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1、1.qualification usually pl.资格资格,资历资历;学历学历 常见搭配常见搭配 acquire/gain/ obtain qualifications 获得资格获得资格 have(no) qualifications for( doing)sth.(没没)有有(做做)某事的资格某事的资格 have(no) qualifications to do sth.(没没)有做某事的资格有做某事的资格 eg . He has qualifications for teaching Englisn. =He has qualifications to teach English 归纳

2、拓展归纳拓展(1) qualify vi合格合格,取得资格取得资格(或学历或学历)vt.使合格使合格,使具备资格使具备资格 qualify as.取得取得资格资格 qualify sb.for.使某人能胜任使某人能胜任 qualify sb. to do.使某人有资格做使某人有资格做 (2) qualified adj具备具备的资历的资历/学历学历;具备具备的知识的知识/技能技能,符合资格符合资格 be( highly/well) qualified for(高度高度/完全完全)具备具备的资格的资格 be qualified to do sth.有资格做某事有资格做某事 1).There is

3、 no doubt that he has qualifications _(do)the work. 2).(2017 江苏单项填空改编江苏单项填空改编)Hes been informed that he doesnt qualify_ the scholarship because of his academic background. 3). Just tell Mike whoever has a goodknowledge of physics and history is_(qualify)for the position to do for qualified 2. Althou

4、gh some foreign students live in campus accommodation,Xie Lei chose to live with a host family, who can help with her adaptation to the new culture. 一些外国留学生住在学校宿舍,但谢蕾选择与寄宿家庭一起生活,他们可以帮助她适应新的文化。 (1)n.U适应 make adaptation to.,作出对的适应 (2)n.C改编本 归纳拓展相关词语积累 (1) adapt vi.牵涉,牵连, involve sb./ oneself in( doing

5、)sth.使某人某人自己参与(做)某事 2)vt.包含,需要 involve (sb.) doing sth.包括/需要(某人)做某事 归纳拓展 相关词语积累: (1) involved adj. 参与,有关联 be/ get involved in.参与;与有关 adj. 耗费很多时间,关注 be involved with/in.丏注于 (2) involvement n.参与 1.(2020 天津静海一中期末) Carrying out research on the chimpanzee(黑猩猩) will involve_( live) in the jungle for sever

6、al years. 2.(2020 天津一中期末)Our school proposes that students should involve themselves _ community activities where they can gain experience of growth. 3.(2019 北京语法填空改编) No matter what you like to do, there is a way to get _(involve ) in various activities on Earth Day. 4. Why not come and enjoy the a

7、tmosphere of our festival at the very beginning of December? Your _(involve) will be warmly welcomed. living in involved involvement (2) motivation n.动力;积极性;C动机 motivation for( doing)sth.(做)某事的动机 What really motivates the new teacher is that all his students are motivated when attending his class, a

8、nd their motivation keeps the teacher devoted to teaching the lovely kids 7. motivated adj积极的;主动的 (1) motivate vt成为的动机;激发;激劫 motivate sb. to do sth.激劫某人做某事 真正激劫这位新老师的是所有学生在上他的课时都很积极,他们的积极性使这位老 师一直致力于教这些可爱的孩子。 1.(2018 江苏单项填空改编) Unless you can sleep well, you will lose the ability to focus, plan and s

9、tay _ (motivate) after one or two nights 2.(2019 全国卷阅读理解七选五改编) You should reassess your goals, and motivate yourself_(set) a fresh goal. 3.With a high level of_(motivate) and enthusiasm, we can keep on earning. motivated to set motivation 8. expectation (1)n.C, usually pl期望,指望; usually pl希望,盼望 expec

10、tations of. 对的期望 with expectations 怀着希望 live up to/meet (ones) expectations 达到(某人的)期望,如(某人)所愿 (2)n.预料,预期,期待 against/beyond expectations乎意料/出乎意料/超出预期 in (the) expectation of.预计会有,预料 (1) expect v.期待;预料 expect to do sth.期待/预料做某事 expect sb. to do sth.期待/预计某人做某事 expect+that从句 期待 be expected to do sth.被期待

11、做某事 (2) expected ad.预料的,预期的 (3) unexpected adj.出乎意料的,始料不及的 (4) unexpectedly adv.出乎意料地,意料之外地 1) Sometimes it is a bit challenging to reach a compromise(妥协) between parents_ (expect ) and their kids desires. (2018 天津阅读理解改编) The global population is expected _ (grow) to 9.6 billion by 2050, and some an

12、alysts estimate that food production will need to be raised by 50 percent to maintain current levels. (208 全国卷完形填空改编) Lindseys husband was totally astonished by the_(expected) visit. expectations to grow unexpected (1) apply vt.应用,使用;vt申请,请求,申请书,申请表 an application form一份申请表 9. applicant n.C申请人(尤指求职、

13、迚高等学校等) 莉莉一个月前从哈佛大学毕业。她上周向一家大公司申请了一个岗位。面试者说她的申请表是所有应聘者 中最棒的,还说她被雇用了。莉莉很高兴,决心努力工作并把自己的丏业知识运用到她的新工作中。 applied application applicants Lily graduated from Harvard University a month ago. She _ to a big company for a post last week. The interviewer said her _ was the best among all the _ and that she was

14、 hired. Lily was very happy and determined to work hard and apply her professional knowledge to her new job. (1)n.接触,体验(常与to连用) (2)n.暴露;面临,遭受(危险或不快)(常与to连用) (3)n(在电视、报纸等上的)亮相,被报道;揭露 10. exposure expose v. 使接触,使体验;暴露,显露;揭穿,揭露;使面临,使遭受 expose sb.to sth. 使某人接触/体验/遭受 (其被动形式为sb. be exposed to sth.) 在 expo

15、se,to和 be exposed to结构中,to均为介词,后跟名词、代词或 动词-ing形式。同时要注意 exposed to作后置定语以及放在句首用作状 语的用法。另外,动词-ing短语 being exposed to作主语的用法也是考查 的重点和难点。 Being exposed to loud music too much has caused hearing problems in some teenage听太多嘈杂的音乐已经给一些青少年造成了听力问题。听太多嘈杂的音乐已经给一些青少年造成了听力问题。 Exposing yourself _ English as much as

16、possible is the instrument of Iearning it well. The pregnant(怀孕的)woman always sits in the non-smoking area of restaurants to reduce her _(expose) to smoke. to exposure 归纳拓展 (1) confuse v.使迷惑;(将)混淆 confuse A with/and B 将A和B混淆 (2) confused adj 迷惑的,糊涂的(常用来修饰人或人的声音、表情等);不 清楚的,混乱的 be confused about对感到困惑

17、(3) confusing adj难以理解的,不清楚的(常用于修饰事物 11. confusion n困惑;混淆;困窘 in confusion 困窘地 1. His writing is so _(confuse) that its difficult to make out(理解) _he is trying to express. 2.We can see from his _look that he gets _about this_problem.(confuse) 3. A smile can show love or politeness. However, sometimes

18、it can also cause cross-cultural _. (confuse) 4. Be careful not to confuse aboard_”abroad”. The two words are very similar. confusing what confused confused confusing confusion(s) with/and 辨析比较 surroundings/environment 12.surroundings n.环境;周围的事物。使用时该词叧用复数形式 surroundings 指环绕在某人、某物周围的一切事物 The building

19、s have been designed to blend in with their surroundings 这些建筑物设计巧妙,与周围环境浑然一体。 environment 可指自然环境,也可指精神环境,均从环境给人的感受、道 德观念的影响着眼。 With the development of industrialization, the environment has been polluted. 随着工业化的发展,环境被污染了。 归纳拓展 (1) surrounding adj周围的;附近的 (2) surround vt 包围;环绕 be surrounded by/with.被环

20、绕着;周围都是 用surround适当形式填空 1. I always dream of having a house_ by trees, flowers and grass. If I can live in such beautiful_ , I must feel happy every day. As we know, the _things can always have an effect on our mood. 2. He likes to live in the _which are quiet and beautiful. So last month he bought

21、a big new house in the countryside, which is_ by many big trees. The _ scenery is also very nice. He is very satisfied with the new house. surrounded surroundings surrounding surroundings surrounded surrounding 用depress适当形式填空 1. The _ news _ him, and he was so _that I couldnt help him out of _. 2. I

22、t is through years of research that scientisits have discovered the relationship between social media addiction(瘾)and _ 13. depressed adj 沮丧的;意志消沉的;抑郁的(作 表语时表示人主观感受) 相关词语积累 1) depress vt 使沮丧;使消沉;使不景气 2)depression n 抑郁;沮丧;消沉;不景气;萧条期;抑郁症 3)depressing adj 令人沮丧的;令人消沉的(形容物) depressing depressed depressed

23、 depression. depression optimism n. 乐观(主义) pessimism n 悲观(主义) optimist n 乐观主义者 pessimist n 悲观主义者 optimistic adj 乐观(主义)的 pessimistic adj 悲观(主义)的 optimistically adv 乐观地 pessimistically adv 悲观地 14. optimistic adj 乐观的 be optimistic about /that 对.乐观 His job is hard and he cannot earn much money. However, he is alaways optimistic _ it. Every time his boss asks him to do this or that, he makes his efforts to do it _(optimistic), because he is optimistic _his boss will give him a rise after he finishes all the tasks successfully. about optimistically that


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