粤教版(三起)五下-Review 1-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:30675).zip

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Revision Unit1-3 课堂练习 班级_________________ 姓名_________________ 学号_________________ 1. (Task3) Listen and Read. (1)Listen and match (2) Read and Judge.( T or F ) Tina is talking about summer vacation plans with her friends. Tina: The summer vacation is coming. I am going to London with Jenny for the summer vacation. Where are you going, Sherry? Sherry: Im going to the USA by car with my family. Were going to visit my grandparents there. Were also going to visit the White House. Im going to take many beautiful photos. Tina: Great! You can show them to us. What about you, Linda? Linda: Well, my family are going to Australia by plane. My uncle lives there, so we are going to stay with him. Were going to see kangaroos and koalas. And were going to visit the famous Opera House, too. ( ) 1. Tina is going to London for the winter vacation. ( ) 2. Sherry is going to the USA with Jenny. ( ) 3. Sherry and her family are going to visit her grandparents. ( ) 4. Linda is going to Australia by train. ( ) 5. There are kangaroos and koalas in Australia. Tina and Jenny Sherry Linda 2. (1) Finish your mind map. (2) Writing. Model A: Hi, Im Grace. Summer vacation is coming. I am going to HongKong-Zhuhai- Macao Bridge on vacation. Its very great and beautiful. I am going with my family. We are going by bus. We are going to stay with my cousin.We are going to go sightseeing and take photos. We will have a good time! Model B: Hi, Im Grace. I am going to HongKong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge . I am going by bus. I am going to stay with my cousin. I am going to go sightseeing and take photos. Ill be happy! Where Where to stay What to do How Summer Vacation Plan Summer Vacation Plan Hi, Im ______________. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________Revision of Unit1-3 Summer Vacation What will you do for your summer vacation? I will go to the swimming pool to play! What will you do for your summer vacation? I will go swimming every day! In the month of June and in July and August. Each day, I will play in the swimming pool! But after my wonderful summer vacation I will go back to school. And I wont be in the swimming pool! What will you do for your summer vacation? I will go to the swimming pool to play! What will you do for your summer vacation? I will go swimming every day! We originally are happy to wait for summer vacation. But Thanos(灭霸) tries to destroy( 毁灭) the earth(地球). And then the Iron man (钢铁侠) comes out to fight(决斗) with him. But . ? Can you help me to look for the Time Stone? 1 Guessing Game Riddles 3 Listen and Read Tasks 1 Guessing Game 1 Guessing Game Is he/she going to . 1 Guessing Game Is he/she going to . 1 Guessing Game Is he/she going to . 1 Guessing Game Is he/she going to . 1 Guessing Game Is he/she going to . 1 Guessing Game Riddles 3 Listen and Read Tasks Where is he going? He is going to New York. 2 Riddles of the Transportation(交通工具 ) bike It has two wheels (轮子轮子), you can ride it. ship It goes in the water. motorbike It is like a bike but goes much faster. plane It is like a bird. It can fly in the sky. train Its very long, it goes more quickly than the car. subway It is like a train but goes under the ground. 1 Guessing Game Riddles 3 Listen and Read Tasks How is he going to New York? He is going by car. 3Listen and Read 1.Listen and match Tina and Jenny Sherry Linda 3 Listen and Read 2.Read and Judge( T or F ) Tina is talking about summer vacation plans with her friends. Tina: The summer vacation is coming. I am going to London with Jenny for the summer vacation. Where are you going, Sherry? Sherry: Im going to the USA by car with my family. Were going to visit my grandparents there. Were also going to visit the White House. Im going to take many beautiful photos. Tina: Great! You can show them to us. What about you, Linda? Linda: Well, my family are going to Australia by plane. My uncle lives there, so we are going to stay with him. Were going to see kangaroos and koalas. And were going to visit the famous Opera House, too. ( ) 1. Tina is going to London for the winter vacation. ( ) 2. Sherry is going to the USA with Jenny. ( ) 3. Sherry and her family are going to visit her grandparents. ( ) 4. Linda is going to Australia by train. ( ) 5. There are kangaroos and koalas in Australia. F F T F T (4) (2) (1) (3) (5) summer her family plane 1 Guessing Game Riddles 3 Listen and Read Tasks What is he going to do? He is going to look for the stone. Thank you so much! Im going to look for the stone now! Miss Wu s summer vacation plan 1.Finish your mind map. Where Where to stay What to do How Summer Vacatio n Plan 2.Talk with your partners. My summer vacation plan stay with my cousin HongKong-Zhuhai- Macao Bridge Where by bus go sightseeing and take photos Where to stay my family Who What to do How Summer Vacatio n Plan Im going to Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge.Im going by bus.Im going to stay with my cousin. Im going to go sightseeing and take photos. Im going with my family. Summer Vacation Plan Model A: Hi, Im Grace. Summer vacation is coming. I am going to Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge on vacation. Its very great and beautiful. I am going with my family. We are going by bus. We are going to stay with my cousin. We are going to go sightseeing and take photos. We will have a good time! Model B: Hi, Im Grace. I am going to Hong Kong- Zhuhai-Macao Bridge . I am going by bus. I am going to stay with my cousin. I am going to go sightseeing and take photos. Ill be happy! Some tips for you! Some tips for you! Some tips for you! Behave yourself during the travel. 文明旅游。文明旅游。 1. Write down the dialogue with your partners. (把在课 堂上与同桌的对话练习写到句子本上。) 2. Tell your summer vacation plan to your family.(和家 人聊聊你的暑假计划。) Homework1 课程说明课程说明 英语课程标准(2011 年版)要求英语教学要“体现工具性和人文性的 双重属性”。英语教学要“体现语言学习对学生发展的价值”,重视语言学习 的实践性和应用性。同时,“在课堂教学中合理利用现代教育技术”,能够提 供有利于学生体验真实语言的语境,使英语学习更好地体现其双重属性。 本节课以英语课程标准为指导,旨在让学生能够询问并描述物品的归 属,倡导学生关爱他人,废物利用,保护环境。此外,通过扩充知识面,培养 学生获取、分析信息的能力以及主动构建知识、主动生成语言的能力。此外, 本节课将信息技术的使用贯穿始终,强调通过使用多媒体教学,有效开展讲解、 启发、指导等教学活动,优化课堂教学,激发学生主动学习的动机。 本节课利用多媒体支持课堂讲授和技术支持学生技能训练的教学软件,设 计互动性强的课堂活动,为学生搭建语言活动发展的平台,使学生在语言活动 中不仅能够获取知识、发展能力,更让学生体会到英语学习的乐趣,优化课堂 教学,达到英语教育的目的,从而实现英语教育的意义。 信息技术环境软硬件要求及搭建环境情况信息技术环境软硬件要求及搭建环境情况 本节课需要在多媒体教学环境下,利用学科软件、数字教育资源等技术资 源开展相关教学活动,需要使用的设备有:多媒体计算机、多媒体教学软件等。 教学背景分析教学背景分析 本节课为复习课,综合复习 Unit1-3 的内容,整合关于假期安排的句型。 生在学习本课之前已掌握了大量的动词及动词短语,对于 Where,How,What 几个 疑问词开头的句子的学习不够系统,对将来时态有一定了解。但因为缺乏系统 整合,并且汉语中没有时态这一概念,学生在实际使用中,对该时态的结构不 容易内化。本课主要针对这两个方面设计大量练习,让学生在不断的练习中去 理解和巩固知识。 教学目标教学目标 Teaching objectives 1. Knowledge and skill: Using the sentences “Where are you going? How are you going ? What are you going to do?” to describe the summer vacation plan; 2. Process and method: Knowing how to use the sentence structure “be going to” ; Using mind map to describe the summer vacation plan logically; 3. Emotion, attitude and value: Orientating students to behave themselves during the 2 travel. Key points 1.Using the sentences “Where are you going? How are you going ? What are you going to do?” to describe the summer vacation plan; 2.Using mind map to describe the summer vacation plan logically. Difficult points Knowing how to use the sentence structure “be going to”. 教学阶段教学阶段教学过程教学过程设置意图设置意图 热身 Sing a song: Summer Vacation T: Hello, everyone. Today, we are going to learn the Revision of Unit1-3. Summer vacation is coming, and I have some questions to ask you. Do you like summer vacation? Whats the weather like in summer? Yes, its hot! So lets sing a song about summer vacation, OK? Q: Do you like summer vacation? Whats the weather like in summer? 歌曲热身,激发兴 趣,为接下来的学 习做铺垫并激活学 生已知的名词。 导入 Play the video of The Avengers T: We all like summer vacation, right? But now I have a piece of bad news. We wont have any summer vacation. Why? Thanos tries to destroy the earth. And then the Iron man comes out to fight with him. But he failed. Now he needs your help. Can you help him to look for the Time Stone for our summer vacation? 结合最近上映的电 源复仇者联盟 创设任务情境,确 定本节课的主线, 充分激发学生进一 步学习的欲望。 新授 Task1 Guessing game Look at the packages of five children. Ask students to guess where they are going. Clue 1 Where is the Iron Man going? Task2 Riddles There are some riddles of the transportation, and students say out the name of it. Clue 2 How is the Iron Man going to New 通过游戏的形式引 导学生复习 Where 开头的重点句型。 锻炼学生的理解和 反应能力,用逆向 思维,从特点来猜 交通工具,复习 How 开头的重点句 3 York? Task 3 Listen and read (1) Listen and match Students listen to a tape of Tinas summer vacation, and then match the pictures. (2) Read and judge Students read the dialogue, and then judge the sentences whether they are True or False. Clue 3 What is the Iron Man going to do? 型。 听力阅读训练,复 习 What 开头的重点 句型,结合已学的 句型回答,提升综 合运用能力。 结合任务情境, 把 Where, How, What 几个疑问词串 成一个连续的线索, 加深学生的理解记 忆。 操练 1. Introduce the teachers mind map (1)The teacher shows her summer vacation plan and uses the mind map to describe. (2)At first, the teacher adds “Where, How, Where to stay, What to do, Who” to the mind map as first-level branches. (3)Then, the teacher adds concrete information as second-level branches. 2. Finish the mind map (1) Students finish their own mind maps. (2) Then students discuss their mind maps in groups and show the mind maps on the platform. 3. Writing (1) According to the mind map, the teacher makes sentences and write two passages of which one is complicated and the other is easy as models. (2)Students write their summer vacation plans and show them on the platform. 综合操练,与课堂 导入相呼应。学生 通过小组活动能够 更加深入理解特殊 疑问句型的问答。 思维导图可以帮助 学生整理思路,从 一级分支到二级分 支,再到将二者结 合,恰好对应“词- 句-篇”的写作过程, 增强行文的逻辑性, 培养学生理性思维。 小作文考察的是 语言综合运用能力, 教师提供难易不同 的两篇例文,体现 分层教学的思想。 4 产出 The teacher shows some pictures of uncivilized phenomena and orientates students to behave themselves during the travel. 价值观引导,回归 生活,文明旅游。 作业 1. Write down the dialogue with your partners. (把 在课堂上与同桌的对话练习写到句子本上。) 2. Tell your summer vacation plan to your family.(和家人聊聊你的暑假计划。) 巩固强化,知识延 伸。
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