教科EEC版三下-Unit4 It's Red-Class 2Textbook p.29-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:40155).zip

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Lesson 4 Its Red red blue green hat black orange white color box yellow 画 draw cat ? Yes , I can . No , I cant. dog? rabbit? Ask and answer: tiger? pencil?Can you draw a color 涂颜色 Make a sentence: Color it and . Color it and .red greenblack whiteyellow orange Color it and .bluewhiteblack We can do it Can you draw a / an? Color it .and . . A : Can you draw a tiger? B: Yes , I can . A :Oh , good ! Color it yellow and black. B: OK. Pairwork: Listen and follow. Do the exercise. 1.____ a tiger. A.Draw B. draw C. Drawing. 2.Can you draw a dog? Yes , ____. A. I am B. I can C. it is 一. 选择 A B 1.The apple is ( red / ). 2.The pencil is ( yellow / ). 3.The cat is ( / orange ). Read and check the correct word! green blue black white yellow red blue green orange black Do you know? b l _ e b l _ c k w h _ t e y _ l l _ w t _ g _ r r _ d 二.填空. ua ieo e ie Homework: 1.Write the new words: red blue green yellow 2.Do the exercisebook. black white教教 学学 环环 节节预预 设设 与与 策策 略略 TheThe firstfirst class:class: StepStep 1:1: LeadLead inin GreetingsGreetings TalkTalk aboutabout colors.colors. Eg:Eg: T:T: WhatWhat colorcolor isis it?it? (Show(Show a a picture)picture) Ss:Ss: Green.Green. StepStep 2:2: NewNew conceptsconcepts (1)(1) ShowShow picturespictures andand cardscards toto learnlearn newnew words:words: redred / / yellowyellow / / colorcolor LeadLead toto read.read. colorcolor WhatWhat colorcolor isis it?it? ItIts s yellow.yellow. LeadLead toto read,read, thenthen letlet someonesomeone read.read. (2)(2) WorkWork inin pairspairs toto practicepractice thethe twotwo sentences.sentences. Eg:Eg: T:T: WhatWhat colorcolor isis it?it? (Point(Point atat a a girlgirl whowho isis inin red)red) Ss:Ss: ItIts s red.red. S1:S1: WhatWhat colorcolor isis it?it? S2:S2: ItIts s yellow.yellow. (1) DoDo somesome exercises.exercises. TheThe secondsecond class:class: StepStep 1:1: GreetingsGreetings ReviewReview thethe colorcolor wordswords andand thethe sentencessentences wewe havehave learnedlearned inin thethe lastlast class.class. Eg:Eg: T:T: WhatWhat colorcolor isis it?it? (Show(Show a a greengreen sweater)sweater) 会有学生不知道怎么表达某些颜色的会有学生不知道怎么表达某些颜色的 词语,我要及时对他们给予提示和引词语,我要及时对他们给予提示和引 导,让他们尽可能的想出更多关于颜导,让他们尽可能的想出更多关于颜 色的单词。色的单词。 利用带有鲜艳颜色的图片和卡片学习利用带有鲜艳颜色的图片和卡片学习 单词。单词。 用单词用单词 colorcolor 引出相关句型引出相关句型 WhatWhat colorcolor isis it?it?和回答和回答 ItIts s yellow.yellow. 让让 读的好的学生带动读的不太熟练的学读的好的学生带动读的不太熟练的学 生,营造一个良好的学习氛围。生,营造一个良好的学习氛围。 师生互动和生生互动,和学生参与讨师生互动和生生互动,和学生参与讨 论班里学生衣服的颜色来问答。论班里学生衣服的颜色来问答。 用练习巩固所学知识。用练习巩固所学知识。 积极讨论身边各种物体的颜色来调动积极讨论身边各种物体的颜色来调动 课堂气氛。课堂气氛。 Ss:Ss: ItIts s green.green. StepStep 2:2: NewNew conceptsconcepts (1)(1) ShowShow picturespictures andand cardscards toto learnlearn thethe newnew words:words: drawdraw / / sunsun / / moonmoon / / starstar EgEg:T:T: WhatWhat amam I I doing?doing? (I(Im m drawing.)drawing.) WhichWhich word?word? Ss:Ss: Draw.Draw. T:T: WhichWhich letterletter pronouncedpronounced /d/d/ ? ? Ss:Ss: D.D. (2)(2) DrawDraw a a tigertiger onon thethe blackboardblackboard toto leadlead inin thethe sentences:sentences: CanCan youyou drawdraw a a tiger?tiger? Yes,Yes, I I can./can./ No,No, I I cancant.t. T:T: I I cancan drawdraw a a tiger.tiger. CanCan youyou drawdraw a a tiger?tiger? (I(Im m drawingdrawing a a tiger)tiger) S1:S1: Yes,Yes, I I can./can./ No,No, I I cancant.t. LeadLead toto read.read. (3)(3) WorkWork inin pairs.pairs. Eg:Eg: T:T: CanCan youyou drawdraw a a tiger?tiger? S1:S1: Yes,Yes, I I can.can. S1:S1: CanCan youyou drawdraw a a tiger?tiger? S2:S2: Yes,Yes, I I can.can. (4)(4) TeacherTeacher sayssays thethe sentencesentence “ColorColor it-.it-.” whilewhile coloringcoloring thethe tiger.tiger. LetLet oneone repeat.repeat. Eg:Eg: T:T: ColorColor itit red.red. ( ( I I colorcolor thethe tigertigers s nosenose red.)red.) LetLet oneone guessguess thethe meaningmeaning andand repeat.repeat. 利用形象的图片、卡片及动作来学习利用形象的图片、卡片及动作来学习 单词,由字母到单词。单词,由字母到单词。 我画一只老虎来引出要学习的句型,我画一只老虎来引出要学习的句型, 我可以说我可以说 “I I cancan drawdraw a a tiger.”tiger.” “Can“Can youyou drawdraw a a tiger?”tiger?”,再进一,再进一 步引出回答,会有学生不熟练,要加步引出回答,会有学生不熟练,要加 强操作范围。强操作范围。 做互动练习做互动练习, ,师生互动和生生互动。师生互动和生生互动。 (5)(5) PlayPlay a a game.game. DoDo a a gamegame namednamed “colorcolor thethe faceface”, , dividedivide thethe studentsstudents intointo twotwo groups,groups, letlet twotwo drawdraw facialfacial featuresfeatures andand colorcolor them,them, whichwhich oneone cancan dodo better,better, thenthen thethe groupgroup willwill win.win. TheThe thirdthird class:class: StepStep 1:1: GreetingsGreetings ReviewReview (1)(1)UseUse thethe picturespictures andand playplay a a gamegame toto reviewreview thethe wordswords andand sentences.sentences. Eg:Eg: TeacherTeacher showsshows thethe pictures,pictures, letlet thethe studentsstudents saysay outout thethe word.word. (2)(2)WorkWork inin pairspairs toto practice.practice. Eg:Eg: S1:S1: WhatWhat colorcolor isis it?it? S2:S2: ItIts s yellow.yellow. StepStep 2:2: ListeningListening practicepractice 为老虎涂颜色来引出所要学习的句子,为老虎涂颜色来引出所要学习的句子, 并找学生来重复我刚才所说的句子。并找学生来重复我刚才所说的句子。 用游戏来活跃气氛,并以此练习句型用游戏来活跃气氛,并以此练习句型 ColorColor itit + +颜色。情景游戏,增加了颜色。情景游戏,增加了 学习的趣味性,使知识在活动中得到学习的趣味性,使知识在活动中得到 强化。强化。 用图片、游戏和对话帮助复习,我也用图片、游戏和对话帮助复习,我也 要参与其中和学生一起来共同复习和要参与其中和学生一起来共同复习和 学习。学习。
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