粤教版(三起)五下-Culture 1:Study Tour-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:e0147).zip

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Lets sing! Im going to ____________. take a testwrite a letter play games What are you going to do today? Summer vacation is coming. Where are you going during your vacation? Im going to ________. Beijing Shanghai Guangzhou ca r plane ship train How are you going to ______? Im going by_______. Im going to ________. have a picnictake photosplay with friends What are you going to do during your vacation? Im going to ________. Im going to ________. go sightseeingeat good foodgo camping What are you going to do in Beijing? Im going to ________. Know more about Beijing the Great Wall Tiananmen Square the Birds Nest the Water Cube Beijing University 北京大学 One of the most famous university in China. 中国最著名的大学之一。 Tsinghua University 清华大学 Harvard University 哈佛大学 Kevin Hey,Ihaveastudytourplan. Wow!Letscheckitout! 学习之旅 The Yangtze River 长江,扬子江 亚洲第一大河 The longest river of Asia. 世界第三大河 The third longest river in the world The Nile River 尼罗河 The longest river in the world. 世界第一大河 Mount Tai 泰山 The one of most important mountain in ancient China. 泰山是中国古代最重要的 山峰之一。 It is in Shandong, China. 在中国山东省 Shaanxi History Museum 陕西历史博物馆 The largest museum in China. 中国最大的博物馆 Museum USA 美利坚合众国(美国 ) America The Statue of Liberty The Snow White Tom and Jerry Captain America Minions Australia 澳大利亚 Sydney Sydney Opera House Koala 考拉,树袋熊 Kangaroo 袋鼠 Canada 加拿大 The Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布 One of the most wonderful view of the world 世界奇观之一。 UK 英国 England The Big Ben The Yangtze River Mount Tai Beijing University Museum USA Australia Canada UK Trytosay USA Trytosay Falls Trytosay Trytosay UK theOperaHouse Trytosay Canada Trytosay BigBen Trytosay Australia Trytosay theStatue ofLiberty Trytosay The Yangtze River Trytosay Beijing University Trytosay Museum Trytosay Mount Tai Trytosay Where are you going to during the vacation? Were going to _____. Were going by_____. ship How are you going to _____? train The Yangtze River Mount Tai Beijing University Museum plane Where are you going to during the vacation? Were going to _____. train How are you going to _____? Were going by_____. USA AustraliaCanadaUK Where are you going to stay? Were going to _________ stay with an Australian family Lets play games! Rock, Scissors, Paper! You lose, you answer! Where are you going to during the vacation? Were going to _____. Were going by_____. ship How are you going to _____? train The Yangtze River Mount Tai Beijing University Museum USA AustraliaCanada UK plan e Read the dialogue. Amy: Hello, Tim. What are you going to do during your vacation? Tim: Im going to Mount Tai. And you? Amy: Im going to have a study tour in Australia. Tim: Great! How are you going to Australia? Amy: Im going by plane. Tim: Where are you going to stay? Amy: Im going to stay with an Australian family. Answer the questions. 1. Where is Tim going during the vacation? He is going to Mount Tai. 2. Where is Amy going during the vacation? She is going to Australia. 3. How is Amy going there? She is going by plane. 4. Where is Amy going to stay? She is going to stay with an Australian family. Summervacationiscoming. StudyTour happy WheretogoHowtogo Whattodo Wheretostay GroupWork 3minutes Discuss Makeaplanaboutyourstudytour. StudyTour Summervacationiscoming. Wearegoingto . . . Wewillbehappy. GroupWork ShowTime ComeCome on!on! SumUp StudytourMakeaplan SumUp Studyhardandmakeprogresseveryday. Suggestion Homework 1.Surftheinternet tocollect informationabout onecountryyoulike. 上网收上网收 集一个你喜集一个你喜 欢的国家的信息。欢的国家的信息。 2.Accordingtothe information,makea planofyourstudy tour. 根据收集的信息,给根据收集的信息,给 自己做一份游学计划。自己做一份游学计划。 Thanksforwatching!Culture 1 Study Tour 一、单元教学目标 1.语言知识目标: (1)通过与老师互动交谈获取关于游学的主要信息:时间、地点、出行方式、 活动等要素。 (2)联系生活,制定游学计划并用一般将来时态进行描述或创编对话进行分 享。 2.语言技能目标: (1)根据图片、视频、文本了解世界各地名胜及不同地区的文化差异。 (2)能够制定游学计划并用英语表达。 (3)能够和同学介绍或谈论游学计划。 3.学习策略目标: (1)喜欢游学和分享游学感受。 (2)乐于了解不同地域的文化。 4.情感态度目标: (1)能够通过活动获取信息并对信息进行整理。 (2)能够找到收集信息的渠道。 5.文化意识目标: (1)学习名胜的英文表达。 (2)体验不同地域人文风俗的异同。 (3)通过活动提升跨文化意识。 二、单元内容分析 1.重点:学会新单词、新句型,了解及谈论游学地点、时间、交通工具、活动 等情况。 2.难点:地方名胜的英文表达以及运用了解到的信息融入英语计划中,最后用 英语进行表达。 三、课时安排:一课时 第一课时 一、教学目标教学目标 1.能够理解并正确朗读词汇The Yangtze River, Mount Tai, Beijing University, Museum, USA, Australia, Canada, UK. 2. 根据Amy和Tim的对话创编对话。 二、教学重点二、教学重点,难点难点 1.学习几个名胜或国家的词汇。 2.口头介绍游学计划。 三、教学准备三、教学准备 1. PPT 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Step 1 Warm- up Sing a song: What are you going to do? (From Unit 3) Step 2 Lead-in & Presentation 1. (After singing) T: Boys and girls, what are you going to do today? S1: Im going to . S2: Im going to . T: Summer vacation is coming. Where are you going during your vacation? S3: Im going to T: How are you going? S3: Im going . T: What are you going to do during your vacation? S3: Im going to. 2. T: Who is going to Beijing for a vacation? S4: Me. T: What are you going to do in Beijing? Are you going to go sightseeing? S4: . 3.呈现北京一些名胜的图片,引导学生认识The Great Wall, Tiananmen Square, The Water Cube, The Birds Nest等词汇。 4. 引出新词汇Beijing University,同时呈现清华大学和哈弗大学的图片和词汇。 5. 呈现本课的词汇,同时渗透相关的文化知识 T: On summer vacation, my friend Kevin is going to have a study tour, lets check it out. (1) The Yangtze River The Yangtze River is the longest river in China. The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. The Nile is the longest river in the world. (2)Mount Tai Mount Tai is in Shandong, China. The one of most important mountain in ancient China. (3)Museum The Shaanxi History Museum The largest museum in China. (4)USA America The Statue of Liberty The Snow White Captain America Tom and Jerry Minions (5)Australia Sydney Sydney Opera House Koala Kangaroo (6)Canada The Niagara Falls One of the most wonderful view of the world (7)UK England London The Big Ben Step 3 Practice 1. Sharp eyes. 2. Pair work(Look, ask and answer) 3. 呈现Amy和Tim的对话 (1)Invite two students to read the dialogue. (2)Answer the questions. 1) Where is Tim going during the vacation? 2) Where is Amy going during the vacation? 3) How is Amy going there? 4) Where is Amy going to stay? (3)Read the dialogue in pairs. Step 4 Production T: Where do you want to go for a study tour? Make a plan for it. Study Tour: Where to go? What to do? How to go? Where to stay? 1. 根据提示制定游学计划。 2. Talk about your plan in groups. Step 5 Summary 1、T: Today, we have learned some famous places. Theyre very beautiful. For us, we should learn about their history and know more about them. 2、情感教育:Study hard and make progress every day. Step 6 Homework Write down your study tour plan and read to your parent. 板书设计: Culture 1 Study Tour China Foreign country The Yangtze River USA Mount Tai Australia Beijing University Canada Museum UK
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