接力版五年级下册英语Lesson 5 Is there a library in your school -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:c0f68).zip

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    • Lesson5音频剪贴
      • (2)Is there a library in your school.mp3
      • (2)Yes there is.mp3
      • (3)Yes there is.mp3
      • Are there any computer rooms here.mp3
      • Is there a gym in your school.mp3
      • Is there a library in your school.mp3
      • Is there a music room in your school.mp3
      • No ,there isnt ,but there is a playground.mp3
      • Thank you.mp3
      • Welcome to our school.mp3
      • Yes , there are two.mp3
      • Yes ,there is.mp3
      • Your school is beautiful.mp3
      • 全文.mp3
    • Is there a library in your sch.flv
    • Is there a library in your sch.png--点击预览
    • Is there a library in your sch.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案c0f68.docx--点击预览
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Lesson 5 Is there a library in your school (the first period) Lets sing and think Its a small world (小世界)小世界) 1.What can you see? 2.Where are they? 3.What are they doing? We are in a big world.At the same time, we are also in a small world library school playground Computer roomClass room Small worlds Do you know any other small wolds? Can you say your small world? Such as school,bedroom ,classroom Now lets go to Linglings small world. Look at the picture. 1.Do you know who are they? 2.Where are they? 3.What are they talking about? Lingling Vistor A Welcome to our school. Your school is beautitul. Lingling Thank you. 欢迎来我们学校。欢迎来我们学校。 你们学校真漂亮。你们学校真漂亮。 谢谢。谢谢。 Vistor BIs there a library in your school ? LinglingYes, there is. 你学校有图书馆吗?你学校有图书馆吗? 是的,有。是的,有。 Vistor AIs there a gym in your school? LinglingNo, there isnt.But there is a playground. 你学校有体育馆吗?你学校有体育馆吗? 不,没有。但是有一个操场。不,没有。但是有一个操场。 Vistor BAre there any computer rooms here ? LinglingYes,there are two. 这里有电脑室吗?这里有电脑室吗? 是的,有两间。是的,有两间。 Listen and read to the tape Read the dialogue Summary 1.Is there +名词单数+地点 肯定回答:Yes, there is. 否定回答:No, there isnt. Eg: Is there a pen in you shoolbag. 1.2.Are there +名词复数+地点 2.肯定回答:Yes, there are 3.否定回答: No, there arent Ge:Are there any books in your school bag. Enjoy your life and make yourself happy in your small world. 热爱生活,生活处处都让自己快热爱生活,生活处处都让自己快 乐。乐。 Homework: 1.Act out the conversation with your friends. 2.Are your friends about their bedroom with “is ther”or “are there”. Lesson 5 Is there a library in your school? (The first period) 教材分析:教材分析: Look,listen and say 板块是新知呈现板块。本版块的核心句型 是:Is there a? Yes, there is. No, there isnt. Are there any? Yes, there are. No,there arent.本节课主要通过设计 Lingling 和 VisterA、VisterB 的对话,引出本节课的核心句型。本节课通过设置 情境,模仿表演等教学方法,让学生在真实的教学情境中,学习本 课的句型。 教学目标:教学目标: 1.知识目标: (1)通过学习本节课,学生能听懂、会说、会写本单元的单词 beautiful,any,gym。 (2)学生能运用核心句型“Is/Are there .in/near?”来问某地方 有某物吗;以及用“Yes,there is/are ” 、 ”No,there isnt/arent.”来回答 问题。 2.能力目标: 心句型“Is/Are there.?Yes,there is/are. No,there isnt/arent”在 实际生活中进行交谈。 3.情感目标: 培养学生积极观察和思考的能力,让学生在情境教学中感受到 学习英语的乐趣,提高学生学习英语的积极性。 教学重难点教学重难点: 重点:“there be”结构一般疑问句的表达方法。 难点:some 和 any 的用法。 教学准备:教学准备: 教师准备:课本、单词卡、多媒体课件、挂图、录音音频 学生准备:课本、草稿纸 教学过程:教学过程: 1. 热身环节(师生问候,欣赏歌曲,激发学习积极性,T:教师, S:学生) T:Good morning boys and girls. S:. T: What day is it today? S:. T:Are you happy? S:. T: OK. Today we have a good felling.Now lets enjoy a song.(播放歌 曲“小世界” ) 学生正在听歌曲 T:Do you enjoy this song? S:. T:Can you sing? S:. T:What can you see from this song? S:.(教师引导学生回答问题,几个人) T:Where are they? S:.(引导学生回答他们在哪里?) T:What are they doing? Are they happy? S:.(引导学生回答在家里,他们很开心。 ) T:Yes, they are very happy? They are at home. It is a small world. 家是一个小世界,现在我们同时也生活在一个大世界里。一个 地球是一个大世界。There are many countries 有许多国家。(small wold 引出下面复习旧单词) 2. 复习旧单词 T: Do you know any other small wolds?(显示在幻灯幻灯片上) S:.(学生在思考,在讨论,猜小世界,教师加以引导学生回答 还有哪些小世界) T:What is this?(做手势,引导学生回答) S:. T:Yes,school. School is a small word.(在多媒体课件上展示学校照 片) (教师和学生在互动,教师引导学生猜出还有那些小世界,并 在多媒体课件上展示图片,达到复习旧单词。 ) 总结:We are in a big wold.At the same time,we are in a small wold. 3. 新知呈现(由学生复习的旧单词,叫一学生说说自己的小世 界,同时复习了 there be 句型,由小世界引入 Lingling 的小世界) T:Now lets go into Linglings small.( 展示 P21 图一) T:What is Linglings small word? S:.(引导学生说出 school)(设置情境,一天 Lingling 的两位好朋 友去 Lingling 学校参观) T:Which one is Lingling,and who is the other people? S:.(引导学生认出那个是玲玲,谁是访问者 A、B) T:Do you know what they are talking?What does Lingling say to them? S:Welcome to our school.(播放录音,教学生朗读两遍) T:What does visitor A say?Please listen.(播放录音) S:Your school is beautiful. T:Yes, wow, your school is beautiful.(板书“beautiful”单词,并教 学生拼读。请问学生认读单词) T:Who can make a sentence with beautiful?(提问一学生造句) S:.(学生回答) T:表扬学生。 (教学生朗读模块一句子,并分角色朗读) T:Lingling 的两位好朋友来到了学校。大家猜猜 Lingling 的两位 老朋友会先想去哪里参观呢? S:.(学生开始讨论) T:是的,他们想去图书馆?What do they say to Lingling?(展示模 块二图片) S:Is there a library in your school?(播放录音) T:板书 Is ther a library in your school?(复习 there be 型,讲解 there be 句型的句子结构,区别。造句) T:What does Lingling say? S:yes, there is (板书 there be 句型的可定回答 Yes,there is.) (角色演练模块二对话) T:Lingling 带他们的好朋友去参观完了图书馆之后。他们又会去 哪里参观呢? S:.(引导学生说出体育馆并展示模块二图片) T:What does they say to Lingling? S:Is there a gym in your school?(放录音) T:Visitor A says” Is there a gym in your school?What is the “gym” (板书,学习单词 gym,教师引导学拼读单词,小火车朗读单词) T:Lingling 的学校到底有没有体育馆呢?(引导学生说出 there be 句型的否定回答) S:No, there isnt.(教师板书否定回答) (分角色朗读对话) T:今天,Lingling 带他们去参观了图书馆,又参观了操场,接着 他们又会去哪里参观呢? S:.(学生讨论,引导学生说出电脑室) T:(学生回答后,教师表扬)是的,他们又来到了电脑室。 (展示 模块四图片)那么让我们一起去看看他们又说了什么? S:.(引导学生说出 Are there any computer rooms here?,并播放录 音) T:Are they any computer rooms here? What is the “any”?(板书单词 any,引导学生拼读,整体朗读,分组朗读,并解释 any 和 some 的用法、区别) T:(讲解 Are there 跟复数,区别 Is there) T:What does Lingling say? S:Yes, there are two. (教师引导学生朗读课文) 4. 知识巩固和操练 Listen and act out (学生听录音并朗读课文) Lets act out (亲学生上台角色表演) 5. 课堂总结 引导学生整理本节课的知识点,回顾 there be 句型的疑问句 单数与复数的用法,以及怎样回答。引导学生树立在学习上要互相 帮助,积极交流的思想。 6. 课后作业 (1)Act out the conversaytion with your friends. (2)Ask your friends about their bedroom with is thereor” are there”。 板书设计:板书设计: Lesson 5 Is there a library in your school? Is there a library in your school? Is there.(单数名词)+地点 beautiful 肯定:Yes,there is. 漂亮的 否定:No,there isnt. gym Are there any computer rooms here? 体育馆 Are there.(复数名词)+地点 playground 肯定回答:Yes,there are. 操场 否定回答:No,there arent. any Any 问句 任何的 Some 陈述句
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