教科版三下Module 2 Positions-Unit 4 Is it in your bag -Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:b0355).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2012年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 2 Positions_Unit 4 Is it in your bag _Fun with language_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:b0355)
    • Chant On, in, under.flv
    • listening.m4a
    • Unit4 Is it in your schoolbag .ppt--点击预览
    • Worksheet.doc--点击预览
    • 教案b0355.doc--点击预览


Unit 4 Is it in your schoolbag? Fun with language 【Chant together 】 On, in, under 【Make some gestures】 Tommy the box in the box on the box under the box in front of the box behind the box beside the box near 【Finish the game board 】 Start under, near, in, behind, on, beside, in front of The pen is the pencil-box. The ball is the table. The dog is the TV. The chair is the bed. The TV is the car. The kite is the table. Finish The mouse is the book. Catch you! The bad mouse. 【Play the game in pairs】 Start under, near, in, behind, on, beside, in front of The pen is the pencil-box. The ball is the table. The dog is the TV. The chair is the bed. The TV is the car. The kite is the table. Finish The mouse is the book. inunder near beside behind on in front of 【Finish the listening 】 A B C D E F G 【Finish the listening 】 A B C D E F G Catch you! The bad mouse. onundernearin front of behindbesidein Is it . ? 【Oral practice 】 【Reading 】Ben: Ah, Mum! A mouse! Mum: Where is the mouse? Let me catch it! Is it beside the table? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it under your bed? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it behind the TV? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it in front of your toys? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it on the chair? Ben:No, it isnt. Mum: Oh no, Ben. Its in your schoolbag! Ben: Oh no! Ben: Ah, Mum! A mouse! Mum: Where is the mouse? Let me catch it! Is it beside the table? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it under your bed? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it behind the TV? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it in front of your toys? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it on the chair? Ben:No, it isnt. Mum: Oh no, Ben. Its in your schoolbag! Ben: Oh no! 【Reading 】 ( ) 1. The mouse is under the bed.F Ben: Ah, Mum! A mouse! Mum: Where is the mouse? Let me catch it! Is it beside the table? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it under your bed? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it behind the TV? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it in front of your toys? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it on the chair? Ben:No, it isnt. Mum: Oh no, Ben. Its in your schoolbag! Ben: Oh no! 【Reading 】 ( ) 2. The mouse is behind the TV.F Ben: Ah, Mum! A mouse! Mum: Where is the mouse? Let me catch it! Is it beside the table? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it under your bed? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it behind the TV? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it in front of your toys? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it on the chair? Ben:No, it isnt. Mum: Oh no, Ben. Its in your schoolbag! Ben: Oh no! 【Reading 】 ( ) 3. The mouse isnt in front of Bens toys.T Ben: Ah, Mum! A mouse! Mum: Where is the mouse? Let me catch it! Is it beside the table? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it under your bed? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it behind the TV? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it in front of your toys? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it on the chair? Ben:No, it isnt. Mum: Oh no, Ben. Its in your schoolbag! Ben: Oh no! 【Reading 】 ( ) 4. The mouse isnt on the chair.T Ben: Ah, Mum! A mouse! Mum: Where is the mouse? Let me catch it! Is it beside the table? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it under your bed? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it behind the TV? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it in front of your toys? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it on the chair? Ben:No, it isnt. Mum: Oh no, Ben. Its in your schoolbag! Ben: Oh no! 【Reading 】 ( ) 5. The mouse is in Bens schoolbag.T Catch you! The bad mouse. Tommy caught all the mice. 1. Read the passage twice and share what you have learned with your parents. 2. Make a new story about the mouse. 【Homework 】 Worksheet Name: 1. Finish the game board: Fill in the blanks. 2. Finish the listening: Fill in the blanks. 3. Reading:”T” or “F”. Ben: Ah, Mum! A mouse! Mum: Where is the mouse? Let me catch it! Is it beside the table? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it under your bed? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it behind the TV? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it in front of your toys? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Is it on the chair? Ben: No, it isnt. Mum: Oh no, Ben. Its in your schoolbag! Ben: Oh no! ( ) 1. The mouse is under the bed. ( ) 2. The mouse is behind the TV. ( ) 3. The mouse isnt in front of Bens toys. ( ) 4. The mouse isnt on the chair. ( ) 5. The mouse is in Bens schoolbag. 1 一、教学内容: 本节课教学内容是以广州版英语教材三年级下册 Unit 4 Is it in your schoolbag?中的 Fun with language 作为本册第二模块第二单元的第二课时教学。 二、教材分析 本模块的教学主题贴近学生生活,孩子们对物品的方位都有所认识,学生在交流时会比 较感兴趣。本课以多只老鼠窜入 Ben 的屋子里,激发学生一起抓老鼠的激情逐步完成听说 读写各个环节生物任务。学生对于个别方位词的理解还存在难度,导致对物品位置的描述欠 佳,教师通过大量的语言内化和语言输出,情境创设自然、真实、有趣,让学生在课堂中学 习并运用语言。 三、学情分析 学生在二年级和三年级上册都有接触过方位词 on,in,under,而 near,in front of,beside,behind 则为本单元的新授词汇。对于学生来说,有了前者的学习作为铺垫,对 于接触新的方位词也不会觉得特别难。难点在于 beside 与 behind 在“形”方面比较相似, 学生容易混淆,另外 beside 与 near 在远近上有区别,因此空间感较弱的学生容易出错。为 了突破难点,教师在课堂上通过听说读写的有机结合,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。 4、教学目标 1、语言知识目标: 1)巩固方位词:in, on, under, behind, in front of, beside, near 等。 2)巩固主要句型: Wheres . ? Its . . Is it . ? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 2、语言技能目标: (1)能正确描述物品的位置。 (2)能用句型 Is it . ?询问物品摆放的位置,并能正确回答。 3、情感知识目标:通过本节课的学习,提高学生的学习兴趣和参与课堂活动的积极性, 养成良好的学习习惯。 4、学习策略 (1)能在课堂交流中,注意倾听,积极思考。 2 (2)培养语言交际运用能力。 5、文化意识:老鼠为四害之首,对人类的危害很大,给学生树立除四害的正确认识。 五、教学重点: 1方位词的正确运用。 2句型的理解及运用。 六、教学难点: 1beside 与 behind 在“形”方面比较相似,学生容易混淆。 2beside 与 near 在远近上有区别,因此空间感较弱的学生容易出错。 七、评价方式 尊重学生个体差异,采用多样化的评价方式,注重评价学生的学习过程和态度。引导 学生通过小组竞赛完成任务,进行自我评价和同伴互评。 八、教学过程 Step1 Warm-up 1Chant together ”On,in,under” 【设计意图:小诗的内容符合这节课的知识点,激发学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛。 】 Step2 Pre-task 1.Make some gestures and review the positions. 2. Look at the gestures and say. 【设计意图:利用打手势帮助学生巩固方位词。】 3. Set a scene: Look at the cute cat. Its Tommy. It lives in Bens house. Children, wheres Tommy? 【设计意图:利用猫咪图片引导学生用短语的表达形式复习方位词。】 4. Finish the game board. 5. Check the answer. 【设计意图:根据图片的提示,学生通过读句的理解选词填空,训练读句的能力。】 6. Play the game in pairs. 3 【设计意图:巧用棋盘让学生口头读句子,充分的语言输入才有良好的语言输出,为下 一步做好铺垫。】 7. Finish the listening. 8. Check the answer. 【设计意图:训练学生的听句能力,并再次输入描述物品方位的句子。】 9. Use ”Is it . ?” to look for the mouse in the bedroom. 【设计意图:用”Is it . ?”不断地询问卧室物品的不同位置,齐心协力一起抓老鼠。 】 Step3 While-task 1. Read the dialogue. 2. Check the answer. 【设计意图:训练学生的阅读能力。】 Step4 Sum-up 【设计意图:总结归纳本节课的所学的知识及进行德育教育。】 Step5 Homework 1. Read the passage twice and share what you have learned with your parents. 2. Make a new story about the mouse. 【板书设计】 Module 2 Positions Unit4 Is it in your schoolbag? Wheres . ? Its . . Is it . ? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Assessment
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