2021新版人教版选修三英语Unit 2 Healthy Life style Section D Using Language Ⅱ&Assessing Your Progress ppt课件.pptx

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1、Section D Using Language() 甜的 坚果 滑板 滑滑板 充满活力的;精力充沛的;动态的 保龄球运动 8. vt.激发;促进;刺激 9. n.牙科医生 10. n.喜剧;喜剧片;滑稽节目 11. adv.每月一次的 n.月刊 12. vt.提高;增强;增进 13. vt.使恢复精力;使凉爽;刷新 14. vt.吸引全部注意力;吸收 stimulate dentist comedy monthly enhance refresh absorb 重点短语 1. 焦虑不安;疲惫不堪 2. 筋疲力尽的;疲惫的 3. 最令人担忧的是 4. 患病;遭受 5. 最好的是 6.day a

2、nd night 7.take control of 8.do harm to 9.make a plan 10.aside from stress out worn out most worrying suffer from best of all 日日夜夜 控制 对有害 制定计划 除之外 重点句式 1.After that I stopped buying all the sweets,biscuits,and sugary drinks that I used to have every day. 2.Whenever I went out with friends,I brought

3、snacks from home,things that didnt have any added sugar: fruit,nuts,dried meat,etc. .释义匹配 1.absorb A.happening once a month edy B.to make someone less hot or tired 3.monthly C.to take something in,especially gradually 4.refresh D.entertainment that is intended to make people laugh 5.enhance E.to imp

4、rove the quality,amount or strength of something 答案 1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.E .选词填空 dentist,absorb,refresh,skateboard,enhance 1.This kind of cream is easily into skin,which is a good seller this year. 2.This is an opportunity to the reputation of the company. 3.He walked on the opposite side of the street

5、 to his memory of the building. 4.The little girl cried out in pain when the pulled her tooth out. 5.A is a narrow board with wheels at each end,which people stand on and ride for pleasure. absorbed enhance refresh dentist skateboard 重点词汇 1.This stimulated my motivation. 这激发了我的动力。 【词汇精讲】 stimulate v

6、t.激发;促进;刺激 Success will stimulate the people for fresh efforts. 成功能激发人们去做新的努力。 Your encouragement will stimulate me to further efforts. 你的鼓励会激发我进一步努力。 【词汇拓展】 stimulate sb to do sth 激励某人做某事 stimulation.激励;兴奋 We should stimulate him to make greater efforts. 我们应该激励他更加用功(读书)。 The growing brain needs som

7、e stimulation in order to change and develop. 成长中的大脑需要一些刺激以便改变和发展。 2.After starting high school,I felt stressed out and always relaxed by playing computer games. 上高中后,我感到压力很大,总是通过玩电脑游戏来放松。 【词汇精讲】 stress out焦虑不安;疲惫不堪 Talking with strangers always stresses me out. 和陌生人交谈总是让我很紧张。 Climbing up to the top

8、 of the hill stressed me out. 爬到山顶使我疲惫不堪。 【词汇拓展】 feel/be stressed out 紧张不安 under stress 有压力 I feel stressed out because I cant speak English well. 我感到紧张是因为我的英语说得不好。 Everyone should learn to work under stress. 每个人都应该学会在压力下工作。 3.I got so absorbed that I played the games day and night. 我如此痴迷,日夜不停地玩游戏。

9、【词汇精讲】 absorb vt.吸引全部注意力;吸收 A household radiator absorbs energy in the form of electric current. 家用暖气以电流的形式吸收能量。 Ive just been so busy studying and trying to absorb all the new things around me. 我一直忙于学习,努力理解身边的所有新事物。 【词汇拓展】 absorb ones attention 吸引某人的注意力 absorb .into . 把吸收进 absorb oneself in . 专心于;全

10、神贯注于 absorb . from . 从中吸收 absorbed.全神贯注的 (be) absorbed in . 全神贯注于 Her work absorbed all her attention. 她的工作吸引了她所有的精力。 He was completely absorbed in reading and forgot even to take his meal. 他只顾看书,甚至连饭都忘了吃。 4.Playing was fun,but I felt even more worn out afterwards! 玩很有趣,但后来我觉得更累了! 【词汇精讲】 worn out筋疲力

11、尽的;疲惫的;破旧的 I was worn out after a whole days work. 工作了一天后我筋疲力尽。 We were all worn out when we got to the top of Mount Tai. 到达泰山顶时,我们都精疲力竭。 The past few days had really worn him out. 过去的几天真把他给累坏了。 【词汇拓展】 wear out使磨损;使精疲力竭 The young people run around kicking a ball,wearing themselves out. 年轻人跑来跑去踢着球,把自

12、己弄得精疲力竭。 5.It has enhanced the quality of my life,improving my health and increasing my happiness. 它提高了我的生活质量,改善了我的健康,增加了我的幸福感。 【词汇精讲】 enhance vt.提高;增强;增进 Theyll be keen to enhance their reputation abroad. 他们非常渴望提高他们在国外的声誉。 Large paintings can enhance the feeling of space in small rooms. 大型油画可以增加小房间

13、的空间感。 【词汇拓展】 enhancer.增强器 enhancement.提高;增强 Music is merely an enhancement to the power of her words. 音乐只是增强了她话语的力度。 6.I get refreshed through climbing,spend more time with my dad,and get to meet new friends. 攀岩使我精神焕发,我花更多的时间和我爸爸在一起,并结识新朋 友。 【词汇精讲】 refresh vt.使恢复精力;使凉爽;刷新 Many view these meetings as

14、 an occasion to share ideas and refresh friendship. 很多人把这些聚会看作交流思想、重叙友情的机会。 They decided to stop by a spring to refresh themselves. 他们决定在一处泉边停下来凉爽一下。 Ive refreshed the page a few times and still see no comments. 这一页我已经反复刷新了几次,但是仍未见到任何评论。 【词汇拓展】 refreshoneself with 用来恢复精力 refreshones memory 使记起;唤起的回忆

15、 refreshed.神清气爽的 He refreshed himself with a glass of iced tea. 他喝了杯冰茶使自己精神焕发。 重点句式 1.After that I stopped buying all the sweets,biscuits,and sugary drinks that I used to have every day. 在那之后,我不再购买我以前每天都吃的所有糖果、饼干和含糖饮 料了。 【句式剖析】本句是一个复合句。I stopped buying all the sweets. 是主句,that I used to have every d

16、ay是定语从句。stop doing意为“停 止做某事”,其中doing作stop的宾语。 They stopped working as soon as it began to rain. 一开始下雨他们就停止了工作。 The pupils stopped talking when the bell rang. 铃一响,学生们就停止了说话。 【句式拓展】 stop to do sth意为“停下(手头的工作)来做某事”,其中to do在句中作 目的状语。 He had to stop to catch his breath and make sure of his directions. 他不

17、得不停下来喘口气,同时确定一下方向。 After walking a long time,he stopped to have a rest. 走了好长时间之后,他停下来休息。 2.Whenever I went out with friends,I brought snacks from home,things that didnt have any added sugar: fruit,nuts,dried meat,etc. 每当我和朋友们出去的时候,我都会从家里带零食,那些没有添加 糖的东西:水果、坚果、肉干等。 【句式剖析】本句是一个复合句。I brought snacks.是主句,

18、that引 导的是定语从句,Whenever引导的是时间状语从句。 The roof leaks whenever it rains. 这屋顶一下雨就漏。 I go to the theatre whenever I get the chance. 一有机会我就去看戏。 Whenever I mention playing football,he says hes too busy. 我一跟他提踢足球的事,他就说太忙。 【句式拓展】 Whenever引导让步状语从句,表示“无论何时”,相当于 at whatever time,no matter when等。 Whenever I see hi

19、m,hes reading. 我无论什么时候看到他,他都在看书。 Whenever I go to London,I try to see Vicky. 我无论什么时候去伦敦,都设法去看看维基。 Whenever you come,you are welcome. 无论你什么时候来,我们都欢迎。 文化意识 Lifestyle and Life What is a lifestyle and how is that different from a life?A lifestyle is about brand names and buying identity or fame.Lifestyl

20、e gives a false sense of peace and acceptability that comes from others recognizing what youve bought into (as well as bought).If your car,clothes,and home are expensive,youre sophisticated(世故的) and stylish.If you have the right kind of job or go to the right social gatherings,then you receive the i

21、nsincere approval of others.This means that your self- esteem(自尊) is always at the mercy of others,with no appreciation of you as an individual. when you know what matters most to you.It is very simple and comes from being connected to what you know is important and being willing to put that first,n

22、o matter what others may think.When you create a life,your self-esteem comes from whats inside you,not what others think about you. Lifestyle is expensive financially and personally,because it costs a great deal to keep up appearances and do what you think is socially acceptable.A life is not expens

23、ive.Rather than using personal or financial resources,a life generates energy.Its about liberating yourself from the mindless consumption that society expects.It is about making the choices that are in line with your values,instead of using up your bank account or energy for no heart-driven reason.

24、How can you make the change?Understand the differences between a life and a lifestyle.Analyze your current lifestyle to see what is costing you in money,time,stress,and energy to maintain it.Let go and make room for what is really important to you,what supports you and brings you joy.Remember who yo

25、u are from within,not what you own! 高分写作 假定你是李华,得知你的英国笔友Cindy经常不吃早餐,因胃病发作 住院治疗。请根据下面的写作提示,用英语给她写一封邮件。内容 包括: 1.陈述不吃早饭的危害; 2.劝她培养健康的生活方式。 注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 一、审题定调 1.确定体裁:本次写作是建议信,内容涉及健康的生活方式; 2.确定人称:本文要以第一、二人称为主; 3.确定时态:时态以一般现在时为主。 二、谋篇布局 首先:表明写信的目的,就健康的生活方式提些建议; 其次:不吃早饭的危害; 再次:培养健康的生活方式

26、; 最后:表达希望。 三、核心词汇 1.result from由引起 2.consist of由组成 3.have the habit of有的习惯 4.be harmful to对有害 5.from now on从现在开始 6.stay energetic保持精力充沛 7.free from diseases免受疾病困扰 四、高级句式 1.得知你因不吃早餐引起胃痛在住院治疗我很担心。(动词-ing形 式作定语) Im worried to know youre in hospital because you have a stomachache resulting from your ski

27、pping breakfast. 2.众所周知,吃含有谷物、水果和蔬菜组成的丰盛早餐是很重要的。 (as引导的定语从句;it作形式主语) As we all know,its important to have a good breakfast that consists of grain,fruit and vegetables. 3.你没有按时吃早餐的习惯,这对你的健康有害。(which引导的非 限制性定语从句) You dont have the habit of having breakfast on time,which is harmful to your health. 4.每天

28、进行足够的体育锻炼是明智的,这将帮助你保持精力充沛和 免于疾病的困扰。(it作形式主语;which引导的非限制性定语从句) Its wise to take enough physical exercise every day,which will help you stay energetic and free from disease. 五、连句成文 参考范文 Dear Cindy, Im worried to know youre in hospital because you have a stomachache resulting from your skipping breakfa

29、st.Id like to offer you some advice. As we all know,its important to have a good breakfast that consists of grain,fruit and vegetables.However,you dont have the habit of having breakfast on time,which is harmful to your health.I think you should develop a healthy way of life from now on.Its wise to

30、take enough physical exercise every day,which will help you stay energetic and free from disease. I hope you will find my advice useful. Yours, Li Hua .短语填空 worn out,do harm to,stress out,take control of,aside from 1.My friend told me that preparing for the final exam always her . 答案 stressed;out 2.

31、The climbers were all when they got to the top of the mountain. 答案 worn out 3.Smoking not only humans health,but also wastes a lot of money. 答案 does harm to 4. the red glow,there is nothing to see out of the window. 答案 Aside from 5.There must be someone who can these naughty children. 答案 take contro

32、l of .句式升级 1.After I attended your summer camp about health and lifestyle choices,I felt well both physically and mentally.(升级为动词-ing形式 的完成式) your summer camp about health and lifestyle choices,I felt well both physically and mentally. 答案 Having attended 2.The article is so poorly-organised that I d

33、ont know what I should say after reading it.(升级为“疑问词+动词不定式”形式) The article is so poorly-organised that I dont know after reading it. 答案 what to say 3.No matter when you come,I will extend my deepest welcome to you.(升级为whenever引导的让步状语从句) ,I will extend my deepest welcome to you. 答案 Whenever you come

34、4.The little bird settling in the branch is very beautiful and we take a picture of it.(升级为so.that.引导的结果状语从句) The little bird settling in the branch is we take a picture of it. 答案 so beautiful that 5.I got in touch with him immediately after I received the letter.(升级 为“介词+动词-ing”形式) the letter,I got in touch with him immediately. 答案 After receiving


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