外研版七年级下册英语Module 8 复习总结自测卷三(有答案).docx

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1、七下七下 ModuleModule 8 8 复习总结自测题复习总结自测题三三 一、单项选择。一、单项选择。 1. Tom, why have you decided_ Chinese folk music as a course? Because I like Chinese culture very much. A. take B. taken C. to take D. taking 2. Mr Zhou is good at cooking, so he decides_his own restaurant. A. open B. opened C. to open D. opening

2、 3. Its easy to _ in the forest. So we must be careful. A. get worried B. get mad C. get lost D. get angry 4. The volunteers _ the sick kids in the hospital on weekends. A. look after B. look for C. look through 5. When I came in, I noticed him _ computer. A. play B. to play C. playing D. to playing

3、 6. Shall we go to the airport to_ your sister? I dont think its necessary. She will come here by taxi. A. see off B. pick up C. look after D. come across 7. I am _ now. I want to eat something. A. tired B. hungry C. bored D. worried 8. My two cousins decide _ a business together. A. to start B. sta

4、rting C. start D. started 9. The girl_ her, but she didnt see anybody. A. looked at B. looked for C. looked around D. looked after 10. Do you often notice them_ basketball on the playground? A. play B. playing C. to play D. played 11. He_ his homework yesterday. Now he _ free. A. finish; is B. finis

5、hed; was C. finished; is D. finishes; is 12. Where would you like to go tomorrow, Huangguoshu Waterfall or Dragon Palace? _ is OK for me. Its up to you. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. All 13. Look. The book is _ pieces. What happened? A. in B. on C. for D. of 14. He worked last night and now he fee

6、ls_. A. sleep B. sleeping C. asleep D. sleepy 15. I will tell him the news when Mr. Black _. Thanks a lot. A. looks B. pushes C. returns D. takes 16. Im getting hungry. Do you know where we can get some good food? Of course! There_ a restaurant around the corner. A. will be B. was C. is 17. _ your h

7、elp, I cant get good grades. A. With B. Without C. For D. By 18. Was there a concert in the theatre last night? _. I went to watch it. A. Yes, there was B. No, there wasnt C. Yes, it was D. No, it wasnt 19. Oh, no! I cant find my mobile phone! Well, where _ you last put it? A. have B. do C. did D. a

8、re 20. Our teacher often tells us _ in the river. Its dangerous. A. not swim B. not to swim C. to swim D. swimming 21. Time will_ whether (是否) I made the right choice or not. I believe you can succeed. A. see B. say C. know D. tell 22. Lily enjoys_ a film at the weekend. A. see B. to see C. seeing 2

9、3. Mr Wang together with his wife and children _ in the countryside. A. enjoys living B. enjoy living C. enjoys to live D. enjoy to live 24. The word “around” begins_ an “a”. A. in B. of C. at D. with 25. Parents should always tell their kids_ with strangers. A. not to talk B. not talking C. to not

10、talk D. not talk 二二、根据汉语提示、根据汉语提示写出相对应的单词写出相对应的单词完成句子完成句子。 1. Look at the sign(标识). Please dont _(推)the door. 2. Dont_(摘) the flowers in the park. 3. In China, we shouldnt_(指向)at anyone with our chopsticks. 4. Its impolite to_(大声喊) at others loudly. 5. He left the room _(没有)telling me. 6. My mother

11、goes shopping _ (一次) a week. 7. There are some apples and pears in three _ (篮子). 8. He hopes to _ (进入) the famous university (大学) one day. 9. What colour is his _ (头发)? Black. 10. I _(注意到)him run into the room just now. 三三、根据汉语意思完成句子、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. 不久金凤花姑娘就迷路了。 Goldilocks_ _ soon. 2. 金凤花姑娘向她周围看。 Gol

12、dilocks _ _ her. 3. 她捡起那只很大的碗。 She_ _ the very big bowl. 4. 从前,有一个叫金凤花的小女孩。 _ _ _ _, there was a little girl called Goldilocks. 5. 她决定拿着篮子在公园里散步。 She decided to_ _ _ _ in the park with her basket. 6. 如果现在不注意的话,你会再次全部做错的。 If you dont pay attention now, youll get it all wrong _ _. 7. 昨天晚上她独自一人在家。 She

13、was _ _ at home last night. 8. 进入房间前请敲门。 Please _ _ the door before you enter the room. 9. 她走进了卧室。 She_ _ the bedroom. 10. 起初他们没有注意到金凤花姑娘。 They didnt notice Goldilocks_ _ . 四四、用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空、用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空 A 1. The girl_the hill. There were some tall trees there. 2. My grandmother _ to her h

14、ometown by train last week. 3. His father was very heavy and the chair was in _. 4. Their teacher is_to raise her teaching standards. 5. He was too tired and fell_very soon. B Once upon a time there was a small boy called Tom . One day Tom(1)_to go for a walk in the dark forest . He(2)_for a short t

15、ime and then he(3)_some flowers . Next, he(4)_a little house . He(5)_on the door but nobody (6)_ He (7)_ the house . There (8)_a big table, a big chair, a big bowl and a big bear . Then Tom (9)_ at the bowl of food with big eyes . The bear (10)_Tom, “Are you hungry?Try some of my food . ” Tom tried

16、the food . Then they were good friends . 五五、按要求完成、按要求完成下面下面句子句子 1. I noticed some chickens in the garden. (改成否定句) I _ _ _ chickens in the garden. try, pieces, return, asleep, point to answer ask be enter knock look notice pick walk want 2. There wasnt anything in the room (改成同义句) There _ _ in the ro

17、om. 3. Mike picked up a pen on the floor. (就画线部分提问) _ _ Mike _ up on the floor? 4. I went to school, but I didnt have breakfast. (改为同义句) I went to school _ _. 5. The little girl cried in the park this morning. (就画线部分提问) _ _ the little girl _ this morning? 六六、补全对话。、补全对话。( (有两项多余有两项多余) ) A:Betty, wher

18、e did you go last Sunday? B:Oh, I went to the forest with my friends. A:Forest?(1)_ B:We picked some flowers. A:Really?(2)_ B:Of course. We enjoyed ourselves. A:(3)_ A. How did you go there? B. Why did you go there? C. Who did you go with? D. What did you do there? E. Did you have a good time there?

19、 F. How long did you stay there? G. Where did you have your lunch? B:We went there by bike. A:(4)_ B:For about five hours. A:Five hours?(5)_ B:In a farmers house. A:What about the food? B:It was delicious. A:That sounds great. Maybe Ill go there next week, too. 七、完形填空。七、完形填空。 My uncle is going to ha

20、ve a holiday next week. He is _1 to England _2 plane. He is _3 some sightseeing. First , he is going to travel by bus and stay in hotels. He _4 like cars. Then he is going to visit London. London is a beautiful city. It _5 lots of parks and gardens. He is going to visit the big parks. _6 he is going

21、 to the theatre and the cinema. He_7 English culture. He is going to visit London Museum. It can _8 a lot of interesting stories. Finally, he is going to visit many _9 places of interest, such as Big Ben, River Thames and so on. He loves _10 . He always buys me a present when he has a holiday. I am

22、looking forward to that. 1. A. go B. going C. goes D. to go 2. A. take B. take a C. by a D. by 3. A. going B. go C. have D. to have 4. A. isnt B. doesnt C. not D. cant 5. A. is B. there is C. has D. have 6. A. So B. But C. Because D. And 7. A. is like B. liking C. likes D. like 8. A. tell B. talk C.

23、 tells D. speak 9. A. the other B. others C. another D. other 10. A. swimming B. swims C. swim D. to swimming 八、阅读理解八、阅读理解。 One morning, a little mouse went out to find something to eat. He was careless and met a fierce (凶猛的) lion. The lion caught the mouse. The lion wanted to eat him. “Please let m

24、e go, Mr Lion, ” said the mouse. “One day, I will help you. ” The lion laughed, “How could a little mouse help a big lion? ” “Well, ” he said, “I will let you go. But you must walk more carefully. ” The mouse was very thankful. “Thank you, Mr Lion. You are very kind. I will repay (报答) you one day. ”

25、 the little mouse said. The next week, the mouse was looking for something to eat again. He saw the lion under a tree. But the lion was tied tightly (紧紧地) in strong ropes. He could not get out. “I will help you, ” said the mouse. His teeth were sharp. Then he bit one rope, and then another. Soon the

26、 lion was free. He was very happy. “Thank you, Mr Mouse, ” he said. Later, they became good friends. 1. What did the little mouse do one morning? A. He went to play. B. He went for a walk. C. He looked for something to eat. D. He went out to buy something to eat. 2. Who did the little mouse meet? A.

27、 A tiger. B. A monkey. C. An elephant. D. A lion. 3. What did the little mouse think of the lion? A. Kind. B. Fierce. C. Careless. D. Polite. 4. Why did the little mouse help the lion? A. Because the lion gave some food to him. B. Because he wanted to repay the lion. C. Because the lion is fierce. D

28、. Because the lion wanted to repay him. 5. What do we learn from the story? A. The lion wasnt kind. B. The mouse wasnt thankful. C. We must help each other when we are in trouble. D. The mouse didnt help the lion. 答答 案案 一、一、CCCAC BBACA CAADC CBACB DCADA 二、二、1. push 2.pick 3. point 4. shout 5. withou

29、t 6.once 7. baskets 8. enter 9. hair 10. noticed 三、 1. was lost 2. looked around 3. picked up 4. Once upon a time 5. go for a walk 6. once again 7. all alone 8. knock on 9. walked into 10. at first 四、A:A: 1. pointed to 2. returned 3. pieces 4. trying 5. asleep B B: : 1. wanted 2. walked 3. picked 4.

30、 noticed 5. knocked 6. answered 7. entered 8. was 9. looked 10. asked 五、五、1. didnt notice any 2. was nothing 3. What did; pick 4. without breakfast 5. Where did; cry 六、六、DEAFG 七、1. B 这里是 be going to 结构。 2. D 3.A 4.B 5.C 6. D 分析前后文可知表示并列关系,用 and。 7. C 8.A can 后接动词原形。讲故事用 tell。 9. D the other 指两者中的另一个

31、;others 作代词,后不接名词; another 意为“另一” ,后接单数名词;other 意为“别的;其他的” , 后接复数名词。分析句意可知选 D。 10. A 八、八、1. C 由文章第一段第一句话“One morning, a little mouse went out to find something to eat. ”可知该题选 C。 2. D 由第一段的“He was careless and met a fierce(凶猛 的)lion. ”可知他遇到一只凶猛的狮子。故选 D。 3. A 由第四段的“You are very kind. I will repay(报答)you one day. ” 可知小老鼠认为狮子是善良的。故选 A。 4. B 由第四段的“I will repay(报答)you one day. ”可知该题 选 B。 5. C 综合短文内容可知当遇到困难时我们应该互相帮助。


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