(2021新教材)牛津译林版必修第三册英语Unit 1 Nature in the balance Integrated Skill 知识点.docx

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1、Integrated Skill 1. When you think of a fearsome hunter, images of lions and sharks may spring to my mind. (1) fearsome 可怕的;骇人的;令人生畏的 Fearsome is used to describe things that are frightening, for example because of their large size or extreme nature. He had developed a fearsome reputation for intimi

2、dating people. 他曾因恐吓他人而令人闻风丧胆。 (2) hunter 1 N-COUNT 猎人猎人;狩猎者狩猎者 A hunter is a person who hunts wild animals for food or as a sport. The hunters stalked their prey. 猎人潜行追踪猎物。 2 N-COUNT 搜寻者搜寻者;寻找者寻找者 People who are searching for things of a particular kind are often referred to as hunters . .job-hunte

3、rs. 求职者 3 N-COUNT (英国猎狐者乘骑的强壮的)猎狐马(英国猎狐者乘骑的强壮的)猎狐马 A hunter is a type of fast strong horse that is used in Britain by people who hunt foxes. (3) Image noun 1 C, U 形象;印象;声誉 the impression that a person, an organization or a product, etc. gives to the public His public image is very different from the

4、 real person. 他在公众心目中的形象与他真实的本人截然不同。 The advertisements are intended to improve the companys image. 这些广告旨在提高公司的形象。 Image is very important in the music world. 在音乐界,个人形象很重要。 stereotyped images of women in childrens books 儿童图书中千篇一律的女性形象 2 C (心目中的)形象,印象 a mental picture that you have of what sb/sth is

5、like or looks like images of the past 对过去的印象 I had a mental image of what she would look like. 我想象出她的大致模样。 3 C (formal) 画像;雕像;塑像 a copy of sb/sth in the form of a picture or statue Images of deer and hunters decorate the cave walls. 洞穴壁上装饰着鹿和猎人的画像。 a wooden image of the Hindu god Ganesh 印度教神灵象头神的木雕像

6、 note at picture 4 C 镜像;影像;映像;图像 a picture of sb/sth seen in a mirror, through a camera, or on a television or computer He stared at his own image reflected in the water. 他凝视着自己在水中的倒影。 Slowly, an image began to appear on the screen. 屏幕上慢慢地出现了一幅图像。 see also mirror image 5 C 比喻;意象 a word or phrase use

7、d with a different meaning from its normal one, in order to describe sth in a way that produces a strong picture in the mind poetic images of the countryside 乡村的诗情画意景象 习语 be the image of sb/sth 酷似;和非常相像 to look very like sb/sth else Hes the image of his father. 他酷似他的父亲。 (4) Shark noun 1 鲨鱼 a large s

8、ea fish with very sharp teeth and a pointed fin on its back. There are several types of shark , some of which can attack people swimming. 2 (informal, disapproving) 坑蒙拐骗的人;诈骗者 a person who is dishonest in business, especially sb who gives bad advice and gets people to pay too much for sth (5) Spring

9、 N-VAR 春天;春季 Spring is the season between winter and summer when the weather becomes warmer and plants start to grow again. The Labor government of Western Australia has an election due next spring. 西澳大利亚工党政府明年春天要举行选举。 2N-COUNT 弹簧弹簧;发条发条 A spring is a spiral of wire which returns to its original sha

10、pe after it is pressed or pulled. Unfortunately, as a standard mattress wears, the springs soften and so do not support your spine. 遗憾的是,当一张标准床垫用旧后,弹簧就会变软而无法支撑你的脊椎。 3N-COUNT 泉泉;泉水泉水 A spring is a place where water comes up through the ground. It is also the water that comes from that place. To the n

11、orth are the hot springs of Banyas de Sant Loan. 北边是班亚斯德桑隆温泉。 4VERB 跳跳;跃跃;蹦蹦 When a person or animal springs, they jump upwards or forwards suddenly or quickly. He sprang to his feet, grabbing his keys off the coffee table. 他一跃而起,从茶几上一把抓起自己的钥匙。 5VERB (突然朝某个方向突然朝某个方向)迅速移动,弹开迅速移动,弹开 If something sprin

12、gs in a particular direction, it moves suddenly and quickly. Sadly when the lid of the boot sprang open, it was empty. 不幸的是,当后备箱的盖子弹开时,里面却是空的。 6 VERB 突然活跃起来突然活跃起来;突然出现突然出现 If things or people spring into action or spring to life, they suddenly start being active or suddenly come into existence. When

13、 she contacted me at the beginning of August to enlist support, Sharon and I sprang into action. 她 8 月初和我联系请求帮助时,我和沙伦便立即行动起来了。 7VERB 起源于起源于;发源于发源于;来自来自 If one thing springs from another thing, it is the result of it. Ethiopias art springs from her early Christian as well as her Muslim heritage. 埃塞俄比

14、亚的艺术起源于其早期的基督教和伊斯兰教文化遗产。 8 VERB (船舶、容器等)出现(裂缝) If a boat or container springs a leak, water or some other liquid starts coming in or out through a crack. The yacht has sprung a leak in the hull. 帆船的船体上出现了一条裂缝。 9. VERB 冷不防地说;突然告诉(或宣布) If you spring some news or a surprise on someone, you tell them so

15、mething that they did not expect to hear, without warning them. The two superpower leaders sprang a surprise at a ceremony in the White House yesterday by signing a trade deal. 两个超级大国的领导人昨天在白宫的一个仪式上突然签署了一项贸易协定,令人倍感意外。 2. Recent researches by environmental scientists, however, shows that in fact huma

16、n beings have the impact on animal populations. 3. Human activities have brought many animals close to extinction. extinction noun U (植物、动物、生活方式等的)灭绝,绝种,消亡 a situation in which a plant, an animal, a way of life, etc. stops existing a tribe threatened with extinction/in danger of extinction 面临消亡威胁 /

17、有消亡危险的部落 The mountain gorilla is on the verge of extinction . 居住在山区的大猩猩已濒临灭绝。 4. In the past 500 years, over 300 species of and animals have gone extinct. 5. Some activities, such as development in town and cities , have an indirect impact on animal populations. Indirect adj. usually before noun 1 间

18、接的;附带的 happening not as the main aim, cause or result of a particular action, but in addition to it the indirect effects of the war 战争的间接后果 to find something out by indirect methods 间接地查明某事 The building collapsed as an indirect result of the heavy rain. 暴雨间接造成了那座楼房的倒塌。 There would be some benefit, h

19、owever indirect, to the state. 国家会得到一些利益,不管有多少。 indirect costs (= costs that are not directly connected with making a product, for example training, heating, rent, etc.) 间接成本 2 闪烁其词的;拐弯抹角的 avoiding saying sth in a clear and obvious way an indirect attack 影射攻击 3 迂回的;弯曲的 not going in a straight line a

20、n indirect route 迂回的路线 6. Human activities that have indirect effects on animals can be just harmful. 7. When we build farms or factories, we destroy animals habitats and leave many animals with nowhere to live or no food to eat. 8. We can also put animals in danger without ever entering their habit

21、ats. . noun C, U (动植物的)生活环境,栖息地 the place where a particular type of animal or plant is normally found The pandas natural habitat is the bamboo forest. 大熊猫的天然栖息地是竹林。 the destruction of wildlife habitat 野生动植物生存环境的破坏 9. Air, water, noise and light pollution can all have a deep and damaging influence quite far from their source. 10. Partly due to pollution caused by ship traffic and other human activities, for example, dolphin population has dropped greatly. 11. As the human population continue to grow, so does the effect we have on animals.


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