教科EEC版三下-Unit3 How Much Is It -Class 3Textbook p.22-24-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:b0189).doc

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1、Unit 3 How much is it? 【教学目标】【教学目标】 知识目标: 1.学习特殊疑问句 What are these? How much are they?及回答。 2-1-c-n-j-y 2.名词复数的熟练运用。 3.熟练运用英语询问价格及回答 How much is it? 4.特殊疑问句用降调朗读。 能力目标:让学生在情景中感知运用购物英语。 情感目标:在活动中让学生体会合作意识。 【教学重点】【教学重点】 1 掌握所学新单词,做到发音准确,听说自如. 2 能够把新单词灵活运用靠已学 Its句型中. 【教学方法】【教学方法】 1 情境教学法. 2 游戏教学法. 3 TPR

2、 教学法 4 直观教学法 学法: 1 合作交流. 2 自主探究. 【教具准备】【教具准备】 1、单词卡片 2、教学课件 【教学过程【教学过程 】 一、Warm Up 1. Greetings: How are you? How old are you? 【设计意图】:复习旧知用实物呈现 apple, bread, milk, water T: do you like spring? I like fall. We can eat many kinds of fruit in fall. Do you like fruit? Tutu likes, too. Now lets sing a so

3、ng and go to the fruit shop with tutu, ok? com 3. Sing a song 关于水果的歌曲 4. Review T: Welcome to the fruit shop. I am the salesperson. We have apples, bananas, oranges and pears here. They are fresh and choice, do you want to buy some? 【设计意图】:课前呈现本课整体情境“水果商店”,通过情境让学 生整体感知英语,通过和学生进行购物对话,帮助学生回忆上节课 所学内容。w

4、ww.21-cn- 二、Presentation 1.一听录音 T: you want apples. What does tutu want? Lets listen to the tape. Questions: How much? How many? 【设计意图】:听音前设疑,让学生带着问题去听录音。听的过程 中通过图片、动作等形式帮助学生理解句子 what are these?达到 听懂的目的。2 2) 新授 these 和 what are these?及回答 Theyre。 T: if you are tutu, you dont know the pineapple, you a

5、sk.(a.听录 音跟读what are these? b.领读these c.舌位简单讲解 d.th发音辨析 e.板书 ) 师指着苹果问 what are these?学生回答 they are师板书 theyre, 强调re 是 are 的缩写。生问师 what are these?男生问女生,女生问 男生。 3) 新授 pineapple 和 watermelon Our friend Tutu brings us two kinds of fruit, first one smell and guess. Whats this? Its a pineapple. (1.师领读 2.生读

6、 3.ppt 辅助形 的记忆) T: What are these? They are pineapples. How many pineapples? Lets count.【来源:21世纪教育网】 The second one, touch and guess, whats this? Its a watermelon. (1. 师领读 2.小组读 3.ppt 形象记忆)what are these? Theyre watermelons. How many? Six watermelons. Look nice watermelons, do you want some? How man

7、y do you want? (1.跟录音读 2.师领读 3.生读 4.板书) 3.三听录音 Open your books, listen and speak. Pay attention the three sentences, use up arrow and down arrow to draw it. (边放边演示,演示完跟读 一遍) 4.角色扮演 This time lets read it together. I am tutu. You are salesperson, ok? You can read it in pairs. (反馈 1-2 组)【来源:21cnm】 5.

8、look at my shop, how much are the fruit? Apples, its one dollar. bananas, one dollar. Pears, how much? Can you guess? 剩下两组齐 问。 6.应用拓展 1) Do you want to buy some fruit in my shop? Who can? Come with dollars.【出处:21 教育名师】 2)总结各组获奖励水果 3) Now lets make a dialogue with your partners, first, look at the TV. Lets begin.21cnjy 7.习题练习 Take out your paper, lets finish it. 六、Homework 1.watermelon,pineapple 书写 3 遍 2.背诵 22 页课文 3.用本课所学水果单词造 3 个句子。(任选两项完成) 七、板书设计 Unit 3 How much is it? Pineapple banana watermelon Orange pear What are these? Theyre How much are they


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