冀教版(一起)四下-Unit 1 Days and Months-Lesson 5 When Is It -教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:304f6).docx

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1、一、教材分析一、教材分析 本单元的教学内容以“日期和月份”为中心。通过询问生日、节日的日期和天气状况,帮助 学生理解并运用日期和月份的英语表达方式。本课内容主要是引导学生通过听、说、读、写 等方式,在生活中灵活运用日期描述节日。 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1、语言能力方面:学生能听懂、会说、认读节日名称,能够使用序数词正确说出 6 个主要 节日的日期;能就节日的话题开展简单的交流。 短语:New Years Day, Spring Festival, International Workers Day, Childrens Day, Teachers Day, National Day 句型:

2、When is_? _. 2、文化品格方面:学生将了解一些中西方的节日。学生能够认识到在中国,许多受欢迎的 节日和加拿大很像,例如儿童节。 3、思维品质方面:能通过对比发现中西方节日的异同,比如儿童节。能在课上分析推断已 知信息,独立思考。 4、学习能力方面:学生继续养成听录音和跟读的习惯;要在日常情境中观察简单的英语对 话。 三、教学重难点三、教学重难点 重点:1、学习节日的名称 2、问答节日的日期和自己生日的日期 难点:1、正确表达英文日期 2、用英文问答节日和生日的日期 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Step1 Leading in ( 8minutes) Greetings and rev

3、iew 1、Lets sing a song! T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, teacher. T: Before our class, lets sing a song together, OK? Ss: OK! Sing “Twelve Months” in Lesson 7. 【设计意图】 通过师生合唱第 7 课学过的歌曲,帮助学生快速进入英语学习情境,并在轻 松愉快的氛围中复习月份单词。 2、Free talk T: Whats the date? (PPT 首先出示一张日历图片) Its January the

4、first. 注意描述日期要用序数词。 (PPT 依次出示几张日历图片) Ss:Its. This is my birthday. (圈出其中一张图片)When is your birthday? S1:. S2:. 【设计意图】由日历引出日期,并通过提问孩子们的生日来复习日期的表达方式。 Step2 Presentation ( 20minutes) T: Look at the picture and listen. (播放歌曲 Happy New Year) T: Yes. Its New Years Day. Ss read one by one. T:When is it? Ss:

5、January the first. T: Yes. January the first is New Year s Day. We can also say “ New Year s Day is January the first. ” Pair work time. S1: When is_? S2: _.( 展示小组作品) T: When is New Years Day? Ss: January the first is New Years Day.(同时把 Jan.1 贴上) T: Look at the pictures. They are the Spring Festival

6、. Phonics 纠音(Look at my mouth) S1 read and find others to read. T: Look! This is a red packet. Lets open it. But you must say “the Spring Festival”. T:Good! When is the Spring Festival? It is in January in2017. But it is in February in 2018. When is it? Ss: Its in January or February. T: Whats the m

7、eaning of “or”? Ss: 或者 Pair work time. S1: When is_? S2: _.( 展示小组作品) T: When is the Spring Festival? Ss: Its in January or February.(同时把 Jan.or Feb.贴上) T: What holiday is this? Ss: Childrens Day. Phonics 纠音(Look at my mouth) Ss read line by line. T: Look! This is a balloon. Lets blow it together.Sho

8、w me your hands. Lets say Childrens Day together. T: When is it? S1: Its Jun.1. Pair work time. S1: When is_? S2: _.( 展示小组作品) T: When is Childrens Day? Ss: Its June the first. (同时把 Jun.1 贴上) T: When is it in Canada? Jun.1? Look at the picture. Can you find out the date? When is it? S1: Nov.20 is Chi

9、ldrens Day. T: What else do you know? She is reading a book. She is driving a plane. He is playing with a dog. Their dreams are different. And there is a girl. She cant walk. But we should be friends with her,too. T:To celebrate Childrens Day is not only for fun, but also to think about your future.

10、 T: Listen! Who is talking? What holiday is it? Ss: Teachers Day. T: When is Teachers Day? S1: September the tenth is Teachers Day. Pair work time. S1: When is_? S2: _.( 展示小组作品) T: When is Teachers Day? Ss: September the tenth is Teachers Day. (同时把 Sept.10 贴上) T: Great! Look at these pictures. What

11、holiday is it? Its National Day. Phonics 纠音(Look at my mouth) Ss read row by row. T: Look! This is a flag. Lets raise it together. And we say”National Day ” together. T: When is it? S1: October the first is National Day. Pair work time. S1: When is_? S2: _.( 展示小组作品) T: When is National Day? Ss: Octo

12、ber the first is National Day. (同时把 Oct.1 贴上) T: Excellent! Listen! Whats the date? Ss: May the first. T:What holiday is it? Its International Workers Day. S1 read and find others to read. T: Show me your hands. Lets put our handprints on the board and say “International Workers Day” together. T: Wh

13、en is it? S1: Its May the first. Pair work time. S1: When is_? S2: _.( 展示小组作品) T: When is International Workers Day? Ss:May the first is International Workers Day. (同时把 May 1 贴上) 【设计意图】 在课堂教学中合理利用现有的教学资源和多媒体, 通过节日图片、 声音、 食物、 日期等多种方式引入新知,丰富教学内容和形式,并通过反复练习,帮助孩子理解记忆节日 名称和时间。这部分内容也是在完成培养文化品格的教学目标。 Step3

14、 Consolidation ( 8minutes) 1. Follow the tape. Pay attention to your tune. Then read the text by yourself. 2. Make a holiday calendar. T: Each group has a picture. Loot at your picture and circle the date. (之后老师将图片收回,同时问”When is it?” ,此小组学生回答) 【设计意图】通过 Make a dialogue 这一环节,让学生在合作学习中,接触、理解、操练、 运用语言知识

15、,使他们能够乐于参与,并灵活运用 “When is_? _.”这一句型进行交 流。 Step4 Extension ( 2 minutes) T: We have learned many holidays. What else do you know? (出示图片进行节日拓展 Mothers Day / Fathers Day/ Christmas) 【设计意图】在所学内容上进行简单拓展,开阔思维。 Step5 Homework( 2 minutes) Make a personal calendar.(给出示例) 【设计意图】在学习了一些西方节日之后,让学生任选自己喜欢的节日或日期,制作个性化 的节日卡,以促进学生的认知能力、思维能力、审美情趣、想象力和创造力等素质的综合发 展,并在制作过程中,帮助学生巩固日期的写法,寓教于乐。 板书设计:板书设计: Lesson 9 When Is It


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