外研版九年级下册英语Module 4 Rules and suggestions 同步练习 (含答案).docx

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1、Module 4 Unit 1 重点单词 根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文单词 1.短袜 2.每当;无论什么时候 3.合适的;恰当的 4.边;边缘 5.你自己 6.挨饿;饿死 7.尝试;努力 8.岩;岩石 9.石头 10.相当;还算 11.无困难的;顺利的;光滑的;平坦的 12.直的;笔直的 重点短语 根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语 1.注意 2.动身;出发 3.去散步 4.在山里 5.的边缘 6.伤到某人自己 7.聚在一起 8.迷路 9.离开 10.独自 11.一口气;一下子 12.攀岩 13.当心 14.落石 15.带路 16.相当平坦 重点句型 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1.请大家注

2、意(安静)一会儿! Please for a moment! 2.无论你何时去登山,你都应该穿合适的衣服。 you go in the hills,you should always wear . 3.你们必须待在一起,这样你们才不会迷路。 And you have to so you dont . 4.你们不能独自离开。 You mustnt go off . 5.我们现在能吃东西了吗?我都快饿死了! Can we have something now?Im ! 6.不要一口气把水喝光。 Dont drink all your water . 7.你必须小心落石。 You must fall

3、ing stones. 8.走吧!我来带路。 Come on!Ill . Unit 2 重点单词 根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文单词 1.帐篷 2.变成,进入(某种状态) 3.悬挂;吊 4.突然的;急剧的 5.枪 6.软的;柔软的 7.静止的;不动的 8.(小)树林;林地 9.血;血液 重点短语 根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语 1.当心 2.我们三个(一共就三个人) 3.入睡;睡着 4.向外看 5.做早饭 6.在一条小溪旁边 7.支起帐篷 8.整理 9.制造许多噪声 10.发出响声 11.看见某人正在做某事 12.记得做过某事 13.一动不动地站着 14.转过头 15.朝跑去 重点句型 根据汉

4、语意思完成句子,每空一词 1.当我向帐篷外看去,什么也没有。 When I the tent,there was there. 2.而且最重要的是,你不能跑。 And ,you mustnt run. 3.突然,我看见一只小熊在玩一些树枝和石头。 ,I a baby bear with some sticks and stones. 4.我一动不动地站着,甚至连头都没有转。 I stood very .I didnt even my . 5.每当听到突然的声响,我都会心惊胆战。 Every time when there was a ,my blood went . 课文缩写 根据短文内容及所

5、给提示填空 In the middle of the first night,I heard a 1. (奇怪的) noise outside,but just found nothing around the 2. (帐篷).The next morning we found the bag of food was open.Joe said it might be the bears who did it and suggested we 3. (悬挂) the food in a tree.During the second night,the bears came again and

6、4. (拿走) the food from the tree.On the third day,we adjusted our methods to better protect our food.And Ben 5.w us we mustnt make any sudden moves or run if we saw a bear,as we had no 6. (枪).On the fourth day,I was walking in the forest when I 7. (sudden) saw a baby bear.Her mother arrived soon.I was

7、 so afraid that my face 8.t pale.I kept standing 9. (静止地) until the bears ran away.And as soon as I could move,I ran 10.b to my friends as fast as I could. Unit 3 重点短语 根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语 1.为担心 2.古老的森林 3.垃圾桶 4.打扫,清洁 5.参与到中 6.全世界 7.为了 8.同时 重点句型 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1.许多来森林的游客用小刀把他们的名字刻在树上。 Many visitors to t

8、he forests use to their names the trees. 2.当地的村民已经帮忙清理森林。 People from local villages have helped the forests. 3.我们希望游客们也参与到保持森林清洁的行动中来! We hope will play their part in the forests too! 4.节约用水就是拯救生命。 is to save lives. 参考答案 Module4 Unit1 重点单词 1.sock 2.whenever 3.proper 4.edge 5.yourself 6.starve 7.go

9、8.rock 9.stone 10.fairly 11.smooth 12.straight 重点短语 1.payattention(to) 2.setoff 3.gowalking 4.inthehills 5.theedgeof 6.hurtoneself 7.keeptogether 8.getlost 9.gooff 10.ononesown 11.inonego 12.rockclimbing 13.becarefulof 14.fallingstones 15.leadtheway 16.fairlysmooth 重点句型 1.payattention 2.Whenever;wal

10、king;properclothes 3.keeptogether;getlost 4.onyourown 5.toeat;starving 6.inonego 7.becarefulof 8.leadtheway Unit2 重点单词 1.tent 2.fall 3.hang 4.sudden 5.gun 6.soft 7.still 8.wood 9.blood 重点短语 1.watchout 2.thethreeofus 3.fallasleep 4.lookoutof 5.makebreakfast 6.byastream 7.putupthetent 8.tidyup 9.makea

11、lotof/lotsofnoise 10.makeasound 11.seesb.doingsth. 12.rememberdoingsth. 13.standstill 14.turnoneshead 15.runtowards. 重点句型 1.lookedoutof;nothing 2.aboveall 3.Suddenly;saw;playing 4.still;turn;head 5.suddennoise;cold 课文缩写 1.strange 2.tent 3.hang 4.took 5.warned 6.guns 7.suddenly 8.turned 9.still 10.back Unit3 重点短语 1.beworriedabout 2.ancientforest 3.litterbins 4.cleanup 5.playones/apartin 6.allovertheworld 7.inorderto 8.atthesametime 重点句型 1.knives;cut;into 2.cleanup 3.tourists/visitors;keeping;clean 4.Tosavewater


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