive been ill for about three days! Doctor: I see. Have you caught a cold? Daming: I dont think so. 6 Doctor: Let me take your temperature. . . Hmm, theres no fever. What kind of food do you eat? Daming: Usually fast food. Doctor: Do you have breakfast? Daming: No, not usually. Doctor: Thats the problem! Fast food and no breakfast. Thats why youve got a stomach ache. Daming: What about the headache? Doctor: Do you do any exercise? Daming: Not really. I havent done much exercise since I got my computer last year. Doctor: You spend too much time in front of the computer. It can be very harmful to your health. Daming: OK, so what should I do? Doctor: Well, dont worry. Its not serious. First, stop eating fast food and have breakfast every day. Second, get some exercise, such as running. And Ill give you some medicine. Take it three times a day. Daming: Thank you, doctor. Unit 3 7Listen and complete the passage. Man: Good morning, Doctor. Doctor: Hello. How can I help you? Man: I feel awful. I feel hot and Im very tired. Doctor: How long have you felt like this? Man: For about three days. Doctor: Ill take your temperature. Oh, your temperature is quite high. Ill just check your heartAll right, that sounds OK. Have you got a headache or a stomach ache? Man: Ive got a headache all the time. But I dont have a stomach ache. Doctor: Have you got a cough? Man: No.Whats the matter with me? Doctor: I dont think its serious. Its probably just a cold. You should drink more water, and take this medicine three times a day. Man: OK. Can I go to work today? Doctor: No, I think youd better stay in bed until you feel better. Man: Thank you, Doctor. Module 5 Unit 1 2Listen and find out Bettys and Tonys answers to the questions in Activity 1. Tony: What kind of cartoon do you like, Betty? Betty: My favourite cartoon is Superman. Its great! Tony: Why do you like it so much? 7 Betty: The stories are so exciting! Superman is brave and hes very handsome too. Tony: I dont like it much, myself. The stories always have happy endings. Betty: Yes, but all cartoons have happy endings. Tony: I guess youre right. I like watching Tom and Jerry. Its funny! Betty: Yes, and Jerry is smart and cute! 3Listen and read. Tony: Daming, weve finished our homework. Its time to watch a cartoon. Daming: Good idea, Tony. Lets watch Superman! Tony: We watched Superman yesterday. Why dont we watch Spiderman? Its more modern. Daming: I think Superman is better. Hes stronger than Spiderman. He can fly through the sky and fight bad people. Tony: Spiderman cant fly, but he climbs up buildings with his hands and feet. Thats cool. I want to be someone like him. Daming: Well, Superman is brave. He keeps fighting bad people. Thats a real hero! Tony: I dont think we agree. Daming: All right. Lets watch Tom and Jerry then. Tony: Yeah! I like humorous cartoons. Tom and Jerry are very funny. I cant help laughing when I watch them! Daming: Yes, Jerry is too smart for Tom. Tony: The cute mouse always beats the cat! They fight a lot, but they really love each other. Sometimes they protect each other and work together. I think theres a lesson there! Unit 3 4Now listen and check. Tony: (laughing)I think this is really funny! Betty: Why? I dont get the joke. Tony: Look! In the first picture, theres a man running away from a policeman. Betty: But why is he running away? I dont understand. Tony: Well, hes done something wrong! The policeman wants to catch him. Betty: I see. And then the man runs into the lift. Tony: Yes, and this is the funny bit. Its really clever! The policeman could catch the man in the lift, but he doesnt. They both just stand there, waiting for the lift to stop! Betty: Now I get it! Yes, it is funny! Tony: Yes, and as we see in the last picture, the policeman is still trying to catch the man! 5Listen again and answer the questions. Tony: (laughing)I think this is really funny! Betty: Why? I dont get the joke. Tony: Look! In the first picture, theres a man running away from a policeman. Betty: But why is he running away? I dont understand. Tony: Well, hes done something wrong! The policeman wants to catch him. Betty: I see. And then the man runs into the lift. Tony: Yes, and this is the funny bit. Its really clever! The policeman could catch the man in the lift, but he doesnt. They both just stand there, waiting for the lift to stop! Betty: Now I get it! Yes, it is funny! 8 Tony:Yes, and as we see in the last picture, the policeman is still trying to catch the man! Revision module A 10Listen and check()the correct answer. Betty: Have you got a pet? Daming: Yes, Ive got a very clever dog. Betty: Wow. How long have you had a dog? You never talk about it. Daming: About two years. He was a gift from my aunt for my birthday. Betty: Do you tak
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