粤教版(三起)五下-Review 2-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:815b0).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Review 2_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:815b0)
    • 一般将来时.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案815b0.doc--点击预览


一般将来时 1.If you are going to do something, it means you plan to do Sth. 2. Be-going-to-do happens in some time in the future. 主语+ be going to +动词原形 +时间 tomorrow, tonight, this morning (afternoon, evening, weekend) next Saturday (week, month, year, weekend) 1.She ________________(take) photos next weekend. 2. _________(be) Tony and Jenny going to do their homework tonight? 3. Lisa is going to ____________(write) to her aunt. 4. They are _______________(go camping) this Sunday. 5. Where _______they going to _______(stay)? 6. I __________________ (meet) some friends tomorrow. is going to take Are write going camping are stay am going to meet What to do?Where to go? When to go? 1. Im going to play with friends. 2. Im going to play with friends in the park. 3. Im going to play with friends in the park next Sunday. May Day is coming. Brothers are going to have a picnic in the park near the lake. They are going to buy some food and drink in the supermarket. They are going by car. Zheng Kai and Baby are going to ride bikes. Deng Chao is going to take photos. They are going to eat good food. Its going to be lots of fun. May Day is coming. Brothers __________________ in the park near the lake. They _________________ ______________ in the supermarket. They ________ ______________. Zheng Kai and Baby __________ ___________________. Deng Chao _____________ ___________. They __________________. Its going to be lots of fun. are going to have a picnic are going to buy some food and drinkare going by car are going to ride bikesis going to take photos are going to eat good food Model: You: Hello, ____________. Friend: Hello, ____________. You: Where are you going for your vacation. Friend: I am going to What about you? You: I am going to , too. Lets be trip mates. OK? ( I am going to Sorry. Bye-bye. ) Write a composition about your vacation plan. (写一篇关于你假期计划的作文)一般将来时态的教学设计一般将来时态的教学设计 设计思路:设计思路: 本课时主要是以“谈论话题”的方式进行一般将来时态的教学, 教学从学生所感兴趣的游戏入手,学习活动的设计由易到难、阶 梯式 递进。大概思路如下: 1. PreparationPreparation 做游戏,热身、激发学习兴趣,复习本课将要运用的词组,为下 来的学习活动做准备。 2. ConsolidationConsolidation 老师介绍自己的周末计划,以话题式活动为学生创设情境。加 深学生对将来时态陈述句的巩固和运用。接着让学生小组谈论的周末 打算,为了给学生创设更多的学用机会激励学生积极与他人合作,共 同完成学习任务。 3Listening 在对一般将来时态巩固运用,对学生进行听力训练,体现了练 习的层次性。 4. ProductionProduction 全运会即将在济南召开,在小组之间做一个采访,讨论一下自 己打算为全运会做些什么?依据任务型教学原则,教 师创设了一个全 运会的大情境,激发了学生的兴趣. 5SummarySummary andand HomeworkHomework 让学生归纳所学,加深印象,同时以承接全运会这样一个大环 节,以及热烈的气氛,将教学活动延伸到课外,鼓励学生在实际生活 中运用语言知识。 教学过程教学过程 PreparationPreparation A game Ask some students to do some actionsin front ot the class and ask the others to guess what they are doing? 设计意图设计意图 这个环节通过热身活动增进了教师与学生间、同学间的情 感,调动学生的积极性,激发学习兴趣,复习本课将要运用的词组, 为接下来的学习活动做准备。 二、二、 ConsolidationConsolidation 1T:This weekend, I will go to the supermarket, I will go to the station, I will go to school. Where will you go ? Ss: Ill go . 设计意图设计意图 以话题式活动为学生创设情境,加深学生对将来时态陈述 句的巩固和运用。 2.Pairwork T: Do you want to know where your friends will go at the weekend? Show some pictures and ask the students to talk ingroup. 设计意图设计意图 为了给学生创设更多的学用机会,采用小组合作学习的方 式更能提高课堂的实效性,激励学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习 任务。 3. Listen and number (book page 11) 设计意图设计意图 合理运用教材的资源,将学习活动与测查反馈相连接。在 学生说的基础上马上进行听的练习,从口头到笔头,让学生眼到、口 到、手到,使学生的听、说、读、写能力都得到发展。并体现了练习 的层次性。 三、三、 ProductionProduction(提升拓展)(提升拓展) 1、Groupwork and contest show a picture of jina and ask the students T: Where is it? T: What will we have in Beijing? Ss:全民运动会 T: Well have 全民运动会 in jinan. what will you do for it? Ask and answer in groups. 设计意图设计意图 依据任务型教学原则,教师创设了一个全运会的大情境, 激发了学生的兴趣,从而围绕这个大情境来突出本课的重点:一般将 来时态第三人称单数的一般疑问句及肯定和否定回答,并且活动在小 组竞赛中展开,猜对进行相应的奖励。) 2、A survey If you are a player ,what will you do ?Ask your friends. NameName WhatWhat willwill theythey do?do? 设计意图设计意图 给学生创造一个自主实践,合作的机会。设计了一个小调 查,为学生实际运用语言提供真实地情境。完成表格。汇报反馈。 四、四、SummarySummary andand HomeworkHomework ( (小结作业小结作业) ) 1、Sum up 2、Homework:Ask your parents or friends What will they do during the 全运会? 设计意图设计意图 让学生归纳所学,加深印象,同时以承接全运会这样一个 大环节,以及热烈的气氛,将教学活动延伸到课外,鼓励学生在实际 生活中运用语言知识。 T: The summer holiday is coming. I am going on a trip. I made a plan for my trip. (Show the plan in PPT)My Trip Plan: Where to go: I am going to Kunming. How to go: I am going by plane What to do: I am going to go shopping, eat good food and visit Stone Forest. Now, make your plan: (练习三:写计划)
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