教科EEC版五下Unit2 What Do You Want to Be -Class 2 Textbook p.15-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:b093c).doc

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1、EEC 五年级下册五年级下册 Unit 2 What Do You Want to Be? EEC 五年级下册五年级下册 Unit2 : What Do You Want to Be? 1、本单元设计意图: 本单元意在让学生学会用英语表达人们熟知的几种职业名称, 学会说将来希望从事的 职业的英语名称。这些内容的学习是学生张开理想的翅膀、并思考如何为之努力的一次机 会,也是树立正确的职业观的一次机会。 2、本单元学习目标 语言知识目标: 培养学生的学习兴趣, 使学生掌握一定的语言知识, 能区分使用 always, usually, sometimes; 学会谈论日常生活;掌握部分关于职业的英语名

2、称,练习关于未来职 业的问答。 语言技能目标:教师创设情境,学生在情境中学语言,学生能运用所学语言进行交际 的能力。 情感态度目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣,通过学习和交流, 进一步提高学生的实 际运用语言的能力。 学习策略目标:课上通过小组合作,师生互动、游戏操练等形式,让学生完成听、说、 读、写的技能训练。使学生能够灵活运用本课对话、培养学生实践、创新和自主探究学习 的能力,并提高学生语言的实际运用能力。 3、学情分析 :职业,学生在三四年级时已有所接触,所以教师在开展教学时,可 采用以旧引新的方式进行。但本课时需要新授的知识较多,这就需要教师为学生尽量创设 真实情境,合理安排教学。 Uni

3、t 2 What Do You Want to Be? Period 2 一、Teaching AimsTeaching Aims: 1.1. KnowledgeKnowledge aims:aims: Students can listen, speak , read, and write these words: engineer, pilot, violinist,swimmer,plane, fly, doctor, cook, draw pictures , help sick people , make wonderful food Students can listen, spe

4、ak, and read these words: artist, design , spaceships Key structures:What do you want to be? I want to be a / an I want to do. 2.2. AbilityAbility aims:aims: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to :Express what they want to be and the reason with the structures: I want to be ./I wa

5、nt to do. And comminute with others about the future job with the dialogue: What do you want to be? I want to be a / an . 3.3. Focus of the lesson:Focus of the lesson: Students can ask and answer what is the job 4. 4. Predicted area of difficulty:Predicted area of difficulty: 1. Ss can distinguish “

6、What do you want to be?” and “What do you want to do?” 2. The pronunciation of “engineer”, design, violinist,and plane 3. Ss can ask and answer using “What does he / she want to be? He / She wants to be a/an . 二、Teaching methodsTeaching methods: Situational language teaching, Audio-Lingual methods 三

7、、Teaching aidsTeaching aids: CAI, tape record 四、Teaching ProceduresTeaching Procedures: Step I: Step I: Warm upWarm up T:Everyone has a beautiful dream.Do you have a dream?What do you want to be?What will you be?A teacher,a singer, a runner,a swimmer? OK,Today we are going to learn Unit 2 What do yo

8、u want to be?1.lets play a game,review some jobs and say it quickly. 设计意图:利用猜的形式复习学生已学过的职业名词,为讲授新知做语料上的铺垫,同时 激活学生思维,使学生轻松进入英语课堂。 T:Lets guess. 1.They are very busy(忙的). They can work. worker 2.He/She can sing a song very well. singer 3.He/She can swim very well. swimmer 4.He/She can drive a car. dri

9、ver 5.She can dance well. dancer (设计意图:此游戏进一步激发了学生的学习兴趣,通过句子,猜、拼 学过的职业名词, 并让他们自主发现职业名词的变换规律,可培养学生的归纳总结能力,同时引出新知,一 举两得。) Step II: Step II: Presentation Lets learn some news jobs. 1.(PPT)art-artistan artist draw picturesI like drawing pictures.(分组拼 读) a violina violinistplay the violinI like playing t

10、he violin a pianoa pianistplay the pianoI like playing the piano. 2.(PPT)What can you find? Match artist violinist pianist(都是以 ist 结尾,注意 pianist 去掉 o 加 ist) 3.Guess . He/She can make wonderful food . -cooka cookcooks I want to be a cook. I want to make wonderful food. 4.I act. I have a bad cold.I ha

11、ve a sore throat.I have a bad cold.What should I do? doctorsee a doctorI want to see a doctor. What does a doctor do?help sick peopleI want to help sick people. 5.Listen.Which sound?( 飞机的声音)fly a planefly planes Who flies a plane? a pilotI want to be a pilot 6.T:Who is he? S:He is YangLiwei. enginee

12、ran engineerI want to be an engineer. spaceshipdesign spaceshipsI want to design spaceships. 7.Game: Brainstorm Ss remember pictures quickly, then say “I want to be a/an.” 设计意图:头脑风暴的游戏,进一步激发学生的学习兴趣,更好的巩固句型 I want to be a/an. 8.Missing game. (PPT)Show some words and phrases,look at them carefully and

13、 say them. 设计意图:投其所好,借助此游戏,及时复习刚刚学过的单词和短语。 9.Learn more jobs.What other jobs do you know? (PPT)waiter fireman host postman dancer singer worker runner cleaner farmer worker player 设计意图:适当的拓展延伸,可丰富学生的词汇量,为提高学生的阅读写作能力,做知识 上的铺垫. 10.Work in pairs. A: What do you want to be? B:I want to be a/an _. I want

14、 to _./ I like .( doing ) Ss praise their partner. “Go!Go! Come on!”. 11.Guess.(三单形式转换) What does he/she want to be? Rule:One student tell me secretly”I want to be a/an.”,and others guess “He/She wants to be a/an.” (设计意图:学生在听到别人的信息后,猜职业,进行三单形式的练习,可以提高学生实 际运用语言的能力。) 12.Listen to the tape and follow i

15、t. (1)The first time, just listen. (2)The second time, listen and answer. a.What does Dongdong want to be? Dongdong wants to be a pilot. b.What does Jane want to be? Jane wants to be an engineer. c. What does Tino want to be ? Tino never thought about his job. (设计意图:回归文本,让学生熟悉文中的内容,巩固所学句型。任务型教学模式。让学

16、 生带着任务去听,引导学生把握关键信息,指导听力技巧,提高听力技能。A: What do you want to be? B: I.A: What about you? B: I never thought about my job. /I want to be.I want to.A: Dont be sad. That sounds great. Students read the phrase “think aboutthought about” with teacher.) Ss praise themselves. “Good!Good! Come on!”. 13.Group wo

17、rk. A:What do you want to be? B:I want to be a/anI want to A:How about you? C:I want to be a/an. (I never thought about my job.) A:That sounds great.(Dont be sad.) 设计意图:学习课文内容,让学生掌握不熟悉的词句,在小组合作环节中检查学生的学习 情况,及时纠错。 StepIII:StepIII: PracticePractice 1. study(三单)_2. swim(职业名词)_ 3. I(形物)_ 4 I want to be

18、a_ ( 飞行员 ) 5 I want to be an_ ( 艺术家 ) 6 I want to be a_ ( 工程师) ChooseChoose: 1.I want to be _ artist. A. a B. an C. the 2.She wants to be _ engineer. A. the B. an C. a 3.I want to _the piano ? A. play B. playing C. plays 4.I like _ a plane. A. flying B. fly C. flies 1.want, a, be, teacher, to , I (1

19、.want, a, be, teacher, to , I (连词成句连词成句) _) _ 2. I want to fly 2. I want to fly planes.(planes.(用用 SheShe 改写改写) _) _ 3. does, want, be, what, Tino, to(3. does, want, be, what, Tino, to(连词成句连词成句) _) _ 情感态度:情感态度:They are lovely. They are lovely. 可爱的!可爱的! They are great ! They are great ! 了不起的了不起的! ! T

20、hey are fantastic ! They are fantastic ! 神奇的神奇的! ! Where there is a will, Where there is a will, there is a waythere is a way! 有志者事竟成!有志者事竟成! I hope that yI hope that your dream our dream would come truewould come true! 希望你能梦想成真!希望你能梦想成真! 设计意图:通过此环节让学生明白,职业不分高低,只要努力均可实现自己的梦想。设计意图:通过此环节让学生明白,职业不分高低,只

21、要努力均可实现自己的梦想。 Step IV:Step IV: Consolidation 1. Listen and write at P15 2. Do the exercise at P21-22. Step VI: Homework. 由执教者本人填写 You can choose one.(任选一个任选一个) 1.采访你的同学,并完成表格。采访你的同学,并完成表格。 Name Job A: What do you want to be? B: I want to be a/an 2. Write a small passage about “My Dream”. (以我的理想为题写篇小

22、短文)(以我的理想为题写篇小短文) 五、Blackboard design Unit Unit 2 What Do You Want to Be? Period 2 What Do You Want to Be? Period 2 2 A:What do you want to be? B:I want to be a cook. I want to make wonderful food. doctor. help sick people. pilot. fly planes. an artist. draw pictures. engineer. design spaceships. 六、Teaching reflection 自我感觉课的设计比较合理,知识的呈现及讲授方式方法较灵活多样,练习自我感觉课的设计比较合理,知识的呈现及讲授方式方法较灵活多样,练习 形式灵活多样,且针对学生的实际情况知识上有适当的拓展延伸,且上升到形式灵活多样,且针对学生的实际情况知识上有适当的拓展延伸,且上升到 了情感教育,文本处理较灵活,体现了素质教育的分层教学,评价方式较灵了情感教育,文本处理较灵活,体现了素质教育的分层教学,评价方式较灵 活,充分调动起了学生的学习热情,师生配合默契,达到了预设的目标。活,充分调动起了学生的学习热情,师生配合默契,达到了预设的目标。


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