教科版三下Module 4 Fruits-Unit 8 Apples are good for us-Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:10258).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2012年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 4 Fruits_Unit 8 Apples are good for us_Fun with language_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:10258)
    • Apples are good for us.练习.docx--点击预览
    • Apples are good for us.课件.ppt--点击预览
    • Caterpillar is hungry.故事.swf
    • I.swf
    • 教案10258.docx--点击预览


1. Lets count and write. CaterpillarMs Qin a grape some a bananatwo an apple an orange a cake 2. Read and finish the questions. (The meets .) : What fruit do you like? : I like apples. Apples are good for us. And you? What fruit do you like? : I like grapes. : Lets get some grapes. 10 for you, and 10 for me. : Thank you! May I have some apples? : Sure! They are behind the grapes. 1) The said, “Sure!” What does this mean? A. Oh. B. Of course. C. Sorry. 2) Where are the apples? The apples are _ the grapes. 3) Put a tick () in the correct boxes. Unit 8 Apples are good for us. (Fun with language) AnAn AppleApple a a dayday An apple a day keeps the doctor away. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. A P P L E , apple ! Story time Lets count. some grapes two bananas four apples six oranges three cakes an apple an orange a banana a grape a cake Lets talk. A: What fruit do you like? B: I like (s). (s) are good for us. May/Can I have some (s)? A: Of course./No,sorry. Lets read (The meets .) : What fruit do you like? : I like apples. Apples are good for us. And you? What fruit do you like? : I like grapes. : Lets get some grapes. 10 for you, and 10 for me. : Thank you! May I have some apples? : Sure! They are behind the grapes. Exercise 1 2 3 Put a tick () in the correct boxes. Which snack(零食)is healthy(健康)? A ) C ) B ) The said, “Sure!” What does this mean? A ) B ) C ) Oh! Of course!Em 填空: :Where are the apples? :The apples are _ the grapes. behind Fruits 2 Lets learn! 网络课件网络课件 Module 4 Fruits Lets read Fruits 1 How to talk about the fruit? Its red.Its round. Its sweet. The best apple is from Shandong. colourshape taste from red yellow green purple pink. round long big small ellipse. . sweet sour soft . Shangdong Guangxi Guangdong New Zealand Xinjiang. 1.Read the dialogue. 2.Write down your favorite fruit. Homework 1 一、一、教学分析:教学分析: 1. 教学内容分析教学内容分析 本课选材于广州版小学英语 Module 4 Fruits,Unit 8 Apples are good for us.作为一节复习巩固课,它将梳理本单元学习过的水果类单词,巩固如 何询问别人喜欢何种水果种类的句型、以及如何用英语跟别人交流或者获得 水果的句型。并引起学生对生活中常见水果词汇的学习兴趣。本课通过任务 型的教学,激发学生学习的兴趣与动力,体现让学生在实际生活情境中运用 语言的理念。 2教学对象分析教学对象分析 本课教学对象为三年级的学生,8、9 岁的孩子好奇、求新,对他们感兴趣 的事物特别肯花心思去完成。本课创设了毛毛虫变蝴蝶的背景,激励孩子们学 习兴趣。需要学生主动开口与人交流而获取或交换水果,在此过程中得到“与 人分享是快乐” 的感受,将是本课带给学生的潜收获。 二、二、 教学目标:教学目标: (一)(一) 语言技能语言技能 1能正确读出有关水果的单词; 2能使用相关的句型开展交流活动。 (二)(二) 语言知识语言知识 1语音 (1)能运用 Phonics 知识读出有关水果的单词; (2)能用正确的语音、语调和访谈对象展开交流。 2词汇 (1)能尝试用颜色,形状等类别单词描述水果。 (2)能把课外所学的知识在课堂交流、语言实践等活动中表达出来。 3句型: 1 )A:What fruit do you like? B: I like apples. Apples are good for us. 2 2)A: May/ Can I have some pears? B: Of course. (三)情感态度(三)情感态度 1 通过情景创设、交流活动等方式主动获取信息; 2积极与人交往,提高听、说、读、写等综合能力,为顺利完成任务 打下基础; 3. 通过与同学交换水果体会分享水果的乐趣,同时明白水果对人身体 的好处。 (四)(四) 学习策略学习策略 1联系实际生活,增强学生学习的兴趣; 2在学习过程中,加大学生运用语言的频率,以帮助学生巩固所学的内容。 三、教学重点、难点三、教学重点、难点 1.教学重点:教学重点:鼓励学生运用句型询问他人喜欢何种水果,如 What fruit do you like? 及其回答 I like some pears. 2. 教学难点:教学难点:培养学生连贯运用语言的能力,如: What fruit do you like? I like some pears./ Apples are good for us. Can I have some fruit? Of course. 四、教学过程:四、教学过程: . Warming-up 1.Greetings 2. Lets sing & lead in - Apple song. 3. Brainstorm & Game “Fruit Ninja” .Pre- task 3 1.Review a story A Very Hungry Caterpillar (To understand sentences referring to singular and plural quantities.) 2. T: Do you want to be a butterfly? (Some girls may say “Yes.”) So first of all, youll need to be a caterpillar (T point to the caterpillar on the assessment board. ) and eat a lot of food. Lets see which group can be beautiful butterflies. (1) Listen and write: What did the caterpillar eat? (2)Lets count(Worksheet): What did Ms Qin prepare? (ppt) CaterpillarMs Qin a grape some grapes a bananatwo bananas an applefour apples an orange six oranges a cakethree cakes 3. Listen and practice T: Do you want to know what fruit caterpillar likes? Lets ask together ”What fruit do you like?”(板书) T 扮毛毛虫: I like apples. Apples are good for us. (板书) T asks P1: What about you? What fruit do you like? T: Children, please practice in 4. Any volunteers? 4 . Practice more 4 T: I like apples. But only apples? May/Can I have some pears? (Of course, you can./ Sorry, you cant.)(互 换水果) 5. Lets read and do the exercise 6. Lets learn more. T: The caterpillar lives in a magic garden. In the garden, there are many fruits. What are they? (1)Internet study. Learn more about fruits. .While- task (1) Choose caterpillars favorite fruit. (2) Presentation in group, and then choose one who stands for the group. .Post task Vote for caterpillars favorite fruit. .Assessment T: Which caterpillar have the most fruits ? Who can be butterfly? .Homework
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