(2021新教材)牛津译林版必修第一册英语 Unit3 Reading (II)ppt课件.pptx

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1、Language Points Reading Unit 3 Getting along with others. 1. Friendship on the rocks:(title) n. 岩石,石头 n. rock music 摇滚乐 n. 可信赖的人;靠山 v. to move gently 轻轻摇晃 The boat rocked from side to side in the waves. Unit 3 on the rocks: a relationship or business that is on the rocks is having difficulties and i

2、s likely to fail soon(关系或生意)陷于困境,濒临崩溃 1. _(fortunate), her marriage is _ the rocks. 2. My deskmate _(rock) backwards and forwards in his seat when the teacher came in. Practice makes perfect. Unfortunately on was rocking 2. When I was an awkward primary school student, (Line 1-2) adj. making you fee

3、l embarrassed 令人尴尬的 adj. difficult to deal with 难对付的 I came across an awkward customer. adj. not convenient 不方便的,笨拙的 Have I come at an awkward time? Unit 3 awkwardness; awkwardly 1. There was _ awkward silence. 2. She fell _(awkward) and broke her ankle. 3. She laughed to cover up her feeling of _(a

4、wkward). Practice makes perfect. an awkwardly awkwardness Practice makes perfect. 3. the popular girl who was willing to make . (Line 2) be willing to do sth 乐意做某事 be unwilling to do sth 不乐意做某事 Unit 3 1. I am _(perfect) willing to discuss the problem with you. 2. Are you willing _(pay) more for bett

5、er services? 3. Practice makes perfect. perfectly to pay It is obvious that she is _(willing) to do the job as it is not well-paid. Practice makes perfect. unwilling 4. Whether were walkingor just hanging (Line 4-5) whetheror: used to show that sth is true in either of two cases 无论还是都 whetheror not

6、无论还是不都 I am going to attend the party whether you like it or not. Unit 3 Whether you will succeed _ fail, we will always be on your side. Practice makes perfect. or Practice makes perfect. 5. or just hanging out at the weekend, .(Line 5) hang out 闲荡,常去某处 hang about/hang around闲逛 hang on 别挂电话 hang on

7、(在逆境中)坚持 hang on to sth 抓紧某物,保留/不放弃 hangh-hanged-hanged hd施以绞刑、上吊施以绞刑、上吊 hang-hung-hungh 悬挂 Unit 3 1. He was the last man _(hang) for murder in this country. 2. It was a pity she hanged _(she) last night. 3. I _(hang) the portrait(肖像画) on the wall this morning. 4. There were several expensive suits

8、_(hang) in the wardrobe. 5. _(hang) on to that rope and dont let it go. Practice makes perfect. to be hanged hung Practice makes perfect. herself Hang hanging 6. , we are hardly out of each others sight .(Line 5) out of ones sight 脱离某人的视线 at first sight 乍一看;最初看到时 at the sight of一看见 in/within sight 在

9、视野内;可能即将发生 out of sight 在视野外;看不见 catch sight of 看到 lose sight of 看不见;忽略;忘记 Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不烦。 Unit 3 1. We fell in love _ first sight. 2. I have been known to faint at _ sight of blood. 3. When we got to the beach, there was no one _sight. 4. Success is now _ sight. 5. Emily waved u

10、ntil the car was _ of sight. 6. I _(catch) sight of a car in the distance. 7. Never _(lose) sight of the fact that you are a talented boy. Practice makes perfect. at the in out Practice makes perfect. in caught lose 7. Our original plan was to see a film(Line 7) adj. 起初的 I think the original plan is

11、 better. adj.新颖的 I dont think your suggestion is original. adj.原创的 Only original documents will be accepted as proof of status. originally adv. 原来,起初 origin n.起源;起因;出身 originate v. 起源;发源;创立 originate from 源于(无被动态) the origin of.的起源 All theories originate from practice. Unit 3 1. We were delighted to

12、 find the exhibition museum in its _(origin) condition. 2. In my view, to read the original work is _ (good) than to see the film. 3. This idiom originated _ the Bible. 4. What I want to tell you is that your comments are more helpful than I _(origin) thought. Practice makes perfect. original better

13、 from Practice makes perfect. originally 8. not be able to make it to the cinema.(Line 9) make it 能够出席(或到场) I am sorry I wont be able to make it on Sunday. 获得成功,渡过难关 I couldnt have made it through those hard times without the support of my wife. (尤指在困难情况下)准时到达(to some place) The flight leaves in twe

14、nty minutes - well never make it. Unit 3 9. Instead of recovering at home(Line 13) vi. 恢复健康; recover from从中恢复 recover oneself 恢复健康;清醒过来; recover ones sight 恢复视力 vt.恢复;重新获得;找回(被盗、遗失之物) It took her a few minutes to recover her sight. The team recovered its lead in the second half.下半场这支队 再次领先。 The poli

15、ce eventually recovered the stolen paintings. recovery n. Unit 3 1. The doctor asked the patient to be confident of her _(recover) from the disease. 2. I have been going to work on foot since last month when I _(recover) from a heart attack. 3. To our delight, the girl made _ full recovery after the

16、 operation. Practice makes perfect. recovery a Practice makes perfect. recovered 10. I was so angry that I avoided her (Line 15) v. 避免,防止 The accident could have been avoided. v. 回避,躲避 She kept avoiding my eyes. avoid doing sth避免做某事 Unit 3 1. You should avoid _(mention) his failure. 2. I left early

17、_(avoid) the rush hour. 3. They built a wall to avoid soil _ (wash) away. Practice makes perfect. mentioning Practice makes perfect. to avoid being washed 11. and I still dont feel like responding(Line 15) feel like doing sth 想要做某事 Do you feel like eating out tonight? feel like 感觉像. . I feel like a

18、rabbit, hopping from project to project all day. If you act like a leader and feel like a leader, you are a leader. Unit 3 12. and Im at a loss what to do next.(Line 17) at a loss不知所措;困惑 loss n.失去 a loss to sb./sth 对某人/某物来说是一种损失 lose-lost-lost v.丢失、失败 lose heart 失去信心 be lost in sth 某人沉浸在某事中 get/be l

19、ost 迷路 Unit 3 13. But this friendship is worth saving.(Line 18) adj. 值得的;有价值的 be worth sth.某事值得 be worth doing sth 值得做(用主动形式doing表被动) It is worth doing sth.做某事是值得的。(It为形式主语) be worth it 是值得的。 表示程度时要用well来修饰,不能用very。 n. U 价值,意义 These activities aim at helping children to develop a sense of their own

20、worth. Unit 3 1. The local museum is worth_(visit). 2. _ is worth visiting the local museum. 3. The local museum is worth _ visit. 4. The job involves a lot of challenging work but it is worth _. 5. 翻译:这本书非常值得阅读。 The book is _ worth reading. Practice makes perfect. visiting a it Practice makes perfe

21、ct. It well 14.and wants to apologize,.(Line 20) vi.道歉,谢罪 apologize for sth因某事道歉 apologize to sb. for (doing) sth因(做了)某事向 某人道歉 apology n.C,U make an apology to sb. for (doing) sth. owe sb. an apology 需要向某人道歉 Unit 3 1. I apologize for not _(be) able to attend your wedding. 2. This article may shock s

22、ome sensitive readers, _whom I make my apologies in advance. 3.I forgave him for his sincere _(apologize). 4.My friend apologized to me _breaking my glasses _ accident. Practice makes perfect. being to Practice makes perfect. for apology by 15. In any case, find an opportunity.(Line 20) in any case

23、无论如何,不管怎样 in case of sth如果,假使 in case以防 in no case 决不 (位于句首时句子要部分倒装) in some cases/in most cases 在某些情况/大多数情况下 in that case假若那样的话 as is often the case(with) (对而言)这是常有的事情 Unit 3 1._ is often the case, teenagers are fond of playing online games. 2. In case _ an accident, one should give the injured per

24、son first aid at once. 3.In _ case should anybody be allowed to stay here during the holiday. 4. Take an umbrella with you in case it _.(rain) Practice makes perfect. As rains Practice makes perfect. of no 16. I was tricked by him,(Line 25) vt.欺骗,欺诈 trick sb. into (doing) sth 骗某人做某事 trick sb. out of

25、 sth. 从某人处骗走某物 n. C诡计;戏法;技巧 play a trick on sb.捉弄某人 Unit 3 1. A cheater could call you in a familiar number, _(trick) you into confirming your address and card number. 2. The old lady _(trick) out of her gold earrings. 3. My deskmate hid my glasses to play a trick _ me. Practice makes perfect. trick

26、ing on was tricked Practice makes perfect. 17. if your friend ignores your feelings (Line 27) vt.对不予理会,忽视 What can never be ignored is that决不能忽视的 一点的是 ignorance n. U无知 in ignorance of sth 不知道某事 out of ignorance 出于无知 ignorant adj.无知的,愚昧的 be ignorant of/about sth 不知道某事 be ignorant that不知道 Unit 3 1. It

27、 is hard to believe that some teenagers are _(ignore) of some basic living skills. 2. My best friend is in _(ignore) of his serious illness now. 3. _can never be ignored is that you must lay great stress on your daily exercises. Practice makes perfect. ignorant What ignorance Practice makes perfect.

28、 apologize ignore horrible in the wrong recover respond let go of at a loss horrible at a loss recovering ignoring responded apologize in the wrong let go of Collocation study Collocation together place Collocation refers to a group of two or more words that usually go together. Improve your fluency

29、 Make your English sound natural and idiomatic Why it is important to learn collocations “Friend” and “friendship” appear in the forum exchange as part of different collocations. Read the examples below and add more collocations. judge judge n. judgement n. n. + judge judge + n. a High Court judge t

30、he judges decision judge + n. judge + prep. Dont judge a book by its cover. judge from/by adj.+judgement v.+judgement good/poor/sound judgement make a judgement about judge v. Sentence study on the other hand yet but while though although still We use linking words like instead and however to show c

31、ontrast. This way, sentences become more structured. by contrast in contrast to/with by comparison on the contrary nonetheless nevertheless whereas Contrastive linking words By comparison, expenditure on education increased last year. It wasnt a good thing; on the contrary, it was a huge mistake. Th

32、e problems are not serious. Nonetheless, we need to tackle them soon. Our defeat was expected but it is disappointing nevertheless. Some of the studies show positive results, whereas others do not. By contrast, Mr Green was much more outspoken. In contrast with/to your belief that we shall fail, I k

33、now we shall succeed. But last Saturday, she broke my trust, and Im still picking up the pieces. (lines 56) But in the morning, my friend posted a message on social media saying she had a cold. (lines 78) Today, however, I received a horrible surprise. (line 11) Instead of recovering at home, she wa

34、s out having fun with someone else. (lines 1314) But this friendship is worth saving: eight years is a long time! (line 18) However, if your friend regularly ignores your feelings or makes you suffer, its time to rethink your relationship. (lines 2728) Its sad to move on, but you have to accept that friends come and go in life. (line 2930) _ _ _ _ _ Homework According to the pictures, use the words, phrases and linking words learnt today to make a story.


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