(2021新教材)牛津译林版必修第一册英语Unit 4 Grammar and usage 同步ppt课件.pptx

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1、Unit 4 Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good 1. Review the uses of relative pronouns “that, which, who, whom, whose”; 2. Understand the structure of restrictive relative clauses with relative adverbs and use relative pronouns correctly. 3. Be able to write sentences using restrictive relative clauses wi

2、th relative adverbs. 关系关系 代词代词 指代指代 在定语从句中充当的成分在定语从句中充当的成分 人人 物物 句子句子 主语主语 宾语宾语 表语表语 定语定语 状语状语 who whom which that whose as Revision:引导限制性定语从句的引导限制性定语从句的关系代词关系代词 【语语境应用境应用】用用关系代词关系代词which, that, who, whom, whose或或as填空。填空。 1. I live next door to a couple _ children often make a lot of noise. 2. The l

3、ittle problems _ we meet in our daily lives may be inspirations for great inventions. 3. Among the many dangers _ sailors have to face, probably the greatest of all is fog. whose that which/that 4. Ive become good friends with several of the students in my school _ I met in the English speech contes

4、t last year. 5. He pointed out such an important detail about the experiment _ we could never neglect. 6. The writer and his novels _ you have just talked about are quite a hit with me. 7. The first thing _ I want to dois to have a rest 8. He is the most successful Chinese basketball player _ has jo

5、ined NBA and is admired by Americans. who/whom as that that that/who A. Exploring the rules Find the sentences with restrictive relative clauses in the article and fill in the box below. The first one has been done for you. Restrictive relative clauses with relative adverbs Do you remember a time wh

6、en you had no worries stopping you from getting a good nights rest? Unfortunately, your happy childhood is probably a thing of the past. A recent survey has found that many people suffer from sleep problems. Some are unable to fall asleep, some wake up in the middle of the night, and others simply d

7、o not get enough sleep. One of the reasons why people fail to get a good nights sleep is pressure from school or work. Noise pollution and light pollution in big cities may also contribute to sleep problems. In the short term, people with sleep problems often feel tired and have trouble concentratin

8、g. In the long term, they may be at increased risk of having a poor memory, being overweight and suffering a heart attack. Sleep problems are especially dangerous for teenagers. They are still growing, and night is the time when their bodies grow faster. Teenagers who do not get enough sleep may exp

9、erience situations where body development slows down, and their health suffers. So, if you have trouble getting a good nights sleep, it might be time to make some changes in your lifestyle. 关系副词的作用关系副词的作用 连接:连接定语从句和主句连接:连接定语从句和主句 替代:替代:关系副词关系副词=介词介词+which 成分:在定语从句中一般作状语成分:在定语从句中一般作状语 关系副词关系副词 先行词先行词

10、 充当从句的成分充当从句的成分 when 表时间的名词表时间的名词/ 名词词组名词词组 时间状语时间状语 where 表地点的名词表地点的名词/ 名词词组名词词组 地点状语地点状语 why 表原因的名词表原因的名词 原因状语原因状语 用关系副词用关系副词when时,先行词指时间,时,先行词指时间,when 在定语从句中作时间状语,在定语从句中作时间状语,when可换成可换成 “介词“介词+which”。”。 I still remember the day when I first came to Nanjing. e.g. Mr Black was born in the year when

11、 World Warbroke out. = on which = in which 1. when 用关系副词用关系副词where时,先行词指地点,时,先行词指地点, where在定语从句中作地点状语,在定语从句中作地点状语,where可可 换成“介词换成“介词+which”。”。 This is the farm where we worked when we were young. The school where his mother teaches is in the west of the city. 2. where = on which = in which 用关系副词用关系副

12、词why时,先行词指原因,时,先行词指原因,why在在 定语从句中作原因状语,定语从句中作原因状语,why可换成“介可换成“介 词词+ which”。”。 e.g. There are several reasons why the boys should be punished. Tom couldnt give the teacher the reason why he was late for school. 3. why = for which = for which 【拓展拓展】 1) 当当situation, case, point (地点地点), occasion(场场 合合)等

13、充当先行词,且在定语从句中作地点等充当先行词,且在定语从句中作地点 状语时,定语从句引导词用状语时,定语从句引导词用where;如:如: You could get into a situation where you have to decide immediately. 你可能遇上一种情况,使你不得不立刻作你可能遇上一种情况,使你不得不立刻作 出决定。出决定。 Three hours later, our bus reached the point where the road divides. 三小时后我们的车到达路的分岔处。三小时后我们的车到达路的分岔处。 2) 当当point (时刻

14、时刻),occasion(时刻时刻)在定语从句中在定语从句中 作时间状语时,定语从句引导词用作时间状语时,定语从句引导词用when。如:如: We had reached the point when there was no money left. 我们曾落到身无分文的地步。我们曾落到身无分文的地步。 Occasions are quite rare when I have the time to spend a day with my kids. 我能跟孩子们待一整天的时候很少。我能跟孩子们待一整天的时候很少。 3) 先先行词是行词是reason或或cause, 定语从句中缺状定语从句中缺

15、状语语, 用用why引导;如引导;如果定语从句缺主语果定语从句缺主语, 宾宾语或语或表表 语语,则,则用用that或或which引导。引导。 Could you tell me the reason _ he gave you yesterday? Wed like to know the reason _ she didnt accept the job. He gave us a reason _ seemed to be workable. The cause _ the car exploded has been found out. (which/that) why which/th

16、at why 1. October 1, 1949 was the day _ the PRC was founded. when 用用适当的关系词填适当的关系词填空。空。 2. The village has developed a lot _ my brother and I learned farming five years ago. where 3. Life is like a long race _ we compete with others to go beyond ourselves. where 4. I dont believe the reason _ he gave

17、 me yesterday and thats the reason _ I called him just now. (which/that) why 对比练习:用适当的关系词填对比练习:用适当的关系词填空。空。 1. The house _ she once lived is still there. The house _ she bought is in the city centre. The house _ roof is red belongs to me. The house _ is under repair belongs to my uncle. where (that/

18、which) whose that/which 2. I will remember the day _ we first met. I will always remember the days _ I spent with you in that village. when/on which (that/which) 3. The reason _ I dont know the thing is that I was not there at that time. The reason _ I dont know is known to her. This is the very rea

19、son _ he explained to me just now. why/for which (that/which) that B Applying the rules B1 Rewrite the following sentences using a relative adverb or “preposition +which”. 1. I did not perform well at school last week. The reason was my poor-quality sleep. 2. Those were the days. I used to sleep rea

20、lly well in those days. The reason why/for which I did not perform well at school last week was my poor-quality sleep. Those were the days when/in which I used to sleep really well. 3. The hospital is near my home. I visited a doctor for advice on sleep problems in that hospital. 4. I still remember

21、 that afternoon. That afternoon I fell asleep on the bus and went past my stop. The hospital where/in which I visited a doctor for advice on sleep problems is near my home. I still remember that afternoon when/on which I fell asleep on the bus and went past my stop. B2 The last part of the magazine

22、article about sleep problems gives tips on how to sleep better. Complete the passage with correct relative pronouns or relative adverbs where necessary. Everyone knows that the amount of quality sleep (1) _we get is important to us. How can we get a better nights sleep? Here are some tips for you. T

23、ip 1: Try to go to bed and wake up around the same time each day. This helps set bodys “clock”. Try to stick to your sleep schedule at the weekend too, even though weekends are probably the time (2) _ you feel like a lie-in. (which/that) when Tip 2: Make your bedroom a place (3) _ you feel comfortab

24、le.Your bedroom needs to be cool, dark and quiet so you can sleep soundly. Tip 3: Avoid drinks(4) _ may keep you from sleeping, such as coffee and tea. Tip 4: Clear your head of stress and worry from your day before bedtime. These negative thoughts are one reason (5) _ you stay awake after the light

25、 goes off. where which/that why Read the information below about World Sleep Day. Then write a short paragraph using restrictive relative clauses where necessary. The beginning has been written for you. World Sleep Day Time The Friday of the second full week of March Aims To make people understand the importance of good and healthy sleep To draw societys attention to sleep problem Activities Discussions and talks about the importance of healthy sleep In a society where people are under a lot of pressure, sleep problems have become common.


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