2021版外研版必修三英语 Unit 1 教学·知识细解码 ppt课件.ppt

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1、Unit 1 Knowing me,knowing you 教学教学知识细解码知识细解码 1_ adj.控制不严的loosen v放松 2_ v解决(问题、困难)resolution n解决方案 3_ n呼出的气breathless adj.上气不接下气的,气喘 吁吁的 loose resolve breath 4_ n忧虑,担心 vt.关系到,涉及;使担心concerned adj.感兴趣的;担心的concerning prep.关于;就而言 5_ n责任,过错faulty adj.有错误的faultless adj.没 有错误的 concern fault loose adj.控制不严的;

2、(衣服)宽松肥大的;松动的;零散的,松 散的;(头发)披散的;疏松的 If a tooth becomes very loose,your dentist may recommend that it be taken out. _ Two young men were racing motorcycles on the road with very little loose stones. _ 松动的 零散的 Wear loose clothes as theyre more comfortable. _ She was still in her nightdress,with her hai

3、r hanging loose over her shoulders. _ She gathered loose soil and let it filter slowly through her fingers. _ Murray and Alison broke loose regulations of their school. _ 宽松的 披散的 疏松的 控制不严的 Words and Phrases 知识要点1 fit in with 适应;符合;与一致 (教材 P2) difficulties fitting in with others 和别人融合在一起的困难 例 1 I won

4、dered how I would ever fit in with my teenage friends. 我不知道自己怎样才能融入我那些少年朋友的圈子。 例 2 How do your results fit in with the work of others in the field? 你的结果是如何与该领域其他相关研究工作相符合的? 造句 乔治和他的小组其他人相处得不太好。他太与众不同 了。 _ _ George doesnt really fit in with the rest of his group.Hes too unconventional. 知识拓展 fit adj.

5、合适的;健康的 fit vt.& vi. 合身,合适,安装 be fit for 适合;胜任 be fit to do 适合做 即学即练 单句语法填空 What kind of job is he fit _? She is not fit _ (look)after children. for to look 小片段填空 Jenny got a job as a teacher in an elementary school but soon she found it hard to _ the students there.Now she is wondering if she _ the

6、 job and it is hard for her to find a job _ her well. 珍妮在一所小学找到一份教师工作, 但是很快她发现自己很难与 那里的学生融入到一起。 现在她在疑惑自己是否适合这份工作, 对她 来说很难找到一份非常适合她的工作。 fit in with is fit for fitting 知识要点2 be crazy about sb./sth.对着迷,热衷于 (教材 P2) Im crazy about basketball,and pretty good at it too, which is probably why I was so mad w

7、hen we lost our last match.我对篮 球很着迷, 也很擅长篮球, 这可能就是我们输掉上一场比赛时我很生 气的原因。 例 1 Frank is crazy about the singer. 弗兰克对这个歌手很着迷。 例 2 Theres one thing I really loveIm crazy about football. 我有一件真正喜欢的事对足球非常着迷。 造句 男孩子总是对运动着迷,比如足球、篮球。 _ _ The boys are always crazy about sports,such as football and basketball. 知识拓

8、展 like crazy 发疯似的 go crazy 发疯 drive sb.crazy 使某人发疯;逼得某人疯狂 即学即练 完成句子 那男孩没有留下任何口信就出去了,几乎要把他父母逼疯了。 The boy almost _by going out without any words. 为按时完成工作我拼命地干。 I had to work _ to get the work finished on time. drove his parents crazy like crazy 知识要点 3 let down 使失望,辜负 (教材 P2) We played well,but I felt

9、the team were let down by one member,our point guard. 我们打得很好,但我觉得控球后卫让我们全队失望了。 例 1 His efforts finally didnt let his parents down. 他的努力最终没有让父母失望。 例 2 With friends like these, who needs enemies?means a friend has betrayed your trust or let you down. With friends like these,who needs enemies?的意思是朋友背叛了

10、 你的信任或辜负了你。 造句 请来支持我,别让我失望。 _ Please come and support me.Dont let me down. 知识拓展 let alone 不干涉;不管;更不用说 let out 放掉;发出(叫声等);泄露(秘密等) let off 使爆炸;允许离开;使免受处罚 即学即练 单句语法填空 He speaks English very fluently,but his pronunciation lets _ (he)down. Your mother is tiredlet _(she)alone. himself her 知识要点4 breath n呼出

11、的气,呼吸 (教材 P3) Take a deep breath, calm down, and always remember: think first,speak later. 深呼吸,冷静下来,记住:想想再说话。 例 1 Meer let out his breath in a long sigh. 米尔长叹了一口气。 例 2 Kenny caught his breath as Nikko nearly dropped the bottle. 尼科差点儿把瓶子摔了,这让肯尼倒吸了一口气。 造句 在我们到达山顶前我们不得不停下来喘口气。 _ We had to stop for brea

12、th before we got to the top of the mountain. 知识拓展 breathe v 呼吸 out of breath 上气不接下气 take a deep breath 深吸一口气 hold ones breath 屏住呼吸 即学即练 单句语法填空 When we _ (breath),the air goes into our lungs. He_(hold) his breath when the results were read out. breathe held 小片段填空 He _ and jumped into the water.Usuall

13、y he could _ in the water for a long time, but this time he seemed to be _ when he headed out of the water to _ some fresh air. 他深吸了一口气然后跳入水里。 通常他能屏住呼吸在水里待很长 时间, 但是这一次当他伸出头呼吸一些新鲜空气时, 好像有点上气不 接下气。 took a deep breath hold his breath out of breath breathe in 知识要点5 concern n关心;担心 vt.影响,牵扯 (某人);关系到,涉及;使担

14、心 (教材 P3) If you feel one of your teammates isnt pulling their weight,then raise your concerns in a professional way with your team coach. 如果你觉得你的队友没有尽力, 那就以专业的方式向你的团队教 练提出你的担心。 例 1 Issues such as these were not really his concern. 他其实并不关心诸如此类的问题。 例 2 He expressed concern that the ship might be in d

15、anger. 他担心船可能会遇险。 造句 全世界都在担心环境遭到污染的问题。 _ There is worldwide concern about the pollution of the environment. 知识拓展 (1)concerned adj. 关心的;担心的;有关的;参与的 be concerned with/in 与有关;与有关系 be concerned about/for 关心;挂念 as/so far as.be concerned 就而言/来说 (2)concerning prep. 关于,就而言 即学即练 完成句子 她很关心儿子的学习。 She _ her son

16、s study. 据说你与这件事有关。 It is said that you_ this matter. is concerned about are concerned with/in 小片段填空 Janes latest documentary _ youth unemployment. _,the idea is crazy.In the film the _ parents _ the matter which may _ their child. 简最近的一部纪录片是关于青年人失业问题的。 以我之见, 这个 想法真是荒诞至极。 在电影中忧心忡忡的家长非常担心那件事可能会 涉及他们孩

17、子的事情。 is concerned with As far as I am concerned concerned are concerned about concerning 知识要点6 as well as 也;和一样;不但而且 (教材 P3) If you think about other peoples feelings as well as your own,youll soon find everything works out. 如果你既考虑自己的感受, 又考虑别人的感受, 你很快就会发现 一切都会迎刃而解。 例 1 The teacher as well as his st

18、udents likes football. 这个老师,跟他的学生一样,也喜欢足球。 例 2 As well as eating five courses of meals,they drank seven bottles of wine. 除了五道菜外,他们还喝了七瓶白酒。 造句 他的书店既卖报也卖书。 _ His bookshop sells books as well as newspapers. 知识拓展 (1)as well as 用作连词,连接两个相同成分,如名词、形容词、 动词、介词等,通常不位于句首。此时 as well as 强调的重点在前面, 意为“不但而且;既又;除了之外

19、,还 有”。 (2)as well as 作介词, 相当于 besides, in addition to, 意为“除 之外”,后面通常接名词或动词ing 形式。 (3)as well 也,还,又(常放于句末)。 (4)may/might as well 表示委婉的建议, 一般是针对当时的情况提 出另外的提议。意思是“我们不妨,我们还是吧”。 即学即练 单句语法填空 His parents as well as him_ (think)that the house is not worth buying. It then became possible for universities to

20、use the system _ well. think as Sentence Patterns 重点句式1 which 引导非限制性定语从句 (教材 P2) Im crazy about basketball,and pretty good at it too, which is probably why I was so mad when we lost our last match. 我对篮球很着迷, 也很擅长篮球, 这可能就是我们输掉上一场比 赛时我很生气的原因。 句式分析:句中的 which 是连接代词,引导非限制性定语从句, 补充说明前面对篮球的热爱是自己后面行为的原因。 例 1

21、 My sister always helps me with English,which makes me encouraged. 我姐姐总是在英语方面帮助我,这让我备受鼓舞。 例 2 He was always late for work, which led to his being fired. 他上班总是迟到,结果被开除了。 造句 他赢得了比赛,让全家人都很开心。 _ He won the game,which made his whole family happy. 知识拓展 (1)非限制性定语从句有逗号。这是它最大的特点,从句与主句 用逗号分隔开了。一般可以单独翻译出来,让它成为

22、一个句子,和主 句并列排放,而定语从句翻译出来,通常是“(从句内容)的 (被修饰的名词)”。 (2)修饰对象不同。非限制性定语从句可以修饰它前面的名词, 还可以修饰它前面的整个句子, 或句子的部分内容, 这是它非常重要 的一个作用。 (3)关系词使用不同。非限制性定语从句绝对不可以用 that 引导。 翻译 _ ( 我 姐 姐 是 个 老 师 ), always encourages me to study hard. _ ( 我 当 老 师 的 姐 姐 ) always encourages me to study hard. My sister,who is a teacher My si

23、ster who is a teacher 即学即练 单句语法填空 He came back in 1949,_ Peoples Republic of China was founded. Once more I am in Beijing,_ I have not been for ten years. when where 重点句式2 like 引导的从句 (教材 P2) The point guard is a key player,but it was like he wasnt even on the court! 控球后卫是个关键球员,但他好像根本不在场上! 句式分析: 该句中

24、like 用作连词引导的是表语从句, 表示: 好像; 如同;像一样。该连词也可引导状语从句。 例 1 Chelsea and I looked like we were from the North Pole.切 尔西和我看上去好像是来自北极。 例 2 Dont talk to me like you talk to a child. 不要像跟孩子说话那样跟我说话。 造句 当时没人像她那样唱流行歌曲。 _ At that time no one sang the pop songs like she did. 知识拓展 (1)like 作动词时,意为“喜欢”。“like 名词/代词”表示 “喜

25、欢某人或某物” 。 (2)like doing sth.和 like to do sth.都表示“喜欢做某事”。 (3)Would you like sth./to do sth.?“你想要吗?”/“你愿意 做吗?”。口语中用来表示客气地征询意见或建议、邀请、请求 等。 (4)How do you like.? “你觉得怎么样?”,通常用于询问 对某人或某物的喜欢程度。 (5)like 作介词时,意为“像;跟一样”,其后接名词或代词 作宾语。 翻译 _ (你愿意) give me a hand if I have any difficulty with English? _ (你觉得怎么样)

26、the latest movie The Captain acted by the famous actor? Would you like to How do you like 即学即练 单句语法填空 She doesnt like _ (treat) as if she were a child. Would you like _ (go) to see a movie with us after work? being treated to go 1(教材 P2) Im crazy about basketball,and pretty good at it too, which is

27、probably why I was so mad when we lost our last match. 分析 该句是一个主从复合句,主句是由 and 连接的并列句; 从句是 which 引导的非限制性定语从句, 补充说明前面主语对篮球的 喜爱。 在该从句中, why 引导的是表语从句, 其中 when we lost our last match 又是该从句中的时间状语从句。 译文 我对篮球很着迷,也很擅长篮球,这可能就是我们输掉 上一场比赛时我很生气的原因。 2(教材 P3) This means that if you speak too much about something,e

28、specially to people who you dont know so well,itll cause all kinds of trouble. 分析 该句是一个主从复合句。主句是 this means,that 引导 的是宾语从句。从句也是一个主从复合句,主句是 itll cause all kinds of trouble;其中 if 引导的是条件状语从句,people 后面接的是 who 引导的定语从句。 译文 这就意味着,关于一件事如果你说太多,尤其是对那些 你不是很了解的人,它会引起各种各样的麻烦。 教材 高考 1.Sadness wants to do her duty

29、 but by accident causes the loss of Rileys happy core memories with Joy. (2016 全国卷) You can produce that kind of magical quality in your own garden , too.But it doesnt happen by accident. 2.The more independent you are, the better your life will be. (2018 全国卷)When the world was still populated by hu

30、ntergatherers,small,tightly knit (联 系) groups developed their own patterns of speech independent of each other. .单句语法填空 1He_ (let) down by his sons academic performance. 2My house,_I bought last year,has a lovely garden. 3The young boy is really crazy _ football and jazz music. 4The newcomer is tryi

31、ng hard _ (fit) in with the workmates. was let which about to fit 5Johnson,as well as his parents,_(go) to play golf and cant be contacted. 6Dont communicate with your teacher _ you are talking to a classmate. 7He has spared no effort so he is sure _ (achieve) his ambition. has gone like to achieve

32、8It was _ (understand) in the situation then,but we cant deny the faults. 9Take a deep _ (breathe) and then you may feel better. 10 They should raise their _ (concern) with their headmaster. understandable breath concerns .短语填空 take a deep breath;in a mess;as well as;fit in with;help.out; protect.fr

33、om;tell a lie;apologise to;be sure to;let.down 1Your room is _,please tidy it up. 2Thats just it.Thats why I was hoping youd be able to _ me_ 3The little girl found it easy to _ the new classmates. in a mess help out fit in with 4Im afraid she_ us _ badly. 5We have been told never to _ since our chi

34、ldhood. 6Take my hand and _ 7Troops have been sent to _ aid workers _ attack. 8I _ you for not contacting you in time. 9If you like the one idol, _ learn how to better live for him. 10He gave me advice _ some warnings. let down tell a lie take a deep breath protect from apologise to be sure to as we

35、ll as .课文语法填空 Ben is in 1._ total mess now.They lost a football match and he thought the team 2._ (let)down by one member.But a friend of him shared his 3._ (disappoint) with others.Now Ben is turning 4._ Agony Aunt for help.Agony Aunt shared an old saying: “Loose lips sink ships”She asked Ben 5._ (

36、apologise) to his teammate first 6._ talk to his friend because friendship is one of the a was let disappointment to to apologise and 7._ (great) things in the world.And most 8._ (important),Ben should think about his own behaviour. 9._ (fill)with anger,we tend to speak out our minds quickly without thinking clearly.Agony Aunt suggested Ben raise his 10._ (concern)with his team coach. greatest importantly Filled concerns


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