接力版五年级下册英语Lesson 4 Don’t play football on the street.-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:40936).zip

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Lesson 4 Dont play football on the street. Period 2 Guess: What are they doing? cooking 1 2 3 45 6 making a cakesleeping swimmingrunning dancing Two birds. Its autumn. What season is it?What can you see ? The Yellow Bird is making a house.The Black Bird is sleeping. Yellow Bird: Wake up, Mr Black. Its time to make your house. Black Bird: Dont talk to me. Im sleeping. 1. What does the Yellow Bird ask the Black Bird to do? The Yellow Bird asks the Black Bird to make a house. Yellow Bird: Wake up, Mr Black. Winter is coming. Make your house, please. Black Bird: Dont talk to me. Im sleeping. What season is it now? Its winter now. It snows at night. The Yellow Bird is sleeping in his warm house. What can you see ? Black Bird: Its too cold. Help! Help! 2. Do you like the Yellow Bird or the Black Bird? The Yellow Bird. Why? It is smart. It can prepare for the winter. Dont be lazy. Work hard for your future! Read and match. Black Bird: Dont talk to me. Im sleeping. Yellow Bird: Wake up, Mr Black. Its time to make your house. Yellow Bird: Wake up, Mr Black.Winter is coming. Make your house, please. Black Bird: Dont talk to me. Im sleeping. Black Bird: Its too cold. Help! Help! Its _. The Yellow Bird is making a house. The Black bird is sleeping. The Yellow Bird says,_ up. Make your house, please. The Black Bird answers, Dont _ to me. Im sleeping. _ comes. It snows at _.The Yellow Bird is sleeping in his warm house. But the Black Bird feels very cold and asks for help. wake , talk , winter , autumn , night Fill in the blank. autumn Wake talk Winter night Act out the story: Role play in four , try to imitate the two birds tone. Homework: 1. Play the roles in four and act out. 2. Make a new story with your classmates and share it. Thank you.Thank you. Goodbye.Goodbye. 1 课题:课题: 接力版五年级下册接力版五年级下册 LessonLesson 4 4 DontDont playplay footballfootball onon thethe street.street. (Picture(Picture story)story) 教材分析:教材分析:本部分是 Lesson 4 的第二课时,此版块改编自经典故事,进一步 加 深学生对祈使句语用功能的理解,启发学生思考,并让学生理解故事蕴含的 道理。 教学目标:教学目标: 1.知识目标:能听懂、会说、认读、会写单词 talk 和 night。 2.能力目标:能够在图片的帮助下正确理解“Two Birds”这篇课文内容,回答 文后的两个问题,并能按照正确的意群及语音、语调进行朗读。 3.情感目标:能体会到故事的深意:明白人不能只顾眼前,得过且过,而是要 着眼未来,从现在做起的道理。 教学重点:教学重点:能理解课文内容,听懂、会说、认读、会写单词 talk, night。 教学难点:教学难点:体会故事深意,引导学生多说说看完故事后的感受。 教学过程:教学过程: StepStep 1 1:热身活动。:热身活动。 教师 PPT 展示一些图片,遮住某些部分,让学生们猜一猜:“What are they doing?”如:cooking,making a cake, sleeping, swimming , running, dancing. StepStep 2:2: 新知呈现与操练。新知呈现与操练。 1.教师引导学生看第一幅图,T:“What can you see in the picture?”引出 标题“Two Birds” 。老师继续引导学生去看, “What season is it?What is the Yellow Bird doing? What about the Black Bird?” ,学生看图,并尝试 回答问题。随后,老师以讲故事的语音语调教学生去朗读故事的开端,学生听 音跟着模仿。 2.教师播放课文录音第一段,让学生思考并回答以下问题:“What does the Yellow Bird say to the Black Bird?What does the Black Bird answer?” 教师板书:“Dont talk to me.”教读单词 talk,学生开火车读,学生分小 组扮演 Yellow Bird 和 Black Bird 进行对话。此时,老师注意引导学生去揣 摩这两只鸟不同的语音语调,以更加贴合角色的特点。 3.教师出示第二幅图, “Whats the weather like in picture two? What are the two birds doing? What are they talking about? Lets have a listen.”教师播放课文第二段录音,学生听录音并回答,然后师生扮演两只鸟 的对话。 4.教师出示图三, “Whats the weather like now? What season is it? What is the Yellow Bird doing? Is it still making his house? What about the Black Bird?”学生看图回答问题,教师出示词卡“night”并教读,板书 单词,学生齐读。教师播放录音,让学生继续思考, “Where is the Black Bird?How does he feel? What will happen to him?” 5.学生再次阅读故事,小组内讨论并回答课文下面的两个问题。各抒己见,教 师适时教育学生:Dont be lazy. Work hard and get prepared well for your future.要懂得人不能只顾眼前,得过且过,要着眼未来,从现在做起。 2 StepStep 3 3: 巩固拓展。巩固拓展。 1.读一读,连一连。 教师出示三幅图和三个文段,打乱文段顺序和图片顺序让学生根据故事内容进 行匹配。 2.读一读,填一填。 教师将本课故事挖去生词让学生读一读,根据故事内容选词或句子填空。 wake , talk , winter , autumn , night Its _. The Yellow Bird is making a house. The Black bird is sleeping. The Yellow Bird says,_ up. Make your house, please. The Black Bird answers, Dont _ to me. Im sleeping. _ comes. It snows at _.The Yellow Bird is sleeping in his warm house. But the Black Bird feels very cold and asks for help. 3.四人小组分角色演绎故事,并评选出最优秀的小组。 HomeworkHomework: 1. Play the roles in four and act out. 2. Make a new story with your classmates and share it. 板书设计:板书设计: Lesson 4 Dont play football on the street. -Two Birds - Autumn Yellow Bird Black Bird making a house sleeping Wake up. Make your house, please. Dont talk to me. Im sleeping. Winter sleeping in warm house Its too cold. Help! Help! 教学反思:教学反思:本课是根据经典故事改编而成,生词并不多,学生比较容易理解。 老师可以多些让学生从故事中所学到的感悟,不必太多,一两句也是很好。除 此之外,应当让学生在充分理解故事后,用自己的体会,去模拟一下这两只鸟 的语音语调来表演故事,好让整个故事活灵活现。
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