2021版外研版必修三英语Unit 3The world of science单元测试.docx

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1、新外研版高中英语必修新外研版高中英语必修三三 Unit 3 The world of science 单元测试单元测试 (考试时间:(考试时间:120 分钟分钟 分值:分值:150 分)分) 一、根据汉语提示写出正确的单词(每小题根据汉语提示写出正确的单词(每小题 0.5 分,共分,共 5 分)分) 1. Some of the boxes are made of wood, while some are made of _ (金属). 2. She had a strong _(渴望) to be a dancer but failed in the end. 3. You will not

2、 get the chance to win if you remain _ (被动的). 4. Like a _(闪光)of lightning, the meteor shot across the sky. 5. If you want to choose another programme, _(按)this button. 6. Doctors claimed to have discovered a _ (疗法) for the disease. 7. You have to _ (贴) a label to a box while posting it. 8. It is com

3、mon sense that water_ (传导) heat faster than air. 9. Maybe theres something wrong with the _ (程序). It cant control the sound button as expected. 10. We will finish the _(实验)in two months at the most. 二、用所给单词的正确形式填空(每小题二、用所给单词的正确形式填空(每小题 0.5 分,共分,共 5 分)分) 1. If you can use English to share your _ (sci

4、ence) knowledge, you can shock the world! 2. Little John wants to be a _ (biology) when he grows up. 3. I am now feeling young at heart both physically and _ (mental)! 4. It is _ (significance) that girls generally do better in examinations than boys. 5. When you go to the grocery, please buy me a c

5、ouple of _ (battery). 6. If people keep telling you that youre_ (capable), you begin to lose confidence in yourself. 7. Working from home offers many people a _ (flexibility) life style. 8. Nobel was a Swedish _ (chemistry) and engineer. 9. The small village was almost _ (entire) destroyed during th

6、e war. 10. A _ (declare) will be issued at the end of the conference. 三、选择合适的短语,并用其正确形式,完成句子(每小题三、选择合适的短语,并用其正确形式,完成句子(每小题 1 分,共分,共 5 分)分) 1. Our leader asked us to think a little harder and _ a new solution. 2. This years event will_ on June 19th, a week earlier than usual. 3. To some degree, we ar

7、e totally different people_ personality. 4. The problem of pollution arises_ the rapid development of industry. 5. _ to my weekly wage, I got a lot of tips. 四、阅读理解四、阅读理解(每小题(每小题 2 分,共分,共 30 分)分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Water-resistant (防水) and lined(用做衬里)with warm, comfortable wool w

8、ith a beautiful “sock” top, these lightweight winter boots are designed to keep your feet warm, comfortable and dry when it rains or snows. in addition, in terms of, come up with, take place, along with And for extra stability, when the weather gets really cold, the TPR boots have a hidden secret in

9、 each heel a spring-mounted (弹簧式的) ice handle. Simply flip (弹) down the ice handle and youll feel safe however slippery the surface. Easy to put on and take off with extra wide opening for ease of use. Sizes 3641(48). A great pair of winter boots is yours for only 25.95 saving you 15.95! It has beco

10、me certain that ice and snow will fall at some point during the UK winter. Lightweight and made from good rubber, these ice spikes (防滑鞋钉) are specially designed to provide safety on the most dangerous ice or snow. These snow spikes are the answer to all shoe types from high heels to work boots, from

11、 men to women, from the old to the young. 10.85 no discount! A winter time necessary, these creative wool gloves have the characteristic of “touch technology”, which means you can operate your smart phone while keeping your hands warm at the same time. Special offer: Order a pair today and receive a

12、nother pair for your loved one absolutely FREE saving you 2.95! Super warm and convertible (可转变的) Loggers cap you can change it as you expect. Sure to beat the worst cold weather conditions. Stylish peak is double thick! Quickly changes to cover ears, nose, chin and neck. Made in the USA, 100% wool.

13、 Only 13.55 saving you 3.25! 1. What is the original price of the TPR boots? A. 10. B. 15.95. C. 25.95. D. 41.9. 2. Which of the following products can be used by all the people? A. The TPR boots. B. The snow spikes. C. The wool gloves. D. The Loggers cap. 3. Which of the following uses different ma

14、terial from that of the others? A. The TPR boots. B. The snow spikes. C. The wool gloves. D. The Loggers cap. B It was a cold winter morning. My three little children and I got up, put on warm clothes and made our way to the window facing north. The wind blew hard from the west, and the snow made it

15、 hard for us to see the hen house. As we looked out of the windows, we found that the hen house was gone. Miss Penny and her two friends had been blown away by the cold northwest wind that still shook our old farmhouse. I looked at the empty yard outside to make sure I wasnt missing something. Then

16、I saw them all three chickens being around a white buck. I couldnt believe my eyes! How was this strong wind not pushing them into the field beyond? It was unbelievable. I thought. I quickly opened the back room door, pulled on my husbands long snow trousers and heavy winter coat and went out. As th

17、e snow flew violently around me, I tried hard to make my way to the soft cluck-cluck sound my hens always made. When I reached them, I quickly unzipped Rogers heavy coat, softly picked each hen up and carefully put them into my warm coat. Then I began to walk back to the small wooden house behind ou

18、r own house. The doors to the wooden house were difficult to open, but somehow I managed to pull them apart. One by one I laid my chickens on the cold floor and they began to cluck softly. I found straws (稻草) and put them inside the house to make them warm. When I returned to our house, my children

19、started cheering. The look on their faces told me that they thought I was a hero mom. 4. What happened to the chickens? A. They stayed in the cold wind. B. They were blown to the field. C. They were trapped in a bucket. D. They couldnt find their way back. 5. What did the author decide to do after s

20、eeing the chickens? A. Cover a warm coat on them. B. Find more straws for them. C. Take them indoors. D. Build a wooden house for them. 6. What does the underlined word “unzipped” in Paragraph 3 mean? A. Picked up. B. Opened up. C. Put on. D. Threw away. 7. What can we learn about the author from th

21、e text? A. She often goes out to look for the chickens. B. She lives a hard life on the farm. C. She loves the chickens very much. D. She is a hero in her village. C Scientists today are making greater effort to study ocean currents (洋流). Most do it using satellites and other high-tech equipment. Ho

22、wever, ocean expert Curtis Ebbesmeyer does it in a special way by studying movements of random floating garbage. A scientist with many years experience, he started this type of research in the early 1990s when he heard about hundreds of athletic shoes washing up on the shores of the northwest coast

23、of the United States. There were so many shoes that people were setting up swap meets to try and match left and right shoes to sell or wear. Ebbesmeyer found out in his researches that the shoes about 60,000 in total fell into the ocean in a shipping accident. He phoned the shoe company and asked if

24、 they wanted the shoes back. As expected, the company told him that they didnt. Ebbesmeyer realized this could be a great experiment. If he learned when and where the shoes went into the water and tracked where they landed, he could learn a lot about the patterns of ocean currents. The Pacific North

25、west is one of the worlds best areas for beach combing (海滩搜寻) because winds and currents join here, and as a result, there is a group of serious beach combers in the area. Ebbesmeyer got to know a lot of them and asked for their help in collecting information about where the shoes landed. In a year

26、he collected reliable information on 1,600 shoes. With this data, he and a colleague were able to test and improve a computer program designed to model ocean currents, and publish the findings of their study. As the result of his work, Ebbesmeyer has become known as the scientist to call with questi

27、ons about any unusual objects found floating in the ocean. He has even started an association of beach combers and ocean experts, with 500 subscribers from West Africa to New Zealand. They have recorded all lost objects ranging from potatoes to golf gloves. 8.The underlined phrase “swap meets” in Pa

28、ragraph l is closest in meaning to “_”. A. fitting rooms B. trading fairs C. business talks D. group meetings 9. Ebbesmeyer phoned the shoe company to find out _. A. what caused the shipping accident B. when and where the shoes went missing C. whether it was all right to use their shoes D. how much

29、they lost in the shipping accident 10. How did Ebbesmeyer prove his assumption? A. By collecting information from beach combers. B. By studying the shoes found by beach combers. C. By searching the web for ocean current models. D. By researching ocean current data in the library. 11. What is the pur

30、pose of the author in writing this passage? A. To call peoples attention to ocean pollution. B. To warn people of shipping safety in the ocean. C. To explain a unique way of studying ocean currents. D. To give tips on how to search for lost objects on the beach. D A scientist once said, “I have conc

31、luded that the earth is being visited by intelligently controlled vehicles from outer space.” If we take this as a reasonable explanation for UFOs (unidentified flying objects), questions immediately come up. “Why dont they get in touch with us, then? Why dont they land right on the White House lawn

32、 and declare themselves?” people asked. In reply, scientists say that, while this may be what we want, it may not necessarily be what they want. “The most likely explanation, it seems to me,” said Dr. Mead, “is that they are simply watching what we are up to that responsible society outside our sola

33、r system is keeping an eye on us to see that we dont cause a chain reaction that might have unexpected effects for the outside of our solar system.” Opinions from other scientists might go like this: “Why should they want to get in touch with us? We may feel were more important than we really are! T

34、hey may want to observe us only and not interfere (干涉) with the development of our civilization. They may not care if we see them but they also may not care to say hello.” Some scientists have also suggested that Earth is a kind of zoo or wildlife reserve. Just as we set aside wilderness areas and w

35、ildlife reserves to allow animals and growing things to develop naturally while we observe them, so perhaps Earth was set aside ages ago for the same purpose. Are we being observed by intelligent beings from other civilizations in the universe? Are they watching our progress in space travel? Do we l

36、ive in a huge “zoo” observed by our “keepers”, but having no communication with them? Never before in our history have we had to face ideas bravely like these. The simple fact is that we, who have always regarded ourselves as supreme in the universe, may not be so. Now we have to recognize that, amo

37、ng the stars in the heavens, there may very well be worlds lived by beings who are to us as we are to ants. 12. People who ask the question “Why dont they get in touch with us, then?” think that _. A. there are no such things as UFOs B. UFOs are visitors from the solar system C. theres no reason for

38、 UFOs to contact us D. we are bound to see UFOs sooner or later 13. According to Dr. Mead, the beings from outer space _. A. hope to keep in touch with us B. want to keep a watch on us C. want to protect us from dangers D. get ready to help others 14. Whats the writers attitude towards the existence

39、 of other intelligent beings in space? A. Doubtful. B. Neutral. C. Negative. D. Positive. 15. The passage is mostly taken from _. A. a commercial advertisement B. a science fiction C. a newspaper column D. a travel leaflet 五、五、七选五(每小题七选五(每小题 2 分,共分,共 10 分)分) Test anxiety can be a real problem if you

40、re so stressed out over a test that you cant get past the nervousness to focus on the test questions and do your best work. Feeling ready to meet the challenge can keep test anxiety at a manageable level. Be prepared. Some students think that going to class is all it takes to do well on tests. 1 You

41、 will find your test anxiety eases when you start to study more regularly. The reason is that the more you know the material, the more confident youll feel. Having confidence going into a test means you expect to do well. Watch what youre thinking. If expecting to do well on a test can help yo relax

42、, what about if you expect you wont do well? 2 They can contribute to your anxiety. If you find yourself having these thoughts, replace them with positive ones. Not unrealistic positive messages, of course, but ones that are practical and true. Accept mistakes. Another thing you can do is to learn t

43、o keep mistakes in view especially if you are a perfectionist or you tend to be hard on yourself. Everyone makes mistakes, and you may have heard teachers refer to mistakes as learning opportunities. 3 4 If sitting for a test gets you so stressed out that your mind goes blank and causes you to miss

44、answers that you know, then your level of test anxiety probably needs some attention. Your teacher or your school guidance counselor (顾问) can be good people to talk to. Take care of yourself. For some people, this might mean learning a simple breathing exercise. Practise breathing exercise regularly

45、 when you feel stressed. 5 Then you can calm yourself down and get centered. A. Ask for help. B. Learn to praise yourself. C. This helps your body receive a signal to relax. D. But good study habits and skills are more important. E. So its time to regard small failures as valuable experiences. F. Th

46、en you will become more interested in asking questions. G. You may send yourself some negative messages about the test. 六、完形填空六、完形填空(每小题(每小题 1.5 分,共分,共 30 分)分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。 Choose what you want to do, and dont stop until getting there. You can 1 beyond your wilde

47、st dreams. My goal for myself last year was to 2 a half marathon. I was inspired by the runners in the world, seeing them run a half then 3 a full marathon, seeing my parents-in-laws 4 as they told me about their upcoming marathon. I knew I wanted to do a half. I completed my first 10 k last April.

48、Feeling happy, I 5 to take the next step and sign up for the Hamptons Half in September. As the marathon drew near, I became more 6 . I just didnt think that I was 7 to be a runner. I had never been 8 at running. Why suddenly could I do it now? 13.1 miles was further than anything I ever dreamed of.

49、 Unexpectedly, a month before the 9 I hurt my hamstring(脚筋)seriously one rainy night. 10 , I felt somehow relieved. Now I had a good 11 not to run. I didnt have, to feel 12 when I couldnt finish, because I could simply explain that I had hurt myself and could no longer 13 . It was like a weight had been 14 from my should


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