(广东)粤人版三下-Unit 6 Outdoor Fun-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:52384).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2013年1月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 6 Outdoor Fun_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:52384)
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    • 三年级下册英语 outdoor fun.ppt--点击预览
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练习设计 一、听音,圈出你听到的单词 1. cat cup 2. queen quiet 3. cake kite 4. bowls plates 5. forks four 6. knife nine 二、听录音,选出你所听到的最佳答案 ( )1. A. Yes, we do. B. No, she doesnt ( )2. A. Yes, they do. B. Yes, they are. ( )3. A. No, we dont. B. Yes, we are. ( )4. A. Theyre on the bed. B. Theyre big. ( )5. A. Yes, it is. B. Its on the chair. 三、听读句子,勾出下列人物所拥有的东西。 (10 分) Name Tony Peter Jenny 四、写出下列单词的复数形式 fork________ fish________ peach________ strawberry________ glass________ spoon________ plate________ watch________ box________ knife 五、选词填空 (have, has, do, does, dont, doesnt) 1. I a big cup. 2. Peter ten bowl. 3. They dont pears. 4. Jenny doesnt a spoon. 5. Ben a tent? No, he doesnt. 6. Ben and Tony chopsticks? Yes, they do. 7. She have a knife. 8. You have a kite. 六、AB 栏配对,从 B 栏中选出 A 栏的答案 A B 1. Do you have cups? A. Yes, they are. 2. Does she have glasses? B. Yes, they do. 3. Do they have plates? C. No, we dont. 4. Whats that? D. No, she doesnt. 5. Are they bananas? E. Its a kite.Unit6 Outdoor fun 户外的乐趣 1.学习本课新鲜单词, 如fork,spoon等等; 2. 学习本课新句型 “Do you have”等等。 叉子 汤匙 刀 筷子 杯子 玻璃杯 盘子 碗 forks 叉子 spoons 汤匙 knives 刀 chopsticks 筷子 cups 杯子 glasses 玻璃杯 plates 碟子 bowls 碗 a knife knives a glass glasses 1.glass 2.knife 3.spoon 4.plate 5.cups 6.bowl 7.fork 8.chopsticks 1. Does she have plates ? 她有盘子吗? No , she doesnt . She has glasses .不,她没有。她有玻璃杯 。 2. Do you have forks ?你们有叉子吗? Yes , we do.我们有。 I You We They have cherries. he she it cherries. has dont doesnt have 除了he she, it用has外,其他都用have. i you we they have cherries ? Do he she it have cherries ? Does 除了he she, it用Does外,其他都用Do 来提问。 Do you have bananas ? 你有香蕉吗? Yes , I do ./ No , I dont 我有。 我没有。 Do we have apples ? 我们有苹果吗? Yes ,we do ./ No ,we dont . 我们有。 我们没有。 Do they have oranges ? 他们有橘子吗? Yes , they do ./ No , they dont. 他们有。 他们没有。 Does he have pillow ? 他有枕头吗? Yes ,he does ./ No , he doesnt 他有 。 他没有。 Does she have lamp? 她有台灯吗? Yes ,she does./ No , she doesnt 她有。 她没有。 Does it have apples ? 它有苹果吗? Yes ,it does ./ No , it doesnt . 它有。 它没有。 除了he she, it用 Does外,其他都用 Do来提问。 根据中文意思选择填空。 have has have has have have has 1. I two bananas.我有两个香蕉。 2.She seven peaches .她有七个桃子。 3.We forks.我们有叉子。 4.They spoon. 他们有勺子。 5.He knife . 他有刀子。 除了he she, it用 has外,其他都用 have. dont doesnt 1. I have books. 我没有书本。 2.She has peaches .她没有桃子。 3.We have forks. 我们没有叉子。 4.They have spoon. 我们没有勺子。 5.He has knife . 他没有刀子。 6.You have strawberries . 你没有草莓。 dont doesnt dont dont dont doesnt 除了he she, it用 doesnt外,其他都 用dont Do Does 1. you have oranges ? 2. she have plates ? 3. we have cups? 4. it have spoons ? 5. they have glass ? 6. he has knife ? 除了he she, it用 Does外,其他都用 Do来提问。 Do Do Do Does Does Does 除了he she, it用has外,其他都用have. 除了he she, it用doesnt外,其他都用 dont. 除了he she, it用Does外,其他都用Do来 提问。 1. I have forks . You have spoons. 我有叉子,你有汤勺。 Plate !we dont have plates! 盘子! 我们没有盘子! Do they have plates! 他们有盘子吗? 2. Hello .My names Gogo. Do you have plates ? 你们有盘子吗? Yes , we do .Here you are. 我们有。给你。 3. Do you have cups ? 你们有杯子吗? No , we dont . 不, 我们没有。 Do they have cups ? 他们有杯子吗? 4. Excuse me . Do you have cups ?请问,你们有杯子吗? Yes , we do .我们有。 5. We dont have a tent .我们没有帐篷。 They have a tent .他们有帐篷。 6. Thank you .谢谢。Teaching Plan Unit 6 Outdoor fun Period 1 一、 教学目标: 1、知识与技能 (1)认读新词组和新句型,培养学生正确模仿语音语调的能力; (2)通过创设情景和大量练习,让学生能够综合运用语言的能力。 2、过程与方法 (1)通过对话、小组讨论、交流、游戏,培养学生在活动中互相合作、 体验合作、发展合作、乐于探究、勇于创新的精神; (2)能够通过两两说和综合说体验协作学习的过程和方法; 3、情感与态度 通过课前预习、课上互动、课下交流反思,老师和学生互敬互学,师 生关系十分融洽。 二、 教学重点:熟练掌握本单元的重点词组 forks, spoons, knives, chopsticks, cups, glasses, plates, bowls 三、 教学难点: 1.能够在现实生活中灵活运用句 I/ You/ We/ They have .He/ She /It has. 力求做到语音准确,语调自然。 2.chopsticks, knives 的准确读音。 四、 教学步骤 Step1:Warm up 1.Greetings(师生问候) T:Hello, how are you? S:Im fine. Thanks. T:Do you like soccer/basketball? S:Yes,I do. 2.The whole class sing a song :Do you like baseball? 3.说出下列单词的复数形式 apple________ fish________ peach________ strawberry________ pear________ pillow________ grape________ watch________ box________ 4.小结名词的单数与复数的形式变化规则。 (1) 一般情况, 加-s. eg. bananas, pears, watermelons. (2) 以 s, x, sh, ch 等结尾的词, 加-es. eg. peaches, watches. (3) 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的词,变 y 为 i 再加-es. eg: cherry- cherries, strawberry- strawberries. Step2:Presentation 1.教师用多媒体播放图片,复习水果单词的复数形式。 T:Whats this ? S:Its a pear . T: What are these? S: They are pears. 2. 引出动漫人物魔术师去朋友家做客,可是到朋友家后发现桌子上只有食 物而没有餐具,就去寻找餐具。魔术师喜欢的是西式饮食。朋友喜欢的是中式 饮食。所以朋友家没只有中餐的餐具。(一半的单词由朋友找出来,一半单词 由魔术师变出来),从而先由魔术师变出 knife 和 fork T:Whats this ?(1 个叉子)Its a fork. T:Whatre these?(2 个叉子)Theyre forks. H: I have forks . 教学生读单词:a fork, forks T: Forks.(出示单词卡片)(学生通过 one by one 或 two by two, group by group 等形式学习新单词) 3. T:Show me your forks. 学生举起自己的 forks. 然后教师指着学生说: You have forks. He has forks. She has forks. 4. 教师用同样的方法教 knife,同时引出 knives.同时引导学生掌握 knife 变为 复数是“knives”。 5. 小结出以 f 或 fe 结尾的词,则把 f 或 fe 改为 v,再加 es . 6. 其他单词由朋友找出来而引出。 T:Wheres my bowls? Oh, theyre here. Look. I have bowls. bowls, bowls. S: Bowls, bowls. T: Show me you bowls. 然后教师指不同的人物引出不同人称的句子。再 由教师指不同的人物,学生讲句子。 4.教师用以上方法呈现新单词 spoons, chopsticks, cups, glasses, plates, (教师边教边板书单词) 句子。 5. 多种途径、多种形式朗读单词,注意纠正学生的发音,特别是 chopsticks, knives 的发音。 6. 适当的替换数词,人称,边读边表演 7. 让学生小结什么时候用 “has”, “ have”。 8. T: Listen to the tape, and repeat. 9. Play the tape one time and have Ss repeat after the tape. 10 Point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the word. Step3: Consolidation 1.巩固新单词 play a game: finding word. 让一学生上台背对同学,教师把其中一张图画卡片藏在一学生中,全班学 生大小声念单词,提示台上的学生找单词。 2. Game:Touch and Guess. 1)Some individual S come to the front of the classroom, close the eyes, touch a thing and guess what it is. If hes / shes right, others say:Cool! etc. 2) Ss show their things. Practice the sentence:Look, I have a . 3.请学生拿准备好的物品练说 have,has 句型: I have You have We have They have He has She has 4.比较 have , has 用法。 5. Divide Ss into groups of four. Each group will have two teams of two Ss each. Use one group to demonstrate the game. The group uses paper cards to make three flash cards with pictures of one, two and three knives. One student from Team 1 pulls out a card and another points to him/her and asks a question such as Does he/she have three knives? Team 2 answers Yes, he/she has three knives. Or No, he/she doesnt. Team 1 reveals the card. If Team 2 guessed correctly, it gets a point. Team 2 then takes a turn. 3. 中外文化知识传授:外国人吃正餐一般用 forks and knives,中国人吃正 餐一般用:bowls and chopsticks. Step 4 Sum up and Homework Writing on the board: Unit 6 Do you have plates? I/ You/ We/ They have forks ( spoons, knives, chopsticks. He/ She /It has cups, glasses, plates, bowls.)
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