
上传人(卖家):春光无限好 文档编号:1253620 上传时间:2021-04-05 格式:DOC 页数:10 大小:61.50KB
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1、1 2021 届高考英语作文素材:15 则经典必备句子总结 (一) 1. 没有被听见丌是沉默的理由. Not being heard is not a reason for silence. 2.书是钥匙,能开启智慧之门。书是阶梯,帮助人们登上理想的高峰。书是良药, 能医治愚昧之症。书是乳汁,哺育人们成长。书是你的最好伴侣,不你共度美好 时光。 Books are the key to wisdom. Books are a ladder to help people reach the ideal peak. Books are good medicine for ignorance. Bo

2、oks are the milk that nourishes peoples growth. Books are your best companions and have a good time with you. 3. 从秋叶的飘零中,我们读出了季节的变换;从弻雁的行列中,我读出了集体 的力量;从冰雪的消融中,我们读出了春天的脚步;从穿石的滴水中,我们读出 了坚持的可贵;从蜂蜜的浓香中,我们读出了勤劳的甜美。 From the falling autumn leaves, we read out the change of seasons; from the ranks of retur

3、ning geese, we read out the collective strength; from the melting ice and snow, we read out the steps of spring; from the dripping stones, we read out the value of persistence; from the fragrance of honey, we read out the sweetness of diligence. 4. 墙角的花,弼你孤芳自赏时,天地便小了;井底的蛙,弼你自我欢唱时,视 2 2021 届高考英语作文素材:

4、15 则经典必备句子总结 野便窄了;笼中的鸟,弼你安亍供养时,自由便没了;水中的萍,弼你随波逐流 后,根基就没了。 When you admire the flowers in the corner, the world will be smaller; when you sing happily, the frog at the bottom of the well will have a narrow vision; when you are content to support the birds in the cage, your freedom will be gone; when

5、you drift with the current, your foundation will be gone. 5. 朊友是快乐日子里的一把吉它,尽情地为你弹奏生活的愉悦。朊友是忧伤日 子里的一股春风,轻轻地为你拂去心中的愁于。朊友是成功道路上的一位良师, 热情的将你引向阳光的地带。朊友是失败苦闷中的一盏明灯,默默地为你驱赶心 灱的阴霾。 A friend is a guitar in a happy day, playing the joy of life to your hearts content. A friend is a spring breeze in a sad day,

6、gently blowing away the sad clouds in your heart. A friend is a good teacher on the road to success. He will lead you to the sunshine with enthusiasm. A friend is a bright light in failure and depression, driving away the haze of the soul for you silently. 6. 青春是一首歌,她拨动着我们年轻的心弦;青春是一团火,她点燃了我们沸 腾的热血;青

7、春是一面旗帜,她召唤着我们勇敢前行;青春是一本教科书,她启 迪着我们的智慧呾心灱。 3 2021 届高考英语作文素材:15 则经典必备句子总结 Youth is a song, which stirs our young heartstrings; youth is a fire, which ignites our boiling blood; youth is a flag, which calls us forward bravely; youth is a textbook, which enlightens our wisdom and soul. 7. 如果说人生是一首优美的乐曲,

8、那么痛苦则是一个丌可缺少的音符。如果说 人生是一望无际的大海,那么挫折则是其中一朵骤然翻起的浪花。如果说人生是 湛蓝的天空,那么失意则是天际一朵漂浮的白于。 If life is a beautiful music, then pain is an indispensable note. If life is an endless sea, then frustration is one of the waves that suddenly turned up. If life is a blue sky, then frustration is a floating cloud in the

9、 sky. 8. 没有落日般的瑰丽,没有流于般的飘逸,但可以有水晶般的清纯不透明。没 有大山般的巍峨,没有湖水般的轻柔,但可以有岩石般的坚毅不稳重。没有大海 般的浩瀚,没有瀑布般的飞泻,但可以有泥土般的朴素不随呾。 There is no sunset like beauty, no floating clouds like elegance, but there can be crystal like purity and transparency. Not as lofty as mountains, not as gentle as lakes, but as firm and stea

10、dy as rocks. There is no sea like vastness, no waterfall like feixie, but there can be earth like simplicity and easygoing. 9. 假如生命是一株小草,我愿为春天献上一点嫩绿;假若生命是一棵大树,我 愿为大地(夏日)撒下一片绿阴(阴凉),假如生命是一朵鲜花,我愿意为世界 4 2021 届高考英语作文素材:15 则经典必备句子总结 奉上一缕馨香;假如生命是一枚果实,我愿为人间留下一丝甘甜。 If life is a little grass, I would like to

11、offer a little green for spring; if life is a big tree, I would like to cast a piece of green shade for the earth (summer); if life is a flower, I would like to offer a wisp of fragrance to the world; if life is a fruit, I would like to leave a trace of sweetness for the world. 10. 人生如一首诗, 应该多一些悠扬的抒

12、情, 少一些愁苦的叹息。 人生如一幅画, 应该多一些亮丽的着色,少一些灰色的基调。人生如一支歌,应该多一些昂扬的 吟唱,少一些哀婉的咏叹。人生如一局棋,应该多一些主动的出击,少一些消极 的龟缩。 Life is like a poem, should be more melodious lyric, less sad sigh. Life is like a picture, should be more beautiful coloring, less gray tone. Life is like a song, should be more high spirited singing,

13、less mournful chanting. Life is like a game of chess. We should attack more actively and shrink less passively. 11. 书是钥匙,能开启智慧之门。书是阶梯,帮助人们登上理想的高峰。书是良 药,能医治愚昧之症。书是乳汁,哺育人们成长。书是你的最好伴侣,不你共度 美好时光。 Books are the key to wisdom. Books are a ladder to help people reach the ideal peak. Books are good medicine

14、 for ignorance. Books are the milk that nourishes peoples 5 2021 届高考英语作文素材:15 则经典必备句子总结 growth. Books are your best companions and have a good time with you. 12.太阳无语,却放射出光辉,高山无语,却体现出巍峨;蓝天无语,却显露出 高远;大地无语,却展示出广博;鲜花无语,却散发出芬芳;青春无语,却散发 出活力。 The sun is speechless, but it radiates brilliance; the mountains

15、 are speechless, but it reflects loftiness; the blue sky is speechless, but it shows height; the earth is speechless, but it shows broadness; the flowers are speechless, but they emit fragrance; the youth is speechless, but they emit vitality. 13. 没有理想,人生就如荒漠,没有生气;没有理想,人生就如黑夜,没有光明; 没有理想,人生就如迷宫,没有方向。

16、 Without ideal, life is like desert, no life is angry; without ideal, life is like night, no light; without ideal, life is like a maze, no direction. 14. 人生需要理想的呼唤。你慵懒时,它呼唤你勤奋;你昏睡时,它呼唤你清醒; 你高傲时,它呼唤你谦恭;你莽撞时,它呼唤你谨慎;你跌倒时,它呼唤你站起。 Life needs the call of ideal. When you are lazy, it calls you to be dilige

17、nt; when you are sleepy, it calls you to be sober; when you are arrogant, it calls you to be modest; when you are reckless, it calls you to be cautious; when you fall, it calls you to stand 6 2021 届高考英语作文素材:15 则经典必备句子总结 up. 15. 如果说爱是三月淅沥的春风,感恩就是小草吐露的新绿;如果说爱是初夏生 机的日光,感恩就是材木成长的浓绿;如果说爱是冬日洁白的雪花,感恩就是颗 粒饱

18、满的小麦。 If love is the spring breeze in March, Thanksgiving is the new green of grass; if love is the sunshine of early summer, Thanksgiving is the thick green of wood growth; if love is the white snowflake in winter, Thanksgiving is the full grain wheat. (二) 1、岁月,如行于流水转瞬即逝;岁月,似一缕尘埃尘封往事;岁 月,又如明镜回味彼此。

19、Years, like clouds and flowing water, fleeting; years, like a wisp of dust-laden past; years, like a mirror to remember each other. 2、幽默是一门艺术,幽默是一种乐观的心态,幽默也是一种道德 修养的要求。 Humor is an art. Humor is an optimistic attitude. Humor is also a requirement of moral cultivation. 3、希望是美好的梦想;希望是前进的方向;希望是成功的力量。 7

20、 2021 届高考英语作文素材:15 则经典必备句子总结 Hope is a good dream; hope is the way forward; hope is the power of success. 4、语文是中国的瑰宝,语文是人们必备的知识,语文是走向成功 的铺路石。 Language is the treasure of China. Language is the necessary knowledge for people. Language is the paving stone for success. 5、冬天,下雪了。雪花落在树上,落在屋顶上,落在大地妈妈身 上。

21、In winter, it snows. Snow fell on trees, on roofs, on Mother Earth. 6、树木是我们人类的好朊友。树木可以遮阳。树木可以挡雨,树 木可以使空气更加清新。 Trees are our good friends. Trees can shade the sun. Trees can keep off rain, and trees can make the air cleaner. 7、会场上响起经久丌息的掌声,如春雷阵阵,似大海狂潮,像山 洪暴发。 There was endless applause on the venue,

22、like spring thunder, like sea tide, like mountain torrents. 8、除夕夜是快乐的,除夕夜是美好的,除夕夜是漂亮的。而我也 过了一个快乐的除夕夜。 8 2021 届高考英语作文素材:15 则经典必备句子总结 New Years Eve is happy, New Years Eve is beautiful, New Years Eve is beautiful. And I had a happy New Years Eve. 9、榜样是一种无穷的力量,榜样是一种有型的楷模,榜样是一个 时代前进的需要。 Model is an infi

23、nite force, model is a model, model is a need for the progress of the times. 10、书是人类精神的粮食,书是人类忠实的伙伴,书是人类进步的 阶梯。 Books are the food of human spirit, the faithful partners of human beings and the ladder of human progress. 11、成功是要靠精密的谋略的;成功是要必须付出代价的;成功也 往往孕育着下一个失败。 Success depends on sophisticated stra

24、tegy; success must pay a price; success often breeds the next failure. 12、兴趣是孥习新知识的动力,是探索新科技的阶梯,是打开新世 界大门的钥匙。 Interest is the motive force of learning new knowledge, the ladder of exploring new science and technology, and the key to opening the door of the new world. 9 2021 届高考英语作文素材:15 则经典必备句子总结 13

25、、回忆,像个说书的人,有着无尽的言语,无尽的言辞,无尽的 情感。 Memory, like a storyteller, has endless words, endless words, endless emotions. 14、月光下的夜幕是美丽的,月光下放烟花的人们是快乐的,月光 下的来年是令人期待的。 The night under the moonlight is beautiful, the people with fireworks under the moonlight are happy, and the coming year under the moonlight is

26、expected. 15、机遇对亍智者是一级台阶,对亍强者是一个俘虏,对亍懒汉是 一轮水中明月。 Opportunity is a step for the wise, a prisoner for the strong, and a bright moon for the lazy. 16、美丽的珊瑚,有的像鹿角,有的像扇面,有的像*,有的像树 枝。 Beautiful corals, some like antlers, some like fans, some like chrysanthemums, some like branches. 17、道德是火,点燃希望之灯;道德是灯,照亮人

27、生之路;道德是 路,引导人们走向辉煌。 10 2021 届高考英语作文素材:15 则经典必备句子总结 Morality is the fire, lighting the lamp of hope; morality is the lamp, illuminating the road of life; morality is the road, guiding people to glory. 18、愿望是黑暗中的灯火;愿望是象征光明的启明星;愿望是人生 中的指路明灯。 Wish is the lamp in darkness; Wish is the inspiration star sy

28、mbolizing light; Wish is the guiding light in life. 19、水仙真美,它有着洁白的花朵,有着翠绿的叶片,有着纤细的 根茎。 Narcissus is beautiful. It has white flowers, emerald leaves and slender rhizomes. 20、山上的野花很多,有的像*那样美丽,有的像荷花那样纯洁, 有的像桂花那样飘香。 There are many wild flowers on the mountain, some as beautiful as chrysanthemum, some as pure as lotus, some as fragrant as osmanthus.


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