教科EEC版四下-Unit6 Happy Birthday to You!-Class 2Textbook p.45-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:a3ab1).doc

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1、EECEEC 小学英语教材第四册 小学英语教材第四册 Unit6 Unit6 Happy Birthday to You!Happy Birthday to You! 第二课时第二课时教学设计教学设计 教材分析: EEC 小学英语教材以故事为情境,以话题为单元。本单元以生日 为话题,本课时是在学生初步掌握祝贺生日用语的基础上,让学生熟 练掌握祝贺朋友的生日并赠送礼物时的对话, 同时培养学生善于表达 谢意的生活礼节。本课时的教学重点是是使学生学会说“请某人做某 事”的简单用语及表达自己的喜好。 学情分析: 本课的教学对象是小学四年级的学生,他们具有一定的英语基 础、模仿能力和记忆能力较强,活泼好

2、动,对英语有浓厚的兴趣,听 和说的习惯较好,爱唱、爱游戏、爱活动是他们的天性。而本课时的 内容贴近学生生活,学生对过生日很感兴趣,积极性高,从而为学生 明确学习目标,为完成教学任务奠定了基础。因此,教师应善于激发 其学习兴趣,用热情感染他们,用活动吸引他们,用贴近生活的任务 调动他们,发挥其优势,全面提高学生的英语能力及综合素养。 教学目标 1.Knowledge(知识): 使学生掌握重点单词 candle(s)/blow out/ robot(s)学生能熟练掌 握重点句型:Blow out all the candles. Its a robot. I like making robots.

3、 2.Ability(能力):能够灵活运用赠送及收到礼物时的句子。自然地 运用感谢及回应的用语。 3.Feeling(情感):通过赠送礼物,使学生知道友情的可贵,同时培 养学生善于表达谢意的生活礼节。 教学重点Important points: 祝贺朋友的生日并赠送礼物时的对话。 教学难点Difficult points: 熟练掌握所学句型,培养综合语言运用能力。 教具Teaching aids:recorder,tape,a birthday hat, a birth day cake, candles, some picture and some presents 教学过程Teaching

4、 steps: 一.问候师:Hello,boys and girls.I am happy to see you ,How are you today? Ss:Hello,teacher.I am fine ,thank you And you ? T: I am fine too Today is Kens birthday ,so we can say 师&生:Happy birthday to you!(板书课题) 师:so lets sing a sing for him,OK? (播放英文歌曲) 二.授新知I have a present for him,(PT 出示一个蛋糕)Loo

5、k!Whats this ? 生:Its a cake . 师:Yes. Its a birthday cake! Only a birthday cake? What is on the birthday cake? (PPT 出示圈出一根蜡烛) Whats this? 生:Its a candle! 师:Can you spell candle? 生:“c-a-n-d-l-e,candle.” 师:板书 candle 师:(PPT 圈出所有蜡烛) What are they? 生:Theyre candles. 师:板书,在 candle 后红笔写出“s”。 Ok,Lets read it

6、. 生:(跟读并区分单复数形式) 师:(PPT 出示图片) Look, they are having a birthday party. Listen then answer my questions 生:Listen to the story. 师: (PPT 出示问题 What does Lily say?和图片蛋糕) 生:Blow out the candles. 师:Good,blow out (板书并用动作分别演示 blow 和 blow out) (PPT 演示 Blow out all the candles.) 生:跟读 all,并朗读句子 Blow out all the

7、candles. 师:(PPT 出示礼物) Its a present. Lets guess. Whats in it? 生:Its a robot. 师:Good!Now lets listen and repeat it. (PPT 逐句播放录音) 生:跟读课文。 师:Now open your books,Lets listen and read the dialogue. 生:听音认读课文。 师:This time,boys are Ken and girls are Lili. S1 is Betty. 生:角色扮演朗读课文,多种形式读文。 师:Look! I have a lot

8、 of presents, lets make a dialogue. (PPT 出示礼物盒和不完整的短文) Who wants to be Ken? And who wants to be Jess? Others,you are Lili. (给学生贴任务头像) 生:Ss:Blow out all the candles. S1(Betty):This is for you. (点选一个礼物盒) S2(Ken):根据礼物完成句子进行对话。 (三组礼物完成三组对话。) 巩固练习 师:Ok. Now lets do some exercises. (PPT 出示习题一) 生:Read the

9、sentence and choose a correct words. . Blow out all the candles. . This is for you. . Wow, its a robot. . I like making robots. 师:Look at the pictures. (PPT 出示习题二) 作业: 师:Oh, time is up. Todays homework. One, listen to the tape and r ead the dialogue. 总结总结:Its time to say good-bye. I wish you good good stud y, day day up.goodbye everyone. 板书设计:板书设计: Unit6 Unit6 Happy Birthday to You!Happy Birthday to You!第二课时第二课时教学设计教学设计 Blow out all the candles. I like making robots.


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